Wednesday, July 20, 2022

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95 Responses to Wednesday, July 20, 2022

  1. swanspirit says:

    My basket runneth over!.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    LOL, they didn’t even get the courtesy zip tie handcuffs …

  3. taw46 says:

    Greg mocked Prince Harry last night.

    • Anthony says:

      Harry forgets we fought a war to stop the UK from telling us what they thought we should do đŸ€Ł

      • Mothy67 says:

        It is hilarious that as much as media tries harry and me-again are not a thing. Nobody cares. Reminds me of a scene from Mean Girls. One child wants to make fetch a thing even Regina George chatacter said stop. Fetch is not a thing.. Sad that talented Tina Fey realized too late that her attacks on Palin only paid/played well in an echo chamber. She has done little since “I can see Russia from my porch.” She was the hottest comedic writer 15 years ago. Flop after flop since then.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Not a good way to win hearts and minds in our cute little fickle country. We already hate his wife so there’s no mumsie and popsie here to save his butt.

        Can’t you imagine if Jadzia spoke to the UN trashing France ? LOL !

  4. lyn5 says:

    Double barf.

    • DeniseVB says:

      No way. This is the Duopoly’s Dream Team.

      • lyn5 says:

        Agreed. MAGA hates these two traitors.

      • lyn5 says:

        A 2024 ticket of former Vice President Mike Pence and Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney might just be the thing that saves the Republican Party and our republic. Since Donald Trump’s descent on the golden escalator in 2015, there have been far too many missed offramps for Republican officials who did not want Trump to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2016. Next year might just be the last one of those offramps. A Pence-Cheney ticket would restore trust in America’s democratic institutions and begin the strengthening of the political party structure within the GOP.

        Debating whether Trump’s popularity is waning within the party’s voter base is futile. Trump’s approval is not decreasing in any meaningful way and, for the purposes of this argument, it doesn’t really matter. This is about party elites finally taking back control of their party from their radical constituents. Will they do it? Probably not because they’re too afraid, but here’s an assertion for how and why they should.

        • lyn5 says:

          America First is radical?!

        • elliesmom says:

          If I were a Republican, I’m not sure I’d look to a newspaper from Seattle for political advice.

          • lyn5 says:

            The writer is a columnist with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. She is anti-America First. Her last graf: “Given the alternative of either Trump or Ron DeSantis versus Pence, there’s no contest in my view. Pence might not be a first choice, but he is a safe choice for our democracy.”

        • helenk3 says:

          no way in hell could I vote that ticket. I could not ever vote dem again. I would have to look at who runs as an independent or not vote at all

      • swanspirit says:

        What makes me sad, and mad, is that President Trump had this viper in his bosom the entire time he was running for, and in office.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Lizzie has had more face work. Pelosi must have given her the name of her plastic guys.

      Mike has aged ten years in two and that hairline in making a fast retreat.

      Maybe Mike should get the name of Mr Sparkles plug guy if he is not to busy trying to learn the latest rewrites of his one and only speech: Meagain ate my soul I mean MM is my soulmate, Mommy died you know, Dad cut my allowance off, your constitution is bonkers, green stuff I have no clue, spreading misinformation is bad especially if it is substantiated (no clue what that means) facts about my wife and I, wife has her level 10 power bronzer on so I must suppose to include race today, did I mention I proposed in Africa – well it was really my brother who proposed to that Catherine but its a nice story and wife likes to use other peoples lives and claim them for herself, where was I – oh i need security with access to top secret information to sell I mean to protect my loving wife who dresses just like SIL sometimes when she is not cosplaying my mummy, this whole state’s thing confuses me and there are different rules and taxes and such – see here I am a prince I outrank everyone so if I say rights have been taken away that applies to everyone forget those state rights that make no sense – sorry lost my place, I hate this country but I ticked off everyone in the UK so we can’t move back there and Canada tossed out us and Australia and now new Zealand have told us they are booked full, Fiji and Morocco have listed us as potential terrorists along with several other countries and most of Africa . .

  5. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      Thank heaven. They should sue Biden for his mandates and proclamations and then the CO governor for putting her life at risk. And then anyone else (Birx?) they can think of.

