Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy MAGA Month JULY
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99 Responses to Friday, July 1, 2022

  1. helenk3 says:

    beautiful picture. you really know how to make the start of the day beautiful. thank you

  2. helenk3 says:

    you can burn a city and get off scot-free, but make the mistake of getting involved in a dem false flag op and you lose everything.

  3. helenk3 says:

    glad someone spoke out. How many more victims will there be due to “restorative justice”?

    • DandyTIger says:

      I’m getting old, I need some restorative justice to my face. OK, my whole body. Where do I get some justice? This is not fair. LOL

  4. votermom says:

    “Trump Is the Greatest Man Alive
    If you ask me, Trump has shown greater restraint than any man alive in the world today. Greater restraint perhaps than almost any man in history: For there are very few men, even in small and trivial nations, who could launch a civil war if they chose to do it. That sort of following—so wide, so deeply committed, and so much on the precipice of fury unleashed—is truly rare. The fact that Trump did not call upon his supporters to do violence on January 6 is singular, incredible: What leftist, on the verge of losing his power in Washington, and yet possessed of the means of retaining it through coercive force, would have walked away as Trump did?”

    • Mothy67 says:

      Remember during the first debate when they had security prepared to physically remove him when they pushed his button? Confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance run deep on the left. He opened Mara-a- Lago to blacks and jews decades before everyone else, but okay, sure he is a racist. They are unable to separate The Apprentice persona from reality. The guy hung out at Studio 54 but he is homophobic?

    • taw46 says:

      So much truth in that article.

      “ Now the establishment—the Liz Cheneys, the Nancy Pelosis, the Mitch McConnells and Mitt Romneys—are terrified because they know Trump still has that following. They know the nation, left to choose its own president, would choose Trump again. And they can’t possibly let that happen.
      Trump is the only real threat—not to world peace and stability, not to economic security or energy independence, but to the power of the elites. The elites want that power more than anything—they cannot walk away—and they are willing to do anything, even destroy the entire planet with war or disease, sooner than they would see Trump become president again.
      But they ought to be careful. The next time they steal an election, it may not take a speech to start a civil war.”

  5. votermom says:

    Happy Liberty Month!!!!

  6. taw46 says:

    Pam Bondi’s account of conversations with Cassidy is very interesting. Why did she change her story, mad at Trump?

  7. helenk3 says:

    no words needed

  8. taw46 says:

  9. lateblum says:

    The racism and vitriol runs deep in Rex Chapman. It is shocking to me. Glenn Greenwald comments…

  10. Miranda says:

    In another blow for liberty, my home test was negative for covid!! I’ll test again Monday, but if it’s clear then, I’ll consider this over.

  11. lyn5 says:

    • Anthony says:

      I also heard that 1M new Republicans voters switched over from being Dems. I didn’t trust it, but the pundit was giddy. Reminded me of the Fedayin (sp?) army that joined us without protest when Dubbya invaded Iraq

      • ginainmo says:

        In Missouri primaries R, D I can ask for either a R, D, or Indy ballot. Sometime we cross over (and get counted) as a party that we don’t support if there is a strategic reason to influence the primary.

        McCaskill retained her senate seat in 2012 by getting huge numbers of Dems to cross over in the primary and swing the primary to Todd Akin, who promptly killed his own campaign with his “six second mistake”.

        I am not sure I trust the numbers either.

        • DeniseVB says:

          Stupid Virginia gives you an R or D ballot too, trouble is, Dems don’t primary their incumbents so the Dems pick the easiest R to beat, of course they’re counted as R votes too.

  12. lyn5 says:

    • DandyTIger says:

      Easy solution: cut off their hands at their wrists. Take the painting, frame, and their hands to the lab and remove the hands. Restore or replace the frame. Done and done.

      • lyn5 says:

        I was going to tweet that. LOL

      • lyn5 says:

        Stiles Bitchley ✫✫@WeWhoDieSaluteU

        What could be more poetic than severed fingers fixed to a Van Gogh painting?

        Aww come one, where’s your creativity?
        1:01 PM · Jun 30, 2022

      • votermom says:

        Just close off the area for a week. Leave them there.

        • Mt.Laurel says:

          Well chopping of hands would have a nice poetic justice angle but would need to have someone shoot them with a tranquilizer gun first so they can’t bite the staff. Those two look rabid.

          So I would go with votermom’s suggestion and then after roping them off remove all the other paintings to another area, secure the area so no one can get to them and turn off the lights.

        • helenk3 says:

          great idea

      • taw46 says:

        I’m tired of these protestors. I like your idea, chop off their hands and be done with it.

        • lateblum says:

          Or, as votermom said…
          Close off the area and leave them there. They’ll be begging for someone to come get them before 24 hours have passed.

  13. elliesmom says:

    The zoom invites have gone out. I think I forgot to put something in the subject line, but you’ll see it’s from me.

  14. elliesmom says:

    Do you want to know how parents create serial killers? Ellie and I were just down for a swim. I was done being in the water and was sitting on a rock. Lots of little kids playing and lots of moms on cellphones. One little boy about 6 pushed his little sister’s head under the water and was holding it there. She was thrashing around. When I saw what was happening, I jumped up, but Ellie got there first and head bumped him off her. The little girl ran to me. I have never had a hug quite like that one.

    She came and sat with me. I asked her if she knew what I meant by that part her brother has that she doesn’t. When she said she did, I told her if he ever tried to hurt her like that again, she should keep licking until she managed to kick him there. Mom’s response? “Russell, you shouldn’t upset the dog. She might bite you.”

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

    • Somebody says:

      I think it depends on your perspective Helen. Perhaps they made sure the big guy got his cut, so if your last name was Biden it might seem like a multi-million dollar idea.

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. helenk3 says:

    I am watching an old tv show Hardcastle and McCormick. I must have been working nights when it was on. The guy steals a really fast car and the cops are chasing him and crashing all over the place. I am sitting here thinking, the man that lives next door to my grandson is a cop and I was very glad he was teaching him defensive driving. Now watching the show I am not too sure about that. It is like the shows were they shoot 20,000 bullets and never hit anything.

  23. lyn5 says:

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