Way To Fail

Somebody had to say it:

Sarah Palin on Barack Obama speech: ‘WTF’

Former Alaska GOP Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday night that President Barack Obama’s call for “winning the future” during his State of the Union address is best framed by the acronym it shares with a much different phrase — “wtf.”

“That was a tough speech to sit through and try to stomach,” Palin said during an interview with Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren.

“His theme last night was wtf, winning the future,” she continued. “I thought, okay, that acronym – spot on. There were a lot of wtf moments throughout that speech.”

Palin, seemingly pleased with her joke, repeated the line later in the interview while poking Obama for referencing Sputnik in another section of his address.

“That was another wtf moment,” she said.

You think the White House would have learned after the WikiLeaks Task Force. The worst part is “Winning the Future” isn’t even original:

The phrase that President Barack Obama used 10 times in his State of the Union address, and at least five more times during a visit to Wisconsin on Wednesday, is also the title of a 2005 book by Newt Gingrich. Wherever they are on the political spectrum, it seems great minds agree that America must “win the future.”

Gingrich, the former House speaker and habitual Republican presidential prospect, published “Winning the Future” in January 2005. He subtitled it “A 21st Century Contract With America” and laid out his remedies for terrorism, godlessness, flagging patriotism, too much spending and not enough math and science education.

In two days Obama has made the phrase his own and used it to promote his own solutions to the problems he sees. “We weren’t aware at first of the Gingrich tie, but it wasn’t a concern,” White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told me in an e-mail. He said it wasn’t a concern because the phrase is a common one. The White House became aware of the Gingrich connection “recently,” Pfeiffer said. Before the speech? Yes.

Consider the SOTU message train officially off the rails.

In other WTF news:

Dennis Kucinich Sues Congressional Cafeteria Over Olive Pit

Congressman Dennis Kucinich bought a sandwich from the Longworth House Office Building cafeteria in April 2008, and bit into it only to find an unpitted olive that cracked a tooth. This month, he sued the cafeteria for selling “dangerous” sandwiches.

This is what they call “bad optics.” Yeah, it might be a legit lawsuit but it just looks bad for a congressman to be filing a case like this.

Now for some real news:

Medicare official doubts health care law savings

Two of the central promises of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul law are unlikely to be fulfilled, Medicare’s independent economic expert told Congress on Wednesday.

The landmark legislation probably won’t hold costs down, and it won’t let everybody keep their current health insurance if they like it, Chief Actuary Richard Foster told the House Budget Committee. His office is responsible for independent long-range cost estimates.


Foster was a thorn in the side to the administration throughout the health care debate, doubting that Medicare cuts would prove to be politically sustainable and raising other questions. An equal opportunity skeptic, he was also a bane to the George W. Bush administration during the debate that led to creation of the Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2003.

Telling the truth is the kind of nasty habit that makes a person unpopular.

Washington Post:

Loughner researched lethal injection before Tucson shooting, sources say

In the days and weeks before the shooting rampage in Tucson, Jared Lee Loughner surfed the Internet on his home computer in what investigators believe was preparation for his alleged assassination attempt, law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation said.

The suspect’s focus on several Web sites – covering lethal injection, solitary confinement and political assassinations – could have dramatic implications as prosecutors build their case against him on federal murder charges that could carry the death penalty. They hope to use the computer information, along with notes seized in Loughner’s home, to show that his acts were premeditated and that he knew right from wrong, the sources said.

I blame Sarah Palin

Bad reporting dot com:

Senate Democrats Forfeit 50-Vote Option For Rules Changes

The window to change the Senate rules during this session through a simple majority vote ended without action last night as lawmakers in the chamber agreed to adjourn the first day of the 112th Congress.

“They adjourned last night,” said a top GOP aide. “We’re no longer in the first legislative day.”

A senior Democratic aide confirmed last night’s adjournment, a formal end to the “first day” of the legislative session, which had actually been prolonged since early January. With it went the chance for Democrats to exercise what’s known as the “constitutional option” — a maneuver that rules-reform advocates said would have allowed members to present their procedural changes with 51 votes.

I know what a filibuster is and I’m still not sure what Sam Stein is talking about. Compare that article to this one at Firedoglake:

After Failing to Change Senate Rules, Democrats Lose Right to Blame Mitch McConnell

Senate Democrats had an opportunity to get together and make the Senate a working, majority-rule-based chamber. They could have recently used the “Constitutional Option” at the start of this new Congress to rewrite the Senate rules to either eliminate the filibuster outright or at least make staging a filibuster more difficult. Yet, due to a combination of a greedy refusal to give up any individual power, and a pitiful cowardice about a potential future in which the voters reject them, Senate Democrats collectively chose to throw away this opportunity. By doing nothing, they effectively voted to give Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell total veto power over everything.