    • elliesmom says:

      After being immersed in Italian culture for a couple of days, today’s lunch was tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, basil from my backyard, and prosciutto on crusty Italian bread drizzled with a little olive oil. The main character in “The Sicilian” is a Robin Hood style bandit living in the ruins and the caves surrounding Palermo. He and his men ate very well, and the descriptions of the food made me hungry. The people he kidnapped and held for ransom were reluctant to leave. A vampire was one of the main characters in the last book I read, and he lived on blood, nuts, berries, and wine. Lots of wine. Fortunately, he didn’t inspire me in the kitchen, 🙂

  6. helenk3 says:

    another government agency infected by the left

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. helenk3 says:

    • DandyTIger says:

      We could pay them to take her. 🙂

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Offer to throw in Barry & Moo & VJ and all those iPods he ordered with all his speeches that are still in boxes . They can delete everything and put back in the boxes and them sell them as collectibles on eBay in a few years. 💰

      • lateblum says:

        There isn’t enough 💰.

  9. helenk3 says:

    no words for this one, but you know the MSM will never make it public

  10. elliesmom says:

    There was a lot of postwar Italian politics in “The Sicilian”. The Communists and the Socialists vs the Christian Democrats. The Catholic Church and “the friends of friends”, The civilian government and the military power. Sicily and mainland Italy. The old against the young. The aristocracy and the peasants. Disagreements were more often solved at the point of a gun than at the ballot box. Every institution was corrupt. No one could trust anyone. Not even the confessional was sacrosanct. I won’t spoil the book, but when I got to the last page, my thought was, “We’re almost there in the here and now.”

  11. lyn5 says:

    • Anthony says:

      He’s full of shit. Thousands have been arriving daily since Brandon vetoed the construction of the wall. I’ve seen them in Penn Station and Port Authority since day one of Brandon’s admin and even before that with DiBlasio.

      What’s really happening is NYers are fed up with the crime and the filth, and he doesn’t want to assume any accountability. Fuck him.

  12. helenk3 says:

    this twit is still around

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. helenk3 says:

  17. Mothy67 says:

    My mom’s furniture looked like ass. Sin dipped in misery. Death dipped in despair. I went ahead and bought a moderately priced set. Grey. A very mid grey. I am at war with my birthing person right now. She makes/buys everything brown. I like a warm chocolate for a fireplace. My birther makes everything brown. I got her to accept grey and pale blue. I have two dogs and a cat. I assume the new furniture will soon show it is in a house with pets. I did not buy high end furniture because my very bad girls matter more than a chair. My birther though has this brown fixation. We have 3.5 bathes. They are all brown. When i was a kid we were lucky to have indoor plumbing. My birth person I think sees dark colors as a way to disguise cheap. Dark tile doesn’t reek of flaws. We just redid kitchen it had been brown. It is now white with stainless steel. Billions of years my birthing person had mud brown tile in the kitchen. I ripped up the dark dark dark flooring with my teeth. Okay not really my teeth but it was brown dark brown in a kitchen. Ugh.
    The living room is/was brown. The walls were off brown. Sofa has had 50 years of kids breaking up with spouses since the 1980’s. The back doesn’t even exist anymore. It is older than my youngest brother. I woke up and ordered new furniture. I got grey. My birther would never drop the dime on new furniture. I woke up and just did it. Sharon, aka bad lady is letting me do the color scheme. I bought my mother her first new furniture in like ever. She never had brand new. The furniture is grey. My floors are dark brown . i am thinking egg shell for the walls and navy for a central throw rug. My Instinct is baby blue for everything. Shayla Rayne tells me powder blue would look like Bewitched threw up on the Love Boat. Yes my imp references 70s stuff.
    I am going to do egg shell or sweet vanilla. I had never heard of seet vanilla. It is nearly white with just a hint a polite cough of yellow.

    • Somebody says:

      Mushroom for the walls? Some iteration of Greige? Grieve is or at least was all the rage, it blends brown/beige tones with gray. Various shades from faint, barely there to dark.

      Accenting gray with navy is lovely. I like gray with navy and tealish ….aqua, whatever you want to call it. I’ve seen gray couches with navy pillows that have a teal design on them.

      My daughter likes gray and yellow with pops of white or black. Lots of stuff out there in that theme. She also does same with pink instead of the yellow.

      If you keep the walls neutral, then you can change the room on a whim by switching the accent rug, throw pillows and such.

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