Weekend of July 15-16, 2023

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117 Responses to Weekend of July 15-16, 2023

  1. Dora says:

    Good Morning,

    I always thought these crimes were mob related because of the way the bodies were dumped so closely. I doubt this is the end. I’m sure more bodies will be turning up as the search goes on.

    In the meantime, it looks like Alec Baldwin is no longer Massapequa’s most infamous resident. 🙂


    ‘A Demon That Walks Among Us ‘: Gilgo Murder Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

    Rex Heuermann, 59, was charged with six murder counts in connection with the Gilgo Beach serial killings. He pleaded not guilty.


  2. taw46 says:

    Such a beautiful child.

  3. Dora says:

  4. Dora says:



    WHO, CDC and Bill Gates pushing for peel-and-stick vaccine patches mailed directly to people’s homes


  5. Dora says:

    It wasn’t a gaffe. That’s the true goal of the globalists.


    Kamala Harris’ latest gaffe sparks wild conspiracy theories as she claims Biden administration wants to reduce POPULATION instead of pollution


    • SHV says:

      ” That’s the true goal of the globalists.”
      Of course it is…only way “Green Energy” has a hope of working. IIRC, WEF advisor’s goals 780 million, Jane Goodall said need to return to population of 16th century, ~500 million. The WEF also talks about all of the un-necessary and excess people that aren’t needed for the technology driven society of the Elites. No one is talking out loud how to reduce World Population by 90%. Significant reduction in birth rate creates problem that China and Japan are facing, not enough workers to support the non-working elderly population. Where will they set the maximum age for the non-Elites??

      • 1539days says:

        It’s a backwards argument as well. The human population grew as life became easier and civilization could support it. Decimating the population isn’t going to create resources because human labor is needed to produce them. I work in automation and whenever I think of automation taking over everything, I think of “Idiocracy”

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • DeniseVB says:

    • taw46 says:

      Climate activists (mostly young people?) are so pathetic. No one would ever have been able to talk me into doing that when I was young. I would never have glued any body part to a road. Stupid.

  9. Mothy67 says:

    Every once in awhile life throws me a royal treat. I have a grand nephew who I selfishly avoided. I was going broke fast with Shayla. I wasn’t going to get the responsibility of another teen baby. Shay and John are cousins. He had a bromance with Shay’s quarterback boyfriend. The kid was a local star. Johnnie adored him. He is now 14 but was 11 when Shay the cheerleader dated the football star. I wanted to stay away. I was emotionally bankrupt with Shaypup. I didn’t have the energy to worry about another a kid born to a teen. I am know head over heels in love with my grand nephew. He said wow you are an asshole. I said duh. Not normalI care truly madly deeply but I am not the great uncle who takes you fishing. I go to theater and museums I can barely tie my shoes. We talked. He wants to be an architect. Of course if you have a great gay uncle he has a hardback copy of The Fountainhead. Yep. I am Smitten by my grand nephew. He knew I took all the girls to see Scream 6. He found it disturbing. I love the Scream franchise. It kinda who I am. A funny horror story. I don’t fit in a box. Way back in 1999 I saw the first Scream. It was funny. Courtney Cox and Neve Campbell beat the shit out of Ghostface. People get stabbed hundreds of times and live to fight. I was knocked down I got up. My life was kinda a horror film in which I found humor. Seriously almost 40 years later I have a brat who looks just like Jenna Ortega. Girls love Scream. It is absurdly stupid. People get stabbed hundreds of times and get up. I get why horror comedy does not sit well with everyone, but I fell for Scream way back. The killer is always getting beat up. Oof and ouch.t

  10. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      Dean Richards rated Sound Freedom a B+ yesterday. I just watched his review from the Friday morning news, and thought it was thoughtfully done. He said, “Sound of Freedom is a movie that is hard to watch, but one that everyone should see.”

    • lateblum says:

      SoF came in second place this week to MI here in Chicago-land. I think it might’ve been second last weekend, too. I haven’t seen it. I used to go to movies all the time. Then covid stopped everyone. Theaters closed and the huge multiscreen theater here never reopened. I might try to see the movie this week – if it’s still playing. This community is VERY woke and also arrogant. They might even try to shut down the movie now that it’s successful.

    • lateblum says:

  11. lyn5 says:

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      I have often suspected that Orka made most of her money by collecting info on people and then asking for “favors” once the knew she knew.

