Weekend of July16-17, 2022

It’s still #UltraMAGAMonth July. Keep Celebrating !! Covfefe !
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153 Responses to Weekend of July16-17, 2022

  1. DeniseVB says:

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Why isn’t this being stopped ? Where’s the GOP, they should be storming the Capitol themselves.

    • Miranda says:

      The mainstream GOP wants it to happen too. They hate Trump and Trump supporters.

    • taw46 says:

      I remain disgusted with the GOP. Oh there are some that constantly speak out, but they can’t do it all by themselves. If the GOP would be out in public, speaking out everyday, the media would have to cover it, at least some of it. By not saying anything, they allow and condone this.

    • Somebody says:

      The treatment of the J6 defendants engages me. I have no problem with the arrest of people that broke windows and such, those people should be charged and punished.

      The thing is those are not the people charged. No they arrest granny that walked through an open door. Hundreds of people have languished in pre-trial detention, many without any charges STILL a year and a half later. They are held is solitary confinement and have been for a year and a half. They are denied medical care, meeting with counsel if they even have counsel. The court appointed attorneys are worthless or working for the prosecution.

      These people are political prisoners plain and simple. In what world is it OK to hold someone on misdemeanor charges in solitary confinement for a year and a half? In what world is it acceptable to send the swat team to arrest someone on misdemeanor charges? In the 3rd world that SOP and that’s what our justice system has become.

      As far as I’m concerned we are no longer a free nation as long as we allow this. Where are all the big civil rights attorneys? They only care if your politics aligns. I would be just as upset if left wingers were treated this was because I’m an American.

      As far as I know only one window breaker has been arrested. A PA woman that is magically on house arrest. Most are charged with parading, unlawfully being in a secure area (the barriers were removed before most got there), the capitol police opened the doors and let many inside, how in the hell were they to know? Many are charged with the felony of disrupting an official proceeding, which is a twisted interpretation of a law passed after Enron and had to do with documents. Even at that. the official proceeding ended before many ever set foot on the grounds, yet they’re charged with disrupting something that had adjourned.

      They’re trying to weave a grand conspiracy for some after the FBI concluded there was no conspiracy. The judges are anything but fair, the jury pools are biased as hell. It’s a complete travesty of justice and it makes my blood boil.

      There are precious few “honorable” members of congress that even give these political prisoners lip service. Cowards and co-conspirators all. I wouldn’t piss on a one of them if they were on fire. The J6 defendants deserve proper legal counsel, as well as a fair and speedy trial. I hope one day they sue the shit out of the government and bankrupt the country. As long as this is allowed to continue we really don’t have the country we thought we had anyway. Speak up, piss off the wrong people, take the wrong side and you too will be disappeared into hell hole in solitary. Welcome to Cuba.

      • Somebody says:

        ENRAGES me not engages me screw you autocorrect

      • swanspirit says:

        I couldn’t agree more. It’s horrible. And I knew you meant enrages.
        I think there is some third world level of intimidation going on with the lack of defense of these political prisoners. As in, you defend them, we go after you too!

      • taw46 says:

        Yes, somebody, all of this. I stayed off of social media for awhile because this upset me so much. It still does, but I am also furious that our elected officials are allowing this to happen. And I, too, would be just as mad if it were happening to democrats. This is not America and I will never understand people who are ok with this. I hoped for a long time, that big name attorneys would step up and take these cases. The fact that never happened tells us all we need to know.

      • lateblum says:

        Somebody, your rage is righteous and covers everything I’ve been thinking since the arrests began.
        One of the local news stations periodically “reminds” us to notify the FBI if we know anyone who *attended the gathering. For merely *attending the demonstration.
        OMG my head explodes when I hear it. If I did know anyone who was there, I wouldn’t tell a soul.
        We so resemble a dictatorship. I’d never have believed this would happen here. I think the madness started at the Paul Wellstone funeral.
        Thanks for putting your thoughts into words.

      • votermom says:

        It is enraging and horrific.

      • Locked-N-Loaded says:

        Yes, it is enraging, because it is intentional, planned and pure evil!!

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      They are letting criminals cross the border every day and congratulating themselves with woke points. NYC among others are not even bothering with many serious crimes because it might offend the perpetrator or the perpetrators self identified clan or some random whining college student/perpetual child faculty member(it’s getting harder to tell the difference). But let someone express an opinion or state a fact they don’t like and it’s off Attica.

