Monday, April 17, 2023

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111 Responses to Monday, April 17, 2023

  1. Happy Patriots’ Day! No, it’s not a holiday in RI, either. But in Cambridge, MA, Paul Revere has rowed across the Charles and picked up his horse for the ride through “every Middlesex village and town”. He’s shouting “The Redcoats are coming!” Because like them, he, too, is British. h/t to Sarah Palin. He’ll be stopped along route 2 in Lincoln. The Minutemen in Lexington have battled the British regulars on the town green. Other Minutemen are heading toward Concord where they will face off with the Regulars at the Old North Bridge. They will “fire the shot heard round the world”, and then chase the soldiers not left at the bridge to die back to Arlington. The British flag will be lowered at Longfellow’s Wayside Inn and the American flag raised. Biden would invite them to have a drink there and give them the keys to the munition storage.

    Further away in Middlesex County, the starting gun has been fired for the Boston Marathon. It’s a great day for running today so look for some good running times. I have no one running this year so I have no inside scoops.

    • Dora says:

      Happy Patriots’ Day to you too.

      Thank you for that little lesson.

      History can be so exciting when told in a story like manner. I wish they would start teaching it again in school.

      • Because I grew up in the Boston area when schools still took field trips, we learned about New England history by actually visiting where things happened here. When I still lived down the street from the Old North Bridge, I rousted my grandson up and took him to see the re-enactment there. History is favorite subject in school, and I like to think it started there.

    • swanspirit says:

      Happy Patriots Day! I rode horses for so many years, I can almost put myself in Paul Revere’s saddle. And Sybyl Ludington, a 16 year old girl who also rode to notify the colonists, in New York.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Watching the Boston Marathon now, so pretty in the rain 🙂

  2. I said Anheuser-Busch would put out a Clydesdale spot. They released this-

    The advertisement, which was released on social media Friday, features one of Budweiser’s famous Clydesdale horses traversing the country from New York City to the Grand Canyon, passing by scenes in the American heartland as a narrator delivers a patriotic message.

    “This is a story bigger than beer,” the ad’s narrator says in the ad. “This is the story of the American spirit.”

    As the ad plays, the Clydesdale horse passes by some of the most famous American landmarks, showcasing the New York City skyline, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., small towns, and farmland. At one point, the ad showcases two people raising an American flag as one places her hand over her heart.

    • swanspirit says:

      Nice try. Where’s Dylan Mulvaney? Doesn’t he like horses?

      • lateblum says:

        GMTA! I was thinking the same thing while I watched the commercial.
        I hope they struggle mightily from their escapade into Wokeville.

    • Miranda says:

      That ad is so hilarious when you know the context I LOVE the manly, growling voice, and the rearing horse at the end. “Horse, but make it phallic!” ROFL.

    • lyn5 says:

    • Constance says:

      It sounds like it is all east coast focused. I know east coast people think Ohio is the “mid west” but look at the map. Two thirds of the country will be irritated by this.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Thought of your comment last night. I had Hello Dolly! on in the background while I worked and the parade sequence, showing circa 1880s/1890s, featured the Clydesdales.🍻🐎

      Those darn horses have done more than their share of heavy lifting for that beer combining a steadfast corporate face and eliciting tons of goodwill. Not something some some fly by night grifter in the blackface of the 21st century could ever appreciate or let alone duplicate.

  3. This popped up on my memories today. It’s from way back when Facebook was new to me. But it’s a window into the teacher my sweat hogs loved. I keep telling people I’m not a nice person. 🙂

    Please copy and paste this as your status if you know someone, or have heard of someone who knows someone. If you don’t know anyone, or even if you’ve heard of anyone who doesn’t know anyone, then do still copy this. It’s important to spread the message, even if no-one knows anything about anyone. Oh, and the hearts. ♥ ♥ ♥ For someone’s sake, don’t forget the hearts. ♥ ♥

  4. Dora says:

    Snowing? Yikes!