    • Jentx says:

      Oprah is as fake as fuck. She’s like every disappointment ever. Let’s talk about Mo’nique. I love Mo’nique She is a fabulous actress and a truth teller. She was raped by her brother the same way Oprah was raped by multiple male relatives. When Mo’nique hit it big in “Precious” oprah and Tyler perry decided to pander her rape on one of Oprah’s Shows. Well Mo’nique did not want to do it and you know what Oprah and Tyler perry did they blackballed her right out of Hollywood. Fuck them they are as bad as the rapist. You can research the story but it’s all true and fuck Tyler perry rich as fuck he didn’t need to do that and fuck Oprah richer than fuck and they took that woman and said you will never work again unless you let us tell your story to make additional money. Oprah and Tyler perry should get on their hands and knees and beg for forgiveness but they want and all the fake feminist out there will never do a goddamn thing. Makes me sick when I think about it. I don’t know what it is about people when you have all the power and all the money and still you don’t do a goddamn good thing with it. Think about it Monique just had a breakout role as a black female actress and they took her out because she didn’t want to tell the most intimate horrifying story to the world. Neither Oprah or Tyler perry should really be allowed to function in proper society if you think about what’s right and wrong they took a victim and they re-victimized her simply for the money and then they blackballed her. I used to love Oprah and then she just came out as a racist money grubbing piece of shit. There’s a special place in hell for a child rape victim who Re-victimize other child rape victims. My heart stops crying for you when you become the monster and she sure is a big fat one. All the money in the world won’t get her in to heaven and won’t give her peace of mind.

  12. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      Fun movie free on Peacock. I may have posted it before, but it goes with the above video. LOL.

      • taw46 says:

        I saw that a few months ago on Hallmark, it was a cute movie.

        • Mothy67 says:

          I will try to not sound offensive. Try. Why do women like Hallmark. I find my mom and sister at times crying after watching one of those movies. My mom does not like gay people. I am her son in real life. Hallmark is so Canada. Canada is gay. Everything on Hallmark makes me look like a hardcore hockey player missing half my teeth.

          • taw46 says:

            Mindless entertainment for me. No one hates anyone in their movies and they all have happy endings. Everything is so ugly today, I like to sometimes escape t0 a pretty world. I only started watching Hallmark movies a few years ago. Before that, I was one who saw every critically acclaimed movie, every Oscar nominated movie. But I got tired of Hollywood’s movies, especially being lectured to by the likes of them.

            I watch many old movies, from the 1930s on. The 30s and 40s were the best, just stories about everyday life, some excellent movies and actors. I do watch some new movies, if I can find one that doesn’t lecture me and beat me over the head with wokeism. If the world had not turned upside down, I may never have watched a Hallmark movie, lol. (And I must say, they have improved over the last year or so.)

          • lateblum says:

            This is quite the same for me as well. I never watched Hallmark movies and sadly, I mocked the very idea of those movies. Then, as taw said, the world turned “upside down” and I found myself needing the sense of grounding or calm those movies provided. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but there are series of movies with the same core casts that I look forward to watching now. One of the series is called “Signed, Sealed, Delivered . . .” It is, like the rest of the Hallmark offerings, decent and sweet, and well written and it lets me enjoy watching tv movies again. Just as I enjoy watching many of the movies on TCM.

          • lyn5 says:

            ^This^ I’m ODing on Hallmark movies right now. Watched Gerard Butler’s “Plane” last night. Good action film.

          • Mt.Laurel says:

            Just watched a couple of the postal movies I bought for my mom and aunt last night. Very soothing and you get Gregory Harrison, Barry Bostwick and Carol Burnette as a bonus.

          • Mt.Laurel says:

            Several of my friends children watched these growing up. They found them calming and reassuring. It then became a family thing to watch some together rather than everyone staring at a different screen. Corny – yep the kids knew that but I think Hallmark has filled a void. Growing up we had a lot of fun and/or sentimental programs even in primetime. There is a reason people still watch all those Christmas specials. Many even of they do not celebrate Christmas.

            Many of the people I know, not just relatives, have found it to be a good place to head to just unwind and reflect that there still is good in the world. Just harder to find.

            Mom was not a fan of the typical movies but liked their morning show and that they carried older series such as Murder She Wrote, She also liked some of the newer mysteries such as Kelly Martin’s Mystery Woman (with Clarence Williams III which got me to watch) and we both enjoyed the John Larroquette movie series McBride. And the series with “The Postals”.

            My brothers dealing with pancreatic cancer discovered Hallmark and never went back. They also found Hallmark was very popular with the chemo crowd so it was a good ice breaker with both other patients and staff.

            For myself, I often revert to old favorites such a Perry Mason (original flavor only thank you) and old B/W movies to find some peace.

    • Miranda says:

      I always want to ask ‘what was your favorite part about the French Revolution? Where they gang-raped and butchered the Duchesse de Lamballe and carried her chopped-up body through the streets? Where the original leaders ended up on the guillotine? Or where they started killing people, including children, pretty much at random?’

      Antonia Fraser’s biography of Marie Antoinette gives a good overview of the early parts of the revolution.

      • lyn5 says:


      • Mt.Laurel says:

        The French Revolution was so horrendous it made the American Revolution, exceedingly brutal in its own way, look like a family squabble (which in many ways it was).

