Thursday, July 14, 2022

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88 Responses to Thursday, July 14, 2022

  1. taw46 says:

    Very pretty flowers, and I do like that pitcher/vase.

  2. taw46 says:

    Twitter is down.

  3. lateblum says:

    Just a reminder of #BidensAmerica . . .

  4. taw46 says:

    The article is behind a paywall, but he has a long thread here showing how she has now changed all of her positions about Trump. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it happened as she began to appear regularly on left-wing media.

    • lyn5 says:

      All I can say is that anyone Never Trumpers support is tainted, and I’m not voting for him or her. I’m only voting for America First candidates.

  5. votermom says:

    Thank you for the beautiful flowers, Denise!

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

    😀 The asshole dumped nude Melania photos in a thread.

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lateblum says:

  11. helenk3 says:

    Happy Bastille Day

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      From the article:

      “Political consultant Dick Morris, who was a political adviser to then-President Bill Clinton’s team, believes he knows the answer to whether or not former Trump will campaign for the presidency again in 2024.
      “Will he run in 2024? You bet he will. Will he be the GOP nominee? Absolutely. Will he win the election? Yes,” he said in his quick reading strategy book obtained by The Washington Examiner.
      “Our candidate in 2024 will be, and must be, Donald J. Trump. Accept no substitutes. Only he can put together the coalition that generated 74 million votes in 2020. And we don’t want a bleached-out, kinder, nicer, gentler Donald Trump, either! We want and need the same Donald Trump who won in 2016, increased his vote share in 2020 by eleven million votes, and in between, was one of our truly great presidents,” he said.’

  14. ginainmo says:

    Ivana Trump’s children are posting beautiful photo tributes to their mother on Instagram.

    Eric Trump:

    Ivanka Trump:

  15. taw46 says:

  16. DandyTIger says:

    Waiting for the J6 committee to call back Ivana’s kids just to be nasty.

    • Somebody says:

      I read somewhere they are scheduled for depositions tomorrow in NY. Could be BS, it was a leftist hate rant basically implying they offed Ivana to delay their depositions.

      If in fact they do have depositions in the next week or so time frame, I hope the DA has some measure of dignity. Somehow I doubt it.

  17. lyn5 says:

    Rep. Lauren Boebert’s gun-themed restaurant in downtown Rifle, Colorado, was a key element in her 2020 congressional campaign.
    However, it appears that Shooter’s Grill is no more — at least for now.
    According to Colorado’s Post Independent, Boebert indicated that the building’s new landlord is refusing to renew the restaurant’s lease.

    • Somebody says:

      She has a book that just came out, it’s an autobiography. Steve Bannon interviewed her the other day, he interviews a lot of authors. He makes it his policy to read every book before he has the author on, says it’s just common courtesy. Generally he only gets excited about historical books, especially military history.

      He was downright effusive about her book. He said normally with autobiographies he sort of speed reads through the early years and concentrates and focuses on the later chapters like when the person entered politics. The back and forth of campaign or policy decisions, those are the things that interest him.

      He said he read and re-read her early life that it was fascinating. He asked her if the stuff in the book was true, then went on to recount some of the stuff. Like her mother taking Lauren at 4 years old, along with her mother’s pregnant friend on a bus trip from Orlando, FL to Colorado chasing after a man. The pregnant friend kept having to get off the bus because she was sick and they’d be stuck waiting for the next bus.

      The trip kept stretching out longer and longer. Finally her mother leaves her in Texas I think it was to look after the pregnant friend because she’s got to get to the guy and strike while the iron is hot.

      She grew up poor, her mom had her young and continually made poor life choices. All of it served to make her stronger and strive to rise above it, with some hiccups along the way.

      Hopefully her book will do well enough she can buy a place and not be beholden to the whims of a landlord or maybe she’s ready to move on. Either way I got the impression she’ll survive.

      • SHV says:

        “. All of it served to make her stronger and strive to rise above it, with some hiccups along the way.”
        I wonder what percentage of people who grew up in similar circumstances have negative outcomes in their lives vs the Lauren Boebert outcome. I suspect the former is much larger.

    • DeniseVB says:

      This is why good people don’t run for office 😦

    • John Denney says:

      I stopped for lunch at Shooters Grill in Rifle last February while on a road trip, & really enjoyed it.
      The hostess who seated me had a pistol on her hip, but my waitress didn’t.
      Had an open face 1/3 pound burger smothered in green chile sauce, with french fries & black coffee. All 3 were very good.
      Service was polite; I imagine they’re wary of strangers.
      The walls were covered with Americana & 2nd Amendment statements.

      There was merch for sale, & I kinda regret not getting the black t-shirt with white lettering that read: Guns don’t kill people. Alec Baldwin does.

    • 1539days says:

      The new building owners are potheads or something.

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. helenk3 says:

    this looked interesting

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