Weekend of July 9-10, 2022

Miss Piggy, EPCOT Garden and Flower Festival, Orlando, Florida
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128 Responses to Weekend of July 9-10, 2022

  1. swanspirit says:

    Love Miss Piggy!!

  2. DeniseVB says:

    I forgot that Trump sold his DC hotel lease to Hilton, now the Waldorf Astoria ? They just reopened but people don’t want them to ever forget Trump had his cooties all over it. Sickos.

  3. Bkhuna says:

    I use to attend big event at disney but no more. I can’t waste a couple of hundred dollars walking around in equatorial African heat and humidity pumping money into a corporation built on grooming little kids.

    • taw46 says:

      I haven’t been to Disney in years, too bad. Epcot was always my favorite.

      • lateblum says:

        It’s been the same for me as well, taw…

      • Somebody says:

        Epcot was always our favorite too. The flower and garden festival is lovely, but the food and wine festival 👍 My children tell tall tales about me drinking my way around the 🌎 🤣

        My grandchildren are too young except the oldest, she’s the only one that has any tales to tell🤣

        We had annual passes for decades, since 1984 when my youngest was about 9 months old. We let them lapse for all of year or so because the kids were getting too old and not as interested in weekends with mom and dad. Then we had our youngest in 1999, so we got passes again the next year. I swear I think my older two were the most excited. 10 years later our first grandchild came so we kept going, our adult children bought passes, we all went. We went together the lot of us at least a couple times a year and in smaller groups. Lots of memories.

        We let our passes lapse after the pandemic because Disney suddenly started requiring reservations. They took away all the advantages of being a pass holder. Gone were the hop in the car last minute trips, they claim you can still park hop but that’s a lie. You make a reservation for a specific park after 2pm you can ask mother may I visit a different park.🙄 Used to be if Magic Kingdom was crowded with long wait lines, you blow the joint and check out another park.

        I only regret our loooong time passes had already expired before they went full groomer. I would have enjoyed canceling them and letting them know the faithful, rather free spending customer of damn near 4 decades they lost.

        • Somebody says:

          Wait, not sure the passes ever lapsed now that I think about it. I remember being at Disney pregnant with my youngest🤔

          Maybe we just didn’t make many trips with a small baby?? I remember her 1st birthday there.

          Point is we were loyal pass holders forever

        • votermom says:

          We went last year. Reservations for everything is so stressful. By contrast Universal was a huge relief.

          • Somebody says:

            For years we had passes to Disney and Universal. We dropped Universal around 2009 or 2010.

            Only my husband likes roller coasters. My older daughter would ride some things, but not much. Hubby set a rule that he was paying so everybody had to ride one roller coaster with him he was tired of riding solo. That was the end of Universal.

          • DeniseVB says:

            I’m enjoying Streaming the Magic on Facebook where the Disney fans film their trips live, even standing in the lines, lol.

        • DeniseVB says:

          St.Augustine Grandma and I took the twins to Tampa Bay Busch Gardens since their parents had the passes to DW. I remember it being a perfect day for 8 year olds 🙂

          • Somebody says:

            My father loved Bush Gardens and Six Flags. We did Disney too, but my father liked roller coasters and log flumes, any thrill ride. My hubby likes those parks too, but me not so much🤣

            There is a small park in Valdosta Georgia called Wild Adventures that’s very affordable. It’s mostly thrill rides too, but they also have a nice water park and they host concerts with some pretty good names. We’ve had passes on and off there through the years.

          • taw46 says:

            I was at Busch Gardens way back in my twenties. We had a lot of fun, but haven’t been since.

        • taw46 says:

          Well I know I would hate it now if you can’t park hop. 👎

  4. lateblum says:

    Denise, the last few days of topiary extraordinaire have been delightful❣️

  5. votermom says:

    Yikes! This thread

    • DeniseVB says:

      I guess we know why it’s flown under the radar since 2018, it’s awful. I don’t even think the Goth kids would wear it. A mass shooter, maybe.

      • votermom says:

        It gives me strong Podesta Comet pizza vibes

      • votermom says:

        article from when it was first launched
        Exorcist Warns About Celine Dion’s Occult Children’s Clothing
        “I’m convinced that the way this gender thing has spread is demonic.”


        • Somebody says:

          I agree, my youngest gets her dander up when I make snide comments. She’s not Trans, but she has friends that are. My older kids are late 30’s the trans trend missed them, they’re like WTF too.

