Monday, June 12, 2023

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81 Responses to Monday, June 12, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    More nice things happening, this is for J6 prisoners, wish I had an extra $600 and lived near Bedminster πŸ™‚

  2. lyn5 says:

    Happy Day Before Indictment!

  3. DeniseVB says:

    Tonys were on last night and I have a feeling this was the best part.

    • taw46 says:

      Not Streisand, but not bad.

    • Dora says:

      Great performance! Better than Babs imo.

      (I’m not a Babs fan).

    • lateblum says:

      I recorded it so I could watch it after I got home. It was nearly 2:00 am, but I saw this and she really was very, very good! I thought the opening of the show was great. It seemed like the show ran 10 hours, but it was probably because I was so tired and I was trying to do more than just watch the Tonys.

  4. taw46 says:

    Why isn’t Barnes Trump’s lawyer? If you want to understand this political case, if you want to understand all of the Constitutional issues with this case, then you need to watch this.

    β€œThis goes way past Trump, this is Deep State war on our democracy.”

    β€œWho has the power under Article II? The elected President of the United States or the unelected Deep State? Jack Smith says the unelected Deep State.”

    LOL. β€œ All of these lawyers are pussies.” Talking about DC judge forcing lawyers to breach attorney/client privilege. And the lawyers did.

    • lyn5 says:

      Barnes criticized Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer, because Richards had Kyle testify.

    • lyn5 says:

      Hope Trump sues his lawyers and the DC courts for the attorney-client privilege breach too.

      • taw46 says:

        Me too. The lawyers are worthless if they can’t uphold that one important rule.

        • Somebody says:

          With the exception of Jay Sekulow and Alan Derschowitz, I think they’ve pierced attorney client privilege with all of Trump’s other lawyers. They had Giuliani wiretapped and under surveillance for a couple of yearsπŸ™„

          Now that I think about it, maybe his attorneys in the Jean Carroll case haven’t been forced to violate attorney client privilege, but all of his business attorneys, attorneys in and around his term in the WH and his attorneys in and around his post Presidency at Mar-A-Lago have. Giuliani as well as most of the others have been forced to testify before grand juries.

          Apparently Trump isn’t allowed to have attorney client privilege, because orange man bad. One judge after another has compelled his attorneys to turn over notes, documents and to testify.

          • taw46 says:

            It’s shameful. But if you listen to Barnes, he faults the lawyers for not standing up to the judges. He says they don’t have the backbone for these political cases, that’s why he called them pussies. He says you need to fight, and Trump’s lawyers should have been fighting back when they raided Mar-a-Lago. On Constitutional issues. He’s going to lose if he doesn’t have someone like Barnes going up against this corrupt government.

            I saw Rudy on Newsmax the other night. I believe he is even prevented from practicing law, that’s why he can’t help Trump.

  5. lyn5 says:

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  9. lyn5 says:

  10. Dora says:

    I’m not even sure if this is real or a joke.

  11. lyn5 says:

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  13. lyn5 says:

  14. taw46 says:

  15. taw46 says:

  16. Dora says:

    They are undoing everything!


    US reportedly requests to rejoin UNESCO in reversal of Trump administration withdrawal

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. DeniseVB says:

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. Mothy67 says:

    Yesterday I went into a pub to play video poker. Machines are now legal in PA but this bar still has a “hidden” room. The way its set up I could hear every word of the conversation between a couple of guys watching football. One guy had been fucked over royally by psychotherapy. It reminded me of that female to male transition who feels lonely as a dude. This guy was talking about his feelings and words. Men don’t express every thought. It dawned on me that schools have been transitioning boys for a long time. Why ALPHA Trump is hated so much. I grew up sharing a bedroom with three brothers. It was never natural to talk about feelings. We always had each others backs but it didn’t need to be articulated.
    When Shay got busted for smoking pot in school my mother wanted, needed to discuss. I said knock it off. I will buy piss tests and if you fail say goodbye to phone and car. I get sometimes therapy can be helpful but so can just being blunt. I have been to AA and detox. There is a big difference between men and women struggling with addiction. Initially AA was just for men. I kinda think they should still be separate. Women process things differently.I think schools have been feminizing boys for decades.
    I realize I might sound like an idiot. Generalizing— but from my vista masculinity has been demonized. No one will ever call me b u tch. I live with my mom, my sister, my grand niece, two female dogs and a girl cat –when it storms I share my bed with dogs and cat. I am hardly a brute but when they are scared they come to me.
    Trump is a man. That turns some libs off. They want feminized men/ Trudeau. Newsome, Romney.
    Everything during the holy month of gay pride has been about celebrating weak men who attempt to act like women. It is a fuck you to masculinity. People like Richard Grenell are not celebrated— dylan is.
    My life is no joke. I have worked hard to establish relationships with my community and family. I matter. I don’t want to be perceived as a clown twerking in front of toddlers in leather chaps in front of kids. Almost 17 years in with da brat. No one wanted her. She was cast aside. I was there. She is an athlete. Helps out at Pitt volleyball, gets straight A’s. has spoken at Carnegie Mellon, has had lunches with state senators about women in STEM. My house has always been that house where kids find refuge. Shay has always brought kids home. I am not a saint. My fall back is fuck off to everything. When a kid has escaped to here I call the parents before head hits the pillow. I have arranged family therapy. We have no buses. I would walk kids home from kindergaten to like third grade. I attended sports, theater when parents couldn’t.
    I am angry right now that Pride paints me as a sex crazed buffoon. i am gay but I am not an unserious person. Marching and getting my ass slapped in front of kids has nothing to i with me.
    I walked the smartest kid home everyday from school. His mom is a Vietnamese refugee who honestly lives above a nail salon that she owns. We are going back 12/13 years would she trust me today? I feel the heat of the deranged. HRC is a criminal enterprise.

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. DeniseVB says:


  25. lyn5 says:

  26. swanspirit says:

    This is a hopeful sign.

    According to UM News, the official news service of the UMC, 5,458 churches have disaffiliated this year alone.

    The controversy comes after liberal leaders in the UMC disregarded a 2019 vote upholding the church’s ban on ordaining LGBT clergy and officiating at or hosting same-sex weddings.

  27. lyn5 says:

    DeSantis’s minders?

  28. lyn5 says:

  29. DeniseVB says:

    I’m looking for more info….

  30. lyn5 says:

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