Weekend of April 8-9, 2023

Have a lovely Easter Weekend !
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162 Responses to Weekend of April 8-9, 2023

  1. Miranda says:

    It rained all day Friday and is supposed to rain all day today here in NC. That’s ok. The whole state was in ‘abnormally’ dry level for drought and this should take care of it. I’m more concerned about the ‘tropical level of moisture in the gulf’ that the meteorologists are watching for next weekend.

    Oh, well. Sufficient unto the day and all that.

    • “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

      – Author Unknown

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Tis the season for some Adrian Bliss Bible stories 🙂

    • Has any company offered him an endorsement contract?

    • taw46 says:

      Thanks for that, Denise. I really like him and his voice. The sacrificial lamb! The scapegoat! Stealing the Winter Solstice! Just everything he does, lol.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      The under the sea wedding so rudely interrupted. 🦞🦀🐠

      Joseph noting just the frankincense and myrrh in the parcel from the three kings to Mary. No mention of anything else from the third king – – perhaps gold . . .

  3. Dora says:

    Good Morning.

    I really thought this would be over by now, but they are still going strong.

    They mean business. Wow!

  4. Dora says:

    We Can’t Let That Happen

  5. Dora says:

    He doesn’t have this kind of power! Can’t someone stop him?


    Biden Set to Announce an Unprecedented Crackdown on Gas-Powered Vehicles


  6. taw46 says:

  7. Dora says:

    I admit that when I first saw this clip I burst out laughing. It struck me funny. 🙂

    I’m sure my reaction would have been different if I had been riding on that train.


  8. lyn5 says:

    • Dora says:

      Throughout the years, I knew that Biden was not much of a leader. I also knew (it was obvious) that he wasn’t very bright. But I didn’t know he was so evil. I find it a little shocking.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Why are this man and his ilk still allowed to call themselves Catholic.
      Guess with the real pope being pushed aside and then dying no one is going cancel their membership.

  9. lyn5 says:

    • Mothy67 says:

      Doesn’t this feel somewhat staged. So many in such a short time and with some schools backing it. Doctors performing irreversible surgeries on children? Is it happening outside the UK and here? Beyond Tucker it doesn’t seem like anyone is discussing child mutilation. All the attention is upon men/boys, but it is epidemic amongst young girls. There have been a few stories that have broken through. Mostly the tragedies are ignored. Seems surreal.

      • While girls deciding they would rather be boys has reached the social contagion level, it has not impacted boys and men in any way. Girls are not taking sports titles away from the boys. No companies are using them to replace biological males as spokespeople. No woman has been named “Man of the Year” by any group. Men can afford to ignore women with fake penises. Women, on the other hand, are being erased by men in dresses. They don’t even have to donate their dicks for men to become “extraordinary women”.

      • swanspirit says:

        Some kind of mass psychosis, it’s very troubling.

  10. lyn5 says:

  11. I was going to move my grill back onto my deck and make myself some grilled salmon, but I needed a coat and gloves to walk Ellie. Next week we’re headed for the 80s so maybe I’ll cook the salmon inside and wait until next week to start the move back outside. Despite being cold and windy, it’s still a beautiful Easter weekend.

    • swanspirit says:

      It’s chilly here too. I was actually able to get a little bit of easy yard work done, just picking up sticks, and clearing off leaves out of planters. Still felt so good. And my miniature rose that got chewed almost down to the nubs by SOMETHING, is totally growing back and leafing out. I keep it covered with a big clear plastic bag, so hopefully nothing will get to it.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      It was in the 80s this week and was just shy of 90 Thursday now we have frost warnings (which actually are typical for this time of year).

      • John Denney says:

        So, 50-60 degree temp changes in a week, huh?

        And climate alarmists are worried about a 2 degree change in 100 years.


  12. lyn5 says:

    Twitter disabled this tweet from Lara. Can’t reply or RT.

  13. helenk3 says:


    coma coma to my house. Does anyone know the percentage that soros and china own of today’s dem party?

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. votermom says:

    Here’s the youtube version of that almost hour podcast I was listening to.
    Fascinating stuff

      • I was determined to finish listening to the podcast before I read the parody. I finished this morning. I want to find “Groomer Schools” and listen to that podcast now. I know there are kids in school who successfully separate what they really believe from what they have to regurgitate back to their teachers to get an A. Not all students can. I used to preface my questions about things like evolution by asking the kids, “What did you learn about Darwin’s theory of evolution?”, or “How did Galileo handle his argument with the Catholic Church over the Earth’s position in the universe?”.

        I never asked them to disclose how they felt personally. Learn what I taught you. Accept what’s comfortable for you. I don’t need you to abandon your faith. Rachel Levine believes he’s a woman. Treat him with respect as a human being, but you don’t have to accept he’s female. If you do, that’s not science. It’s your ideology. I haven’t watched it yet so I have no idea whether it’s worth the time or not, but here is the link to “Groomer Schools”.


