Thursday, June 15, 2023

Monkey Face Orchids (via Amazon seed catalog)
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39 Responses to Thursday, June 15, 2023

  1. swanspirit says:

    Those orchids are too cute! 😁

  2. Dora says:

    Good Morning.

  3. Dora says:

    • jentx says:

      And long covid is just death via ‘vaccine-cum-death-shot’ and the death rate is 100%. I am still UCKING PISSED that so many here took the shots. I had to get away at that point. DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND how pissed I am at ya’ll? Drunk kool aid. I hope all of you are on the detox programs out there because some are showing real signs of helping your chances at living longer. I don’t know if you understand the totality of what has happened. Death rates are SKYROCKETING for all age groups, cancer is up 50% in all age groups and past treatments that were successful ARE NO LONGER SUCCESSFUL, Infertility WAY UP, Miscarriages WAY UP, Sick born babies WAY UP, LOTS of women (esp. those that got J & J death shot) have had to have hysterectomies to stop bleeding out of their vaginas and so on and so forth. For each shot and each booster you signed a quicker ‘get of out life’ card and I AM PISSED. If you follow Mary Talley Bowden’s Twitter you will see Doctors and Hospitals were either in on it or sued, fired, prosecuted and worse. FOLLOW THE MONEY it is beyond sick what is going on. Here is just one of thousands of examples of evil collusion the CDC paid the American Association of GYN’s and Baby Docs $11 MILLION to push the death shot on pregnant women. FUCK THEM. The European Union about 2 weeks ago said NO PREGNANT woman should take any shot as it poses DEATH RISK to both mom/child. FUCK THIS SHIT. Why did the CDC have to pay ANYONE to push the shot if it was so fucking great. Methodist Hospital (who, like Fauci, made money with each shot) in Houston and CDC and FDA and Fauci and even my beloved Trump need to OWN THIS SHIT. Trump needs to come out and just finally say they Lied and we DIED. If the attorneys would get to work we could pierce the stupid immunity clause big Pharma got because they lied about the test results BIG TIME and justice does not protect those with dirty hands–or at least in theory should not. They lied to him as much as us and if he would just finally cross over and get really mad and get ahead of the death that is coming he would be well served. oh, and FUCK the republicans and all traitors and asshats everywhere. Remember Joan of Arc? France –after she saved their assess–left her to die and she did. Let’s not be asshats and get to saving before there is nothing left to be saved. And I tried not to curse but Fuck it I just cannot when discussing this shit. But other than that I am happy as a lark.

  4. taw46 says:

    I hate the left. They put up a fake Trump TruthSocial, in which he blames Walt Nauta for the security documents. You could tell by reading the fake Trump statement, that it definitely wasn’t him. And I double-checked by going over to TruthSocial. But do you think any of these lefties questioned it? No, they all retweeted it. At least one person did delete their tweet, but I still see it out there.

  5. Dora says:

    Interview with Kevin Stacey, if anyone is interested.


    Kevin Spacey Blames the Media for Turning ‘Me Into a Monster’: Claims ‘People Are Ready to Hire Me’ If Cleared of London Sex Assault Charges

  6. Mothy67 says:

    I have to figure out how to resolve this drama with my crazy neighbor. We formed this toxic relationship. I am just as much to blame as I let it happen. She is disabled. Lives on social security. I added her to my wireless as she had never had internet. She took to Facebook. She takes about 12 meds. When Covid was raging she was unable to stand for a half an hour to get meds. She could have done delivery. Three years I have done all her shopping and provided her with internet. She screamed at me for dropping off celery at 5 pm. I woke her. I had discovered that a child had been living in my basement. She has never met her mom and supposedly her dad threw her out for being a lesbian. I have a full apartment in the basement but this girl was sleeping in the garage. Shay has always brought kids home. I have five air mattresses. I’d never permit a kid to sleep on cold cement. I have taken in kids. The first thing I do is call parents. Your child is here and safe how do you want to play this. Kids fight with parents. I would never hide a kid. She is spinning a tale that I ain’t buying. She told me her dad will let her move back in if she goes to Western Psych for two weeks. I worked at Western Psych. It is part of the University of Pittsburgh. It is for extreme cases. It houses people that get strapped down and eat pills all day to be zombies. It’s where they put the insane. A 16 year old girl with A Taylor Swift fetish is never placed there. I know the drill. I worked for welfare. A kid with suicidal ideations is taken to observation and watched for at least 24 hours. Hydration is a big thing. Girls can lose water I had no clue. A period can dehydrate. I know more than my fair share of psychiatrists. They never want to admit a girl who fantasizes about self harm. Boys are different. They act. Anywho i found this kid eating frozen burgers in my cellar. I was emotionally spent. I told the little old lady to fuck over celery. I was done a kid was lying to me and I lashed out a lady who has no one

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Ron! does realize Biden undid all the good Trump had done? That’s who he needs to be going after.

      • lyn5 says:

        That’s one criticism by DeSantis supporters: Trump allowed his stuff to be undone by Biden. They don’t realize that Trump undid a lot of Obama’s regulations and EOs.

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lyn5 says:

  11. Mothy67 says:

    A thing
    I have been to detox. I can only reflect on what I have seen. I have killer insurance but I took myself to MCKeesport. It is last stop. You go there when you are putting off death for an hour. There was a woman reading a spy novel she hid it for the next time. McKeesport is one of those places that had been vibrant. It had gorgeous parades. I marched in them. Movie theaters department stores bakeries. It was healthy and alive. Mills closed and everything went away.
    My life has been a tapestry. I lived in London, Paris, NYC, Philly. I could have gone to Betty Ford or that place in Malibu. I took an Uber to ghetto rehab. I found a desire to live. Was all black men. Dudes who had mothers giving blow jobs for crack got linked on to heroin. They found Christ and moved beyond despair. I was at the most barren place and these uneducated men had so much ♡. I was quoting Dostoyevsky and my girl Flannery 0.. i was so lost. The black men pulled me out. They were all about finding Grace. My fat beagle is Grace

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. Dora says:

    Boy, did he get tall!

  14. Mt.Laurel says:

    Love the flower faces Denise!

    Not monkeys, but the old line Disney animators had some fun with flowers and their personalities as well:

  15. Dora says:

    Holy Moly!

  16. Dora says:

  17. Dora says:

  18. taw46 says:


  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


  21. lyn5 says:

  22. taw46 says:

    Sickening. The Marxists in charge are having these idiots destroy our culture. How are they getting into museums with the paint, the glue, etc?

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lyn5 says:

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