  3. DeniseVB says:

  4. helenk3 says:

    what a difference a party makes

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      “Green” energy means those pushing it are getting huge kickbacks 💵 in green backs. Not that it is good for the environment. From mining the raw materials to manufacturing and installation it literally make people sick. They have brainwashed a lot of people to worship false gods of progressive snake oil.

  5. helenk3 says:


    a billion here, a billion there what the hell it is only the taxpayer’s money

  6. Mothy67 says:

    Anyone wonder if Musk is being crafty and faking a public spat with Trump because he is going to court with twitter and being aligned with Donald in many courts is not a good thing?

  7. lyn5 says:

    Well, the shit hit the fan with my sister. That’s OK. I responded that everything she feels or tells others about me reflects on her. I’m just a quiet person who doesn’t like to be bullied. Here’s something funny from her email:

    “I tell all my friends that my sister is difficult. Sometimes she talks, but most of the time she is drinking coffee, taking care of her cats, and other things. … I have been suffering from you for a number of years. I am just telling the truth.”

    It’s her truth. LOL. Right now, she called in response to my email, and I let the answering machine take it. I unplugged the phone when she started screaming. I also told her in my last email that I would be deleting her emails without reading them. Well, I’m moving them to her folder without reading them.

    She is sending a lot of emails. I think I’ll tell her that since she is dating a celebrity, I plan to sell all her emails to the National Enquirer.

    • votermom says:

      I think I’ll tell her that since she is dating a celebrity, I plan to sell all her emails to the National Enquirer.


      Hah! And her phone message!
      Seriously, hugs to you.

    • SHV says:

      “but most of the time she is drinking coffee, taking care of her cats, ”
      What’s odd about that???

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      well Bezo’s girlfriend’s brother leaked photos to out them as a couple (allegedly at sister’s request- a woman who appears to be just a slighly more polished version of Sparkles) so you can always claim it was “to help things along”.

      Of course not everyone is as socially dumb as Bezo’s or overall dumb like Harry and said celebrity might just take off faster than a speeding bullet.

    • Somebody says:

      Lyn I’m so sorry, I understand sister issues, I have TWO sisters🤪 As you know I’ve tussled back and forth with my CA sister, she tells people horrible things about me that are not even close to true. Like giving people the impression I’m on welfare or live in a trailer. Neither is true I live in a golf course community, but it makes her feel superior. For some reason she’s always been jealous and I detect that in your sister.

      Sometimes it is best to rid ourselves of toxic people and Lord knows I’ve been on the precipice with my sister several times. We’ve had long periods where we didn’t speak. She’d come to town and avoid me or I’d avoid her.

      However, when I was going through cancer treatment only my husband rivaled her love and devotion. It was unbelievable, her kindness and caring. Even now as I’m typing this I’m tearing up thinking about it, it meant the world to me and let me know deep down she does love me. Every week she sent me something, flowers, a gift pack of spa stuff, candy, a book, what have you. She called me at least twice a week. Sent me encouraging texts on chemo days. She didn’t say a cross word to me until a couple days before the end of treatment, I figured she had reached her nice limit🤣

      A cooling off period is definitely a good thing, but think long and hard before you burn bridges. If she was diagnosed next week with cancer how would you feel? If you were diagnosed would you want to see her or talk to her?

      You’re the only one that knows the whole situation.

      PS The national enquirer idea is hilarious

      • lyn5 says:

        ❤ Thank you for sharing your thoughtful perspective, Somebody. A cooling off period sounds good to me. I think she got that hint. 😀

        • Anthony says:

          Speaking as someone who has survived a similar sister, I’m sorry you’re going through this. In the end, I kept myself available if she ever would have decided to make amends, but I never initiated contact.

          • lyn5 says:

            ❤ I think that's what I'm going to do, Anthony. I forget to share this zinger from her:

            "I have never been impressed with you as we are talking. You think you are the master of information.. That always offended me!"

            That is pure projection on her part. When I have suggested things that ended up being the right way for her problems, she responded, "I'm smart. I can read. I'm an information seeker."

            I won' burn the bridge, but I'll have a pack of matches ready.