          I’ve never denied that there is a legitimate, very small percentage of the population with exceedingly rare conditions, but what we’re seeing is NOT that.

          • 1539days says:

            I have some opinions on this stuff, but I will say that once an alternative lifestyle is encouraged, there are people who feel like something is missing from their lives who gravitate to them. For a lot of those people, they’ll just end up disappointed.

          • lyn5 says:

            Their self-esteem is based on acceptance in a group?.

        • taw46 says:

          The clothes —- wtf?!

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Is Celine is one of those people who end up in a state of perpetual morning? Studies show mourning can change neural pathways and dims ones discernment and insight including color perception. For most people it is temporary.

        That is the only explanation I can come up with for the horror that she is attempting to pass off as great kids cloths.

  6. DeniseVB says:

    Oh dear, so many jokes just write themselves ….

  7. lyn5 says:

    This was the tweet of a fake photo of Trump in a coffin with the group shot of Obamas, Bushes, Clintons and Melania taken at Barbara Bush’s funeral.

    An update on your report
    Thanks again for letting us know. Our investigation found this account violated the Twitter Rules:
    Ally @Antifa_Ally
    Violating our rules against abuse and harassment.
    We appreciate your help in improving everyone’s experience on Twitter. You can learn more about reporting abusive behavior here.

    • lyn5 says:

      Wrong one. She posted the photo of a dead Ashli Babbitt in response to a tweet by Ashli’s mother. She did it again and I reported her today.

      Ally @Antifa_Ally
      Wife, momma, friend, professional trumpliKKKlan triggerer💖Fully vaxxed💉Borty bort count: 3, so far⭐️She/Her Joined May 2022 75 Following 10 Followers

      • lateblum says:

        I just looked at her account. What a horrible person Ally is. She ought to have named herself Backstreet All(e)y.

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lyn5 says:

    • 1539days says:

      My co-worker said he and his wife found out about two people this week who died from heart attacks. One was in his 50’s. Those people who are likely vaccinated are probably going to be assumed to just have underlying health issues. We barely hear about the teenagers with heart issues, we don’t hear at all about the people who are in the age group to get heart disease getting it at increased rates.

      • lyn5 says:

        That’s scary.

      • DeniseVB says:

        My brother came down with myocarditis as a teen and the doctors blamed it on an untreated strep infection.

        • SHV says:

          In US, most common cause of myocarditis was a viral infection, ie. a Coxsackie virus. or others..World wide, Chagas disease is the most common cause. Chagas disease is caused by a protozoa transmitted by insect bite. With the flood of people from Central and South America where Chagas disease is common, Doctors is US will be seeing a lot more people with Chagas disease.

          Difficult to know the incidence of vaccine induced myocarditis is since CDC and politicized public health officials work very hard to not know those data.

      • Anthony says:

        I know more than a few men (early 30s – mid 40s) who’ve had miocarditis after being vaxxed. That data will most likely remain suppressed. Monkey Pox will be the next (non-Chinese Ha!) pandemic, right in time for the mid term election

        • SHV says:

          “I know more than a few men (early 30s – mid 40s) who’ve had miocarditis after being vaxxed.”
          In addition to willfully discouraging reporting of complications, withholding data “because it might contribute to vaccine hesitancy”, IMO, the worst was reporting that the risk was less than, IIRC, 1 in 2 million. They come up with this bullshit by dividing the under reported number of myocarditis cases into the total number of vaccine doses administered. They knew early on which demographic was high risk but lied about the risk to that group.
          Latest numbers I have seen from Israel estimate the risk for young male at about 1 per thousand and that is likely too low.

        • elliesmom says:

          Tucker’s show last night covered the Monkey pox virus being studied now at the same Wuhan lab that brought us covid.

