Weekend of July 23-24, 2022

New York City, Flower Flash, Lewis Miller Design
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190 Responses to Weekend of July 23-24, 2022

  1. DeniseVB says:

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Nice turn out. MAGA !

  3. Anthony says:

    Blagojevich vs Sandy from the bar: ” When I got arrested, I really got arrested”


  4. taw46 says:

    I like the “Flower Flash”.

  5. SHV says:

    Denise’s daily floral show has affected my brain; the only thing that I watch on TV now is BBC’s “Gardeners’ World”.

    • lateblum says:

      That sounds lovely. I’ll have to look for that.

      I, otoh, wrenched my right shoulder and upper arm, doing heavy duty gardening yesterday. At this moment I can barely raise my right arm at all without serious discomfort. A friend and I dug up a patch of dirt to plant (and re-plant) perennials that attract butterflies and bees and to enhance the appearance of the shorter side of our building. I think I, too, have Denise and the beautiful daily flower show to thank (not blame) for directing my brain away from politics and toward flower power. 😉😘

      • SHV says:

        “(and re-plant) perennials that attract butterflies and bees and to enhance the appearance of the shorter side of our building.”
        I think you would enjoy Gardeners’ World….A lot of apt., small plot gardening and attracting “wildlife”…in UK, wildlife=insects, bees, birds, etc.; (when I think of wildlife it’s Deer, Raccoons, Possums, Rabbits, Bobcats, etc.)

      • swanspirit says:

        Sending you lots of speedy healing! And ice and ibuprofen! Hugs!!!❤

      • lyn5 says:

        Rest and ice everything.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Glad you were able to spruce things up and hopefully attract butterflies and hummingbirds and honey bees. That is one of things I like about our little condo community. we have a tree preserve to one side along the parking area and several planting beds and small courtyards between buildings and we have done most of the plating of perennials. over the years learning what works in what areas are the shade/sun varies as we are on a large corner lot so some get direct east/west and other north/south.

        Now put your feet up and rest that arm and shoulder. And remember if you don’t have an ice pack a bag of frozen peas or other veggies work just as well.

        • lateblum says:

          Your condo arrangement sounds wonderful. Ours is beautiful as well. So it makes gardening even more rewarding.
          It stormed here from about midnight until 6:30 this am. The plants were happy with all the water and didn’t drown. I had a preplanned outing to Ravinia for a daytime concert that forced me to be still for a while. But I’m back now and between icings (my shoulder) I’ll go water the plantings but nothing more.

          😘 I keep frozen peas and carrots in stock for just such times as these❣️

  6. DeniseVB says:

    I didn’t realize the Flower Flash was a thing, but it’s been going on since 2016. Here’s more photos….. https://lewismillerdesign.com/flower-flash/

    • Somebody says:

      Wow, there are all lovely but some are just eye poppingly gorgeous. Imagine just happening by. I wonder if Anthony has encountered any of them?

      I wish the florist in my town would do something like this.

    • lateblum says:

      Those are spectacular ❣️ 💐🌺🌸🌷🌻🥀🌼🪷🌹

    • taw46 says:

      Stunning displays! Why haven’t I seen these before?

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Its a beautiful display. I was going to ask if you knew if this was a competition but the link answers that questions. I love on the one in oranges and whites with the smoke stack. Not colors you generally think of as a pretty combo but there they are looking lovely.

  7. elliesmomtrainin says:

    I think the next useful idiot is Stacy Abrams or Pete Buttigieg. Kamala failed her audition, She qualifies as “idiot” but failed at “useful”. No one buys what’s she’s selling these days,


    • lateblum says:

      “ No one buys what’s she’s selling these days,…”
      Besides, what she’s selling is all used.

    • lyn5 says:

      President Pelosi is trending on Twitter. Barf.

    • lyn5 says:

    • Somebody says:

      Mayor Pete is as much a disaster as Kamala. He took months of paternity leave while the supply chain crisis was exploding and it’s still not fixed.

      He’s not fit for the job he’s in and boy does it show. He’s flippant and out of touch with Americans. He’s absolutely clueless and fails to answer basic questions if pressed in the slightest beyond his talking points. He only cares about lbgtqia+ or whatever it is today and climate change.

      I’ll give him his due, he’s better at word salad than Kamala, but America is totally over him and annoyed by him.

      Stacy? She has her eye on the Governor’s mansion, she was robbed don’t you know. VP gig? Maybe, but she isn’t really any better than the other two and America will tire of her quickly.

  8. DeniseVB says:

    Good grief, our President is stupid. Thought he had Covid, but has time for rah, rah abortion announcements.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      They are trying to hype people over problems that do not exist in the real world because heaven forbid anyone realize they have been suing abortion as nothing more than a bully bat for years to keep women inline and “grateful”.