Currently, McConnell and the rest of the Senate Republicans have the ability to kill any legislation, stop any nominee from getting confirmed, or hold any bill hostage until their demands were met. Democrats spent the past two years complaining endlessly about how horrible it was that Republicans used the filibuster to kill popular legislation that had majority support. It was the 60-vote threshold for cloture, and McConnell’s ability to hold his party united in opposition, on which Democrats placed almost all the blame for their many legislative failures over the past two years.

All these awful problems could have been eliminated yesterday in roughly 20 minutes. Democrats could have simply changed the rules and completely taken away McConnell’s power to obstruct. Senate Democrats could have freed themselves to govern as a majority party. They could have made it possible to pass whatever bills they wanted to and no longer be forced to submit to the legislative hostage-taking of a minority. Instead, though, they chose to leave themselves helpless, controlled by the whims of Sen. McConnell.

There is a good argument for keeping the filibuster – during the Bush years it (allegedly) enabled Democrats to block some of the worst excesses of the GOP and the Republicans may regain control of the Senate in two years. But then again, if the GOP takes over the Senate after the 2012 election what’s to stop them from abolishing the filibuster then?

Actually the best reason for keeping it is the fact that the GOP now controls the House of Representatives. The Republicans would only need a handful of Senate blue-dogs to cross the aisle to pass legislation, and if that happens we can’t count on Obama to veto it.

This looks like an excellent movie:

Sundance Report: ‘Missrepresentation’ Explores Treatment of Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton by Mainstream Media

The documentary “Missrepresentation,” directed by Lieutenant Governor of California Gavin Newsom’s wife Jennifer Siebel Newsom, explores how mainstream media undermines American women in influential positions, and the impact this makes on young girls.

It also challenges what it says is the media’s often disparaging portrayal of women. In particular, “Missrepresentation” devotes quite a bit of time to how Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton were covered by mainstream media in the 2008 presidential elections.

“The idea for the film came to me as I watched the 2008 presidential campaign and saw this sexism and double standard that was directed towards Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin, and some of the wives whose husbands were running for office. It really upset and affected me,” Siebel Newsom told FOX411’s Pop Tarts at the premiere in Park City, Utah over the weekend. “I knew I wanted to have children someday (she now has a two-year-old daughter and is pregnant with a son) and I was worried about raising a daughter in a world that objectifies women to such an extreme.”

(h/t kc)

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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83 Responses to Way To Fail

  1. myiq2xu says:

    Here’s another WTF:

    Elton John: Too gay for an Arkansas grocery store

    Legendary singer-songwriter Elton John and his husband David Furnish announced the birth of their son via a surrogate on Christmas Day, and last week US Weekly ran exclusive photos of the adorable baby Zachary.

    A photo of the family, the proud parents wearing cheesy grins and holding their sleeping son, graces the cover.

    Sweet? Touching? Heart-warming? Actually, obscene according to Harps grocery store in Mountain Home, a tiny town in northern Arkansas.

    When customers complained that the magazine cover was inappropriate for children, management decided to place shields over it.

    The words “To protect our young shoppers” were printed on the shields, which are also used to conceal pornographic magazines.

    • DeniseVB says:

      From the article comments:

      “It’s Arkansas for Christ’s sake.” 😀

      With that in mind, is Harps aware that Elton played at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding?

    • WMCB says:

      That’s just sad. I saw that mag cover in the store yesterday, and it made me smile.

    • Mr. Mike says:

      I’m sure if the cover depicted Elton with his mother or sister and their child it would have been OK.

    • I bet that placard increases sales.

      Two smiling men and a baby, so what, unless you’ve got a big banner saying “Gay!”

      But a placard for ‘forbidden, taboo’ — gotta see what that’s about!

  2. Pips says:

    Next thing you know, Obama – in campaign mode wagging his finger – will be reading from TOTUS:

    “Come Together Now!
    Let’s give A Billion Hands and some Live Aid. If United We Stand, We Are the World, and Together We Thrive as a Conspiracy of Hope.

    That’s What Friends Are For!”

    And following that, The White House will claim, that Obama has now made those phrases his own “to promote his own solutions to the problems he see”.

