Wednesday, July 13, 2022

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94 Responses to Wednesday, July 13, 2022

  1. swanspirit says:

    What a sweet little garden.❤

  2. DeniseVB says:

    This woman just gets nuttier, of course pro-life organizations want to help you keep your baby, not fool and torture you. Jesus…..

    • swanspirit says:

      That’s right, Pocahontas, shut down clinics that help women give birth. That’s really helping. 😲😠

    • taw46 says:

      There was a time when they pretended that they were not “for” abortion, they just wanted to help the poor women who chose abortion, so they carefully chose their words. Now they don’t care. Really? You want to shutdown all pro-life organizations all over the country that are helping women who want to have their babies? Sick people.

      • Constance says:

        It’s really freeing for Democrats knowing they don’t have to worry about elections anymore because they can just cheat and manipulate themselves into power over the lessor humans.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      I swear these swamp critters are all on drugs that are either for treating cognitive decline or cause cognitive decline/hallucinations. prescription variety so our tax dollars have to pay for them. No limits on refills.

  3. DeniseVB says:

    LOL ….

  4. Miranda says:

    I need something pretty to look at today to take my mind off the 9.1 inflation.

    • lyn5 says:

      Fuck Joe Biden, Pedo Peter, Brain-Dead Biden, China Joe.

    • lyn5 says:

      • lateblum says:

        Isn’t Mayra something? I really like her spunk. I so hope she will be re-elected at the end of this very brief office term.

      • Constance says:

        I wonder what the cost of living adjustment for Social Security will be this year. A lot of my retired friends have stopped going out for even coffee. They only drive to the Dr or the grocery. Most have dropped cable subscriptions. Average Social Security payment for women in Seattle is $1250. a month and $1400 for men. How do you live on that? I think a lot of retired Democrats who have always put their faith in big government are going to either not vote or vote Republican.

        • taw46 says:

          Our electric bill has increased by $100 and we are not doing one thing different than in the past. That seems to be about the average for the increase, $80-100, but some have risen much higher than that. We have a majority of Dems who live in KW, granted most of them are wealthy. But for the ones who live on fixed incomes, I wonder the same. Will they still vote Dems? I am sure of it, they will somehow blame it all on Trump and Republicans.

    • Somebody says:

      9.1 hides the real inflation, dig deeper and you see it is far worse. They measure the cost of iPhones, TV’s and other items you don’t need to exist.

      If you drill down and add up the inflation numbers for food, gasoline and utilities, those items combined are 37% increase year over year. Most of that owed to Biden’s energy policies. FJB indeed.

  5. elliesmom says:

    About reducing or removing the heavy cream in the pecan chicken-

    When you remove the chicken from the skillet, add a bit more butter in the pan if there’s not a couple of tablespoons left. Add a couple of tablespoons of flour to the pan and stir until it has absorbed all of the butter. Then substitute chicken broth or stock for the heavy cream. Let it cook down a bit to thicken it. If it’s calories you’re trying to save, then add a couple of tablespoons of cream or milk to the skillet and stir it in. If it’s a lactose issue, then don’t. Then just follow the rest of the recipe. If you’re substituting real onions and garlic for the powders, they go in pan just before you add the flour.

    Ellie and Hank did get some of the chicken, but it was the pecans they tried to push each other out of the way for.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I’m all about the cream sauce, no subbing for me. 🙂

      • elliesmom says:

        Me, too. When I set about losing weight, my doctor said, “Choose between having less of something that tastes really good, or more of something that tastes OK.” She knew which I’d choose. 😉

    • lateblum says:

      Thanks so much for the “subbing for cream” guidance! I can’t wait to try the recipe.

    • Somebody says:

      They preferred the pecans to the chicken, wow! My Lucy was gaga for pecans, we used to call her the squirrel. The dachshunds I have now like nuts OK, but they’d be all about the chicken in that scenario.