  11. Mothy67 says:

    I got to thinking about Gardisil and the high pressure I got about da pup being vaccinated. All my alarms went off. HPV is sexually transmitted. The pressure started before she was 12. I read everything I could find. Scoured the internet. I saw no need to get her a shot for an STD at 11. Her pediatrician who is from China who hung out a shingle with her son who is American born agreed with me. Some might consider my decision to allow brat to go on the pill at 15 to be too permissive. It was covid lockdown, her father died in a horrific accident. Boy stood next to her before his coffin for days. He is here everyday. Shaypup works. Has a job at a pet store which doubles as a doggie daycare and kennel. She gets paid 13 an hour to work from 7 to 10 Boy remains here while she heads off to work. Place is at the top of the street They are the best of friends. Had it not been for the extreme level of lockdown and her father’s untimely death they wouldn’t have grown so close. His parents drop him off and pick him up. She came to me before she made that step and asked for birth control. I wanted to scream no wait until you are 40. She was mature. I am a product of a teen mom. What was I to do? Say no? Risk her getting prego. Her mom was a teen. I chatted with six foot five boy and expressly said your parents need to know before I allow this. His dad runs a neighboring county’s adolescent substance abuse program. His mom is a physicians assistant. They go to church every Sunday. They thanked me. Credit belongs to Shay. She came to me first. I discouraged but I knew as I stood back at the funeral home and saw him with his arms around her that they had become more intimate than sex again this all took place during the worst of covid lockdowns. Her dad was a mess. He could not stay out of jail and was high 24/7. He was not a walk away parent. I have well over a hundred thousand in legal bills to attest that he fought for custody sometime things filed from jail. Pup is cherished. Hopefully knows little else but love. I have never uttered a negative word about either of her parents. Her mom met a guy in a psych ward. They got out and were going to get the baby she abandoned. So much fun. They accused me of molesting her. It was from another county so based on the word of a clinically challenged person who had not seen her daughter in three years I was guilty. I moved to my cabin in the woods and gave full access to investigators. They tore apart my bedroom. I freely gave electronics all electronics. I had some adult gay porn. Whatever. Took close to a month. I was talked to by persons who could barely handle transfering phone calls as if I was a predator. I met with a doctor involved in the case. He said they would need to do a vaginal exam. I begged him to not. I was cleared and I asked that shay’s mom not be charged. They wanted to charge as I was in Sao Paulo when the psych lover said i harassed him on the phone. We are nearly 16 years into. I have never said one bad word about Shayla’s mom. I even lie. I tell her her mom was not ready but she chose to give you life and then to allow you to be loved. That is not fiction. Her mom’s dad committed suicide before she got with Da pup. She chose life. She was in agony. She could have aborted. She is married and has three other kids. Shay spent July 4th with her mother. They are close. I chose not to allow hate. Her mom was 18 and collecting frequent flyer miles in psych wards for cutting Herself. I will never disparage her mom.
    Anywho back to Gardisil. The pressure was so intense before the jab. Practically forcing a prophylactive on preteens. My kid was not pulling trains at 11. Why strong arm an std vax on kids? It was non stop. Hear nothing about it now. Money, money, money.

    • lateblum says:

      Yes. It was. I wonder if he had tweeted a negative response to Melania what the reaction might’ve been. No. I don’t. We all know nothing would’ve been said or done.

  12. Somebody says:

    So I happened to have had a conversation with my CA sister yesterday and thought I’d share.

    Electricity prices are high because believe it or not CA imported a lot of NG from Russia for their electricity.

    Gas prices are high because greedy oil companies refuse to drill. Why her friend in Alaska tells her they are not getting dividends because those greedy MFer’s are looking to cash in on high prices, they want to keep supply low. She can’t really blame them though, there’s no future in fossil fuels and they know it. Everybody will soon be driving electric cars…….huh, powered by unicorn farts? That last part was part of Mt reply to her.

    Food shortages? Yea, California hasn’t had enough rain because of climate change and other states are greedy and taking the water from the Colorado River. What’s that? What water? You’ve mentioned that stupid Delta smelt before, nobody here knows anything about that it’s some right wing conspiracy.

    Fertilizer shortages? I haven’t heard anything about that, where did you hear that? Is it some conspiracy theory? Russia and Belarus what? What do they have to do with fertilizer?? Oh really, well outsourcing that’s the Republicans fault, same with the border, it’s all about cheap labor.

    China and Taiwan? What? I haven’t heard anything about that, gotta go.

    I refuted stuff along the way, but she believes what she believes. No matter what I said, gas prices are the total and complete fault of greedy corporations. The Biden administration hasn’t done anything to cause this that’s just blame shifting.

    It’s maddening, she has points. I agree Republicans are certainly a part of the blame and I’ve never denied that. It’s not blue vs red really, but I’ll never get her to see that. You bring up uni-party to either of my sisters and they stare blankly. CA sister thinks democrats are pure as the driven snow, only looking out for the people, anybody that says otherwise is a liar and conspiracy nut. My sister that lives here is the opposite, Republicans are virtuous.