        • votermom says:

          What did you think of his deduction that “queerness ” is a gnostic and hermetic eschatological movement?
          I thought it was convincing. It explains a lot.
          I’m now reading The Return of the Gods by Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish rabbi, which kind of looks at today’s world from another angle.
          I feel they reinforce each other.

  16. helenk3 says:


    there is one line in this article that really caught my attention,
    Russia said ” the cold war is over. the HOT war is beginning”

  17. lyn5 says:

    • John Denney says:

      I was in Target yesterday & noticed shelves & pegboards full of interesting tools — all the same brand — all made in China.

      I walked away.

      • lyn5 says:

        That’s what we have to do.

      • lateblum says:

        My sister has been walking away from anything “made in China” for decades. I know it made ordinary life more difficult. Especially when her income was even more limited than mine – or anyone I knew. She would sometimes go to thrift shops to find clothes and other of her necessities. When a Walmart opened near her home, but in NH, I wondered if she’d ever find anything to actually purchase.

        I always tried to honor her feelings about giving China any of her money, so it also made buying gifts for her more difficult. In some ways, it’s actually become easier to avoid Chinese made products.

  18. lyn5 says:

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  21. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lyn5 says:

  25. lyn5 says:

    • When I was around 5 or so, my cat went missing. I went around the neighborhood calling for him. I could hear him, but I couldn’t see him. After a few days I realized he was stuck at the top of a three-story high blue spruce. I was in the care of my teenage brothers who told me to leave them alone and call the fire department. So I did. Our fire department had a new crane style truck they were itching to try out, and one of the volunteer firemen was a vet so they arrived fully equipped to make the rescue. My folks arrived home to find two fire trucks, the crane and a ladder truck, a full contingency of firemen, and a reporter from the local paper on our lawn. “Spice” was none the worse for wear, the firemen got to try out the new truck, and the paper had a human interest story. I got a pat on the head for knowing how to summon help, and my brothers spent some time in the doghouse.

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. Mt.Laurel says:

    Carol Burnett was playing the background as I fixed dinner and it was one of the many episodes with Jim Nabors. made me recall one of the common hymns sung at this time of year. So wishes for a peaceful Easter to one and all.

    • There’s majesty in some of the hymns that have been around for a long time. They reach into hearts and souls. Even people who aren’t drawn to religion recognize their power.

      • John Denney says:

        Very few songs have 5 beats per measure. The theme from Mission Impossible, & Dave Brubeck’s, “Take Five” are the only ones that come to mind.

        And maybe, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, written by Martin Luther. My hymnals have it notated as 4/4 with a fermata (“bird’s eye”, “hold the note longer”), but it works great in 5/4.

        • Elliesdad’s family was Lutheran, and I heard “A Mighty Fortress” most times I went to church with them. His dad sang tenor in the choir. Elliesdad went home from school one weekend and went to a performance of a German choir at his church. When he got back to school, he saw the same choir was performing at a Lutheran Church down the street. Our first date was to go to hear the choir. There was a new minister at the church with a new young wife. The congregation skewed much older. When we walked in, the minister swooped down on us. He and his wife became our good friends. It was nice to have a safe haven away from school. The powers that be closed the small church and transferred the couple to the mid-west during our junior year. If they had still been there, I would have fought with my parents to have our wedding there. ❤

      • John Denney says:

        The oldest hymn that I know of is, “Be Thou My Vision”, from Ireland not long after St. Patrick.

        Van “Brown Eyed Girl” Morrison recorded it, too, on his, “Hymns to the Silence” album.

  29. lyn5 says:

  30. swanspirit says:

    Happy Easter Everyone!

  31. swanspirit says:

    You have to click on it, to see it, it’s such a nice illustration.

  32. Miranda says:

    After 2 days of rain, the sun is out this Easter morning 🙂

    Hosanna, heysanna, sanna, sanna, ho…

  33. votermom says:

    Happy Easter, dearest TCHers!

  34. Dora says:

    Good Morning Everybody.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

  35. Mothy67 says:

    Happy Easter!
    The sun is actually paying a visit to Western PA today. Might be my imagination but I don’t ever remember so many bleak skies day after day. The entire next week looks sunny.

  36. Dora says:

    A new money-saving hack has Americans decorating potatoes instead of eggs this Easter


  37. Dora says:

  38. lateblum says:

    I’ve been invited to dinner at my son’s for Easter this year. I wonder if they’ve “forgiven” me for not being vaxxed. Happy Easter to everyone. ❤

    • lyn5 says:

      Hope they have forgiven themselves for being turds. Happy Resurrection Sunday!

      • lateblum says:

        Sadly, they think I’m the turd… but at least I know why…

        • lyn5 says:

          😦 Did you have a nice dinner with them?

