Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Wildflowers (Heirloom Seeds)
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101 Responses to Tuesday, July 18, 2023

  1. swanspirit says:

    25 minutes of animal rescues!

    • DeniseVB says:

      I probably would have taken that baby deer (swimming) and the baby seal on the beach to wildlife rehab rather than release them not knowing for sure if mom was nearby. While I enjoy the scenes of kindness, I overthink every situation with the babies.

      • swanspirit says:

        I thought the same thing on a couple of those rescues. At least have them checked out, but then again, maybe that wasn’t possible. I just love that so many are able to be rescued. I loved the penguin looking around at the people on the boat, after it jumped in to escape the Orcas. Seemed to be saying, ” So besides escaping Orcas, what happening, guys?”

  2. DeniseVB says:

    The left is imploding faster than that poor little submarine. Lots of just stupid stuff by the haters now on Twitter. Glad we’re on the right side 🙂

    • Miranda says:

      How is that triggering? It’s not like I don’t know they hate Trump and his supporters. Besides, getting triggered is for lefties 😉

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Strike that. Rewrite it from their perspective.

        BO/MO . . . . . .
        Che Guevara . . . . . . . .
        Greta Faux Climate Change (forgot her last name) . . . . .
        Enter name of any woke/SJW/latest tik tok idol here . . . . .

        ” . . . .is one of the weakest, whiney, soft people I have ever met.”

        As the original poster and his posse would find this weak, whiney soft ball of an insult triggering so therefore they assume . . . .

    • Anthony says:

      Kinzinger and his head wrap said what??

  3. taw46 says:

    He is so right about HR.

  4. Dora says:

    This guy is a real sicko!


    Child-like doll removed from alleged Gilgo Beach killer’s home as cops search for ‘any trophies’


  5. Dora says:

    He is a good man.

    • Jentx says:

      We all participate in it sure do it’s called welfare. I was a true believer worked with abused children from probably the age of five till the age of 28 which is when I graduated from law school. Saw firsthand what happens when you give stupid and lazy people money for having children. We are the problem welfare hurt children if you do not have the financial, emotional, psychological assets necessary to raise children you should not have them. There is nothing more to be said about this you cannot fix what is broken and you certainly can’t use a child to do so. Welfare should be short term unless somebody is disabled and it should involve training reeducation and most importantly addiction must be stopped. Here is the problem most people by the time they are four and have been abused, starved of nutrition, and otherwise ruined by worthless parents it is very hard to stop the cycle and they’ve done 1 million studies I know what I’m talking about. So how do we stop the problem right now no more money not a dime you open up homes where people can live in you have food lines i.e. cafeterias you have training programs no more free money no more free apartments none of it in a time. To get off of it and if you can’t we take the children and then moving forward absolutely no one has a child unless they can meet exacting standards. And you know what this will never happen because what I call them the armchair saviors people who have no knowledge have never worked a moment with abused children and awful parents and they think this is just the worst thing ever. The other reason it won’t happen is because parents are the main abusers. Don’t even get me started on black society and their dependence on welfare. I’ve told the story before in Houston Texas there are teachers who have to spend all day dealing with children who are so addicted to their cell phones because from the moment they were born their parents throw their free Obama phones in the crib and these phones are literally parents to these children. So when they go to school and they can’t have the phone it causes severe anxiety they have to be tied in their chairs. I know one of the teachers and I know this to be true. I called the local news station but no one‘s interested in doing a story. Anyway until we stop free money for worthless people who have lots of children we are all part of the problem. If things don’t change we will have no society to speak of it will be chaos because I pretty much already is. It is so sad to me that we are part of the problem don’t even get me started on the juvenile justice system which that middle word should be taken out of the picture. When family reunification is part of the goal you will never have justice because the families are not safe that’s why the children are raped and beaten and starved and used and abused. Until we sentence child rapist and start calling it child rape instead of molestation I hate that word it’s bullshit call it what it is anyway until we start sentencing them to the death penalty and or life in prison again we are all part of the problem. Until all forms of pornography are forbidden because they use child victims whether their one-year-old or 100 years old we are part of the problem. Until it is illegal to talk about teen sex child sex having women dress up as children we are all part of the problem. You have not even begun to touch the surface of what we do to children oh and parents are part of the problem you have mothers dressing up their infants in a sexualized way we have mothers soccer moms who live through the sexual exploits of their children. I do not understand this other than to say human beings are complete and utter disappointment to me

  6. Dora says:

    This is a good one.

  7. Dora says:

    Glad to hear this. It shouldn’t have happened to begin with!


    Archbishop Viganò restored to Twitter after public outcry

    The archbishop quoted Tucker Carlson as he announced his reinstatement, writing: ‘No one is punished for lying. People are only punished for telling the truth.’


