Now she passes into other loveliness …

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword

When next thou comest thou shalt find her still
In all the rare perfection that she was.
Thou shalt have gentle greeting of thy love!
Her eyelids will have turned to violets,
Her bosom to white lilies, and her breath
To roses. What is lovely never dies,
But passes into other loveliness,
Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower, or wingëd air.
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich (A Shadow of the Night)

Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor, February 27, 1932 – March 23, 2011


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38 Responses to Now she passes into other loveliness …

  1. votermom says:

    Liz Taylor was *the* icon of my mother’s generation, as loved by women because of how fearlessly she wielded her amazing beauty as she was admired by men.
    I am sad that she’s gone.

    PS This is an open thread.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Best campaign strategy ever: Marry Elizabeth Taylor, as John Warner did in Virginia. We loved her, voted for her and he won!

    Unfortunately they divorced because she hated DC and the way they treated women in politics, spouses or lady politicians. Had they stayed married, Warner could have become President 😀

  3. votermom says:

    Now for a laugh! Saw this off a hillaryis44 comment, WH staff “accidentally” lock out BO.

  4. votermom says:

    Another steal from hillaryis44, just too funny not to steal

  5. Mr. Mike says:

    Am I some sort of Philistine that I never got the mystique surrounding Liz Taylor?
    I was never that fired up about Elvis either.

    Has anybody started a pool for how long Hillary will remain SoS?
    Since the right seems to be pinning our actions in Libya on her will Obama make her a scapegoat?

    • DeniseVB says:

      I think it’s a generational cultural thing, she sold a lot of movie magazines in the 50’s and 60’s, and there will never be another love story like the Burton-Taylor years. They invented the papparazzi 🙂

      As for Elvis, just not that into him either. It wasn’t until the Beatles that I “fainted” . Swooooooon…..

  6. votermom says:

    By the way, NASA’s Messenger spacecraft entered Mercury’s orbit just last week. My younger kid did a report on Mercury last year, so I’ve been looking forward to seeing what the spacecraft sends back.
    It’s pretty exciting in a sloooow kind of way to learn about a planet that takes 6+ years to get to.

  7. DeniseVB says:

    I found this article interesting because it shows how battered Reagan was by the media in 1980. I think SP knows this 😀

  8. djmm says:

    Lovely posting, votermom!

  9. ralphb says:

    Camille nails it. Paglia on Taylor: “A luscious, opulent, ripe fruit!”

    Elizabeth Taylor was probably the most incredble vision of loveliness I have ever seen. RIP!

    • votermom says:

      “pagan goddess” is right
      I don’t like how Paglia criticizes Streep in the article, but I agree about that strong womanliness that Taylor always projected.

    • Karma says:

      Thanks….very interesting how she lays out the differences between Taylor and the other stars of her day.

      One of the best articles I have seen.

  10. Ortreehugger says:

    Here are some wonderful photos of Elizabeth Taylor and cats:

    • votermom says:

      Aw! Wonderful!

      • Karma says:

        They really are lovely pics.

        And so is the poem you picked.

        Thanks to everyone. Truly, the most memorable items about Taylor were linked from here.

    • okasha skatsi says:

      Thanks for those. She was a great lover of animals and children. I remember a story from the time that her marriage to Eddie Fisher was starting to come apart–even before Burton–that Fisher became enraged because Liz gave a diamond bracelet that FIsher had given her to one of her cats to play with.

      She had her prioritie straight.

  11. insanelysane says:

    Hillary’s speech today re: Libya.
    She lays out the details of a very complicated situation in the ME. A tinderbox of emotion and tinderboxes.
    Thank dog for our SOS. I feel so much better knowing she…not the Won, is taking that 3 AM flight to hot spots.

    The world is getting too complicated…so I garden.

    • votermom says:

      I love love LOVE how Hillary is taking charge of the world! I am hoping one of the guys can do a post on it.
      I would but I woke up with a migraine today and I really shouldn’t be looking at the computer screen …

  12. kk says:

    OT – sorry but I have an admin type question for the crawdad hole. I usually read the blog on my ipad.. as of two days ago when I go to the site I get a new format.. a swipe format.. its pretty cool, but you can’t adjust the print size etc.. is there any way in the setting to request the original three column design.. the usual site…


  13. Pingback: Does Obama Have Testicles? — Hillary Is 44

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