Monday, July 25, 2022

Mount St. Helens Wildflowers, Skamania County, Washington
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78 Responses to Monday, July 25, 2022

  1. DeniseVB says:

    WoW, this was good. Thought of Anthony, he likes this stuff 😀 Great job History Channel …

    • swanspirit says:

      I watched part of that, very interesting!!

      • DeniseVB says:

        It was incredibly graphic I kept having to tell myself it’s only CGI, it’s only CGI. Especially that halftime show of executing their worse criminals by burning them alive. Ewwww ouch.

    • Anthony says:

      Damn! I missed it! I was binge watching “Flowers in the Attic: The Origin” because I needed proof that some people’s lives were more fucked up than mine. I’ll look for this on the History Channel; Thanks for thinking of me! 🙏

      • Constance says:

        I understand that! That’s why I read National Enquirer type magazines in the Dentist office. Relative to a lot of the people in their stories I am sane.

        • DeniseVB says:

          Or just follow the Royal Family, juicy, juicy Sparkles the Nutcase 😀 Finally, someone who can make the Kardashians look normal, lol.

          • taw46 says:

            I’ve been reading the articles everyday. She started her manipulation and lies when she was a young thing, long before Harry. Bet she has been breaking things in her house since the book came out. The author really goes after her. Ouch.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Dan Abram’s On Patrol Live is on Fri and Sat nights. We binged both nights yesterday and got hooked into the fun of police ride alongs and stupid criminals. We picked up a few good tips (ladies, don’t leave your house without your teeth or bra 😛 ) Oh, and amazed more people aren’t shot by the police just for being such idiots. Kiss my butt, BLM.

  2. elliesmom says:

    “Purple mountain majesties”

    • DeniseVB says:

      That was so sad to read. Glad my husband’s retired and not putting up with the new leadership of pussies and assholes 😀 I pray for all our younger relatives who have joined in recent years for love of country and the best benefits 🙂

      • SHV says:

        “Glad my husband’s retired and not putting up with the new leadership of pussies and assholes”
        Who’s driving the degradation and what’s the goal? The obvious starting point was Obama’s purge of senior leadership but the planning must have been going on for years before that. My guess is that the push for Diversity,Equity, etc. if just cover for continued degradation of military effectiveness. Women in combat? No problem but fit the person to the military job and no matter what the politicians want, very few women can carry 80 pounds of infantry gear. Physical fitness standards, forget it; racist against black women, educational standards, gone; etc., etc.

  3. elliesmom says:

    The heat wave is supposed to break here today with an afternoon of thunderstorms. Radar predictions have a long band of storms moving across Massachusetts and Connecticut but splitting in two just as they reach RI. That happens a lot. I can see the storms to the north and south of me, but I get nothing. Ellie and Hank are having an uneasy morning. We’ll see who is right. The NWS or them.

    • votermom says:

      I wish it would break here

    • DeniseVB says:

      My next home is definitely going to have a screened porch, lanai or patio so I can sit outside to watch and smell the rain. Growing up without air conditioning, rainy days were happy days and so cooling if we could keep our windows open.

      • elliesmom says:

        My deck isn’t screened, but it has a retractable awning. If it rains really hard, I have to release the rain that builds up on it before it gets too heavy. Crash likes to sit under the spot where the deluge happens. But it can handle draining a gentle rain all by itself. It’s 10 x 12 so there’s plenty of room to sit under it. It has an electric motor that retracts it. I know it isn’t an issue for you, but I can leave it outside all winter as long as it’s retracted before the temps go below freezing. The house came with a fabric covered gazebo on the deck, but it had to be taken apart and stored every winter. When we were “handicapping” the house for ED, our contractor added a few things that were “sanity keepers” for the “caregiver”, and the awning was one of them. All summer long I take most of my meals out there even in the rain. I even take my sewing machine out there.

        • lateblum says:

          Em, your deck sounds heavenly.

