Friday, April 7, 2023

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101 Responses to Friday, April 7, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    This will be fun. RFK is already like a squirrel to the Dems and might take some pressure off DJT for awhile as the Dems destroy St. Bobby’s kid 🙂

    • swanspirit says:

      Definitely going to be interesting. There are generations out there, who never had the ” Kennedy mystique ” touch them. But it will be fun to watch any LGB defenders.

      • helenk3 says:

        my first vote was for JFK. He made us believe we could be the greatest country in the world and help the rest of the world too. who knew we would go to the moon in our lifetimes? He did. One vote I have never regretted

        • DeniseVB says:

          JFK inspired a whole nation and encouraged us to reach for the stars and we did. The Ask Not speech was pretty memorable too. 🙂

    • My dad spent a lot of time discussing politics with me and a lot of time discussing sports with my younger brother. My brother likes to have “what would Dad think about that” conversations with me. Dad died in December of 1999, and my last political conversations with him were about his belief Y2K was going to turn the world upside down. We look back on 1999 and Y2K as a big fizzle, but if you were living in the world of tcch, it was a smaller version of the pandemic with people being convinced airplanes were going to be dropping out of the sky, the electrical grid was going down, the banks would fail and all of us would be living in darkness. While Elliesdad was trying to convince my dad he wasn’t even going to notice, there were businesses popping up selling the idea they could save the day if you bought their services. Dad knew he was dying and wanted to be gone before the world collapsed. He was.

      The world has changed a lot since 1999, and while my brother is convinced our father would be a huge Biden fan, I’m not so sure. Dad revered Eisenhower. He had served under Ike in WW2, and he credited him with saving the world. The one election he refused to discuss was Eisenhower/Stevenson. He was angry the Democrats had let the opportunity to run Eisenhower on their ticket slip away. It would not occur to Dad that Eisenhower was at heart a Republican.

      But while I cannot definitely say my father would support Trump, I do know he would vote for Robert Kennedy, Jr in a heartbeat. My dad was a huge Kennedy supporter. My mom, generally as apolitical as it gets, despised them starting with Rose. Dad believed the best candidate from the clan would have been Joe, Jr, the son killed in WW2. “It’s not hard to attribute holiness to someone who died in a war before he had a chance to tell you what he believes” was my smartass kid response. Dad was disappointed in JFK in comparison, mostly because of his womanizing, but was still on board. He was convinced Castro was behind JFK’s assassination because of the Bay of Pigs. Dad described Bobby Kennedy as the family “hatchet man”. The lofty speeches were written for him by someone else who knew how to get him elected, but once in office, RFK would clean house. (Drain the swamp?) According to Dad, the mafia had RFK killed because he “knew where the bodies were buried.”

      Ted Kennedy gave my father a tough product to sell. Compared to his older brothers, he was an intellectual lightweight, but his policies had been ingrained in him by his family, and according to Dad, he could be trusted to carry on their legacy. When Mary Jo drowned. and Mom called Ted a murderer. Dad laid out his theory about how Ted wasn’t really there. That one of the next generation had actually been in the car, and Ted was taking the blame because he knew he could escape jail time.

      When the dust settled, Dad said the next generation of Kennedys had been raised with great wealth, but as the fortune had to be split more and more ways, the kids would have to find ways to build on what they had inherited, and one of them would emerge as a leader. He was sure it would be one of RFK’s kids because they had the “best mother”.

      My dad would be 104 if he were alive today. I was pretty sure the Kennedy worship had died with his generation, and I’ve even said so here before. But I’ve had my mind changed a bit. It appears the trouble the Kennedy kids have been having establishing a foothold in politics is the “right Kennedy” hasn’t run yet. I don’t know if Robert Kennedy, Jr is the Kennedy people have been waiting for, but the folks in New England haven’t lost their love for the name.