    • Mothy67 says:

      I smoke as does my mom an niether of us has had covid even though several kids stayed here who got it. I did two medical detoxes in a year. Every addict goes on the patch. I did not witness even one patient get 19 but staff did. Jadzia mentioned a year ago that France limited online purchases of nicotine substitutes. Huh? My old lady friend smokes like a chimney. We got close because at the start of covid she was terrified to leave her house. I would get her meds and buy her groceries which I left on her stoop with alcohol wipes. She did not exit her home for six months.herhe passes out clothes from her car trunk to addicts on the street no gloves or masks. She has a host of health problems but after months of isolation she ignores health protocols. I added my sister who was going through a divorce a tablet line to my Tmobile account. Sis of course went back to abusive husband. I had a line that I did not need. Two year contract. My sis gave me back a shattered tablet. It was the start of covid. Sandi my old lady friend lives in what I think of as a shoe. It is this adorable house at the end of a dead end. A path through a patch of woods leads to the main town road. I had never really talked to Sandi before covid. I took my Shay several times a day by her. She was always just this nice woman. I knew her not. So covid hit. I cbatted with Sandi from her porch. I said well at least there is facebook. She told me she had never had internet. I am not religious per se but definitely a Catholic school kid. I went to the store up the street. I never use cash. I had a 20 on me. I bought a box of vino blanco and had a 5. The tablet I bought for my sister was trashed, I had a two year contract with Tmobile. The little old woman who lived in a shoe had no internet. I put the 5 in a scratch off kiosk. I play powerball when it is 600 million. I never buy scratch offs. I won 200 the price of a new tmobile tablet. No way was I not buying old mother hubbard internet. It has been over 2 years. She loves internet. She pays me now I have 5 lines her unlimited data on my 55+ plus plan is 20 bucks tax and fees included. It is unlimited.unbeatable price.
      Back to France and nicotine. Sandi smokes and has every health issue you can imagine. She has been in cars with kids with China flu. Not gotten it. I know nothing but Jadzia said nicotine sells were controlled? I, my mom, and Sandi are considered high risk. Going on 3 years not one of us has gotten even a sniffle. I obviously dont think smoking is an answer but nicotine? Seriously not one person in detox got kung flu but staff did. Patients were wearing nicotine patches. You can call me silly but I was there. Not one patient on a lockdown floor got covid. 4 nursesrefuse Jadzia noted France regulated nicotine products?
      As far as Sandi goes. I was a walker buy groceries for a bunch of home bound or limited people. I refuse any payment but I insist on using my advantage card. I get 50 bucks off a week. Funny I walk because I had a doctor without doing an A1c try and put me on insulin. Shots in the belly with every meal. I am averging 101 fasting. Post prandial I am at 113. I walk. My older neighbors need an idiot like me. I walk and shop for the crankies. I will not take a dime. I accept no money. I cut grass, shovel snow. They send Shay gifts online wihout telling me.i got a letter from TD Bank that my target account was going to be closed because I had not used it in 18 months but i had 500 in gift card credit. I bought spoons in 2016. Seems strangers sent my brat target gifts.

  13. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  14. helenk3 says:

    love this one

  15. swanspirit says:

    Sarah Palin and President Trump on the same stage!! Be still my heart!!

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. DeniseVB says:

    Love her ….

  19. elliesmom says:

    My son asked me yesterday while we were out to lunch how to tip a young waiter who was very nice, but who spilled a large glass of iced tea all over your mother, tried to serve the four meals intended for the table next to you when there are only two of you, and has overcharged you $20 when he tries to give you the check? You’ve had a lovely meal, no harm was done, and the waiter handled all three situations well. I said I’d put it out for a vote. I have no idea what he did.

    • 1539days says:

      15%. The minimum wage for servers is $2.13 an hour unless you’re in a state where it’s higher. Even if the waiters make good tips, some places tip out based on 15% to other employees or to the manager, even if they don’t get 15% in tips.

