Wednesday, August 2, 2023

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112 Responses to Wednesday, August 2, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Miss this guy…..

  2. DeniseVB says:


    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Billy Goat and his cronies all push for “plant based” meaning fake food. Not even true vegetarian. That grouping has been pushed to the side in favor of the elite cover for dummies “vegan”. Notice how the elites flaunt their expensive eats such as wagyu beef and white stilton all the while telling the peons they should drink and oat [faux] milk and eat soy [faux] cheese. They only thing they are milking is us.

      • 1539days says:

        Population decline is increasing through the Western world. Libs in the US blame lack of free shit from the government to raise families, but the decline is the worst in the socialist democracies.

  3. lyn5 says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Pence and Christie both seem “bought” and paid for this tough guy personna. And it’s backfiring big time. As people keep saying, they’re voting for Trump because there is NO ONE else. Yucky choices.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Well in all fairness Christie had New Jersey in the background so that tough just this side of mobster persona was a tad more believable on first glance. I have not seen nor read the Godfather in decades but I think Christie turned out to be Fredo. While Pence, when well groomed, could resemble Race Bannon but those pesky kids and Scooby have have unmasked him and he’s just another aging petty crook playing dress-up.

  4. lyn5 says:

    • swanspirit says:

      When will people realize, that if they can do this to President Trump, they can make it legal to transport people on trains to camps. And they will.

      • taw46 says:

        They think we are crazy to talk like that. And they hate Trump so much, that they think it is ok to bring all of these indictments. You have to admit, the left is very clever how they orchestrated that hate against Trump.

        • lyn5 says:

          As clever as Hitler.

        • SHV says:

          “. You have to admit, the left is very clever how they orchestrated that hate against Trump.”
          They forget the oldest rule of politics…”What goes around….comes around”
          True, at least since Ancient Egypt and later Athenian Democracy.

          • taw46 says:

            It can’t come soon enough for me. I just hope the republicans have it in them. I know Trump does, just don’t think the others do.

          • lateblum says:

            I honestly believe there is a difference between Republicans and Trump supporters. The GOPe is NOT going to fight against the orchestrated hatred aimed at PDJT. I hope there are enough Trump supporters who are many enough and strong enough to fight, whatever form that takes.

          • taw46 says:

            I agree there is a difference. I wasn’t clear, but I am talking about elected republicans doing something to stop this. Or at least fight back and retaliate against the left. There are more of the GOPe than Trump supporters in Congress, so I don’t see that happening.

          • lateblum says:

            Sadly, I agree.

      • 1539days says:

        It’s illegal for train workers to strike, so there we are.

  5. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      I’m so tired of hearing the left portray Jan6 as if the entire crowd was attacking the Capitol. I watched everything that day. The crowd at his speech was huge, larger than the inauguration. The media talked about the crowd size, streets in all directions packed with people. I haven’t seen those videos since that day. Can’t have the people seeing how many citizens were upset with the election and traveled to DC to be heard.

      I loved the photos of the people surrounding the Capitol, waving American flags and Trump flags. It was a most beautiful sight. It was much later that we began to hear about violence, and that was from a small group. The vast majority of people WERE peaceful, try as they might to portray all of the Trump supporters in other ways.

      • lyn5 says:

        My response to the above reply.

  6. Dora says:

    Two dangerous men!

  7. Dora says:

    These people are dangerous!


    Bill Gates Caught Telling World Leaders It’s Time For ‘Death Panels’ To Reduce Global Population

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. taw46 says:

    “ No, they just want to put him in prison. They think Trump’s a criminal for opposing them, and they think the same thing about his supporters. The left wants to criminalize dissent. They don’t really think you should get a vote, much less an opinion. That’s what this indictment is about. If you think this is bad, just wait.”

    • lyn5 says:

      Muh democracy American fascists want this:
      “Forget about Trump for a minute. This indictment sets a terrifying precedent that puts all Americans at risk. If the prosecution of Trump succeeds, it means the First Amendment is a dead letter in America. It means you’re not allowed to have opinions that contradict the Justice Department’s official narrative — and if you do, you’d better not have the temerity to run for high office.”