          I have a back porch that I share with my cray cray next door neighbor who “owns” the half of the porch that is lighter and more user friendly. My “half” is very dark all the time and since the path to the stairway uses much of this area, I don’t even have a chair on it. But I do have several wonderful neighbors who share their porches with me and I can use their second and third floor porches to my heart’s content. Especially in the daytime, if I’m not in the beautiful courtyard that is shady, and lush with gardens, trees and shrubs I can be found outside reading or even just “resting my eyes” on one of the other porches.
          To be honest, the back courtyard with its gardens has become even more beautiful in the 30 years since I moved in. It was the courtyard that I fell in love with and that convinced me to buy this condo nearly 30 years ago.

          • lateblum says:

            My grandgirlies call the courtyard the “magic garden”. They love to come here and in earlier years, they’d play hide and seek back there. It really does feel special.

          • DeniseVB says:

            Your condo sounds sweet, I’m trying to picture the porch situation, lol. If your cray cray neighbor ever decides to sell, send me the listing link 😀 Oh wait, my son’s retiring to Florida this Sept, that’s where I should be looking, heh.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Here in swampland once you get to the mid/end of June rain loses that fresh and invigorating smell and the air it is almost always far worse after the rain. Damp, muggy, hazy and musty/moldy. Have to wait for post Labor Day to get that refreshing rain experience and after rain feeling. About the same time as when one recalls the smells that always appeared as school started back up.

        • lateblum says:

          You know what? It’s usually like that here, too. But yesterday and today, the air is fresh and clean and I’m not coughing and sneezing and crying from the mold. I noticed it last evening. A friend and I went to Ravinia for a wonderful outdoor concert and I didn’t cough or blow my nose the entire concert.

  4. helenk3 says:

    low security????? arkancide soon?

    where is the black book?

  5. elliesmom says:

    Ellie and I wandered down to the beach. I don’t usually go in for a swim with her if we’re the only ones there, but this morning I surprised her and jumped in with her. I wish I had taken one of the kids’ floaties with me. We’d still be there. 🙂 It’s only in the 80s today, but the humidity is very high. Ellie will drink from lake water, puddles, and the bathroom punch bowl, but she won’t drink out of a bowl Hank has drunk from. It’s not his smell or his saliva that bothers her. She’ll drink from it she hasn’t seen him use it. I have water bowls all over the house. Hank waits until they’re both in the same room, and then he takes a couple of slurps from the bowl and then steps back and just looks at her when she barks at him. It’s been a long heat wave.

    • lateblum says:

      It *has* been a long heat wave! We have a day or two of reprieve. It is in the 70’s and the humidity is mercifully lower. I’m going for a walk in a bit and happy in the knowledge that I won’t pass out from the horrid weather. It has honestly been so humid here, that walking even a block was hazardous to one’s health. That weather may return by the end of the week, but at least for a day or two, we can relish being outside. And moments in the lake will still provide a welcome respite.

      • lyn5 says:

        The next four days will be 100 degrees without the humidity on Oregon’s southern high desert..

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        I think that short break is what is headed here after the latest round of storms today but it looks like one day and back to mucky muggy misery.

        Oh look another storm warning. I unplug the laptop when I see the little paws heading for cover. The know when the storm is about 20 minutes away. It been so hot and humid I have had the documentaries playing on my tablet for background noise while I work. Far less heat than the tv and I don’t even have what most would consider even a medium large screen.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Love the doggie stories. Hank seems to be doing well from when you thought “it might be time…” awhile back. I don’t blame Ellie a bit about the backwash. Icky boys, I never could share a bottle of anything with them 😉

      • elliesmom says:

        Hank has given up his daily walk. He still spends a lot of time outside. He just sees me getting his leash out and makes himself scarce. He has a long cushion out on my deck, and he moves it around to the spot he wants himself. There’s a vent in my living room for both the heat and the AC. It’s in front of a window that almost reaches the floor, and there’s a big pine tree right outside it that’s home to a bunch of squirrels. Other than the spot at the foot of my bed, if I’m looking for Hank, that’s where I’ll find him if he’s in the house. He’s very little trouble, and occasionally entertaining. 🙂

    • lateblum says:

      The Dems probably poisoned him.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I started getting the Vac when it first came out in Feb ’21. Have had two boosters and I’m done. I think 3 and 4 have come out since? I was never told it would prevent the China Flu, only that my chances were better now that I won’t die from it? So, a cold sounds about right?