    • Mothy67 says:

      I’d leave 20% rounded up. The only time I would slight a server is if they were rude. I haven’t waited tables since the 80’s but I tended bar and owned a few places. Part of eating out is theater. Wine service is dramatic. Sounds to me like in the grand scheme the diners had an eventful experience. I hear it is really tough to hire quality workers right now. People are not spending what they did pre covid. I made a thousand a week in college. It is a tough job. I have owned places. I’d hire med students from Columbia Presbyterian and worked in some of the finest restaurants in the world. Very often the Ivy League future doctors could not make it through a brunch shift. Tears. My fridge passed away. Went to Lowe’s. I wanted a cheap ice box. No frills. My kitchen needs a redo. I am not buying a sub zero fridge for a kitchen built in 1937. I am giving the house to Shay. It is paid off. I don’t want it. Anywho Lowes was grossly understaffed and one guy in appliances repeat one guy in appliances! He kept trying to upsale me. Lowe’s sells refrigerators. I wanted a fridge that day. I was buying cash I did not want an ice maker or filtered water system. The sad soul was reading a sales pitch. I wanted what was in stock. He was trying so hard. I felt sorry for him. He was operating like a corporate drone. I bought a stainless steel unit because it could be delivered next day. I absolutely knew what I wanted. This kid could not let me just purchase. He had at least 5 customers leave. I don’t get to the areas where box stores are often. I had a couple of hundred dollars in gift cards for Kohl’s from my birthday in January. I am never near a Kohl’s. Bevin is a college friend she was the buyer for Kohl’s I had a discount card it was 10% off. I dropped 250 on the reduced rack. I was buying only stuff to wear to the gym. One cashier. She was in her 70’s. Yuuuge line. I said fine my discount cannot be applied. Let me just pay. I had to tell her to void the transactisa on and recharge me. Companies are hiring anyone. Bevin and I go way back. The owner of Magnolia Cafe in Philly had me fire her. She was the worst waitress in history. I sat her down and said I can help you with rent. She said I am very rich. I woke up looking at a bridge that spans the Frisco bay. We had tried to go to Paris but were drunk from consuming Dom out of the bottle. We tried to charter a private flight without having passports? Bevin sends Shay to this day shoes. My volleyball loving kid does not want or need Christian Louboutin 2300 dollar flip flops. Bevin slept with every guy I had a crush on. It was her thing.
      Anywho back to the customer service employee at kohl’s. I did not care about discount, but the cashier had no clue how to handle a void. One 70 plus year old woman manning a register. There were 20 people in line. Some yelled at her. I am seeing incompetence all the time since covid. My doctor fired me. He for real said to my face I was committing suicide by refusing the vax and not taking diabetes meds. My fasting glucose is 103. Post prandial following three slices of pizza is 124. My doc wanted me shooting insulin in my belly with every meal. I am prediabetic. 103 is unhealthy. I get lucky. My world allowed me association with you women. Damn I treasure moms. I listen. And I hope I be not asshole. I don’t need others making me okay. I have been with Shay for 15 years. I believe in her. I walked this rugged old road and I think how fortunate I Is. My baby is my eveRything


      Bing and YouTube will not let me post. Dolly Parton

    • Anthony says:

      I never tip less than 20% minimum, usually more unless the server was an asshole. You say he handled all situations well, so I’d leave 20% minimum. I’ve worked for tips in the past, so I have a tendency to tip heavier than most ppl.

    • SHV says:

      A lot less eating out past several years but usually tip on an impromptu sliding scale. At least 20%, up to 50% for Burger, IHOP type meals, depending on total bill. Up scale meals, rare occurrence recently, will tip less than 20%…something just annoys me about giving a $40-50 tip when the wait staff didn’t provide any better service than the single mom working at IHOP.

      • SHV says:

        I’ll also tip people providing services when it seems appropriate. These days, I appreciate people who get their asses out of bed and work hard for marginal wages.

  20. DandyTIger says:

    Nice list of the top hoaxes that never had any evidence for and are provably demonstrably false. But best part, there are morons that still believe them:

    • DandyTIger says:

      Also related and funny:

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lateblum says:

  23. taw46 says:

    I see the left is hating on Melania again. “Rose Garden” is trending and they are putting up all of their lies about how she destroyed the WH rose garden.

  24. helenk3 says:

    hope this works

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. lyn5 says:

    Hope Bannon destroys the 1/6 committee.

  29. lyn5 says:

    • 1539days says:

      Consider this. Months ago, Twitter investors and board members tried to limit Musk’s participation and ownership stake through corporate maneuvering. They even tried a poison pill to prevent a hostile takeover. Now they want to force him to buy the company.