  3. myiq2xu says:

    Dr. Grumpy:

    The buzzword that’s driving me nuts right now is “artisanal”.

    Nothing is a plain anything anymore. Stores sell artisanal breads. Restaurants advertise artisanal ravioli and artisanal sandwiches. Coffee places are pushing new artisanal blends. The word is every-fucking-where.

    It makes me want to produce some artisanal vomit.

    That’s all.

  4. Oh, noes! Me thinks you are defending Palin again! / sarcasm.
    That’s the trouble with slogan – they are ALWAYS recycled.

  5. OldCoastie says:

    maybe Obama wants someone to write him a jingle…

    that’s all we need, a little tune that gets stuck in our heads…


  6. myiq2xu says:

    Via Legal Insurrection:

    • WMCB says:

      LOL! The guy at Legal Insurrection is, to me, sort of like the right’s Bob Somersby. Yes, he has an ideology, but he’s not afraid to just tell the damn truth as he sees it. And his “own side” gets pissed at him just as much as the other does, because he won’t stick to the talking points.

  7. votermom says:

    Somebody had to say it
    and why not her.
    That’s pretty much how she gets ’em all wee-weed up — just by saying what everyone is thinking.

  8. In one fell swoop, Palin destroyed their new WTF gimmick. Priceless. MSNBC of course is trying to make fun of her WTF bit, but it falls flat. So sad.

    I think we have a new nickname for him. President WTF. Pretty much sums up the primaries and the last two years. Hey President WTF, I hear you think president’n is hard and you need more vacations. WTF.

    • Valissa says:

      LOL… Palin cracks me up, and so does teh MSM response to her. Love the entertainment factor, esp. when some are trying to be overly serious and pompous/self-important… Sarah’s anti-establishment needling is a much needed remedy!

      • WMCB says:

        I know, the needling kills. One of the things that TBTB didn’t realize when they went on a rampage to cut her off from any “legitimate” support, even from her own party, is that they were creating a unique creature.

        One that is free, her own person, and doesn’t owe anyone a goddamned thing. If they’d been smart, they would have wooed her and subsumed her into the same old same old GOP, one of the crowd.

        But their hate, and attempt to drive her out of public discourse, has created a particular kind of threat: an outspoken person who has nothing to lose, because they are not owned by or beholden to any of the normal power bases. In their rush to shun her and cut her off, they removed all the levers with which they might have controlled her.

        • ralphb says:

          Dangerous isn’t she? And I love it.

        • ORtreehugger says:

          I’m glad Sarah is free and has money now. She is the fearless Mama Grizzly! The establishment is so stoopid.

        • WMCB says:

          ORtreehugger, one of the great lies of the Democratic party and many on the professional left is that they clung to the whole “we are anti-establishment” thing long after it had ceased to be true.

          A lot of people who were anti-establishment in the 60’s are just as much a part of the machine now as any republican is. Even the unions are as much about political power-trading and getting their seat at the favors table anymore as they are about the workers.

          It’s really kind of sad to see them railing against “da man” when they and their party are merely another face of “da man”, and have been for a long time. Sarah is more anti-establishment than they are, and they can’t even see it. She’s attacking more from a libertarian/right stance than a left stance, but when it comes to being “little guy against the power-brokers”, she’s got more honest claim to it than they do at this point. You don’t have to agree with her solutions to see that.

    • kc says:

      I love that one–President WTF.

  9. DeniseVB says:

    My concern is that nobody on Obama’s “brilliant young staff” could SEE wtf ? Not so hip and cool are they? Though “WTF-Obama 2012?” is a pretty good slogan too 😉

  10. yttik says:

    I’ve been saying WTF about President Obama since before the primaries. Actually, back when John Kerry became the nominee, that was my first WTF moment with the Dem party. Seriously people, seriously?? You’re going to give George Bush a second term?? WTF?? Impeachment is off the table?? WTF? Before all that, I somehow made it through a couple decades with the Dems and never once had a WTF moment.

    I have to agree with Palin’s joke, probably for different reasons, but Obama’s SOTU was like being in a parallel universe. It was so retro, I felt like I was being transported back 50 years. Sputnik? The cold war? Competing with the Chinese? Heck, I think he even quoted Ike a few times. WTF?!

    • WMCB says:

      Yeah, my husband said it was like he was addressing some non-existent dream country cobbled together from the mists of time, instead of the real country with really big problems that actually exists right now.