      • swanspirit says:

        My Aunt Susie, who was my father’s younger sister, worked for Bobby Kennedy. She is buried in Israel, now, but she was completely loyal, when she was alive. And when she was alive, she was a very live wire!
        She lived in Manhattan, and was also a dedicated New Yorker.

        Later after Bobby was gone, she worked for Bella Abzug. She didn’t like her very much, said she was terrible to work for, but she did it anyway.
        I think there are probably still some of my Aunt Susie’s type still around. Younger, but deeply loyal and committed to the Kennedys.

      • DeniseVB says:

        I always thought it was cool President Eisenhower and I had the same birth date. I sent him birthday card in elementary school telling him that. I always got one back, perfect for Show and Tell. Kennedy was high school and he was Catholic, so my next shallow reason for supporting a candidate. Our high school was split, but when JFK won our side taunted the other….Hail Mary Full of Grace the Masons are now in second place 😀 (I had no clue what that meant, obviously, it was memorable 😉 ) I stayed a Kennedy Democrat until Obama but that was mostly because I felt betrayed by John Edwards cheating on his cancer warrior wife with a SKANK. But I digress ….

        I remember Y2K when Bill Clinton stayed up all night to make sure Americans in all the time zones were safe. Ahhh, the good old days when Democrats really liked us 😀

        • swanspirit says:

          Speaking of skanks, I read where Stormy Daniels will be photographed by Annie Leibowitz for Vogue. They couldn’t put Melania on the cover, or in the magazine, but they will put lipstick on this pig, dress her up, and put her in.
          I don’t care what Kennedy will run, I will never vote for a Democrat.

        • The first presidential election I was eligible to vote in was 1972. I cast my vote for Richard Nixon in my grandmother’s honor. No matter who the Republican was in the race, he would have had my vote as an acknowledgment the Republicans had given me the right to cast that vote. Nana insisted the GOP was the party that most respected women, and as she has been on so many other things, she has been proved right. (My favorite one of her “little wisdoms” was go look for a husband some place you would go without him.)

        • taw46 says:

          Denise, I have the same birthday as Bill Clinton, same date & same year. I did send him birthday wishes one year and received a birthday card back from the WH. Even at my age at that time, I thought it was pretty cool, lol.

          My mother was divorced when I was young, so we grew up with her family. She had 5 brothers. Two of them and my mother were democrats, and the other 3 brothers were republicans. I don’t remember any of them being particularly Kennedy supporters, but of course everyone was sad to see a President assassinated. I was a senior in high school and can remember to this day how devastated I was. A lot of that had to do with the “Camelot” mystique. I did like Jackie Kennedy, and of course, seeing the children was heartbreaking. I followed all three of them over the years, but I was never a Kennedy democrat (I remained a democrat until 2008). The only one I would ever have wanted to vote for, would have been JFK Jr. (If I’m being honest, part of that was because he was so damn good looking!) But I also think because he appeared to be a moderate dem, we will never know. So I would never vote for RFK Jr., or any Kennedy, have no desire to. After all, they are still democrats and support so much of that craziness. I don’t know of anyone in my family who would vote for him, either.

          My mother and her brothers discussed/argued politics until the day they died. But they were never cruel or insulting to each other and they always ended up laughing. That’s how I grew up with politics, so it was quite a letdown to see how mean it has become.

        • Shez ZK says:

          Very cool! I discovered that I have the same exact ‘time of birth’ as President Trump [10:54 a.m.] while checking out his natal chart back when he first ran. Granted I’m a few years younger than him and a different birth date, but that time of birth element triple take jumped off the page for me! LOL thought it was kinda cool.

          My mother was a huge JFK fan and Catholic. We were stationed in Brunswick, Maine at the time. I recall how excited she was when she came home from seeing him speak live one day, I think he came to the base. Not too long after that she mourned his death for weeks if not forever.

