Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Buddleia Butterfly Bush
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96 Responses to Wednesday, June 22, 2022

  1. swanspirit says:

    Good morning!🌅🌻🌻🌻🌻 That butterfly bush is beautiful, I planted one, years ago, but it never looked that nice.The color is so soothing.

  2. elliesmom says:

    Good morning! I checked the weather report last night. By 9 am today it was supposed to be in the 70s and sunny. I told the kids we’d pack our breakfast and take it to the beach for a morning swim, It’s 10 am, 61 degrees and pouring rain. The good news is both kids are sound asleep and are unaware. We’re talking about a forecast that was only 12 hours out. If very short term computer models are this bad, a long term climate forecast of a tropical Antarctica would score about as high.

  3. Miranda says:

    We’re home! No millions, although mr.miranda and I both won some money (me: 900 dollars, mr.mir: 1175) in smaller poker tournaments (not in the World Series, but a lot of the poker rooms were also having events). No trouble with the flights, although we’re definitely too old for red-eyes, lol.

  4. helenk3 says:

    was there anyone there who was not some type of law enforcement? so far it seems that there were 60% law enforcement and 40% protesters. so who really started this trojan horse thing

  5. helenk3 says:

    while we have “lets go brandon” our northern neighbors have “truck trudeau”
    do you think it is a trend?

  6. elliesmom says:

    When I have some time, I’ll do some checking into WordPress’s spam feature, but it might take me awhile since I’m in camp counselor mode this week.

  7. helenk3 says:

    a beautiful state that does not like its citizens. They are leaving in droves. do you wonder why?

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lateblum says:

    Good morning everyone! It was still over 90° at 11:00 last night and when I finally got to sleep, it was after 4 am and it was still in the 80’s. It was so terribly hot/humid yesterday, that I had to go to the grocery store to get some relief. Since covid, there is no movie theater here, and the library is posed to people who are not vaccinated. So there are few places to go to get any relief from the heat. I still only have two air conditioners that sit on the floor but are complete inadequate for my small place. It is designed like a train, and there is no cross ventilation anywhere. It faces the south, and the trees that used to line the street and provide cooling shade, have been gone for several years. I now have direct sun from mid-morning until well past 6. The two large windows that are on the west get the sun until it sets. Late fall, the huge tree that was in the parkway on the west side of the building was felled, so there is no relief there, either. I asked my son to help me bring the window unit up from my basement storage. But his wife and my older granddaughter got covid, so he had to isolate with them until yesterday when they left for vacation in Wisconsin. It has been so awful that I was afraid I’d die from the heat like 3 women who lived in a senior building only 10 blocks south of me in the North Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago. (I couldn’t even get a hotel room because I’m not vaxxed.)
    I hate the way I sound – so whiny. I am so uncomfortable. I have felt disoriented and confused and terribly depressed. I realize it’s from the effect of the heat. So I have kept smart water and fruit on hand. But I can tell you that as helpful as that is, I still “forget” to drink or eat in this heat. Today, I had to close windows because the mgt company (for my building) contracted with a masonry company months ago to do some work here. It was only late yesterday that we were notified that the company had moved us from next fall to today for the masonry work. Now everyone is advised to keep all windows closed for the next 4 days because of the dust and dirt. The 80yo man who lives above me on the 2nd floor is out of town. The woman on the 3rd floor has central air. (Her compressor is on the roof.) Thank heaven it will be in the mid to upper 80’s instead of the 90°-100’s we’ve just had.

    • lyn5 says:

      WTF?! Your son couldn’t stop by to get the AC before he went on his vacation?! Can you hire someone to do it? I’d move in with the lady on the third floor.

      • lateblum says:

        Akshully, the lady on the third floor and I are becoming nice friends. She’d probably let me come up if I needed to. Except for politics – which we don’t touch on, we are very compatible. She’s a lovely person.