      “You go to the SOTU with the country you have, not the country you wish you had”? I think the longer the speech sinks in, the more people are going “WTF??”

      • votermom says:

        Violet said Obama’s come unstuck in time

  11. Uppity Woman says:

    Oh you found a trailer to this! Must steal!

    • Three Wickets says:

      Think it is important that Miss Representation was made and that it is getting a lot of attention. Believe Jennifer Newsom, Gavin’s wife, made it and good for her. The film should be focusing a big chunk of its time on the Hillary and Palin bashing from the MSM in 2008. From what I see in the trailer, it does not do that. It is produced and edited from a “progressive” perspective, so it comes off as a soft peddling apology from women’s media groups on the left. It should be much stronger in condemning the misogyny in the media we see from both sides, maybe even stronger on the left these days. But it is what it is. Just as progressives used anti-racism as an electoral driver in 2008, they are hoping to use anti-sexism as an electoral driver for 2012. Maybe I’m being too pessimistic, and I haven’t obviously seen the full fim yet. But I am skeptical at this point. Maybe there will be a director’s cut that tells the more complete story.

  12. WMCB says:

    Interesting comment that to me sums up Sarah’s skill. Like her or agree with her or not, she has a particular political skill that many politicians would kill to have:

    This is really one of Palin’s great talents. Forget soundbites – she can eclipse any debate with a single word …

    “Death Panels”
    “Blood Libel”

    Somehow – she can look at an issue – and distill it down into one “stick right in the brain” kind of word or phrase – which is really a genius talent for any communicator to have. She’s got it – and the LSM is driven completely NUTS by it

    • Yeah. They use her own phrase from then on. (Kind of like ‘vast right wing conspiracy’.) ‘Blood libel’ told the whole story; ‘death panels’ told it unfairly (unless she meant Obama’s FCCCR [don’t any of them ever read their acronyms]); ‘refudiate’ didn’t tell it at all but it sure was a carrier.

      Her message otd surfs their reaction.

  13. Thought y’all might enjoy this, from American Glob:

  14. WMCB says:

    Okay, for those who say that the teaparty people and Palin are all the same old same old GOP corporatists, and there is no common ground to be found whatsoever, have a gander at her facebook post today:

    Consider what his “big government greatness” really amounts to. It’s basically a corporatist agenda – it’s the collaboration between big government and the big businesses that have powerful friends in D.C. and can afford to hire big lobbyists. This collaboration works in a manner that distorts and corrupts true free market capitalism. This isn’t just old-fashioned big government liberalism; this is crony capitalism on steroids. In the interests of big business, we’re “investing” in technologies and industries that venture capitalists tell us are non-starters, but which will provide lucrative returns for some corporate interests who have major investments in these areas.

    Not to be snide, but WTF??? The world is upside down when a small-govt libertarian-leaning rightie, who busted Big Oil’s chops in Alaska to get it out of bed with the state govt, is the only one with the balls to call out the corporate incest, while the “left” is busy fellating Wall Street’s dreamboat president.

    No, I do not agree with all of Palin’s uber-small govt solutions. I think there are better ways to break the pact of Corporation and State.

    But damned if she isn’t one of the few saying LOUDLY AND CLEARLY that that pact is a danger to this country, and we need to separate their asses, and fast. The world has gone crazy, and old labels no longer apply, at least not in the neat-with-no-overlap sense that they used to.

      • WMCB says:

        We need a Separation of Corp and State. Despite the many ways I disagree with Palin, she at least seems to get that one thing. And her record in Alaska was one of taking that fight right to them, much to the dismay of her own cushy and well-connected party.

        It’s just freaking blowing my mind that she’s the one baldly stating the facts, rather than one of my Dem congressmen. Up is down, down is up.

        • Totally agree.

          I have a theory that Bush turned the political world upside down, and Obama turned it inside out.

        • helenk says:

          I love how she scares both parties. With just a few well chosen words she gets them babbling to themselves.
          Whether you agree with her or not, she lets women know it is ok and a good thing to stand up and shout out. It is ok to love your country and want the best for it.
          Due to Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton and what they endured ,women woke up. This is not the early 1900s when women were fighting for the vote and were villified and that was accepted.
          This is the 2000s we sure as hell will not be silent and will not stand down..



    • jjmtacoma says:

      The so-called progressives hating on SP + the Teaparty interest in what she has to say gave her a bully pulpit and she uses it.

      That is the advantage sitting presidents have always had, if they can’t get something through congress, they could use the media to get the people behind them and pressure congress.