    • lateblum says:

      Yup. There is a white coating on my car this morning. And it may continue throughout the day. I don’t know, bc I haven’t actually heard/watched today’s
      weather. I’m doing taxes today. A day earlier than usual. I don’t know why I delay this futile exercise. Before I retired and was reporting many thousands of dollars more in income, I would routinely get thousands of dollars back in the form of a refund. Now that I’m making so little, I’m paying hundreds in taxes, even though I pay taxes when I get that required distribution. I think this is the real reason I put this off. I can’t stand the idea that the poor (me) get screwed by the gov’t without a doubt.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Perhaps a move to a state that doesn’t tax retirement income will fix that ? Florida? 😉

      • swanspirit says:

        There is a yellow coating on my car. And it won’t melt when the temperature rises. It’s pollen. I used to have a gray car, but today, and probably for a while, it will be yellow. Even if I hose it down, an hour later it will start to be yellow again.

        • lateblum says:

          Next week, there will be a covering of seeds from the trees and it will permeate lol the seams of my car and cause bad leaking into the front passenger seat when it rains.
          Yikes! The more I read about where I live and the consequences thereof, the more I wonder why I’m still here!!!

        • Mt.Laurel says:

          Last week before the heavy pollen my light silver car looked almost white in the bright sunshine. Now, all the cars are that lovely mustard yellow.

  5. This is from Twitchy-

    SNL used to have courage. They’d touch the third rail. You want to do something objectively funny, SNL? Have some guts. Do a skit of a lib mother trying to talk her very unwilling son into cutting his junk off so she’ll fit in with the other lib mommies in her book club.

    We dare you.

  6. DeniseVB says:

    Liberty University holds a Covocation every year for about 80 conservative speakers and the conservative student body is pretty much required to attend. It does make for a nice poltical video being cheered for popular Christian positions. Yay, Ron! 😀

    • Somebody says:

      It just so happens I ran into fellow Floridians at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest house in Lynchburg. They were there for a baseball game. The woman I mostly spoke to has a son on Liberty’s baseball team. She was there with her two teenage/college age daughters, her parents, her sister and BIL, their young son and her aunt and uncle, all from the panhandle.

      To a person none of them wanted DeSantis to run for POTUS, at least not yet. They do NOT want a Trump vs DeSantis primary. To a person they were all hard core Trump supporters. I was unaware DeSantis was speaking there, they informed me. He also attended a fundraiser.

      They did inform me that the kids on the baseball team and a lot of the son’s friends were really excited that DeSantis was speaking. Mom and aunt said they were thinking about going, the aunt said she was going to yell “go home”.

      I don’t know if any of them made it to the speech, but from what I heard the enthusiasm was genuine at least on the part of some of the students.

  7. DeniseVB says:

    • Somebody says:

      Yes it is, Pompeo is out too. If the establishment wants a fighting chance they should narrow their field to one candidate to rally around. Not that I think any of them can beat Trump, but their splitter strategy is blowing up in their face like a cartoon cigar.

      • lyn5 says:

        It’s too bad the establishment hates Trump.

        • Somebody says:

          They don’t hate him, they hate his policies. When he was just a donor they loved him. Should he win again most of them will cozy up to him so fast it’ll make your head spin. Of course they’ll stab him in the back at the first opportunity 🙄

  8. DeniseVB says:

    Oh, FFS ….

  9. DeniseVB says:

    And down goes Seattle. Voters have the power to correct this, but they won’t 😦

  10. DeniseVB says:

    I like Elon’s mom …

  11. Dora says:

  12. If someone asked you if it’s dishonest to choose your political party based on your chances of getting elected instead of what you believe, what would you say?

    • lateblum says:

      I’d say it happens more than people might think. My own brother ran as a republicans/li an because he knew he wouldn’t get elect3d if he ran as a democrat. He’s been a democrat his entire life. He’s also a good guy who, after retiring from the USAF, wanted to continue to serve his community. He was elected as a Republicans and served his community with integrity.

  13. DeniseVB says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. Mt.Laurel says:

    May not celebrate Patriot’s Day in every state but for this group of Patriots:

    Happy National CrawfishDay!
    To everyone at TCH and beyond.

  18. lyn5 says:

      • What’s that saying? There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women?