  10. Mothy67 says:

    The Sound of Freedom has revived the “conspiracy “ theory that Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicci, and Anthony Bourdain were suicided over a documentary on child trafficking
    I looked back at the Cornell case. It appears that they attributed his decision to take his life to Ativan. A benzodiazepine used to treat withdrawals, anxiety, insomnia. As far as benzos go it’s pretty mild. He had been taking it for years. Suicidal ideations are listed as a side effect for many drugs, but he had been taking it for years. Wouldn’t it have caused the thoughts early on? I can’t find the method Avicii used but Bourdain, Bennington, and Cornell hanged themselves.
    We are told Epstein hanged himself
    It seems suspicious. Cornell was successful had two beautiful children. I know mental anguish is a complex thing, but how often does despair manifest in middle age? Hotel footage shows no one entering Cornell’s room. As if that would be hard to fake. I find it hard to believe that a guy who ostensibly loved his children would take such an action. He had been clean and sober for years. If you were giving up and had a history of addiction wouldn’t you go back to your poison of choice?
    My new tin foil hat fits snugly. Why would Disney sit on Sound of Freedom? It was complete when they acquired Fox. L&O SVU episodes deal with trafficking all the time. Why shelve something already made? Had Disney dumped it on a streamer like tubi or crackle it would have barely made a ripple instead they sold it to Angel Studios who had distributed one film. It created a tsunami.
    RIP Chris

    • Shez ZK says:

      They say it’s a part of Satanic Ritual Abuse that Hollyweird and elites practice. They hang them with a red scarf as a kind of calling card. (It’s no coincidence they use the photo of Hunter with a red scarf the most, to signify he’s in the upper club). Chester B was the spitting image of John Podesta, whom they suspect of fathering him. They think Anthony Bourdain fucked up when he said he had enough info on Hillary to put her in prison for life, which they think was about child trafficking. That happened back during Weiner’s laptop shit and an infamous video on it called frazzledrip. People call it frazzle drip but others who saw the file say it was labeled ‘frazzled rip’. The one where Hillary and Huma torture a little girl and cut her face off with a scalpel. They say most of the police officers that viewed Weiner’s laptop ended up dead.

      When it comes to Hunter’s laptop, I unfortunately saw a couple of pics put online, very briefly, as a part of what China has on him for blackmail. Proving a certain rumor true. It showed two little Chinese girls naked, tied to a bush or tree outside, with Hunter standing behind them holding a short whip. You can see the whip marks criss crossed on their backs and butt. What a disgusting evil pervert he truly is. That’s what outraged me the most about the blanket immunity they tried to slip in. It was over way more than *money* or guns.

  11. lyn5 says:

    Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell

    Someone in Congress needs to call Bruce Swartz from @TheJusticeDept
    in to testify about his conversations with Jack Smith during the Serbia-Kosovo negotiations of the Trump Administration.

    Did they plan the indictment and arrest of @HashimThaciRKS
    because the parties agreed to get rid of the Kosovo Court at The Hague?
    9:03 AM · Aug 2, 2023

  12. lyn5 says:

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  16. Shez ZK says:

    My daughter called first thing this morning with some shocking news. Katie, the young girlfriend of her husband’s brother, had died in her sleep! His brother called and woke them up around 4:30 am freaked the hell out, they rushed over there and helped him handle the ambulance, police, and coroner. 911 had him attempt CPR, but her body was already cold. I think she was around 30 yrs old, maybe late 20’s. I haven’t seen her in at least 2 years now. A full blown alcoholic, she started having seizures about 6 months ago and was hospitalized a couple of times. The way her hands were curled up tight they suspect a major seizure. Her old cat woke Darren up howling and meowing weirdly, as soon as he turned on the light he saw something was wrong with her. He’s in a catatonic state of shock, poor guy. They never had any kids so he’s alone.

    I was trying to get ready for the vet appt when she called. Vet appt didn’t go well, it was for our two oldest cat’s annual immunizations. Our girl, the feisty calico Maine Coon threw her usual hissing swatting fit. Instead of trying to sedate her they ended her check up and gave me a prescription for a potent calming medicine to try out for a week or so before bringing her back. They said it’s the calico in her that makes her so feisty and difficult to treat. Then my mama’s boy, the tuxedo cat, so scared of the ride he always poops in his carrier on the way there, so I had quite a mess to clean up again. He usually does it on the way home too, but this time I opened up his cage and let him come out. That worked, he promptly laid down on the floor and was a very good boy. That’s what we have to do with her too, otherwise it’s ear piercing howling all the way there and back, lol. Thankfully its just a 5 min ride.

    • lyn5 says:

      Wow–what a morning.

    • lyn5 says:

      I hear you about taking cats to the vet. Sneakers always peed when I put him in the carrier or knew he was going to the vet. Washable incontinent pads worked for that. How much does your Maine Coon weigh?

      • Shez ZK says:

        She’s on the smaller side, only 8.5 lbs, but the queen of the other 3 guys. They give her a submissive wide berth. She’s a gray, caramel, and white fluffball with a beautiful long bushy tail she likes to flick. She has a Maine Coon face, long tufted ears, tufted big feet, white chest. I almost made a comment on that big boy Maine Coon pic/vid you posted recently. The males can get huge!