  30. Mothy67 says:

    So I was taking the monsters to the movies. All the boys had seen Top Gun with dads. We as per consensus decided to see Black. Phone. It is rated R I was just giving a heads up. Asking parents if it was okay to watch an r rated film.One parent knew my name. He asked if I had introduced Amy Grant in 1975. I love my father’s eyes. I love that song.
    I was ten and a dude remembered me 40 years later. Ugh

  31. Mothy67 says:

    How can you not love Baby Baby

  32. Mothy67 says:

    Mother fuck!!! Baby baby

  33. Mothy67 says:

    I shut down my tablet cleared cache will you tube let me post baby baby????
    https://www.bing.com nope
    Third try https://youtube.com/watch?v=vMXuuYnoRdI&feature=emb_imp_woyt

  34. Mothy67 says:

    I cannot post Baby baby????

  35. elliesmom says:

    Bill Bennett had a series on Fox Nation pre–pandemic called “The Wise Guys” where he invited a group of folks with different points of view to have dinner and a discussion about a contemporary issue. It’s one of the first Fox Nation shows I discovered, and I was hooked. The show went into hiatus because of the pandemic restrictions. Today I decided to see if there were any new episodes, and I found one hosted by Brian Kilmeade. The “wise guys” this time were all associated with either the book or the movie “The Godfather”. After watching the episode. I realized I had not seen the movie since it was in the theater, and I never had read the book. So today I watched “The Godfather” for the second time. I remembered the the most dramatic scenes and got to laugh at some of the lines that have become famous like “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli”. But after watching the Fox Nation show, I realized I had missed some of the nuances. Now I’ve downloaded the book. It’s next on my “which should you do first” list.

    • Somebody says:

      I’m curious what you think. I read the book when the movie was out originally. I wasn’t allowed to see anything but G rated movies🙄. So I read the books so I could be “cool” and dish about stuff.

      I didn’t see the movie until the 80’s when it came on TV and was heavily edited🤣

      • elliesmom says:

        I saw the movie unedited both times. It seemed a lot more violent the first time. 🙂

  36. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • lyn5 says:

        • lyn5 says:

          Caitlin Johnstone ⏳@caitoz

          And now we’re at the point where consent for this expansion has been so widely manufactured that they don’t even need to be sly about it. They can just say “Yeah well that hurts our government’s propaganda war against Russia, so we can’t have that.”

  37. Somebody says:

    An odd question, but curious. Have any of you guys ordered a pizza lately?

    I freely admit it has been years since we’ve ordered a pizza from a chain. We generally make our own or go to a small locally owned pizza place nearby.

    Yesterday however we ordered a pizza and had it delivered from pizza hut. I was shocked. We ordered one large pizza, it cost $27.16. $5.49 of that was a delivery charge, pizza hut is about a mile from my house🙄 When the pizza arrived I said “Excuse me I ordered a large, this is a medium” ……”No ma’am this is a large”….”This isn’t the first pizza I’ve ever ordered I know a medium from a large”……”It’s a large ma’am”….”OK fine, but it sure looks like a medium to me”

    So after tip, no I didn’t screw the delivery guy, I paid over $30 for a mediocre medium pizza that claimed to be a large according to the box and the receipt.

    I couldn’t help but think about my son, that pizza wouldn’t feed his family he’d need two. Pizza used to be inexpensive.

    I was just curious if anyone else has notice A) such a startling price increase and B) such a noticeable portion deflation and C) delivery fees tacked on?

    Oh and FJB

    • DeniseVB says:

      Ya got Papa John’s down there? Their NY Style pizza is to die for. If we wait for the Specials, can usually get an x-lg for $13. Best frozen is the Digiorno Croissant crust for about $7 and we add our own toppings.

    • SHV says:

      Wife bought 8 Domino’s pizzas for the people working on our remodel, yesterday. Looked like what, in the past, I would have called “medium”. IIRC, about $8.00. each for 3 toppings, pick up. Not the best ever but OK.

      • jadzia1971 says:

        Domino’s is the only place here that makes large pizzas that are actually large. Also, they don’t deliver, which saves me a crapload of money. And pizza here in general is so terrible that Domino’s and Pizza Hut (totally overpriced) are the best in town. It’s about 40 euros to feed a family of 7 from Domino’s; anyplace that delivers, we’re talking about 85. For inferior pizza.

