Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Roses and Clematis
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82 Responses to Tuesday, July 12, 2022

  1. DeniseVB says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      I guess you can’t share locked tweets. Good response to The Daily Beast’s attack on young Prince George with Crackhead Hunter. Link should work, eh? 🙂

      • Miranda says:

        Eh, I don’t trust this sudden display of the royal kids. It’s like after Louis’ acting out at the Jubilee, suddenly we have all the kids behaving semi-badly. It’s almost like they’re being coached to do ‘cute’ things. And why have the kid in a suit in that level of heat at a tennis match? For that matter, why are the adults wearing formal clothes? ‘Good’ casual would be more comfortable and more appropriate.

        • lateblum says:

          I read that there is a “dress protocol” for Wimbledon. I’m not certain if it applies to children, but I do recall that someone, Princess Sparkles, perhaps, was told to “cover up” or do something to make her attire “Wimbledon appropriate” when she was in the stands to watch her bestie, Serena, one year.

        • taw46 says:

          There is definitely a dress code, always has been, for Wimbledon. And like this tweet says, I doubt anyone was sweltering in the Royal Box. I don’t see anyone in distress, including Prince George. There are some events where the royals do wear casual clothes, but not Wimbledon.

      • lyn5 says:

        I responded to the ” but Trumps.”

  2. lyn5 says:

  3. DeniseVB says:

    It’s sad you have to yell at these blockheads, but so much fun to watch …


  4. lyn5 says:

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. DeniseVB says:

    Someone should take his phone away ? WTH, he’s 52, he needs to go sit in a cushy rehab for several months. Interesting he’s wearing the USS Reagan patch on his jacket while bare assing down the beach. Does anyone translate “crazy” ? 😀

    • lyn5 says:

      But Hunter isn’t president!

    • lateblum says:

      Hunter is beyond sick. And his family enables this in order to have as much power and money as they can get. He should be in a locked down rehab and the parental unit should be in prison.

    • taw46 says:

      I don’t think rehab would do any good, he is beyond help. There are some sick videos out there. One with him naked and young girls, maybe 10 or 11 sitting around him, with their feet popped on his body. There is one that is supposed to be of his niece Natalie, in bed with him. And all kind of sicko videos with hookers. And he likes nothing better than walking around naked playing with himself, doing drugs. Yeah, but mean tweets. And by the way, many of these videos were out there before the election, but the dems and the media ignored it, covered it up, told everyone it was Russian disinformation.

  7. lyn5 says:

    Fun thread … Elon is getting spanked.

    • lyn5 says:

      Vince Langman @LangmanVince
      You voted for Barack Obama, Crooked Hillary Clinton, and a senile old man who took showers with his daughter. You are literally the last person on Twitter who should be giving advice on who should be President

  8. taw46 says:

    More nutty people. I believe this one is a law professor.

  9. helenk3 says:

    what we know about hunter and the FBI also knows and nothing is done about it

  10. Anthony says:

    I caught about 25 seconds of the J6C shit show. My God, those lunatics are coming up with some crazy shit. “THE THREAT IS STILL ACTIVE!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡”
    Wtf are they talking about??

  11. 1539days says:

    Happy Taco Tuesday, ya’ll.

  12. elliesmom says:

    I’m looking for a ceiling fan/light combo to hang from the cathedral ceiling in my living room. I decided to check out Prime Day. Why would someone buy a single speed fan with a pull chain for $99 when $109 not on sale gets you a remote controlled one because it’s on the Prime Day sale? Is this just a “get rid of the junk” day?

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

    • elliesmom says:

      If a mother rodent gives birth and she senses there isn’t enough room or food for all of her litter, she will start killing her babies starting with the weakest one and working her way up until she decides her space is “just right”. If you keep making her space smaller. she’ll eventually kill them all. In that sense, I guess abortion is “normal”, but I thought we’d evolved beyond rats.

    • SHV says:

      ““Abortion is normal and an act of love”
      IMO, this person has some serious psych. issues related to her advocating for normalizing induced abortions and is twisting words and reality so she can sleep at night. She is “right” that abortion is normal, just not in the context she is talking about.

      FWIW, ~15-20% of known pregnancies end with mis-carriage (spontaneous abortion) and probably 50-60% of all pregnancies are spontaneously aborted, mostly due to severe genetic defects.

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. elliesmom says:

    I made this for dinner tonight. I was going to make a salad to go with it, but when I got a taste of the sauce, I made a box of Near East Rice Pilaf to have a quick side to absorb all that saucy goodness.. I followed the recipe except I rubbed the Italian seasoning into the chicken breasts, and I used minced garlic and onions instead of the dried powders. I was tired so I left the pecan halves whole. This will have a repeat performance. If I hadn’t changed plans mid-prep, this would have been on my table in less than 30 minutes, and it’s a “restaurant quality” dinner. Goes great with some sauvignon blanc. Ellie and Hank went crazy for the pecans.


    • lyn5 says:

      Looks yummy!

    • Somebody says:

      Sounds yummy, breading things in chopped pecans is a southern thing. Usually pan fried in butter. I used to make a pecan crusted chicken breast that was topped with homemade peach chutney. I haven’t made that in years.

      I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m glad Hank and Ellie enjoyed the pecans, but no chicken for them? Poor puppies, so faithful.

    • lateblum says:

      It looks so good, I copied the link and emailed it to myself! Gotta figure out how to substitute the heavy cream though.

  18. Mothy67 says:

    Running up that hill is apparently the hottest song out there. The original title was A Deal with God. I find it funny that hard core leftists are singing along. Just discovering Kate Bush. It is the pop music version of The Myth of the Sisyphus. Running up that hill is about struggling with faith. Kate Bush is one of my favorites. Kinda like my wife Dolly. No one can deny how spirtual Bush has always been. My Babushka is such a tender ditty. A babushka can be a kerchief but it is also a term of endearment in I think Russian. I consider it one of the world’s most perfect songs. You sing it to a newborn girl. For me it no work for boys. It is impossible to hit Kate’s notes. You look at a baby girl and try to hum along. You are fucked when it comes to loving baby girls. You get to be afraid forever. .
    My closest friend who had three abortions and is wed to an attorney called me the moment Supreme Court said blow me to R v Wade. Why? Her husband has argued cases at the Hague. I am white trash. Why call the faggot with perhaps the most biblical name who raises a kid tossed away. My name is Timothy John Cain. Why call me. Her name is Christina. Of course the gay homo ( are there straight homos) has a bestie with the female version of Christ as a moniker. I cant win. I love her. Always. Why call me??????

  19. helenk3 says:

    40 years ago a monty python scene now it is real life

  20. SHV says:

    Looks really good…The “Harty Splash” of heavy cream, 1 !/2 cups, however, is a bit of a problem. Wife is trying to lose a few lbs. to get to pre-Covid running weight. (I’ll make it when she’s visiting her Mom. :>)

  21. ginainmo says:

    Did anyone besides me follow Helen’s link to the Gateway Pundit story yesterday about a whistleblower handing over a huge trove of documents from the FBI regarding their participation on Jan 6?
    I read all I could, and remember thinking the content was so explosive that I should download it before it disappeared.
    I have been crawling all over the Gateway Pundit site tonight, and haven’t found even a whisper. Has it been memory-holwd/scrubbed from the internet.
    Dammit to hell I wish I had downloaded and screenshoted those files.

  22. ginainmo says:

    I think Spammy are my comment. Help??

  23. lyn5 says:

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