Tuesday, June 27, 2023

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77 Responses to Tuesday, June 27, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    NYC Pizza Party!

  2. Dora says:

    Good Morning.


  3. taw46 says:

    Will Obama never leave us alone? 🤮

    • swanspirit says:

      It’s not enough that Fox news is dying. He wants to put the nails in the coffin. And he is still a narcissist, trying to grab attention.

      • taw46 says:

        It’s always if you watch “right wing FNC and listen to some right-wing radio hosts” you are in a bubble, but if you read NY Times or listen to MSM, why that’s never “left-wing” or a bubble. That’s normal according to him, because you are getting the “real” facts. Makes me crazy when they won’t acknowledge that there is a different opinion out there, we are a country divided.

        And yes, he is definitely a narcissist and wants all of the attention for himself.

        • lyn5 says:

          Democrats are in the biggest bubble ever.

        • lateblum says:

          My thoughts exactly. In fact, I nearly got whiplash when he said that it about living in a right-wing “bubble” and “believing”.

    • Dora says:

      “Will Obama never leave us alone”?

      I’m afraid not.

  4. DeniseVB says:

    Sometimes my lazy procrastination is rewarded. I haven’t un-subscribed from Fox Nation yet, so I guess I’ll watch Rob Schneider’s comedy special before I do. 🙂

    • Dora says:

      That’s good. And so true. 🙂

    • taw46 says:

      That was true AND funny. I still have Fox Nation and I forget that I do. Because I was once able to watch it on TV, but the relatives went to Direct TV streaming, instead of the regular, and I can no longer see it. I think I have to go to my computer to watch it.

      • lyn5 says:

        I have it too as part of a two-year deal.

        • Somebody says:

          We have it as part of a 3 year deal, it expires in a couple of months. I’ll have to check out the Rob Schneider special before then.

    • lyn5 says:

      He endorsed RFKJr.

      • taw46 says:

        I don’t know for sure, but I would think RFKJr is fine with diversity hiring. I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️.

        • lyn5 says:


        • Somebody says:

          Probably a pretty safe bet. I like some of RFK’s positions, but I can’t abide others. I’m all for reducing pollution, but I don’t consider CO2 a pollutant or nitrogen, both are a natural part of our atmosphere. Sure let’s consider them, let’s not let things get way out of whack, but there’s a balance to be found.

          I’m just not part of the AGW/climate change cult. I’m waiting for oxygen to be declared a pollutant🙄

          • DeniseVB says:

            So I can start smoking again? 😉

          • John Denney says:

            A former boss was a chain smoker who suddenly quit cold turkey.
            At a reunion 30 years later, people were shocked to see him light up again.
            In response, he said, “I’m old. I’m gonna die. I like it.”
            Hard to argue against that.

          • DeniseVB says:

            I like him, too. 😀

          • John Denney says:

            Oh, he’s a character. Very sharp guy.
            Always wears a suit. Poli sci at Harvard, foreign car mechanic before he became a software guru & hired me. Hosts the Russian ballet troupe (Kirov? Bolshoi? Either?) at his house when they’re in town.
            Manic/depressive, tall, slender, slight potbelly, thick grey shock of hair & huge handlebar mustache, he can be utterly charming, but I’ve also seen him in a bar after work with co-workers yelling purple faced with veins standing out in his neck at a Japanese software engineer & manager in a different department, “NOTHING YOU HAVE EVER WORKED ON HAS EVER SHIPPED! YOU HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT A DRAIN ON THE COMPANY FOR ALL THE YEARS YOU’VE WORKED HERE! YOU SHOULD GO OUT INTO THE PARKING LOT AND COMMIT SEPUKU!!!”
            Yoshi just sat there, holding his cigarette like Artie Johnson’s German soldier character on Laugh In, & smiling amusedly.

            Good times! 🙂

          • taw46 says:

            What a character, I think I would have enjoyed his company. Lol

  5. taw46 says:

    All those in the left are falling for this.

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lateblum says:

    This picture isn’t even close to what I’m seeing here in Evanston. I went out to check on the garden, and it is way more hazy than this photo indicates. And the smell of smoke from the forest fires is prevalent. It was tough to breathe. It is going to be worse the rest of the week as the temps are going to rise along with humidity. So on a typical hot, humid day, breathing is difficult. But with this smoke, it will be miserable.

    Of course, if healthy forest management strategies were employed, this most likely wouldn’t happen in the future. I don’t know what is getting in the way of good stewardship.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Speaking about blowing smoke, how’s Obama’s paperless “Library” coming along? Does he need to launder more donations to pay the contractors on his new Hawaii oceanfront mansion? Heh.

      You be careful with that fire smoke, if you have to be out and about, wear a covid mask, might help with the irritating particles. It helped when it was smogging up SE Virginia recently. The winds changed, thankfully, and it just disappeared.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        For a paperless library should not BOO HOO have just leased a cloud from his buddy Gates and rather than pillaging Chicago. Again.

        • lateblum says:

          There are ongoing protests from South Side residents who are calling the Obama Library people on their broken promises that people wouldn’t be displaced. They ❤️ Obama. They are angry with the broken promises. Oddly enough, they don’t hold him responsible for those broken promises. Obama supporters are either blind to the truth, or they are stupid.

          • DeniseVB says:

            He’s their Messiah. And they call us cult members. LOL. Obama’s foundation needs to be audited because they are still living high on the hog and I haven’t a clue where the money is coming from.

          • Mt.Laurel says:

            I do wonder if this is why there are suddenly big execs dissing the Sparkles because that duo and their minions can not keep quiet, big up stories/importance by trying to drag others into their warped reality, and cannot even manage the minimal work expected. They have really opened a can of worms by “shinning their light” and inadvertently exposing just how much money moves around publishing/entertainment/news outlets for not much “product”, that there is a lot of creative accounting and very creative PR (even more than most suspected), and how certain types of deals get slid in between the cracks. Being horrors to work with/for of course does not help the Sparkles cause.

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lyn5 says:

  11. taw46 says:

    He left out the house in DC. And does he still own the one in Chicago?

    • DeniseVB says:

      I brought up the Hawaiian mansion upthread. See, he just won’t go away so we have to keep bringing up what a sh*thead he is. 😛

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      Wendy Patterson @wendyp4545

      Breaking News: The story about the attack on Iran originated out of Mark Meadows book where Meadows describes Trump holding 4 pages of documents on the attack on Iran while Trump was in office.

      This may have been the trigger to the Mara Lago raid and the top secret documents the FBI originally said they went in to retrieve.

      The FBI raid didn’t turn up any attack on Iran documents and Trump stands by his statement that he didn’t take them and that the papers he had in his hand during that recording after he left office were news clips and articles.
      4:38 PM · Jun 27, 2023

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. taw46 says:

    Italy is looking for this tourist who carved his and his girlfriend’s name into the wall of the coliseum. If they find him, hope they make him pay a heavy fine and also keep him out of Italy forever. Who needs tourists like him?

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. Mothy67 says:

    My oldest and dearest friend sent me a text about how I had sent a text about punching her in the head. I am known to say the most brutal stuff but saying punch you in the head didn’t taste like my vernacular. I would say kick you. It took about two hours. We fighted. I love my best friend. I might want to punch her in the head after 30 years but I wouldn’t say it. It took hours. The text came from her daughter. If you use an iPad and iPhone texts show up .they are just there.

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