    • Miranda says:

      Except in a miscarriage, the fetus is already dead, so it isn’t an abortion. This is ridiculous. There is no state that bans miscarriage care or doesn’t have a life-of-the-mother exemption.

      • Somebody says:

        All the crap they’re stirring up is BS. Like for instance “protecting women”, notice when it comes to abortion they figure out what a woman is? I digress, protection if a woman crosses state lines for an abortion.

        That’s horse hockey. If you go to a state where pot is legal and you smoke pot, does your state arrest you for legally smoking pot in the other state? No, because you didn’t break a law. Besides the fact the only proposed penalties are for the abortion provider, not the woman.

        It’s all smoke and mirrors, tragically a lot of women are falling for the BS.

        BTW, Denise don’t you worry about Joe. He’s in his jammies eating pudding, he didn’t send out that tweet or any other tweet. His minders sent that out like all the others. The minders are happy Joe is contained and not wandering around screwing up and getting in their way.

    • 1539days says:

      The myth that there is a medical condition that killing the baby will cure that delivering the baby won’t.

      Might as well call this the Gosnell order, because it basically covers botched abortions.

  9. swanspirit says:

    I just had a terrible thought. The rats want to oust Joe before the November elections, because they know they will lose the House and Senate, and if anyone comes into power from the position of Speaker of the House, it will be a Republican.

  10. helenk3 says:


    his kids might be ashamed and embarrassed, but Trump voters’ kids will not be. They will be proud that their parents loved the country enough to stand up for her

  11. elliesmom says:

    I cranked the AC up this morning so I could really wash the kitchen floor without passing out from the combination of the 95 degree heat and 70% humidity. It’s been heat advisory level since the kids left, and the Wetjet Swiffer doesn’t really cut it after they’ve been here a couple of weeks. The floors needed the mop and pail. Now that’s done. and it’s quite comfortable here to just sit. I leashed Ellie up to go for a swim, but she walked halfway across the front porch and turned around and went back into the house. So now she’s just sitting, too. Hank is asleep outside on my deck. It’s mostly shady, but he’s chosen a sunny spot. He has a gallon of water. He refuses to come inside. I keep inviting him in. I tried a couple more times to get Ellie to go for a swim, but now she’s missed the opportunity for awhile. The beach is on the opposite side of the street, and the pavement is too hot to walk her across. She’s not happy, but Hank appears to be. I’m just done for today. 🙂

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. helenk3 says:


    China really really does not want san fran nan to visit

  14. helenk3 says:

    random thought
    If the USA was not weakened by her own government, bid-on, and the benedicts, would Russia have invaded Ukraine? Would Iran feel so emboldened?
    so many consequences from this bunch around the world.It is not only our country that they hurt, it is others too.
    another weird thought, If Putin wants to restore the Russian Empire, didn’t they at one time own California?

    just my opinion.

    • Miranda says:

      Russia invaded under Obama and Biden, not Trump. I’m positive that if Trump was still in the white house (sigh), there wouldn’t have been an invasion.

    • Anthony says:

      Well thanks to Nanzy and Swallowswell, China owns Cali now.

  15. helenk3 says:

    Zeltan’s attacker was arrested by the feds.

  16. Mothy67 says:

    My Bell is getting older. She can’t get in my bed anymore when it storms. I spent 250 dollars buying a Japanese floor mattress. Two hundred and fifty. 250. It is nothing more than a quilt. Ugh.

  17. Mothy67 says:

    Ellie’s mom
    I can’t find the Tucker episode about actor you suggested. I would very much like to watch. I am thinking quite a bit about why I love intoxication. When I tried out patient the counselor brought in a poster board entitled Mein Kampf. It can’t get any better. She had no idea who/what Hitler was. A woman with a Masters degree was that unaware. I do enjoy the voyage. Shay is my everything. Best friend. I need to find a way to be sober because she might need me down the road. I have to be there.

  18. Mothy67 says:

    Did you like Alex Stein?

    • elliesmom says:

      Personally, no. I thought he was sort of a jerk, but I do think humor can be effective.

  19. Mothy67 says:

    One of the best things about coming here all these years is that disagreement can happen. I liked Alex Stein. Yes he was obnoxious. So am I. So much has been given to me. I relish taking another view. I like a fight. How else will I learn. I ache for my Shay. I need assistance. Years I have been here. So much help. I am 55 with a kid.. Brat laughed about Metellica Master of Puppets featured on Stranger Things. I have it on vinyl. The other hit from the show was Kate Bush. I also own the original. It is Runnig Up that Hill. It is about God

  20. lateblum says:

    Mothy, anytime I see Dolly Patron’s name, I automatically think of you. I just stopped by Twitter and saw this . . .