        • 1539days says:

          My Dad thought about voting for Kenendy, but never registered (he traveled a bit). When he did register, he voted for Republicans. He had a friend that was on the Kennedy detail in the Secret Service. The friend was Catholic, so he was the one who would go into church with JFK.

    • driguana says:

      Kunstler’s Clusterfuck on this issue today is very interesting. While I love his posts, I don’t agree with all of his points here today. I like both Robert Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump for different reasons but, primarily, because they both love America, for whatever reasons. The big problem that I see is that the current administration is run by the Ofraudmas and they are not about to give up their power to….a Kennedy!! Expect to see Michelle up next up…just sayin’…

      • lyn5 says:

        Yeah, he accused Trump of doing the banana republic dance at Mar-a-Lago.

      • Somebody says:

        The bigger question is who would either man surround themselves with or any of the candidates for that matter.

        The Presidency can be stymied, see DJT’s 1st term. There are other examples too. One man or one woman can’t drain the swamp. If RFK Jr wins and surrounds himself with leftists, then nothing changes except maybe around the edges. Most of the “appointable” democrats are either Clinton or Obama acolytes. If a DJT or any republican wins and surrounds themselves with establishment types, well we’ve seen that movie too.

  2. Mothy67 says:


  3. Dora says:

    “Lot of people are going to cut back on alcohol”: Jack Daniels Drag Queen Summer Camp surfaces amid Bud Light ad controversy

  4. Dora says:

    Is Weather Modification Being Used Against Us?

    There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. — Isaiah 27:22

    Man has lost the capacity to foresee and forestall. He will end by destroying the earth. –President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    • I attended one of the first Earth Day symposiums at a place where there were reputable scientists and engineers running the day. The “consensus” that day was the Earth’s climate was changing, has always been changing, and would continue to change. Regardless of what humans do, one day our Sun will cease to shine, and Earth will become a giant rock. Since humans cannot change the life cycle of the Sun, we should be concentrating on using science and engineering to aid human beings and the rest of the living things on the Earth in adapting to inevitable climate change. Not all of the changes will be harmful. Some might even be extremely advantageous. Adapting the Earth’s climate to us is an exercise in futility.

      They were right then. They are still right now.

  5. Dora says:

    What talent! This is beautiful!


    “The Veiled Christ” by Giuseppe Sanmartino, 1753. It was created with a single block of marble.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I think this is the same artist, The Veiled Virgin. One block of marble, fascinating technique …

    • taw46 says:

      If I ever make it back to Italy, I would make a trip to see this incredible sculpture. I saw some amazing pieces when we were in Rome, but missed so many.

  6. DeniseVB says:

    The Surber read is a lot of fun today, DeSantis 2028 ! 😀 (50s)

  7. Dora says:

    They will use the climate to justify taking our property, among other things.


    Top banker insists government should just take property to fight climate change

    ‘We are not getting investments fast enough’

  8. Dora says:

    I am amazed at his talent. Maybe because I can’t even draw a straight line using a ruler. 🙂

  9. driguana says:

    Many people have no idea of the deep roots and origins of our “religious” holidays…let alone the names of the days of the week….this is pretty good…

  10. lyn5 says:

    “If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms.” — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    “While I consider the New York case brought by DA Alvin Bragg to be a disreputable shuck and jive, over which Mr. Trump will prevail, and while I recognize him as the current leader in the battle against a Globalist putsch, I think Mr. Kennedy would be a far better choice to clean up the mess that has been made of us. I was particularly unnerved by Mr. Trump’s speech at Mar-a-Lago the night of his indictment. I know many find his manner charming, but to me his mode of speaking seems childish and weirdly inarticulate — and the last thing this country needs is more rhetorical confusion. And I’m also disturbed by the histrionic trappings that went with it — the grandiose music, the myriad flags and seals. It actually has a banana republic flavor.

