Friday, June 10, 2022

Wild Iris, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
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72 Responses to Friday, June 10, 2022

    • swanspirit says:

      I couldn’t watch the Liz Cheney power hour. And Tucker did a great job taking the whole farce apart.

      • lateblum says:

        He did, indeed. I listened to TC while I was busy. I hadn’t planned to have his program on, but I honestly couldn’t turn it off.

    • Angie says:

      No one watched

  1. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      “ Of the more than 100 subpoenas issued by the Select Committee ostensibly established to probe the Capitol riot, less than 10 percent, according to a Federalist analysis, have targeted individuals directly involved in the chaos. The rest have gone after Americans who committed the now-apparent crime of holding a peaceful demonstration at the White House and espoused unacceptable views in the eyes of the incumbent regime.”

  2. taw46 says:

    The issue of the National Guard keeps coming up, with the left blaming Trump for not having them at the Capitol. The timeline and memos tells a different story.

  3. taw46 says:

    This is good.

  4. lyn5 says:

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. taw46 says:

  8. taw46 says:

  9. lateblum says:

    A moment of cute . . .

  10. helenk3 says:

    you got to be kidding

    why is it always the women and children who suffer?

    • Somebody says:

      I think it’s like an abusive spouse or parent thing. Smack, awe sweetie let me see that, you shouldn’t make me lose my temper like that. Now vote for me or I’ll smack you again.

    • lateblum says:

      It’s all the tampons that they shoved into dispensers in the boys’ bathrooms that’s causing the shortage.

  11. Somebody says:

    Could someone here that has Facebook or Twitter go burn Politico’s ass? They have a story up titled “Hot Mess: There’s a problem with Trump’s Air Force One paint job” by Lee Hudson and Lara Seligman.

    In the article they claim Trump’s idea of red, white and dark blue like the flag will cost Boeing money and cause problems for the air force. Supposedly at issue is the dark blue underbelly.

    Do a Google search for Boeing 787 dreamliner or just Boeing 787. The entire dreamliner is dark. All the images of the Boeing 787 show it painted with a dark blue underbelly and tail in Boeing dark blue.

    These reporters didn’t think to do any research? I’d just like someone to post the Google images to their Twitter or Facebook feeds and tell them they’re hacks.

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. Somebody says:

    OK more info. Hubby says there are certain colors they use on planes, some planes can only be white or light pink for instance.

    However, Boeing signed the contract for this color scheme so if it might be an issue they should have said so. If it costs more and Boeing didn’t speak up they should eat the cost. He pointed out that Boeing blue appears to be a shade or two lighter, but still a dark blue. Clearly that shade of blue is acceptable so maybe go with that, you still end up with the same look.

    He said the paint on the underbelly should be of less concern than other areas of the plane. He says if the underbelly of the plane gets direct sunlight then AF1 is having bigger problems than it’s paint job.

    Personally, I think the WH doesn’t want Trump’s mark on the plane, nor apparently does the pentagon. I’m sure they’d be fine with Chinese red and big yellow stars though.

    • lyn5 says:

      See the photo above,

    • taw46 says:

      I agree, they don’t want anything Trump. They have worked hard to erase all trace of him.

    • 1539days says:

      The whole “costs more” only applies to Boeing, because Trump had negotiated a contract where the US pays what Boeing charges without future increases. So, Boeing hates Trump and is using the administration’s anti-Trump attitude to cut their own costs by blaming him.

      • lateblum says:

        And you know that if he had a big bold D after his name, everything he did or said would be a-okay. Everything.

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

    • 1539days says:

      I never trust these studies, Genetically engineered viruses were supposed to cure cancer as well. Hopefully, these treatments have a good success rate, but there’s no magic bullet.

      • SHV says:

        IIRC, only ~6% of Rectal cancer patients have tumors with the specific genetics that respond the that monoclonal. Even so, those results, in a small group of patients, are impressive. Hopefully will push more gene mapping of cancer cell types and looking for more gene specific treatments.

  16. elliesmom says:

    My way to put the world in my rearview mirror for awhile is to hang out with happy folks. Today the water finally got warm enough for the moms with little kids to bring them down for a swim. When Ellie and I left, we got serenaded with the song we had taught them. They have the boom de ada part down, and the first verse. We all love the daffodils. The moms had forgotten it was a song they knew. By tomorrow they’ll hate me for reminding them. 😉

  17. DeniseVB says:

    Awwww, Caturd’s Sweetie had 10 (so far) puppies this afternoon……..

    • lyn5 says:

      Larry Correia @monsterhunter45

      The ugly truth the beltway can’t grasp, it isn’t that regular America doesn’t care about Jan6. It’s that they hate you for making their lives miserable, so when they saw you cowering, they thought good, now they know how it feels to be afraid.

      The gov fucked over regular America with Covid, then let cities burn because democrats were having a tantrum, then left half of them feeling cheated and disenfranchised… and you’re shocked none of them give a shit when pols got got temporarily discomforted for one day?

      The further you get from the beltway, the more Americans hate and distrust their government. Why shouldn’t they? You do nothing but fuck them over while your pet media blatantly lies to their faces.

      They hated you a year and a half ago. Now you’ve fucked the economy, their money is worthless, they can’t buy gas or food, and you’re shocked that they don’t give a shit about your pathetic Soviet show trial, crying about how you felt scared for one day?

      Where was the big public trial about the abysmal fuck up in Afghanistan, so many Americans wasted time, money, and lives on?
      Where was the big pubic trial for the hundred other Biden fuck ups?
      We all know the answer.
      Which just further illustrates why we despise you.
      There is a direct correlation between how close a republican is to the beltway and how much they give a crap about January 6.
      In rural red America, even peaceful old grandmas were like “Good. Cower on the floor, worms” on Jan 7.

  18. Angie says:


    • lyn5 says:

      What did Ivanka say? Looks like a hostage video.

      • Angie says:

        That she wasn’t involved in election stuff
        They just showed a clip of her testimony so ignorant af degenerate clowns on Twitter could say “When is Trump going to say he doesn’t know Ivanka” as if she said something negative about him (she didn’t).

  19. Somebody says:

    Every kid should know that song😉

    The real question is, did Ellie get to go for a swim?

    • Somebody says:

      Nesting failure, supposed to be under EM’s post above

    • elliesmom says:

      Ellie went for a swim with all the kids. They splashed her, and she got close to them and shook water all over them. The lake truly is her happy place, especially when there are kids there.

  20. lyn5 says:

    • Somebody says:

      A plastic bag tied nice and tight around the neck would be my suggestion

    • lateblum says:

      If she’s so scared, perhaps she should stay home.
      She is a complete narcissist. She wants everyone to know she is so much more special than they could possibly imagine. Having attention isn’t enough for her. Only having very special attention will do.

      • Miranda says:

        If the past few years have shown anything, it’s that ‘having’ to fly for work is rare. Very few things can’t be handled with a phone call, zoom call, or email.

    • lateblum says:

      My very favorite response to the Taylor Lorenz “look at me”/“whatever should I do” tweet was: “Learn to code”

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