  8. lyn5 says:


    Former President Donald Trump said that he received a letter on July 17 informing him that he is a target of the special counsel investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

    Mr. Trump said the Sunday letter from special counsel Jack Smith gave him four days to report to a grand jury. In a message posted on his social media platform, Truth Social, the former president suggested that the short deadline may mean he would be arrested and indicted.

    • taw46 says:

      • lyn5 says:

        My family visited the Moiese Bison Range regularly when I was a kid.


        • taw46 says:

          It’s all so beautiful, I love the West. But I wouldn’t want to walk around among the bison.

        • Shez ZK says:

          Back in the early 80’s, up in the U.P., there was a buffalo farm with several dozen head about 3 miles outside of town for a few years. It was ran by a young couple (for a big corp) that we were good friends with. Went out there quite a few times for dinner or whatever and got to see the buffalo up very close, to within a couple feet. Behind the tall sturdy fence, near the barn like shelter that is. John always talked about how strong and dangerous they were, and how extra careful he had to be trying to work around them. We never tried to enter his barn or corrals, too dangerous. He had a few long but narrow grazing pastures with woods behind them along that road so it was common to see the herd out year round, quite close to the road. They were huge. All the other surrounding farms were dairy farms. Buffalo Burgers became popular in the restaurants back then. It’s a lean meat that tasted like a cross between beef and venison if you’ve never tried it.

          I also remember how much I enjoyed hearing about the Native legends of the White Buffalo Calf Woman years ago. I perk up on the rare occasions I read about a white buffalo calf being born somewhere, lol.

  9. lateblum says:

    • taw46 says:

      Even though we knew it was coming, I’m so mad I can’t speak.

      • lateblum says:

        The other day, when I said, “I have no words left”, I meant it. I used think it was hyperbole when people would say that we no longer live in a republic – or even a democracy. It’s not just Biden – he is scum, it’s true. But he is only the front man. And the tip of the ice berg. I don’t know if I trust anyone in Congress or the executive branch to be honest and a patriot. In fact, I don’t trust them. They are so much in it for themselves, that neither you nor I mean a damn thing to any of them. I’m so mad I could vomit. I think I’ll go out and pull weeds. @#$&*”£¥

    • taw46 says:

  10. lateblum says:

    And a completely other bit of insanity . . .


  11. lyn5 says:

  12. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      Omg, if he dares put him in prison, I don’t like to think what may happen in this country.

      • lyn5 says:

        Bullets over ballots?

      • SHV says:

        Nothing new…People forget what a despicable president Wilson was, he set the example for Bush, Obama, Biden.

        “Debs’s speeches against the Wilson administration and the war earned the enmity of President Woodrow Wilson, who later called Debs a “traitor to his country”.[49] On June 16, 1918, Debs made a speech in Canton, Ohio, urging resistance to the military draft. He was arrested on June 30 and charged with ten counts of sedition.”
        “Debs was sentenced on September 18, 1918, to ten years in prison and was also disenfranchised for life.”
        “Debs ran for president in the 1920 election while imprisoned in the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary.”

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

    Enjoyed via Roku.

  17. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      I am so sick of our government allowing the destruction of all of these monuments. I never heard anyone or any group speak out publicly against them until the Marxists fueled the hatred and resentment of others. Our republicans in government positions are worthless. (A few good ones, but not enough to make a difference.)

    • lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  19. John Denney says:

    This 2 year old (?) scat sings with amazing passion, dynamics, pitch, & timing.

  20. lyn5 says:

  21. lyn5 says:

    • Shez ZK says:

      This definitely makes my blood boil! Look at their ages. Whitler and her 2 fellow crony cunts the AG & Sec of State are the most corrupt coven of pure bitches my state has ever had. Illegally inflicted on us to boot. I thought forcing an unconstitutional law of a $10k fine for misgendering people was bad enough but this is just awful and evil.

      • lyn5 says:

        Super evil.

      • taw46 says:

        That was the first thing I noticed, their ages. Trying to drive everyone away from Trump by putting them in prison if they dare support him. WTF is wrong with people, that they can’t see this?

        • lyn5 says:

          They love being fascist pigs?

          • taw46 says:

            I know that most do, I was hoping there were some “normal” people left in their party who would see this was wrong. Guess there aren’t any.

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. lyn5 says:


  24. lyn5 says:

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. lyn5 says:

    Dr. Carol M. Swain @carolmswain

    It’s all part of a planned effort to humiliate the former President. It breaks my heart. God has to be strengthening and sustaining #DonaldTrump. Most men would have crumbled by now. I am holding back tears of compassion for Trump. I don’t always agree with him, but he has done nothing to deserve this level of persecution.

    • taw46 says:

      I don’t know anyone who could withstand this persecution. I pray that he is able to remain strong and healthy. 🙏🏻

  29. lyn5 says:

  30. lyn5 says:

  31. lyn5 says:

  32. lyn5 says:

  33. taw46 says:

    I just saw that Trump will address this on Hannity’s show at 9:00 tonight.

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. lyn5 says:

    Trump looks younger.

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. lyn5 says:

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