    • Anthony says:

      I made it last night, but had no cream. Glad to know my instinct to make a roux was on target. Instead of chicken broth, I used milk. Excellent recipe, and I bookmarked the site. Thanks!

  6. helenk3 says:

    random thought
    started under backtrack, really blatant under bid-on. what dems have done to this country
    can no longer trust elections
    riots and destruction in cities
    destroy education system
    food shortages
    travel restrictions
    no secure border
    weaken USA, strengthen our enemies

    maybe someone could add more to the list

  7. helenk3 says:

    WTH is this

  8. helenk3 says:

    thanks dems, may you rot in hell

    • Somebody says:

      Well it certainly seems that way to me. If we’re dealing with Revelations then the 4th horseman will be death. The 4 are conquest, war, famine and death.

      However in the old testament in Ezekiel they are sword, famine, wild beasts, pestilence and plague.

      Given what we are experiencing which one is more accurate? Well conquest (lockdowns) maybe, but are we really conquered? War (Ukraine), not buying that regional conflict as a horseman of the apocalypse. Famine? Jury is still out. Death? Well I guess we’ll see how bad the famine and war are.

      Going with Ezekiel, sword? I can buy lockdowns and masks, a lot of restrictions even before covid are swords metaphorically being wielded over us. Famine? Jury is still out. Wild beasts? We might be seeing some of that in our inner cities. Pestilence and plague? I’m not buying covid as an apocalyptic plague.

      She types as a lighting bolt smites her.

  9. helenk3 says:

    timing is everything. NC judge blocks disability law

  10. helenk3 says:

    is there any US government agency now that China is not involved in?

  11. DeniseVB says:

    LOL, Terrence !

    • Somebody says:

      Did I ever tell you guys about the time I accidentally ran over my son’s cat on his birthday? Cat ran behind my car as I was backing out of my driveway. I had no intention of telling my son, but my daughter was in the car and told him before he was buckled up🙄

      It was a half school day and his party was right after school. A lunch party at Chuck E. Cheese. I sobbed and sobbed, so did my son. The Chuck E Cheese employees kept giving us tokens. In fact I still have cups full of Chuck E Cheese tokens from that party. Our friends dubbed me CC (cat crusher) or CC driver a play on CC rider and they made up new lyrics to the song for me. The jackasses got up on the Chuck E Cheese stage and sang it🙄

      I hadn’t thought about that in years, but as I was watching the above video I started humming CC driver. I wondered if perhaps she lives near me🤔

      What the hell is wrong with people? We need to bring back mental asylums. I’m thinking a few million have flown over the cuckoo’s nest. Looped the loop, gone round the bend.

      • votermom says:

        What an awful day that must have been

      • taw46 says:

        I definitely think we need to reopen some asylums. Long term facilities. Because I don’t think these people can be cured. 😜

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        That must have been a horrible experience. 💓

        My parents were so traumatized by having to tell me my first cat was run over that my dad decided the next cat was indoor only and in the 1960s people found that more than a little amusing. Of course my dad explained that the cat was Siamese so of course there were precautions. Turned out we were just ahead of the curve.

  12. votermom says:

  13. votermom says:

    Saw this posted somewhere

    All charges have reportedly been dropped against Paul Pelosi for his DUI crash.

    Gavin Newsom reportedly intervened at the request of Nancy Pelosi and directly ordered the California Highway Patrol to drop all charges.

    • Somebody says:

      Two tiered justice system rocks on😡 As it was, somehow he was only charged with a misdemeanor, but apparently that level of accountability is too much for the elite.

  14. lateblum says:

  15. lateblum says:

    • The Batshit Left is so consumed with winning at all costs/narratives über alles that they never stop and ask themselves “What will non-deranged people think?”

    • lyn5 says:

  16. DandyTIger says:

    Richmond, VA’s own:

  17. lyn5 says:

    We know someone who is happy.

  18. lyn5 says:

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