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

    • swanspirit says:

      And last I heard, Haiti was not known for it’s sanitation, healthcare, or meticulously clean environment.

    • Jentx says:

      Not weird not weird at all you just have to follow the science. In the beginning before this man-made virus morphed down it killed a few people. However the virus a living thing as it migrated through human beings actually became less deadly we were very lucky. What killed most people was the treatment Specifically every single fucking thing the doctors and the pharmaceutical companies told us to do killed us. My doctor within minutes of the two week lock down in Texas said this is the flu. He said you need to lose some weight bump up your a A c d and e vitamins Add a couple other to your daily regimen And you’ll be fine unless you’re very unlucky. Staying in, not moving, eating a lot more, drinking a lot more, and stress killed a lot of people. The rest of them were killed by the treatment by doctors and nurses Specifically not using Hydrocloxorine or ivermectin And waiting until people get so sick that they could not breathe putting them on ventilators and treating them with Remdisvir. Then two governors one in New York and one in Virginia Killed 80% of the people who died in the United States of America who mostly were very old with multiple comorbidities by putting them back in the nursing homes instead of hospitals for the kickbacks. The rest the people died because the hospitals conspired with the government And got extra money so you basically paid to get tortured and killed and if you think I’m making this up you need to go and read. The nursing shortage is only gonna get worse every good nurse is gone and lots of them are suing in Houston there’s a big lawsuit against Methodist and Texas children’s Hospital because the nurses were forced to kill people and they’re sick of it. If you got the vaccine you’re in big trouble most people dying right now are dying from being injected with shit. I told you I warned you I don’t feel sorry for anyone who got it. You should read the accounts there a terrible 20-year-olds having to have body parts amputated and still dying. And it’s only gonna get worse and the reason most people who are getting it again were vaccinated is because all the vaccination did was speed up the vAriants making them more frantic less deadly but it won’t matter because if you got the vaccine which it’s a ridiculous misnomer to call it that but if you got the job you’re so at risk for just anything anything could take you down. My doctor said the deaths that’s going to come from what they did will make any other human disaster pale in comparison. Based on what I’m reading about the death rates and the increase in cancer heart attacks and other horrible diseases and we’re not talking about a 5% increase we’re talking about a 500% increase since the job started makes me think he’s again 1,000,000% right. If you got the Jab pray. If you didn’t stay the fuck away from it. Life insurance companies are not paying if you die and you got the job because it’s an experimental drug. Moving forward it will be very hard for people to get life insurance if they got the jab And if you don’t believe me Google read. Anyway the shit that’s coming is going to make the shit that’s already here looks like nothing. I can’t believe it but it’s all true but I knew it I just still can’t believe it. There’s about 30 really good Twitter accounts from nurses and doctors most of whom do not practice anymore some of whom are litigating and they quote whole bunch of them refer to a whole bunch of other doctors and nurses. It’s really unbelievable and as far as monkeypox goes it’s a disease you get from ass fucking a lot man on man 99% of the cases are in San Francisco and it’s not deadly but it’s gross. If people actually don’t read and go out and get another vaccine or job for this great it just means stupider people are gonna die quicker.

  10. taw46 says:

    Does anyone watch Gutfeld? I thought his monologue last night on Hunter Biden was so funny. The video is here.

  11. lyn5 says:

  12. taw46 says:

  13. taw46 says:

    I tried to post a tweet from Scott Adams and Spammy ate it. Let’s try a different tweet.

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. Mothy67 says:

    I’ve been following the monkeypox outbreaks. As much as I despise biden I think it is absurd that politicians are faulting him for the response. I saw it coming back in early May. The individuals like fauci who run the various health agencies should have handled that not the president for what has become an STD amongs men and 5% of “others”. The keebler elf ran the AIDS response. He had to have been aware of the coming trajectory. The health departments in states with cities that have large gay populations should have anticipated it. Come on man. First big pride month since the pandemic and the events surrounding it were yuuuge. The grindr kids are allwarnings now. anyone with a functioning brain cell could deduce that there was going to be a lot of anoymous hookups in June. From what I understand it’s extremely rare that death is an outcome.
    Interesting as the WHO seeks more power another disease comes along effecting the globe. No one in NY, LA, Philly, San Fran saw the writing on the wall? Somebody went to Africa then to a rave in Madrid and it spread to a hundred different countries? Last night lot’s of thunder and lightening so the very bad girls deprived me of sleep. I am a little loopy from exhaustion and thus wondered if this could be intentional. The WHO is convening another meeting to state the obvious. If they controlled the world’s health they could absorb more and more power. Sounds tinfoil but how easy would it be to spread pox during Pride? It is, I have read, painful but not lethal. They didn’t want to cause homophobia by saying it’s sexually transmitted? So instead they issued only mild warnings? More mainstream news is being paid to this than fentanyl which resulted in at least 80,000 deaths.
    I find it impossible to believe that San Fran and NY didn’t think to procure vaccines as soon as it became obvious how it was being spread.
    Wouldn’t it be a hoot if someone like Trudeau or Lindsay Graham or a celebrity got it. Awful thought. I wish illness on almost nobody.

    • lyn5 says:

      If a celebrity contracts it, we wouldn’t hear about it. Is the FJB regime doing PSAs?

    • Anthony says:

      It’s a scam for another lockdown before the mid terms. Mail in ballots only “for your safety. And for the children.”

    • elliesmom says:

      This one is easy. Make everyone use hand sanitizer before they’re handed a ballot. Mail-in ballots are actually riskier. Who knows where those ballots have been?

      • Anthony says:

        Yah, but then our election results would be accurate… what kind of country would we be if we allowed that to happen?? 🙄

    • elliesmom says:

      From what I’ve heard and read, the smallpox vaccine we old folks took as kids will work against monkey pox. It’s a single dose, the side effects are well-known, and using it doesn’t require additional approval. The federal government has it stockpiled as part of our defense against biological weapons. There’s only one reason for using a new vaccine, and that’s because there is no money to be made using the traditional one. There is a way to stop the epidemic in its tracks without a vaccine, though. That’s for gay and sort of gay men to take a short break from having sex. They don’t need to lockdown or take an experimental vaccine. Just zip it up for a few weeks. It matters not to the rest of us health-wise. Grandma is safe because she’s already vaccinated, and there’s no risk to kids unless they’re being raped by members of the gay community. In which case, monkey pox isn’t the bigger problem.

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. lateblum says:

  20. lateblum says:

    I’m watching the British Open. This has to be the ugliest course I’ve ever seen. Really as bad as the ski jumps at the Beijing Olympics. Thank goodness the golfers are good!

  21. taw46 says:

    The puppies are adorable.

  22. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • DandyTIger says:

      I agree. They will do this. It will stop Trump from running or at least winning. Doesn’t matter that they would lose in the long run. The only point will be to stop Trump in ’24. They have to do this or they will be destroyed. So they will.

  23. Somebody says:

    Musings from my corner of the world. I live in what was once a rural area, but is now considered an exurb of Jacksonville, FL. It’s growing, but still small enough you notice things especially newcomers. Back during Obama for a short time we became a dumping ground for “Syrian refugees”, code for any middle easterner or near middle easterner that claimed asylum from Syria. Out of the blue they showed up, we’d see them walking about, at stores and what not. Then poof they were gone.

    We’ve been out and about this week. We’re in a grandkid rotation having each one for 3 nights. We’ve been taking them back to school shopping. We’ve noticed a lot of people that appear to have just arrived from the southern border. None of them speak a word of English.

    A large group cut in front of everyone at a store this morning. They were buying clothes, shoes, purses and what not. They all had the exact same cards they used to pay for their items. They came out and got into what looked like new puck up trucks. All Ford, all with extended cabs. Those trucks are not cheap, who paid for them? Who is paying for their shopping trips? Is the money coming directly from the government or is it laundered through NGO’s?

    I doubt they’ll stick around any longer than the others did, small town living doesn’t suit everyone. It just annoyed me, their rudeness just cutting line. There was no talking to them if they understand English they faked not knowing it really well. It annoyed me to think about the families that live here that can’t afford a new truck because prices have skyrocketed and supplies are short. Families that would love to buy new clothes for their kids, but will shop at Goodwill so they can put food on the table.

    It made me wonder if this influx isn’t to blame for our supply issues or at least exacerbating them.

    I’m curious if anyone else is seeing similar hoards showing up in their area. From what I hear the Biden administration is sending about 70% to Florida so maybe that’s why it’s on my doorstep and so noticeable.