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      I really have run out of words. When I see vandalism like this I feel angry at the hollow people who are perpetrating this destruction with only their ignorant, perverted “Truth” as a foundation and no consequence for their bad behavior.

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. swanspirit says:

    Gladys Knight at 7 years old

  17. Dora says:

    He’s finished!


    “Fake News” – Mike Pence Lashes Out After His “That’s Not My Concern” Comment to Tucker Carlson Goes Viral

    Tucker ended Pence’s career in 60 seconds during Thursday night’s presidential primary forum in Iowa.


  18. Mothy67 says:

    It didn’t beat MI. It is phenomon but it made less. More people may have seen it. MI is playing on IMAX and 3 D. Those tickets are around 20 dollars. Mission averaged 3,824 to SoF ‘s 2,294. It is doing incredible business especially in the South. I read it is selling out for matinees down yonder. We only have afternooon shows on weekends. Most movies drop up to or beyond 50% second week. SoF is up 43.8% from last Friday. By all dynamics It is a huge success. I worked in distribution 40 years ago. The only film I can compare it to is American Sniper. It is insane how Hispanics are seeing it. It is sold out in Miami. People are seeing it going home and buying tickets for others.
    My job was literally selling art house films. I have never seen a movie sell itself like this. It is at 66 million. My mom went yesterday. She is approaching 80. No film can get her off of Christmas in July on hallmark. She had to see SoF. I’ve never seen anything like it. My mom actually likes Marvel but she can wait for me to buy Captain America part 40. She had to see Sound of Freedom. If you have a mom which most breastfeeders do you know as they age they talk endlessly about property tax. My mother comes home from Walmart and talks for an hour about prices. She came home from seeing Sound of Fury and asked me for one of my credit cards. She is for real almost 80. She fears buying stuff online. She came home from Sound of Fury and had to buy tickets. She is absolutely crazy. She purchased ten tickets on my credit card. I have to say fuck off. She is my mom. Who else can you say fuck off to. I am stuck paying. She was a birthing person in 1967. I can handle her abusing my credit cards.

    • 1539days says:

      The big story was how Sound of Freedom was beating / competitive with the last Indiana Jones movie. Indy 5 is woke garbage with like a $300 million price tag.

      Mission Impossible is more Tom Cruise action and his movies seem to be the only big budget films that want to entertain rather than indoctrinate.

      Sound of Freedom is a huge financial success, though, given its low budget. It will also allow Angel studios to bankroll future films.

      • lateblum says:

        Even here in the heart of the democRAT Illinois, SoF is doing very well. Much to the surprise of reviewers here.

        • Mothy67 says:

          Repeating myself. My bat shit crazy mom bought ten tickets to give away on my credit card. What is interesting and time will tell. Dims are importing Hispanics. They are often very conservative. Big city liberals think a guy washing dishes or mowing grass wants welfare. They see brown and think poor of intellect. Latinos are family oriented. They want a future for kids

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Yes, even I who do not really follow movies anymore have not been able to avoid that Indiana is a disaster across the board (although most credit Harrison for holding is own against horrid overdone CGI and a truly grating and relatively untalented costar).

        Mission Impossible will be fine. I have never been a Cruise fan but he takes his work seriously and has learned what appeals to his audience and delivers a well produced product and promotes it himself.

        People who have been avoiding theatres may find a reason to spend a little extra and go to two movies this month. But neither will be something brought to you by Disney. In fact Sound of Freedom actually sat on Disney’s shelf collecting dust, just another film they acquired as part of corporate buyout, until it was freed from the woke clutches of doom.

  19. taw46 says:

    Tons of photos of these two at Wimbledon today.

    • lateblum says:

      I’m watching now.. I recorded it so it’s really on a delay in my house. And I don’t know if it’s over yet. And as much as I’m pulling for Djokovic, I like this Alcaraz. My spell check continues to make me retype his name. Apple thinks I don’t know how to spell Alcatraz. 🙃

  20. taw46 says:

  21. lateblum says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. lyn5 says:

    • Swan Spirit says:

      He never stood a chance in the first place. Whoever persuaded him to run, or convinced him he had a chance, was not being truthful, and if he believed them, he is too gullible. He should have continued to support Trump.

  24. lyn5 says:

  25. lateblum says:

  26. taw46 says:

    He’s right, the Jewish vote isn’t going anywhere.

