Tuesday, August 15, 2023

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116 Responses to Tuesday, August 15, 2023

  1. Anthony says:

    Trump indictment #4 dominates the morning news cycle, but is it distracting us from this tidbit that also hit the news today??

    This is a critical week for hundreds of thousands of borrowers, as the Education Department is set to begin implementing nearly $40 billion in student loan forgiveness. This represents just the first wave of borrowers eligible for student debt relief under the IDR Account Adjustment, a sweeping one-time initiative.


    • taw46 says:

      OK, I’m having trouble getting tweets to show up here. I tried doing what Lyn said, removing everything after the ?, but no luck. Any suggestions?

      • DeniseVB says:

        The link took me to twitter and included extra digits. I hit the timestamp and it shortened to a normal tweet address. This should work?

        • taw46 says:

          I figured out that it is only happening with the iPad. It works on the iPhone. Don’t know what is causing that, think I will reboot iPad and see if that fixes the problem.

          • DeniseVB says:

            I was wondering where you were getting X.com links. I’m on a PC laptop which hasn’t caught up with the X cool kids yet, lol.

          • taw46 says:

            See my reply to Lyn.

          • taw46 says:

            Also, it doesn’t happen on my desktop, but that is not an app. There, I am signed directly into Twitter (I really don’t want to call it X, lol). That’s the problem I think?

        • swanspirit says:

          This is the Gestapo getting ready to round up any opposition. This is one of the most frightening things the current communist regime of the USA, has perpetrated on the public. We are terrifyingly close to being held in gulags.

      • lyn5 says:

        Hit the date to clear out the added garbage.

        • taw46 says:

          Ok, I will try that and see if it works. It didn’t earlier. Also, I don’t have to do that on my iphone, it works fine there. Crazy. The app on my iPhone still shows the Bird. On my iPad, it shows the X. I suppose the work on their software continues.

        • taw46 says:

      • John Denney says:

        Delete the question mark & everything after it.

        It’s all still there in your post.

        • taw46 says:

          That didn’t work this morning, but now it does. My problem is just with the iPad, not the iPhone. The iPhone app still shows the bird, the iPad app has the X. So I’m certain it has to do with the changes in their software.

          Anyway, thanks to you and everyone, I know how to fix the problem now. Or just use my iPhone. {{{squints}}}

  2. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      And what do the elected republicans in Congress intend to do about this? Nothing. It just makes me sick. Each indictment more outrageous than the last. I wouldn’t be surprised if the left brought back firing squads, they are indicting so many now.

  3. taw46 says:

    Rudy, also indicted in GA:

  4. taw46 says:

    Good point, here. Those of the left can actually pay election officials, not just offer, and they don’t get charged.


    • taw46 says:

      • taw46 says:

  5. taw46 says:

  6. Dora says:

    Go Harriet!

  7. Mothy67 says:

    I had thought I might, perhaps vote for the nominee even if it was desantis. No way in hell now. They are sitting idly by and letting our entire system be demolished. I will write in Trump no matter what.

    • taw46 says:

      Same here, Tim. I am done with them all.

      • Mothy67 says:

        It is an assault on all all of us. I sat home once during a presidential election. I could not bring myself to vote for mittens. He’s a globalist. Any but Trump is a vote for some warped mo fo’s We had the House, Senate, and WH. Paul Ryan got dick done other than tax cuts. Chump. My school taxes keep going up. A lot of money is dedicated to refugees. Much more than to kids with learning disabilities. People move here for the small school. I am getting out when brat graduates in the spring. Will move to the middle of nowhere. My neighborhood is safe and clean, but it’s on the lower end of middle middle class. Nurses and contractors. Remove section 8 and refugees. Two parent incomes are between 150 & 200. Neighborhoods nearby that are more affluent did not get hit with refugees. I am, at this point, grateful that obama administration chose to inundate my community with refugees from Nepal.
        My ex sister in law was a yuuuuuuge leftist. She works for pharma. Trump was evil. She bought a 300,000 dollar house in a decent neighborhood. Government housed hundreds of single illegal immigrants at the bottom of her hill. She is afraid to walk her dog. They deposited dudes with no skills or prospects to meet a woman. Most don’t speak English. There is no follow up. She rages. she and my bro built an outside theater. Big tv, bar, kitchen. She cant’t go out there because refugees hang on the fence. By the way A 300k home in suburbs of Pittsburgh would be 1.2 million in Suffolk County