    • swanspirit says:

      If they are showing up here, they aren’t working, because every business small to large, is screaming for employees. Also, it’s difficult to sort out new residents from the tourists, this time of year. But come September, it will be easy to tell.

  24. DeniseVB says:

    Maybe I can get hubby to take me to this movie if I tell him they made a feature film about his favorite Swamp People ? LOL … this does look good….

    • Somebody says:

      That’s one of the books I suggested to EM for her book/movie, reading/watching because I knew the movie was coming out this summer.

    • SHV says:

      Another “Chick Flick” is Top Gun Maverick. My wife has seen it in the theater six times; twice with me and four times with other women, including her 82 y/o mother who also loved the movie. She also just got her Top Gun Maverick T-Shirt in the mail yesterday!!

    • lateblum says:

      The movie critic here gave it a B+. So it’s probably more like an A. He goes for the Dell comic or Marvel comic movies.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Thought of TCH and especially you and TAW this morning when I saw a screen cap that our brethren the singing crawdads are back at #2 on the book list in UK. Behind the soon to be released book on The Sparkles by Tom Bower (being serialized in the Times no less ) so far the excerpts show he is not being nearly as nice as Tina and her lot of flashy jounalistas but then he is a barrister known for pulling no punches, excellent research and prose in a very very dry British style so you need to pay attention to the wording.

      • taw46 says:

        I’ve been reading about his book and am tempted to buy it. Lol.

        • DeniseVB says:

          Lots of exerpts being published through the tabloids, usually the best stuff. I bought Tina’s book, not this juicy, should have waited for Bower’s. Although, common denominator seems to be NOBODY likes Sparkles 😀

    • 1539days says:

      I heard they were questioning the author about a murder from years ago.

  25. lyn5 says:

    excellent thread

  26. DandyTIger says:

  27. lateblum says:

    I guess Birx has a book out. Among the several tweets that have critiqued the book, they all have said it is an indictment of her crimes against first, America and the murder the global community.
    In the following tweet, he shows an excerpt in her book that shows just how much she was aware that she was misleading us into hell . . .

  28. Mothy67 says:

    Has anyone watched Maid. It’s a mini series based on a true story : Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive by Stephanie Land. I assume quite it is very loosely based on the book.. Young girl with a scholarship about to start college, gets pregnant, does not attend college. Moves into a trailer home with the verbally abusive and controlling baby daddy. Works as a maid. As is always the case in such adaptations liberties were taken.i did think a lot about how states that pass stringent abortion laws are going to need to step up their game with helping young mothers.
    It stars Andie McDowell with her real life daughter, Margaret Qualley.
    It made me think about a few things like daycare.

    • elliesmom says:

      There are already 3 pregnancy centers in the US for every abortion clinic. There are thousands of adoption services. A lot of large high schools have daycare centers on site. Any college or university with an early education degree program has an onsite daycare center that’s used for training teachers. Student moms usually get priority. Being a mom might mean a woman makes different choices about where to go to college, but it doesn’t stop a woman from going. Since Roe the right-to-lifers have been putting their money, time, and energy with their mouths are. It just doesn’t fit the narrative the pro-abortion folks want out there. We can always do more, but there’s already a lot out there.

      • Mothy67 says:

        The book was on obama’s summer reading list and was praised by Vox, Huff Post and others. I didn’t know that until I read the Wikipedia entry for the author. She grew up comfortably and resented being a house cleaner. I took it all with a grain of salt. She attended Mizzou as an out of state resident which is today around 42,000 with housing and fees. Definitely cheaper options. I wasn’t floored by it. It did give me a few things to think about. To it’s credit the series didn’t paint anyone as evil.
        One thing was she appeared to live in a island town. I know here it would be extremely difficult to take a toddler to daycare by bus and then another to work. Dims push for public transportation all the time. It is not a viable option for people outside of cities and she could not afford an electric car while trying to get out of a shelter. Dims never think about how their actions effect only that they feel virtuous or make a buck.

  29. DeniseVB says:

    Remember when we said “What possibly could go wrong?” Well, it did x2 !

  30. lyn5 says:

  31. lyn5 says:

  32. lyn5 says:

  33. lyn5 says:

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. lyn5 says:

    thread …

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