    • Mothy67 says:

      Was she detoxing alone? Alcohol withdrawal can be lethal and a seizure can occur 6 hours after the last drink. It’s usually between 6 and 48 hours. Before detox was common the AA guys would ween hard care liquor drinkers off with beer. Before I went to detox I thought I was smart enough to handle it. I just won’t drink. Withdrawal had me unable to function. I couldn’t keep down even a mouthful of water. A few sips of vodka took it away. The physical dependency is very real once you ✞ a line. I didn’t think it could happen to me. I drank almost every day in bars for decades Never had any issues. Covid came along and I started buying for the home. I had never drank at home or alone. I poured more than a bartender soon I was going through two bottles a day. No matter how strong you are the physical addiction can kill you
      I hope her loved ones understand it was a disease.

      • Shez ZK says:

        She wasn’t trying to detox that I know of, but Holly said every time Katie had a seizure she’d be sick for a couple days and couldn’t drink so she’d get the bad shakes. What you’re saying makes sense. The two issues must have been related and complicating each other. She stopped going outside and wouldn’t leave their apt anymore. Darren said he went to bed early, she was asleep on the couch, and he didn’t hear her get up and come to bed. I thought they had moved back to Fort Wayne, but that was his other brother that moved back. They said her mother lives about an hour from Lansing, and she was rather estranged from her family. Darren did a stint in the military, and was doing his best to take care of her. Poor girl, I feel so bad for both of them.

    • mcnorman says:

      For vet anxiety…try Zylkene powder. OTC in Europe cheap compared to states. My vet recommended it for all of the rescues having anxiety issues. The enzyme in the powder is what is in lactating mother’s milk. Worked wonders for all of the rescues that I had to rehome. Takes about two weeks to a month. Flavorless powder that you can sprinkle on the food. Can’t overdose either cat or dog on this. Now available on Amazon in the states.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        Thanks for the suggestion. My permanent foster has extreme anxiety although she now lets me groom her so no more being shaved down. I also have another cat that was returned for such problems but quite frankly they were mostly caused by the guys new girlfriend who felt she knew best and punished his cats (withheld food and water/kept them in carriers with no litter box . . ) for typical cat behavior. Then she bought two Huskies off some craigslist type site (they type where you just get the pets no questions asked) and tried to force the cats to get along with the dogs. The dogs saw the cats as prey and all hell broke loose. The guy came home to a horrid situation but with the help of a neighbor was able to get the cats to the vet. The vet contacted animal control as the cats were malnourished, anxious, showing signs of abuse, and had been harmed by the dogs. Very different from the several years they has seen the cats at that vet when they were in very good condition with maybe just a little too much kibble weight. We assume, reading between the lines of the info we got, girlfriend just wanted his cats gone and she must be in control and dislikes that cats are too independent. She is now very pissed she is facing several charges of animal abuse/jail time for both the cats and dogs (the dogs were also removed ). His family has removed him from their shared apartment and he is now in therapy (evidently he too was battered both physically and mentally and is on medical leave from his job). His sister was able to take the two female cats but the boy (the one I have) was in the worst shape and three was more than she could handle.

        • lyn5 says:

          What an evil bitch. Hope she gets jail and fined.

        • lyn5 says:

          How are the three kitties doing? ❤

          • Mt.Laurel says:

            Kitties seem to know they are safe with their respective humans but their fear/anxiety is high. Sometimes needing vet care helps when the realize they are returning to a safe place after each visit. The boy still has nightmares and wakes up in full panic mode. Have to watch not to startle him.

            The sister had been their regular sitter when her brother traveled for work after his wife passed away prior to girlfriend (he is a widower and rather vulnerable). So the cats know her and trust her which is a huge hurdle. The boy had actually been my foster and the guy and his wife adopted when their one cat passed as the remaining cat was not happy as a only. When that cat passed they adopted the sister pair (not my fosters but from our group) which worked well as boy preferred female roomies. They always came and visited us at adoption events with pictures and stories and helped out occasionally (wife had limitations but would offer to man a table at various events like the community flea market). so on one hand it was easier than many but it always surprising when crazy hits the fan no matter how many times you have seen similar crap arise.

            Parents are from out of the area and have been staying in a short term rental but have upped to a house rental so he has them to help with his own recovery.

          • lyn5 says:

            Happy to hear this. Thank you.