      • SHV says:

        “only that my chances were better now that I won’t die from it?”
        From Israeli Covid data, only positive benefit seems to be in “elderly” high risk group…reduction in pts requiring mechanical ventilation and death. No reduction in acquiring, transmitting or requiring hospitalization. That’s from whatever variant was circulation 4-6 months ago, probably even less benefit with current Covid….probably 75% of wife’s co-workers are recovering or “out” with current Covid wave…none seriously ill but still unpleasant.

        FWIW, from a different Israeli data set, 25% increase in young adults having cardiac events after 2nd dose of “vaccine”, no increase in cardiac events after Covid infection.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Had the initial vacs via Kaiser and they just basically went with – like a flu shot is should help reduce symptoms and take the same precautions that are always a good idea for flu season. They have not pestered me for boosters and goodness knows they pester for mammograms/tetanus/annual checkups/colon screening-colonoscopy/BP/ . . . . The county and state health departments keep pushing boosters via text/phone/door to door.

        I just saw docs commenting on medical news sites describe monkeypox as mild syphilis and others saying just call it was it is – an STD.

      • jadzia1971 says:

        Oddly, my vaxxmaxxed ex who now has a second round of Covid says that he is SICKER this time than he was last time. Which is baffling and troubling.

  6. votermom says:


    Extraordinary speech by Hungarian PM shows why he is a Thatcher figure to a future Ronald Reagan

  7. lateblum says:

    Good times from catturd. . .

  8. Miranda says:

    Another hitch in the electric car saga:–vU9wJA2TkeWIfzBBza8_f-eLrrjaco6zPRDbN3f3h5wzKJeqZnQS2E
    Of course, they protested the pipeline too. Are we supposed to go back to horses (which I would be ok with actually)?

  9. swanspirit says:

    Here is some happy news!

    Samantha Bee’s ‘Full Frontal’ canceled after 7 seasons

    They are saying it’s strictly a business decision, but I don’t see how that can convey anything other than she just sucked. lol.

  10. votermom says:

    I can’t tell if this is satire or not but either way it’s hilarious (NSFW)

  11. elliesmom says:

    Every time today we’ve reached the time the NWS says it’s time for the “severe thunderstorms” to start nothing happens. So far it’s the NWS 0 and the doggies 0, too. There have been a couple of very brief periods of very, very light rain that lasted less than 10 minutes. And we’re supposed to believe the government can predict what the climate will do.

    My friends who are rabidly pro-abortion refuse to acknowledge the Mississippi law that triggered Dobbs did not ban abortion. In fact, it was more generous than the laws in much of Europe.

    The only friends I have who have contracted covid have been vaccinated, and yet all of them buy this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

    My literary friends believe Thoreau was a hero for his civil disobedience, but he spent less time in jail for refusing to pay his taxes (which his aunt paid the following morning) than Otis spent in the Mayberry town lockup for being drunk. But the January 6th paraders deserve years in jail.

    The Pelosis and the Weinsteins go free for something Martha Stewart did at a much lesser degree and went to jail for. Forget the Biden and the Clinton crime families.

    The pro-abortion crowd accuses the pro-life side of not caring about babies after they’re born. Then when it comes out the pro-life groups that run pregnancy crisis centers care for mothers and their babies for years in some cases, the left tries to shut them down.

    I’m burnt out. It used to be corroborated truth used to be enough, but today a great number of people choose to believe lies even when presented with the truth. I don’t know how to fight this,

  12. helenk3 says:

    I am still trying to figure out what amendment in the Constitution gives abortion rights. The left keeps saying it is a constitutional right. I know about the right to life, but never found one that says you could kill your kid.
    Between fentanyl and covid China has killed more people worldwide than any other country. When will they be held accountable?
    Why is ok to loot and destroy but not ok to defend yourself today?

    just wondering

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. votermom says:

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