        • Mothy67 says:

          I think it’s hilarious that the TQ+ group is just giving Rowling more press. HBO Max or whatever it’s called this week is moving forward with a ten year adaptation of The Harry Potter series. It will go into more depth than the movies. Some of the stars who all their fame and fortune to her imagination have called on her to have no participation. Huh? She created it. Emmy Watson and Daniel Radcliffe read. Regardless of what you think of the quality of the novels it did spur children to read. Was, I believe, 25 years ago the first book was published. One of the books is second only to the Bible in copies sold.
          Gotta respect the woman for not backing down. Did Twitter warriors think they could take down the most commercially successful writer ever? Same with Musk. Neither will be bullied. Their voices resonate all the more because sane people see the feral proggies for what they are. Rowling did not attack trans she supported women. Musk hasn’t trumpeted hate speech he has celebrated free speech.
          I hope and think the endless din created by the miscreants will push some on the far left back to the center. Mere months ago when speaking with a friend she argued that chemical and surgical transitions weren’t happening, that adults were not dressing in drag and being beyond provocative, that the alphabet agencies were not in cahoots with social media to suppress conservative thought. She claimed it was all Fox lies. She’s not denying it now.

          • I just finished reading “The Madness of Crowds” by Douglas Murray. I know you’ve seen him on Tucker’s Today Show. I think you’d enjoy the book. He’s gay so the chapters on “gay” and “trans” are personal to him. I think he’s a little off-base about some of the things he says in the “women” chapter so I’d like to know what you think.

          • Mothy67 says:

            Will do.

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. Dora says:

    Ever since I saw the movie I’ve been a little afraid of robots. I remember the exact conversation in which I asked my friend what would happen when they became smarter than we are. She dismissed the question as nonsense.

    I wonder what she is doing now.

  21. helenk3 says:

    After seeing the contempt that the benedicts have for crime victims at today’s hearing in NYC, I would like to see all protection taken away from them. Let them deal with crime like the average citizen has to do today in dem run cities.

    • Constance says:

      Works for me. Unfortunately I live on the wrong side of that dividing line but I could be talked into a move.

  22. helenk3 says:

    love it

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      So does this mean that when I get home from work later tonight I am expected to apologize to the underdeveloped chicks formerly know as eggs in the fridge and ask their preferred identity and pronoun(s)? Because if those little ova (opps, I guess that word is out as well, zygote?) could talk I am sure they would think me bonkers and will be calling 911 for immediate psych intervention.

    • This is the 10th anniversary of the bombing so there has been some “in memoriam” things happening. It doesn’t seem that long ago.

      I haven’t seen anything about any “transwomen” in the race yet. Since everyone runs it together except for the wheelchair racers who have a separate start, it would be a good place to have a “tranny class”. Just make another laurel wreath crown. Or are they afraid to run along with the men?

    • lyn5 says:

      Sweet story. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  23. That’s the way I feel, too. One of my former 8th graders wants to run for the board of selectmen. He says he’s a Republican at heart, but he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell unless he runs as a Democrat. His last name starts with an A, and the ballots in town always list the Democrats first. Being first on the ballot is an edge. When he was 13, he told me his favorite color is “plaid”, and I told him he was going to grow up to be a politician.

    He dropped by my old house to see me and saw my daughter instead. My daughter saw him staring at the house and asked him if he was looking for me. She asked him his name and when he told her, she said, “You like plaid, right?” So she gave him my email address and told him he’d have to get an address or phone number from me. 🙂

  24. Mothy67 says:

    I bought two bags of Starbucks Italian coffee. It is too strong for my taste, but mixing it with Folgers is my new perfect blend. One scoop of Italian to two scoops of cheap stuff. The Italian alone is like a mug of espresso. Fine after a meal, but not on its own. Would be great with dark chocolate. Now I can buy one bag of Starbucks and mix it with the cheap stuff. I love a bargain.

  25. helenk3 says:

    do you ever wonder if the he-she -it bruhaha is just a diversion for something else going on in this country? nothing bid-on and the benedicts would do to hurt this country would surprise me.

    • I think there’s a push to disrupt the idea there are some universal truths. If you can decide to change things about yourself that are immutable, then nothing is written in stone. The idea that if you believe in nothing, you can be convinced to believe in anything. I think the power to get people to believe

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. lyn5 says:

  29. lyn5 says:

  30. helenk3 says:

    I think one of my comments is in the cellar. please get it out.

  31. lyn5 says:

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