      • Shez ZK says:

        Thanks! I’m going to write that down. The script is for Gabapentin. Vet gave me a choice of capsules or liquid. I’d rather put my hand in a bear trap than try to give little Ms Feisty a pill, so liquid it is and I can mix it in her food. They said to experiment on the dosage so that she’s relaxed but not totally zonked out. I tried to clean her ears last week with the new ear cleanser and barely got one ear wet before she threw a shitfit, so I plan on trying again while I’m experimenting. The other 3 tolerate it quite well if I slightly warm up the cleanser and use cotton balls. But not her, she doesn’t like to tolerate anything.

        I’m still giggling about last week when I brought the first 2 boys in for their shots. While up at the counter paying the bill to leave, they snuck a big muzzled Rottweiler in the side door behind me that saw a huge Great Dane at the other register beside me and they both started barking & lunging at each other. I swear both of them weighed more than tiny me. I couldn’t help it, 3 feet on either side of me caught in the middle, I let out a loud scream. It happened so suddenly we were all laughing and apologizing.

    • lateblum says:

      Gee, Shez, What a day! It sounds like your daughter and her husband really came through for his brother. What an awful thing to happen. Its going to take a long time for him to get over this.
      As for your kitties… It sounds like this is the right place to come for compassion and advice on all things feline. Hope the next time you take your calico girl, everything is less traumatic for her.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      So sorry for both the young woman and the young man as your daughters in-laws. That must have been awful.

      I too have a tuxie that is a model patient at the vets and head butts everyone. But the car trip to and from, though short, is a misery. I always take an extra foldable/washable carrier if she needs security in the office (usually not she loves other cats/dogs/kids/the vet/the vet techs). I just put the foldable one on the floor while I get rid of the lovely present she left me. Puppy pads help and she likes that she gets fresh ones for the trip home. and 9 times out of 10 she uses them. again. Long rides are not on her bucket list.

  17. lyn5 says:

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  21. Mothy67 says:

    I gave a somewhat elderly disabled woman a tablet with full internet at the start of Covid. She claimed she never had internet. We were never friends. I stood inline at pharmacy for her when CNN was saying if you go outside you die. I bought her groceries. This last January my contract was up with T-mobile. Unlimited data on my plan is 20. I guess I get a bargain for having six voice lines. Lockdowns were over. It would cost her 65 a month if she got her own line. I was okay with her paying me 20 a month.
    Well I prefer my local expensive grocer, but once in awhile I go to Aldi’s. Their vegetables have to be eaten in a day or two. So cheap but I am told they are flash frozen. I can buy tomatoes on the vine from my local and they last not so much with Aldi’s. I like the store for junk food and things like sunflower seeds, pine nuts. Celery is 99 cents there my grocer 4.99. I can use celery in three days. My house gets a lot of kids. I can buy knock off Dorito at Aldi’s for far less.
    Anywho I went to Aldi’s bought my neighbor a bunch of things. Perhaps I should have called but I was carrying a shit load of bags. I was giving her food some needed refrigerated. She screamed at me about never knocking on her door.
    No no no. No one screams at me. I responded with let’s end this association. She has contacted neighborhood legal services and is trying to sue me? I cut her grass, shoveled her snow, put in her air conditioner.
    Should I just pay for her internet until the tablet she got in January is paid off? It’s 7 a month. I have discovered why she lives alone.

    • lateblum says:

      You should connect her to my across-the-hall neighbor who lives in Florida half the year.

  22. lyn5 says:

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  26. lateblum says:

    I just bum[ed into a neighbor as he was going upstairs with his laundry. He was openly celebrating the Trump Indictment. I said to him, “Isn’t it funny that they’re going after him now. When he was a Democrat, they only went after his money. ”
    I think I hit a nerve. He turned around and literally s t o m p e d up the remaining stairs to the second floor.

  27. taw46 says:

    I hope this happens. But that Judge is awful, will she allow these subpoenas?

  28. lyn5 says:

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  39. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      That’s awful. It’s sad to see what the citizens are putting up with in cities like Portland and Seattle.

  40. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      All the more reason to despise that POS Pence.

      • lyn5 says:

        I wonder what’s up with the people like Pence, Mick Mulvaney and Jenna Ellis who went to the dark side. Was 1/6 too traumatic for them?

        • taw46 says:

          I’ve wondered that myself. How can you turn like that? Especially Pence. He lived through it for 4 years, seeing what they were doing to Trump. Jan 6 didn’t traumatize me, and I doubt it did most people. Most of the left are just using it to go after Trump and republicans. But I do wonder about people like Pence. Maybe he was working against Trump all along and we just didn’t know it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  41. lyn5 says:

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