      Obama doesn’t use his bully pulpit because he wants the corporatized outcome.

    • kc says:

      I’m impressed. Didn’t know she ‘got it.’ I think a couple of things drive the MSM crazy about Palin–1) she’s a woman and a nice looking one and 2) she doesn’t couch her words in professor speak therefore, they think she’s a bumpkin.

    • Karma says:

      O/T to your post but here is an interesting article about the Tea Party written by an anonymous K St lobbyist.

      Yes, it is in Playboy. And now you can say you read the articles too. Just kidding, but I know some people might get offended at the source and not check the addy first.


      • DeniseVB says:

        Anonymous hit piece ? In Playboy? It reads like a journolister’s fan fiction blog post. It’s how they took down the PUMA movement 😦

        • Karma says:

          Yeah, it reads kinda weird, like the guy views himself as the James Bond of dirty tricks, there is some ego to wade through.

          But it is an interesting view and in light of how fast PUMA was taken down, I have to admit wishing that PUMA got as far as the Tea Party did.

          A SOTU response!? Damn impressive….even if you don’t support them.

        • jjmtacoma says:

          PUMA could have kept going but I think our lefty perfection requirements got the best of it.

          We couldn’t run fast enough from PUMA when it was clear some republicans were on the train.

        • ralphb says:

          Before they took it over, I wanted Republicans on the train. Quite a few Hillary supporters were Republicans.

    • votermom says:

      crony capitalism on steroids

      That’s why I’ll vote for her if she makes it to the general election.
      She’s all wrong on solutions, but by golly she’s speaking truth to power.

  15. helenk says:

    Here is another WTF
    people do not think to much about the gulf oil spill any more. They seem to think is is cleaned up and all is ok. It is not.
    Our government and the msm no longer talk about one of the major disasters in this country. There are long lasting effects that we should pay attention to.




  16. WMCB says:

    I think that for years, the D’s have done the bidding of big money under the guise of “for the people”, and the R’s have done the bidding of big money under the guise of “for free and fair enterprise” Both are lying out their asses.

    I utterly disagree with Palin on how long or short a leash govt needs to be on, and how much use we can put it to. But the thing I find myself agreeing with some of my conservative friends on is that the end of the leash belongs in the hands of the People, not the hands of Goldman Sachs and GE and Exxon. If we don’t have that, then the disagreements over big/small, too much/not enough are pointless, because we are not even in the loop.

    • ralphb says:

      Amen! While I think Palin’s idea of the optimum length for that leash on government is much shorter than mine, it’s certainly too long now in all the wrong places.

      While our government is not doing nearly enough for it’s citizens, it’s bending over backward for it’s corporate benefactors. I would forcefully argue that in the area of human rights we’re largely going backward,

    • kc says:

      Great distillation of points. Totally agree.

    • jjmtacoma says:

      Yep, that is where I agree with my conservative friends too. Much more than my “progressive” friends, some who are still clinging to the sportsmanship and 11-dimentional chess.

    • votermom says:


  17. Given that Obama is using Newt’s words there, it just hit me, have we ever seen Obama and Newt at the same time? Just saying… 🙂

  18. Three Wickets says:

    Obama No Longer Leads The Pack On Social Media from NPR. Provides every explanation for the trend except Obama’s actual performance and policies…because that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it. /s

  19. scoutt says:

    Palin’s got ‘Lady wood’

  20. Speaking of salmon, which we weren’t.


    Somewhere in the White House library resides a published letter Franklin Roosevelt wrote to an adviser in which he complained that some bears were the property of the Interior Department, while others belonged the National Parks System. FDR, tongue in cheek, warned of a pending custody battle over cubs that emerged from illicit unions of bears crossing departmental jurisdictions. [Read A Brief History of the State of the Union Address.]

    Those who will not learn from history, just cut and paste. And search/replace.

    • yttik says:

      LOL! That’s hilarious. I keep calling the SOTU “retro” thinking of the 60’s, but geesh, now we’re going all the way back to FDR.

  21. helenk says:

    i just went to memoramdem.
    7 out of 8 headlines were about Sarah Palin’s take on backtrack’s speech.
    The lady does get them going
    Hee Hee Hee. I love it.



  22. Three Wickets says:

    If Huntsman can run, I don’t know why Hillary can’t. She doesn’t owe the Democratic Party anything.

    U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman (R) appears to be leaning toward a run for president in 2012 and a team of political operatives and fundraisers have begun informal talks and outreach to ensure he could rapidly ramp up if he decides to run.

