Osama’s porn stash revealed!

According to the New York Post, here are Osama’s naughty favorites:

* Talibuns
* Debbie Does Abbotabad
* Oral Qaeda
* No Fatwa Chicks
* 9 1/2 Sheiks
* Suicide Bombshells 6
* Behind the Green Burqa
* 1000 Arabians in One Night
* Weapons of Mass Seduction
* SEAL Team Sex
* Sleeper Cellmates

He must have lost his copy of “My Wet Goat.”

BTW – See Buffoon Juice for the difference between a “pornstache” and a “porn stash.”

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19 Responses to Osama’s porn stash revealed!

  1. myiq2xu says:

    Wonder Woman cancelled before it starts

    I wonder if that picture of Hillary as WW had something to do with it.

  2. Valissa says:

    Favorite comment at NY Post:

    “And we all thought it was the kidney disease that was making him go blind.”

    Favorite comment at Ballon Juice:

    “It just goes to show how behind the times OBL was. Nobody has actual porn stashes anymore. It’s all kept on your hard drive, hidden behind seemingly innocent file names, so the wife doesn’t find it.”

  3. Dario says:

    OBL was a genius in that he was able to download porn without internet.

  4. 1539days says:

    This is funny, but it’s also kind of sad. Basically, the White House hasn’t been good at turning this assassination into a huge approval bump. Now they’re trying to do the one thing they know how to do, character assassination. It couldn’t happen to a better guy, of course, but all this blabbing of intel is now starting to put SEAL Team 6 in danger. Maybe these idiots should shut the hell up for a while.

    • DeniseVB says:

      The LAT, NYT and WaPo “investigative journolisters” are in the Norfolk/VaBeach area hunting down Seal Team 6 trying to scoop each other for an exclusive interview. Idiots, putting a whole community in danger 😦

      Where was this gusto in vetting Obama and his angry Mrs. ?

      • 1539days says:

        I saw ABC’s report. They were so concerned, they showed all the peoplr in VA who intereact with the familes of SEAL Team 6.

        You think the vetting was lackluster then. I just saw a atory where some reporter talked to people in Alaska about how they felt about Sarah Palin now. I still have yet to see where anyone really talked to people who were even represented in Obama’s IL state senate district.

  5. Mr. Mike says:

    Some change we got, huh?

    This is the same type of crap our “intelligence” guys have been pounding out for years to smear anybody they didn’t like.

    Why isn’t The Pet Goat on the list?

    You know the one George W. was so fascinated with while New Yorkers were burning alive.

  6. foxyladi14 says:

    enough..lets move on 🙂

  7. yttik says:

    Why??? I means seriously, I’m dumbfounded. Why seize the porn, and if you did, why release it to the general public? It’s like, the guy murdered several thousand innocent people, isn’t that enough to condemn him in the court of public opinion?

    • Dario says:

      I agree. There’s no need to bring down the character of OBL. He did enough on his own. The whole porn stuff smells disinformation and it doesn’t help.

      • myiq2xu says:

        The only people this story would really matter to are Osama’s Muslim followers, and they won’t believe it anyway.

        • yttik says:

          Osama’s Muslim followers all use porn themselves! Seriously, the white house can’t be that out of touch, can they? In extremist religions, women take all the blame, so radicals are allowed to engage in prostitution, porn, whatever they want and do so enthusiastically. It’s booming all over the ME. The men aren’t the ones sinning, so their hands are clean, so to speak. Muslims would easily believe this of Osama, because there are simply so many evil women in the world to lead him astray. They wouldn’t blame him at all, that’s more of a western value. In the extremist parts of the ME, you consume all the porn you want and than you execute the woman for making you do it.

        • gweema says:

          During my 2 years living in the Middle East, that he was a collector/indulger of porn does not surprise me one bit, and I’m positive OBL is not the least bit unique in this regard.

      • jjmtacoma says:

        Well see, maybe seening OBL as a master-mind to mass-murder wasn’t good enough justification…

        OMG! The guy had some porn!!

        I don’t know, it is the wierdest leak.

        • Three Wickets says:

          It is weird. There are freaks out there who still believe there was something noble about the guy, and the porn revelation is supposed to set them straight? This level of psychiatric work on delusionals is for professionals. Anyhoo, good to see you jjm.

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