    • Mothy67 says:

      What fun!!!!!
      I will always be smitten by Dolly. She writes. Coat of Many Colors led me to decide to stay near my Shayla. . way down in the fall. Yummy.

    • 1539days says:

      Dolly Parton was also on an episode of The Orville this week.

      • lateblum says:


      • Mothy67 says:

        I have to consider I am a broken person. It can be dark and lonely when you have had open hearts. Parton has always laughed.I find her joyful.

        • elliesmom says:

          Your open heart surgery didn’t break you. It repaired you. Seeing that you’re still here decades later, it appears your surgeon did a fine job. There are kids who go through traumatic illnesses and spend the rest of their lives celebrating their survival. They live joyously and share that joy with others. They don’t let the dark part of their lives define them. Then there are kids who never get past the period when they were ill. They become the disease and spread the darkness. Decades later they still can’t celebrate their recovery.

          It’s not the illness that breaks them. At many points along the way, they could have sought out help to find the joy in being a survivor, but being a victim must be comforting to them or being happy too big a risk. My son works just a few steps away from the Jimmy Fund Clinic, and every once in awhile, he grabs his Red Sox cap and wanders in. He takes his cap off and shows the kids the one two-inch place where his hair never grew back in. He tells the kids that is his “humility patch”. The reminder to him that every day is a gift not to be squandered. The choice to be a grateful and joyous survivor or the guest of honor at a constant pity party isn’t made for us. We choose it.

          “The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.”

    • helenk3 says:

      that was great. thank you

  21. Mothy67 says:

    Funny da brat asked me if I still liked Led Zep. I love love love Fool in the Rain. We were at dining room table. There’s a light in your eyes that keeps shining. My baby asked me if I still loved that song. We have been idiots for almost 16 years. I never tried to supplant her parents. Well she bought me a Led Zep hoodie. Wow. She discovered Kate Bush. I have been in love with Kate since 1983. Running up that Hill is about looking to God.

  22. helenk3 says:

    For the third time since I have lived here, a bird has made a nest on my window ledge. She thinks it is a maternity ward. She makes her nest under my open window. It gives her cover from rain and predators. I do not know how many eggs she will lay this time. The first time it was 3, the second time it was 1.

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lyn5 says:

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. DeniseVB says:

    Awwwww, from Steve’s daughter …

  28. DeniseVB says:

  29. DeniseVB says:

    Since this was never on my bucket list, I thought this counted as “almost like being there anyhow” 😀

    • elliesmom says:

      I like to walk up mountains. I had a park ranger explain the difference between walking up a mountain and climbing one. “Climbing” implies needing some kind of special equipment beyond a proper pair of shoes. I’ve walked up several of them, but I’ve never had the urge to climb any of them.

      • 1539days says:

        You can hike most of the mountains in New York.

        • elliesmom says:

          Most of my excursions in New York have been underground. At least the guys I was with went underground. One of my favorite state parks in NY is Thatcher. The limestone cliffs are spectacular. You need a permit to collect fossils. but as a teacher, it wasn’t difficult for me to get. There are several private areas where you can collect them, too. My niece “stole” a large slab I had that was just brimming with shelled animals, and she uses it for a doorstop. One of my students carefully painted it with sheer paints in natural colors so the fossils stand out. When I was “down-sizing”, it was the first thing she asked for- after she had already put it in her car. 🙂

  30. Mothy67 says:

    Could not find actors bit on Tucker. I searrched.
    I need my God. I have been running to stand still my entire life. I have never been free. Running. Always. Booze .

    • lateblum says:

      Still happening here in IL. The news still periodically issues a call for the identities of people who attended the Jan 6 “insurrection”. It makes me so angry when I hear that message.

  31. lyn5 says:

  32. lyn5 says:

  33. lyn5 says:

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. helenk3 says:


    can not trust the dictionary or crayola crayons any more. this is getting sicker by the day

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. helenk3 says:

    this twit is batshit crazy

  38. lateblum says:

  39. DandyTIger says:

  40. DandyTIger says:

  41. DandyTIger says:

  42. lyn5 says:

  43. lyn5 says:

  44. lyn5 says:

  45. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      This particular “stupid” doesn’t think she needs fixing. Her twitter page says:
      ”These tweets are protected.”

  46. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • taw46 says:

        I feel so bad for him. He has been effective in getting people to “walk away” from the dems, so of course they had to prosecute him, make his life miserable. They need to pay for what they have been doing to innocent people.

  47. lyn5 says:

    • 1539days says:

      They have all the supply lines that truckers could immediately decide not to cross. Remember during the NYC blackout when people were dumpster diving because restaurants and convenience stores were closed?

  48. helenk3 says:

    900 thousand got a ways since bid-on took office. about that secure border thingy. there is secure and then there is secure

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