    • lateblum says:

      I had company yesterday. We decided to order pizza from a local place that we’ve gone to for the last 15 years. We ordered a large sausage pizza. I think they counted out the number of pieces of sausage and decided we didn’t really need sauce or cheese this time and charged us nearly $20. And we picked it up ourselves. It was disappointing and we felt “ripped off” for the first time ever. I’ve been making a DIY pizza for myself for the last several months that was far better than what we got last night and it cost far less.

      It’s time to mention this to the pizza place and to find another place to order from if my brother and his wife decide they don’t want a DIY pizza when they visit here again.

      But having them here was a real gift. This is the first time they would see me since I decided to not be vaxxed. They came here in the summer of 2020. They’ve also refused to have “anyone who isn’t vaxxed and boosted” to their home. I think that might be changing, but I’m not certain. If they invite me over, I’ll be ecstatic.

      I think the democrats have ruined life for so many. They’ve indoctrinated so many people and have nearly destroyed families while protecting those who infected the world with this virus.

      Oh, and what Somebody said . . . FJB.

      • lyn5 says:

        We’ve been putting fresh mozzarella on our DIY pizzas.
        Happy your brother finally came around. ❤

        • lateblum says:

          I was so happy he and his wife came up here. So very happy. When they said that I “should drive down to see them” I could hardly contain my joy. ❣️
          And lately I’ve been buying “personal size” pizza crusts and using EVOO, pizza sauce, fresh mozzarella and whatever veggies I have on hand. 14 minutes later and I have a wonderful “healthy” pizza. Yummmm

  38. lyn5 says:

  39. lyn5 says:

  40. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      The Globalists don’t care if they start WWIII. It’s almost as if they are trying to do that. What makes them think they would be safe?

  41. lateblum says:

    Stephen Miller@StephenM

    Biden is the first President in the history of our country—and likely in the history of any country on any continent at any point in civilization—who has purposefully eradicated his own nation’s borders, boundaries, territorial integrity, laws of entry, and political sovereignty

  42. Mothy67 says:

    Do you guys have Little Ceasars? I order a lot of pizza for kids. I get the cheese and put it on pizza stone with my own toppings. The crust gets crispy but I like that. . the non chain charges almost 30 for a large pie with onions peppers and pepperoni. I can dress up a Little Caesars for less than 10 including the pie. Kids love it because they personalize it. I am on a low carb diet so I just eat the topp When I make it for just da brat and boy I remove the cheap cheese and just use the shell. Sometimes there are ten kids here. A trip to McDonald’s for ten pains in the arse can run close to 100. One of those meal deals is like 9 a pop now.
    Refreshingly I got gift cards to my local supermarket from the boys parents. I have always fostered Shay having close male friends. Oh did they fight when little. I walked so many home from Preschool. My house my fridge was always open. There is always Beef stew and chicken soup. I keep a deli drawer filled. Kids can come buy and eat anytime. When I was 15 we were so broke. I found a thing of parmesan cheese in the cabinet I poured it in my palm and licked it. I was starving. No child will know that hunger. I don’t feed the world. I am way too much of a c nt. No child I know will want for food. Prices though. I go to Sam’s Club and keep a freezer filled with teen food. Mozzarella sticks were 9.99 A year ago they are 20.99 now. Kitchen garbage bags were 8.99 for 200 they are now 18.99. 18.99 is still a bargain. I buy kitchen bags once a year. Glad pack of 12 is 11 dollars at my supermarket. Water was 2.94 for 40 bottles. It is now 4.64. I have allergies. I have to drink water. Tons of water. The greenies can lick my…… I bought an under sink filter, I added a faucet filter and I bought a Brita pitcher. I cannot drink my tap. It violates me.
    I buy the water school sells at events. I pick up stuff all the time and never ask to be paid. I have a card for the school. In 12 years I have never used it. Not once. I have covered all Halloween treats. I could handle so I did. I was in Sam’s Club they had socks and women’s underwear on sale. Socks were 6 pair for 2.99. I bought everything. I had to use my school card as I went over my limit buying panties. I took everything to a homeless shelter. Socks and underwear are so important. Dignity. I got home a few hours later and transferred 748 to school account I paid off the balance. I had placed a grand on my personal card but I purchased every bra they had. Literally I bought every sock and bra in the store. I have never used a benefit from Sam’s for me. I am a guy. I bought hundreds of bras. I am getting yelled at by Sam’s Club. WTF??????? I maxed out a store card? I bought every sock and took them to a shelter. I have never missed a credit card payment.

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