  27. taw46 says:

  28. lyn5 says:

  29. Dora says:



    Louisiana chemical plant explodes into ball of fire as massive plume of smoke erupts into the air with more than 350 households forced into shelter order overnight


  30. Mothy67 says:

    Wow Sound of Freedom made 27 million this weekend. It is up more than 37% from last weekend. Trade papers are tripping over themselves trying to negatively spin it. Comments are freaky. People are trying to turn a story about a man saving a child into a conspiracy. One comment now removed called it right wing porn. How damaged are you when you can’t stifle Trump hate to appreciate innocents being saved. A guy I worked with years ago said theaters are in Heaven. The people that are attending don’t sneak in food. They are dropping cash at concession. Icing on the cake is that it didn’t have a streaming deal. It will be able to ask for big bucks. My friend thinks once Angel Studios can iron out international deals it could see 250 million. That number could be low end. It is doing insane business with Hispanics. I worked professionally in distribution a long time ago. There has never been in my experience anything like this. An art house film is overjoyed if an entire run it can make 27 million. American Sniper came close but it had a star and Clint Eastwood. I often had tiny films that i begged theaters to show. I haven’t worked in the industry since 2000. I have never seen anything take off like this film. It is insane.
    Ohio is very close to Pittsburgh. There were like 27 girls who went missing. Press barely mentions it. How do you not talk about that? 27 !!! Shay’s mom lives minutes from the border. I refused to let her go to the mall. I was crazy?
    Did the Ohio disappearing girls make national news? I never heard it on Fox. 27!!!

    • Mothy67 says:

      To my knowledge the girls were in the system. Poor and I think mostly Latina. They were just gone one day. News barely touched the story. FBI came in and it went away. No one no media talks about it. How do 27 girls evaporate?
      I thought child trafficking was an urban legend but more than two dozen girls were just gone. I wanted to believe that stuff was what Christians made up. I clicked on a link. I can’t even describe the horror I saw. I was beyond broken. I cried and threw up. A toddler screaming for life. I would rather die than see that again. Part of my brain thinks no adult could sacrifice a child. It has to be fiction. I saw a clip. I will never be the same

    • 1539days says:

      I remember when God’s Not Dead actually got into theaters. It ended up making $65 million on a $2 million budget.

      I saw this this story (Newsweek, I think) about how Sound of Freedom wasn’t accurate enough because most trafficking was based on coercion instead of kidnapping. Well, at least they admitting grooming exists.

    • lateblum says:

      Mothy, I heard about the girls disappearing in Ohio. I’m in the Chicago news market. I mostly watch WGN news – a local station. But the news is national as well as local. And the channel, is broadcast throughout the country. They now have an app that streams the WGN news programs everywhere.
      I don’t blame you for keeping Shayla safe.

      • Mothy67 says:

        Something was so off about the Ohio thing. How did they end up there to begin with. If they were wards of the state how did people notice they were missing. Kids go from group homes to detention all the time.
        When Shay was 14 she had to have a job. She has always been a little capitalist. A McDonalds owner hired 14 year olds. He’s in jail. He was hiring very young girls and grooming them. Girls without dad’s in their lives. One girl attempted suicide and the hospital deduced what was going on. It appears they were broken spirits. Lonely girls who ached for a significant male. Fortunately Shay defines spoiled. Our lives revolve around her. I didn’t pick up on it. He did some creepy stuff like offering to ride her home. No we drove her to work and picked her up. I don’t worry about her being manipulated. I said this here years ago, but ballet gave her a center. She had a former Broadway dancer who taught in a church basement. I had tried Dance Mom. That lady is crazy. It was only two weeks. Her assistants would scream at girls. I wanted Shay to have agency. As someone who was born in a fucked up broken body I wanted her to understand her own self. Ballet gave her focus. She kicks ass in math. It is focus. I’ve been to rehab more than once. With women who end up in detox there is almost always a history of sexual abuse. Women generally show up late in life to programs. There is a misogyny in treatment. A young guy can be a drunk. He’s just being a young man. A woman gets sloppy drunk and she is a slut. I think I learned a thing on my journey. I was 3.5 when I had my open heart surgeries. 1970 was a different time. Back then parents could see a child for 15 minutes on the hour and only during visiting hours. I was a toddler cut wide open and alone all the time. It was similar to abuse. I was about 1200 days and I went to hell. I don’t ever get to not have my history. I tried to avoid me. I loved getting drunk. It was escape. It finds you. You can run and party but if you are lucky enough to get old you can’t keep it up being intoxicated. I find women who got an MSW to be almost the worst with addicted women. They read a book. The thing about women who were abused sexually is not that they were raped it is that they trusted a man. A guy they believed in took them. It breaks the soul.
        AA was originally designed for men. I have been to thousands of meetings. I had Jean Michelle Basquiat’s girlfriend try to hook me on heroin. I was so afraid. There was Midnight Madness on Houston. It was AA that ran all night. I went for months. I romanticized heroin. I was white trash and the art world opened to me. I knew I would die if I continued. So I went to AA meetings. I went every night for months. Lou Reed is dead so I can say I had lots of feta tomato omelets with him. I am babbling. I have been down that road. A thing I believe is that men and women should get separate treatment.

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