    • elliesmom says:

      Open your windows and tape a sheet or some other fabric over them. That will catch the dust but still let some air through. Think about it like a giant mask. Unlike the virus, the dust should be too big to make it through the spaces between the threads in the fabric. The cheaper (less thread count) sheets you have the better. Alternately, you could put a mask on, but then you’ll have a very dusty house to clean when they’re done. If there’s a park nearby with a fountain or other running water, it will be a lot cooler there, too. It’s “nature’s air conditioning”. My living room faces south, too. I can’t hang anything on my door that uses a glue gun to fasten things on it because the sun melts the glue.

      • lyn5 says:

      • lateblum says:

        Thanks, em. The windows were open and the room darkening shades were pulled down. I finally hooked up and “installed” one of the “rolling air conditioners” last night. The worst was when the punter weight on the 100+ years old window broke and I had to lift it after I found something to prop it open. At least there was no broken glass. A task that should have taken 30 minutes took nearly 2 hours.
        They masonry work is generating far less dirt than I had anticipated — so far.
        I’ll pull out some sheets later, if I need to. I too, would rather the sheets be dirty than the house.💕

        • lateblum says:

          Counter weight !

        • lateblum says:

          The typos are mainly a result of the cataract surgery of last summer. I didn’t have my reading glasses on – glasses that I never needed before the surgery – so I now see an abundance of typos. Sorry everyone.

    • swanspirit says:

      Hire someone asap to put those units in the windows so you can at least have one room where you can cool off. In the meantime, get a cotton scarf or napkin, put some crushed ice in it, and wrap it around your neck, with the ice at the back. If it drips down your back, so much the better.
      Run your wrists under cold water every hour or so, and take a couple cool showers, and leave your hair wet.
      Sending you cool breezes!!!

      • lateblum says:

        Thanks, swannie! When I went to the grocery store for cold air yesterday, I bought a bag of ice! I’ve gone through nearly the entire bag! Going out later to get more. Because of the layout of the plumbing in my tier, I couldn’t connect the ice make when I remodeled. So, I literally treat myself to buying bags of ice. 💕

    • votermom says:

      I’m so sorry lateblum. Heat is the worst

    • mcnorman says:

      Wet your head and shower often. It is the simplest way to cool down. I lost my ac for two weeks last year. The temps were 106+ everyday and the lows were high 80-90s. It was the only way that I survived. Sadly, my two dogs did not.

    • Constance says:

      That sounds awful you aren’t whiny. It’s 56 and cloudy again in Seattle. Most places in Seattle do not have air-conditioning for obvious reasons. One thing I did when it hit the 100s was go to the store and buy bags of ice. Fill the tub with the coldest water you can get out of the faucet and pour the entire bag of ice in it then get in the tub and sit there for a half hour or so. you have to keep doing it every few hours but it helps a lot. also spray yourself with water and sit in front of the fan. The senior centers act as cooling centers here so maybe they can help. The Senior centers have lists of volunteers so maybe one of them can come and lift your air conditioner out of the basement. I also saw a young woman on Nextdoor who lived on the third floor post for any kind of help last year when it was107 for a week and Neighbors came by with an old but working AC and got it working. If you have pets call a pet help agency, there are a lot of people who will help animals. You need and deserve help so don’t feel bad asking for it. I wish I was nearby.

      • lateblum says:

        Oh Constance, you are so sweet❣️ I wish you were nearby, too. If I ever get to Seattle to visit dd#1, I hope we can meet in person. Thank you for all those suggestions.

        I have a younger neighbor who just called and asked if I needed help! I’m going to ask her to help me with the window unit later on. She is the same person who drove me to my ophthalmologist following my second cataract surgery. What a good neighbor she has been/is.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      I feel you discomfort.
      I have tons of windows on two sides and direct sun for more than half a day the kitchen/dining/bedroom never really cool especially if the temps don’t do down a night. My hvac needs replaced so I am being very careful but even when new it could not really keep the entire unit even reasonably cool (alos on top floor below the roof) and I ended up buying a portable to deal with the hot flashes all times of the year from cancer therapies and am now using on really hot/humid nights. My bedroom closes off so using fans I can move the air in there about.

