Monday, July 18,2022

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69 Responses to Monday, July 18,2022

  1. swanspirit says:

    Another lovely bouquet! Fresh from the garden. Makes me want to stick my face in it! Thank you, Denise!❤

    • DeniseVB says:

      Yep, when I saw it first thing I knew I needed, a bucket full of flowers 😀

      • lateblum says:

        The first thing I said to myself when I saw this bucket of blooms was “oh, how sweet! The flowers keep getting more and more beautiful!”
        Thanks Denise❣️

    • elliesmom says:

      My hydrangeas have finally decided on being a very deep periwinkle blue. Part of me wants to cut some and bring them in the house, but I know they’ll be beautiful outside longer.

      • taw46 says:

        One of my favorite flowers.

      • swanspirit says:

        Mine are blue, too. The soil here is too acidic to hope for pink, unless I plant them in containers. And that would have to be a huge container.

        • Somebody says:

          I have a huge container with a hydrangea in it. First being in a container stunts it’s growth, but even still it’s a fairly large bush because I’ve had it awhile. It’s from a cutting of my mother’s hydrangea and hers a cutting from her mother’s.

          So riddle me this batman. The past 2 years that particular hydrangea is half blue and half pink, as in one side blooms blue, the other pink and the blooms in the middle are straight up mottled. 🤔 I presume acid rain?? But I don’t see where one side of the planter gets more running off from the roof than the other.

          I planted it in a container with potting soil so that it would bloom pink. Hydrangea in my yard are blue.

          I’ve just been amused and somewhat fascinated by my bi-polar hydrangea.

    • lyn5 says:

      Lovely bouquet! ❤

  2. elliesmom says:

    I need a rainy day. Thunderstorms are possible later, but not probable according to the weather report.

    • Somebody says:

      If I could send some your way I would. We’ve been inundated. Afternoon thunderstorms are the norm here, but we’ve had all day rain or morning showers, followed by afternoon thunderstorms. All sorts of advisories for flooding of rivers, creeks, low lying areas and some roads.

      I haven’t checked to see if they’ve lifted drought status for us yet, but I doubt it. We’ve been in perpetual “drought” for decades. Drought staus allows for water restrictions🙄 You can’t water your lawn or wash your car except on certain days depending on if you have an odd or even address. We don’t have CA type restrictions where your showers are limited, but the limits we do have annoy me. I can’t water my yard, but the golf courses run sprinklers day and night🙄

      The only times We’ve had our drought status lifted has been when we’ve had major flooding with boats in the streets🙄 As soon as the flood waters recede, back to drought status🙄 It’s all about control🙄

      • elliesmom says:

        I don’t need the rain because it’s been dry. I need a day off. The kids were here for a long weekend. It wasn’t planned. They just asked if they could come. I usually get stuff before they come so I can take a couple of days off after they leave. Like mowing the lawn stuff. It’s raining just enough I can’t work outside, but Ellie still got her swim. 🙂

      • 1539days says:

        Does Florida have car washes? How do they work with water restrictions?

  3. helenk3 says:

    really interesting contacts. guess it is not just the clintons who have a controlling interest in the FBI

  4. Mothy67 says:

    Question about the guy shooting into the womsn’s soatment – did hid parents know he had guns? They are out protesting and claiming he had mental health issues.

  5. taw46 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

    • DandyTIger says:

      Good one. Their insane obsession has nearly destroyed the party. Well, that along with the woke crap. Not sure which is worse. But that only means their even more crazy and desperate. And there’s nothing more dangerous than that.

    • lyn5 says:

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        I read this first as endless prostitution. 🙃
        Oddly enough Sort of fits with in the context.

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. votermom says:

    ANTIFA summer camp for 10-year-olds being held in Portland

  10. Mothy67 says:

    Anyone tried Black Rifle Coffee? Watched the founder on Tucker and considering ordering.

    • lyn5 says:

      On Saturday morning (July 16, 2022) the American Sun-Times reported Peter Frampton and girlfriend, to be shopping for engagement rings.The couple was seen closely eyeing some pricey bling in a couple of major jewelry stores — especially major diamond baubles that could only be described as the kind usually slipped on a woman’s left-hand ring finger.

      UPDATE 18/07/2022 : This story seems to be false. (read more)

      According to some insiders, they’ll soon be engaged.

      The newspaper also added that people who claim to be close to the couple are “convinced” an engagement is inevitable. “He’s madly in love with her,” says a source. It is believed the relationship is “heating up”.

      Rumor Explodes on Twitter

      Naturally, the Sun-Times’ article sent Facebook and Twitter into a frenzy. Fans were simultaneously mourning and celebrating the news. “So many people would flip but if the couple at some point announced they were engaged I’d be happy,” tweeted one fan. “They’re so cute!”. Many other fans were crushed because they hoped to marry him…

      On Sunday, Peter Frampton’s rep said “no comment” when asked whether the 72-year-old singer was tying the knot.

      • lyn5 says:

        I’ve been trying to find a photo to see if it’s my sister.

      • Somebody says:

        There was a report on the 17th of July he and this girlfriend secretly tied the knot in the company of close friends.

        Everything I’ve read is that Peter Frampton lives in Nashville, TN. He’s been dating an interior designer by the name of Robin Rains. There are tons of red carpet photos of the two of them. The latest photos I saw of them were from last year, but they’ve apparently been an item for years. I stumbled across a Twitter post claiming Frampton is off the market because he finally tied the knot with Robin Rains.

        I think your sister might be dating someone named Peter and perhaps his last name is Frampton, but I don’t think she’s dating the musician Peter Frampton.

  11. taw46 says:

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. votermom says:


  14. Mothy67 says:

    I love, love, love Eva Vlaardingerbroek.

  15. helenk3 says:

    this should be fun to watch

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