    • DeniseVB says:

      Not to worry, if they successfully get rid of Trump, they’ll go for the others. The GOP is just playing Useful Idiots now.

  8. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      In response to this:

    • lyn5 says:

      • taw46 says:

      • taw46 says:

        First, coffee.
        Shouldnt we RICO all of the Soros AGs?
        9:29 AM · Aug 15, 2023

      • Somebody says:

        Last night at press conference Willis was asked whether she is in contact with special counsel Smith and she refused to answer. Which in my mind was an admission.

        Speaking of Willis, how cool she had her own film crew on hand🙄 Judge too🙄 Nothing unusual about that, just like nothing unusual about Pelosi having a film crew on 1/6.

  9. taw46 says:

  10. taw46 says:

    I liked Kurt at one time. And he is entitled to his own opinion, I don’t care that he supports DeSantis. But in his tweets, he is condescending to all the Trump supporters when they have questions for him.


  11. lateblum says:

    Does an6one know how to pin a tweet? I used to do that, but with “X” my pinned tweet disappeared and now I want to pin a tweet and I cannot figure out how to it. I can’t figure it out even using “help”.

  12. DandyTIger says:

    This so shockingly over the top, that I can decide if it will help Trump or if it will destroy Trump, everyone working or worked with him, and destroy the country. Could easily go either way. The fully brainwashed progs I know are laughing and happy. I’m trying not to blame them because I think they’re actually brainwashed zombies. It also kind of feels like the over the top crazy is a setup to try to get another Jan 6 protest or even worse reaction. So I’m just watching and very sad for my country. The worst part are the people (in both parties) that clearly know the game being played are fine with it, and somehow think it won’t have deeper damaging consequences.

    • lateblum says:

      “ The worst part are the people (in both parties) that clearly know the game being played are fine with it, and somehow think it won’t have deeper damaging consequences.”
      I completely agree. I actually see it in my neighbors – some are the same ppl who were so strongly against people who refused the vaccine that they shunned them and damned them to a hideous death. But others who were of a “live and let live” mind regarding the vax and other issues, are exhibiting glee and utter joy at this turn of events and if I even say anything about the direction this takes us, they just laugh.
      I am hopeless when I see this deluded thinking.

      • Somebody says:

        Perhaps tell them the useful idiots are usually one of the first groups to get shot in the head when the commies get total control?

        • Mothy67 says:

          I was talking to a friend with an MSW. I said if commies take over and the economy goes to shit she won’t have a job. The regime won’t pay for endless rehabs.

  13. lateblum says:

  14. taw46 says:

  15. taw46 says:

  16. taw46 says:

  17. Dora says:

  18. taw46 says:

    A worthless POS, but most of them are. No elected official is going to do anything to stop this.

  19. Locked-N-Loaded says:

    No heat wave here Colorado!!

    Based on a 30 year average, Denver sees 46 days in the 90s each year. So far, we’re at 17. This time last year, we were over 50. The record is 75 back in 2012.

  20. taw46 says:

    The Tucker Carlson show that pointed out probable fraud in the GA election.


  21. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:


      All of a sudden, Jack Smith’s case against Donald Trump related to January 6 and the former president’s alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election looks so…small.

      The special counsel’s paltry four-count indictment on mundane conspiracy and obstruction charges undoubtedly lacks the “wow” factor that animates the 41-count indictment handed up Monday night by a Fulton County, Georgia grand jury accusing Trump and others of concocting a conspiratorial plot to overturn the Peach State’s 2020 election. To say Fani Willis, the Democratic district attorney who initiated the sprawling investigation one month after taking office, threw everything at the wall to see what would stick is an understatement.