    “Mr. Kennedy, on the other hand, brings a solemn humility to the scene. Even in his quavering voice, he speaks clearly and with insight. He’s an excellent writer. He reminds me much more of what was good about our country and the men it once produced than the flamboyant Golden Golem of Greatness. I’m aboard for the ride. It’s going to be goshdarn interesting and I hope the bastards don’t try to kill him, because that will really be the end for us.”

    • lateblum says:

      I doubt that my son saw this Comcast news page. But he just told me he has changed from Comcast to another internet provider as of the end of the week.

      He was thrilled that the racist, CRT, hate spouting superintendent of schools here, where my son is a teacher, resigned to go to Atlanta (?) where his CRT will be like mother’s milk to the masses. My son, and the rest of his teaching colleagues learned about the resignation on Tuesday, Election Day. They are all celebrating. I’m certain many of them would find the Comcast front page acceptable. My son would not. He doesn’t support Trump or the Republicans, but he supports the hate and politicization that he and even his students have to wade through to get truthful information.

  11. lyn5 says:

  12. Dora says:

    Can no one rid us of this pest?


    Fauci Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “There Will Absolutely be an Outbreak of Another Pandemic…It May be Next Year…”

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. taw46 says:

    I have always liked and supported the British Royal Family. But if Charles ends up turning this into a globalist, woke monarchy, then he has lost me and I suppose millions in GB. Listen to the people in this clip, Charles! Don’ t do it! Those who want reparations want you gone (beheaded, even!). They will never like you or your family.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      I admit I have never been a fan of Charles. He treated his parents horridly for years (and has that come back to bite his little tushy, harry does not get all his bad traits from Diana) .The Queen Mom spoiled him rotten. Anne would be a much better monarch. She has always understood the difference between one’s personal views and duty to the crown and country with a healthy respect for the heritage the crown represents. I think Edward also gets the point. He seems to take after his grandfather, the late Queens dad who had to step into the void left when his brother David went off the edge with Wallis, right down to the sensitive nature. Heck even Andrew may have a better grasp of the role although he shares the oversized ego gene with his elder brother.

    • 1539days says:

      The toll road idea is excellent, since the state pays for all the roadways to get to Disney World.

      I watched a video where someone explained Reedy Creek was created because Walt Disney was going to build a city and wanted a free hand. When he died, the Disney company decided to just build the Epcot park and then a trailer park in Reedy Creek where hand-picked “residents” would populate the “independent” board.

  15. lyn5 says:

    Here’s the bitch who hates real women.

  16. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. helenk3 says:

    maybe there should be three sports groups.
    men’s those who could not make it as men, and women (or as Kat Timp said, vagina league )

  19. lyn5 says:

    If you like canned smoked oysters, St. Jeans are finally available. The prices are in Canadian dollars. Received an email at 9:06 a.m. that 3,000 cans were available. The stock is down to 532.

    • lyn5 says:

      Never tried them but reviewers love them. There is a six-can limit on each order, but you can order more than once. 😀

    • Swan Spirit says:

      I love smoked oysters!

      • lyn5 says:

        I would love to try smoked oysters that aren’t canned one day. I also ordered some canned tuna and smoked pink salmon (including salmon jerky) from St. Jeans, and I placed two orders.

        Had the best fried oyster sandwich at a Bandon cafe years ago.

        • Swan Spirit says:

          I love oysters. Raw, fried, smoked. Oyster fritters are amazing. Lots of raw bars, and oysters served locally! Oyster stew, yum. I put oysters in my turkey stuffing. Oyster and sausage stuffing.

  20. lyn5 says:

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. helenk3 says:

    there is a movie coming out April 21, called The Covenant about an ally left behind in Afghanistan and the soldier who returned to get him.

    something we all need to see and remember.

  24. lyn5 says:

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. taw46 says:

    Tucker reported this tonight. Disgusting.

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. lyn5 says:

  29. lyn5 says:

  30. lyn5 says:

  31. lyn5 says:

  32. lyn5 says:

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