    • Sadly she knows all to well she could run and even win again, and the end result would be the same. So what’s the point? I think the only viable thing she could do would be to run as an independent, and I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. Nope, she’s done.

      • helenk says:

        Losing Hillary as president was one of the biggest losses to our country in my lifetime.
        This country could of had a president that was respected worldwide. That loved the country.
        Instead due to the democratic party leaders we have a know nothing, that is respected no where and has weakened our world standing.
        I believe Hillary when she says she is not going to run again. This saddens me



      • kk says:

        sad but true….what a missed opportunity….i remember 2008 so well…hillary was compelling and fantastic…at every stage she just rose above…to witness the travesty that happened 31May and the convention…it made me sick…hard to beleive that was two years ago now….if nothing else, hillary’s run exposed in high relief the warfare that is presidential politcs.. the hardest thing to cime to terms with is just how much they hated her. it was deeper and more fierce than i ever imagined…Maybe that expose was hillary’s ‘gift’ to the future…. too sad

  23. helenk says:

    Jay Carney picked as new white house press secretary.



  24. Three Wickets says:

    Sarah Palin: MSNBC’s Obsession With Her in Hollywood Reporter.

    The dirty little secret is that Palin has become the go-to topic that requires very little work and no boring background explanations for audiences, says John Ziegler, director and writer of the documentary film Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted. “She is already known by everyone, which is very rare in this era,” he said. “She creates beautiful pictures and she riles up the extreme partisans.”

    Plus, MSNBC and, to a lesser extent, CNN viewers are overwhelmingly partial to Democrats (73 percent of MSNBC viewers and 63 percent of CNN viewers voted for Obama, according to a Wilson Research Poll) and like all good TV, drama is necessary to keep it going. They crave a boogeyman to fill the void created when President George W. Bush left office, and she’s now the face of the opposition. Palin fits the bill nicely, given her presentability (just imagine seeing John Boehner’s face all the time on TV), malapropisms and endless stream of controversial tweets and Facebook posts. And when there wasn’t that to rely on, MSNBC, especially, turned focus onto daughter Bristol’s stint on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars, as well as Sarah Palin’s reality TV series.

    “MSNBC will never find anything like Sarah Palin,” Ziegler says. “It’s much cheaper than real news. Just take Sarah Palin, add guests, some hatred, and mix. No other topic can replace her right now because that would require actual reporting.”

    • 1539days says:

      If the Republicans were smart (probably not) or valued Sarah Palin’s contribution (they do not) but are still dumb enough to go on shows like Hardball, they should just refuse to answer his Palin questions on the grounds that tweety is talking about her too much and it’s affecting his mental health.

  25. helenk says:

    Only in Chicago

    Rahm remember all those women you insulted?


    Female judge refuses to recuse herself from Rahms case. Husband backing other guy
    She says ” Women can speak for themselves”




  26. Swannie says:

    I keep remembering they called Sarah, Sarah Barracuda ; or SarahCuda in Alaska . I think they know their fish up there . I think she is brilliant to be able to reduce her responses to an idea that completely communicates the essence and makes it appealing .

    and here is a tangential thought… everyone who wanted to find fault with her back during the 2008 campaign , faulted her for taking her kids everywhere with her . It has become completely apparent since her series on Alaska that is just exactly what she does . Where she goes, her kids go .

  27. angienc says:

    djmm pointed out in the thread below that the IL Supreme Court agreed with the great legal mind of myself — Rahm is an IL resident! I’m bringing it up here to gloat.


    • angienc says:

      And, may I point out, that the IL Supreme Court is efficerating the appellate court for disregarding the settled law since April 1867 and decided that it “was no longer bound by the law . . but was instead free to craft its own original standard for determining a candidate’s residency.” HA!

  28. ralphb says:

    From Sarah Palin’s facebook piece that WMCB quoted from above.

    In the past, he promised us he’d make job creation his number one priority, while also cutting the deficit, eliminating waste, easing foreclosures in the housing markets, and making “tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.” What did we get? A record $1.5 trillion deficit, an 84% increase in federal spending, a trillion dollar stimulus that stimulated nothing but more Tea Party activism, 9+% unemployment (or 17% percent if you include those who have stopped looking for work or settled for part time jobs), 2.9 million home foreclosures last year, and a moratorium on offshore drilling that has led to more unemployment and $100 dollar a barrel oil.

    That lady knows how to throw a punch cause every word of that is frankly true.

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