      More like Willis threw buckets of chum at the bloodthirsty sharks populating the corporate news media and Democratic Party voter base who are desperate to see not just Trump in handcuffs but everyone around him. And she’s relishing each moment.

  24. Mothy67 says:

    As shitty as things get sometimes you find a diamond in the rough.
    There’s a kid who lives across the street and one house up. I can see his backyard clearly. He walks back and forth back and forth for hours. He is fit and well cared for. Attractive. I think he is 2 years older than my brat who is going on 17. I have no idea what diagnosis he has, but know his parents care deeply for him. Everyone looks out for him. I happened to be on my tablet when I saw some punks ridiculing him from a car. I dialed 911 and ran downstairs by the time I got out the door two of my neighbors were beating the shit out of the scum who attacked a disabled young man in his yard. In almost 17 years I have never seen this individual act out. I’ve dealt with autistic kids who scream. He just walks around his back yard for hours. Doesn’t bother anyone. Everyone on the streets near us know of him. These punks came down a side street to attack. How would they know he had issues. The stop sign is two houses down. He looks average. If you just passed by you wouldn’t know he walks back and forth for hours. They targeted him. Wish I had filmed it because they got a beat down.

  25. Mothy67 says:

    If the rethugs don’t coalesce behind Trump I think they me be finished. I can’t support the paul ryan faction. None of them represent me or my history. It breaks my ♡ to see what the town I lived in until high school has become. Dims and rethugs equally contributed. There are no grocery stores. People take their EBT cards to family dollar and buy frozen garbage. Churches are gone. Plywood replaces windows. You can smell despair. Taste it. No busses? People drink dollar store mouthwash to get drunk. Sell food stamps in parking lot for 50 cents on the dollar to buy heroin. It was sooooooo different 40 years ago.

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. Mothy67 says:

    I’m a hypocrit. Brat wanted very good volley ball shoes for her birthday. Nike. I tried to convince her to go with New Balance. Nope wanted Nike. 60 dollars cheaper than comparable Addidas or NB. I caved, but also bought me a pair of runners that were on clearance. Regularly 160 I got them for 45? I am a hypocrit. She also wanted to retake her SAT for bday. She scored I think 1190. Not great not bad. I had offered a prep course. She said no. Wants to retake and asked for the 40 dollar prep book. How can you say no to that. I declared 125 for birthday. I was resolute. It’s three weeks off and I’ve spent 275? Ugh. I am a pushover

  28. lyn5 says:

    h/t Angie

  29. lyn5 says:

    Why are these racist DAs after Trump?

  30. lyn5 says:

  31. lyn5 says:

    • Somebody says:

      I don’t know a single republican that GAF what Michael Steele thinks. I do know a lot that would have proudly hung his mugshot on their dart board after all the money he pissed away at the RNC. He should shut up and go spend his own money at a strip club. The strippers will at least pretend to care until his money runs out.

  32. lyn5 says:

  33. taw46 says:

    There was a good discussion about the GA indictment on both The Five and Rob Schmitt’s show. Rob pointed out that if Trump were found guilty in all four indictments, it would be 700 years in prison. How can anyone not admit that this is insane? Also, he had VDH on who pointed out that he doesn’t believe we have ever had anyone in the history of our country indicted in 4 different states at almost the same time, state and federal. He pointed out that we don’t even do that to mass murderers or the mafia. He went back starting with 2000 up to 2016 and named all the ones who should be charged if we are going by the rules set out by Jack Smith and the DOJ. And like us, he believes Jack Smith, Bragg, Fani Willis, and Letitia James all have been talking to one another about how to divvy up and expand the charges. Also like us, he thinks the republicans will have to reply in kind if they hope to stop this behavior. (But we differ with VDH, because we don’t think they do want to stop it.)

  34. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

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