      I had bought another portable for my brother when on chemo and one for an aunt in her senior living where only the bedroom had ac. could not get the sleeves so found wrapping the exhaust hose helped to keep the heat from running the darn things at a minimum to max the cooling. (going to do this in parts as the links are long and spammy may not like).

      Not sure if this might help but this is the kind of materials I use. A lost of the reviews were from people using them for portable ACs.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Insulation Bubble Film

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Foil Tape
        Cut circles/rings from the roll of wrap rather trying to wrap the hose (less bulky) and affix the ends together with foil tape and spread them out over the hose length. also added some of the tape to keep the hose in place at the window.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      well it looks as if those long amazon links went missing at least for a while.

      The wrap – search for something like Insulated Spiral Pipe Wrap Insulation Bubble Film 6-Inch by 25-Feet

      Foil tape – Aluminum Foil Tape High Temperature 3.15 Mil Foil Professional Adhesive Aluminum Foil Tape for Dryer Vent, Ductwork, AC Unit, Furnace, Water Heater, 2 inchx17 yd (I get the two inch – you can split easily if you need some narrower).

      • lateblum says:

        That is so amazing. The vent hoses get so very hot. I can’t sit anywhere near them when they are on and the day is especially hot.
        Thank you so much!.💕

        • Mt.Laurel says:

          I found cutting the wrap in rings (like the ones for kid Christmas decorations) and placing them around the hose and the using the tape to secure the two ends worked better than just trying to wrap the insulations and looks neater. You can them move them to cover the hose and use tape connecting two of the rings in places where they might slide. A little f the tape where the hose connects to the machine and again as the window helps seals. Don’t need much and the tape I can use by tearing (makes it easier to separate from backing) and it is not horribly sticky.

  10. lyn5 says:

    • swanspirit says:

      That happens all the time on psychiatric units. Men, and women. When they start taking their clothes off, it’s a real signal for a psychotic episode. One lady I remember, used to get very agitated, rip all her clothing off, and start running down the halls. And she wasn’t a little lady by any means. I remember her particularly, because after we finally got her sedated, and in the quiet room where she was safe, I tried to lift her onto the mattress on the floor, so she at least wasn’t sleeping on the bare floor, because she simply would not keep any clothes on. That among other things, I guess, precipitated my second and last, back surgery.
      Oddly enough, when our clients became increasingly paranoid, they piled on clothing. Extra pairs of pants, hoodies over jackets, pulled almost all the way over their faces. They weren’t taking any clothes off

      • lyn5 says:


        • swanspirit says:

          I really like the compassionate guy who persuaded Mr naked to put his clothes back on. He was actually amazing. He was kind, and kept his focus on the guy, kept his voice low and calming, and de-escalated the man from his agitated state. Not everyone can do that.

  11. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      Sometimes the sign language interpreter looks so bewildered. It almost makes me laugh. But then I remember why she is bewildered and I find there is nothing funny about having a very old, demented man who was neither good nor honest – ever – sitting, napping, drooling in the WH and I have to turn away.

  12. votermom says:

    If Spammy keeps catching you, supposedly there is an Akismet contact site that you can check “I think Akismet is catching my comments by mistake”

    Ok, let me see if there’s anything that can be tweaked

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. votermom says:

    • SHV says:

      “There’s a great deal of Americans where it is uncomfortable that they’re spending more, but they are not going to go under. ”
      The “New English”, makes no sense but it’s her “Voice” and validates a less than inspiring intellect.

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. elliesmom says:

    Crash has discovered the joy of picking something from the garden, washing if off under the hose, and eating it. She may go through my whole spinach patch this week. 🙂

  17. votermom says:

    Honestly, why not move?

  18. Mothy67 says:

    Lee Zeldin is on Gutfeld

  19. lyn5 says:

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