          • lateblum says:

            The dinner was very nice. My son and dil worked very hard making space for everyone. There were people from dil’s extended family whom I hadn’t seen since before covid. Funnily, only 1 person of the nearly 20 there, steered clear of me the entire visit. And sadly, it was the person with whom I’d been the most comfortable of everyone. 🤦🏻‍♀️
            The food was delicious and the people were lovely. I avoided joining conversations about anything controversial. That made the dinner even more enjoyable.

            I hope everyone’s dinners were lovely today.

          • lyn5 says:

            That’s sad about the one person.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Well in not “forgiven” per say (as that would involve admitting they may have been a bit off the beam), will hope they are embarrassed enough to let go of that topic.

      Know you will love seeing the little ones.

      • lateblum says:

        Thanks, Mt. Laurel. I always love seeing the little ones. Even though they are all getting bigger and bigger. The 12yo is now at least 3 inches taller than I. She is so proud! She also just got braces on Wednesday. She is also proud of her braces!

  39. lyn5 says:

    • swanspirit says:

      It never ceases to amaze me, how these morons can lie and spin reality into fantasy. Not only is it different when they do it, “it” is an entirely different universe.
      The latest, most egregious one, being, the shooting of those children in Nashville. by the tranny. Turning the tranny into the victim is more than anyone should bear. Those children just got in the way of the tranny bullets, it wasn’t her fault. That some psychosis they have there.

    • lateblum says:

      My jaw dropped when I read the tweets posted here. I wonder when the SF politicians will begin to think it’s “much ado about something”.

  40. lyn5 says:

  41. lyn5 says:

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  44. lyn5 says:

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  46. lyn5 says:

  47. lyn5 says:

    What could go wrong?!

    • Sometimes it’s harder than others to refute the raw results of IQ tests.

    • Somebody says:

      Does the mayor have that authority in Chicago? The mayor here wouldn’t, we have elected Sheriff, elected state’s attorneys which are the same as district attorneys. The sheriff oversees law enforcement matters including the jail and he answers to the people not the mayor. The prosecutors answer to the people and decide whether to press charges, which charges and whether to take a case to court or bargain for a plea deal.

      The mayors down here also have nothing to do with the school system. There is a sharp dividing line. The school board determines school taxes, never crosses the mayor’s desk.

      In Florida only the Governor can pardon and release prisoners. Technically a judge can if a verdict is overturned or the prison or jail is overcrowded, but you get my drift.

      I know the mayor of Chicago is a more powerful role than down here, but are they technically a monarch?

  48. lyn5 says:

  49. lyn5 says:

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Not a beer drinker so I do not really any stake in this product. My understanding it that Bud/Bud Light itself has been changed to the point that it is now worse than ever. But then I have never understood the logic behind lower calorie beer. Would not working to improve taste say along with a better price point be more effective? How about more emphasis on how useful half pint/pony bottles or mini cans can be to have on hand for guests and for light drinkers? Or, just accept that the Bud Light is no longer viable other than niche product as drinking patterns are changing and shut it down or develop a new product?

      And I hope this Alissa came off better in interviews for that job. Perhaps those that made the hire decision were drunk trying to use up all the leftover beer that did not sell. Because this is not a business person talking in the clip. Let alone an adult with savvy strategic skills.

      • I went on a “beer bus trip” to Budweiser in New Hampshire when I was about to graduate from college. They served sandwiches and all the beer you could drink on the bus. When we arrived, they gave us a tour of the plant where they served more beer. After the tour, they offered job interviews to anyone who was still sober. I hate beer almost as much as I hate coffee so I was as sober as anyone could be. When they asked me if I thought I’d like to work there, I said no because the whole place stinks, and when I got back to school, the first thing I was going to do was take a shower and wash my clothes. I did say I enjoyed seeing the Clydesdales, and if there was a job mucking their stables, I would prefer that. Maybe the marketing person arrived for her interview on a beer bus?

      • 1539days says:

        I don’t even blame her. Budweiser is trying to get “young people” to drink a marginal beer in the era of craft beers and legalized pot. They’re not going to increase their youth demographic, they’re going to shrink the older demographic because there are other beers out there.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Someone higher up had to sign off on a campaign that big. Stick with the Clydesdales !

      • The Clydesdales were the reason I went on the beer bus trip. Because I was sober, I got to see them up close and personal, I was not prepared for how big they were. I already had a job offer close to where Elliesdad was going to be in graduate school. The ride to NH was fun, but coming back was disgusting. lol

        • DeniseVB says:

          They used to keep some of the horses in Williamsburg at their brewery next to Busch Gardens. One spring, there were baby clydes goofing around, sooooo cute. Let the punishment begin…..

          I do think this damage control will be a lot harder….. lol ……

    • DeniseVB says:

      You should sign up on Truth to read DJT’s supporters’ comments in context, he’s quite prolific posting over there 🙂

  50. Dora says:

  51. helenk3 says:

    when the video becomes available, Mark Levin has a lot of info tonight. A history of illegal money to and from the dems.

  52. lyn5 says:

  53. lyn5 says:

  54. lyn5 says:

    RS is getting push back. LOL.

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