Wednesday, August 16, 2023

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72 Responses to Wednesday, August 16, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    We’ve got to be strong.

  2. DeniseVB says:

  3. Dora says:

    Good Morning.

    This is not good news!


    Google has partnered with the United Nations, World Health Organisation and others in a new global censorship tool that was introduced last Monday, according to LaToya Drake, head of Google News Lab.

    Google introduces its new global censorship tool

  4. taw46 says:

    The whole discussion about the GA indictment should be listened to. Here’s part of it.

  5. Dora says:

    I knew this was coming. I wonder what the reaction will be. Will people just go along to get along like they have been doing?

    • taw46 says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Gotta get better sources to scare me. Are there any other supportive articles backing this up ? I found nothing else 😦

      • DeniseVB says:

        That was for Dora’s link about a climate emergency.

      • taw46 says:

        Yeah, I’m not worrying about that yet. I know they want to do it, but that surely would kick off a civil war. 🤷🏻‍♀️

        • lyn5 says:

          They need to reduce their housing and food consumption first.

          • Mothy67 says:

            I’ve worked with some famous chefs. David Bouley created some epicurean repasts. There is no way his dishes could be prepared on an electric range. I was a bartender at one of his places. I could make 700 a day. There were no seats at the bar. One small bench if people had to wait a few minutes for a table. I would go home after work and my wrist throbbed in pain from popping champagne for hours on end. I heard things like “Honey asked what I wanted for dinner, I said let’s go see David. So we fired up the jet” seriously I am working a service job, albeit a lucrative one, what kind of a person tells a servant they flew in a private plane to have dinner? There is no way that genre of persons is giving up on the decadence of 2,000 meals. I would get so frightened when I had to go to the wine cellar to get a 10,000 bottle of wine. I was convinced I would trip or drop it. You cannot create the culinary masterpieces on an electric stove. If you are ever in NYC check out lunch tasting menus with a wine pairing. They run less than a 100/person, but you get to sample some of the finest food. The sous chefs, apprentices are preparing but following the celebrity chef’s guidelines. A 100 dollars is not much for 5 to 8 course meal with a glass of wine with each plate. Ending with a digestive. I didn’t even know what a digestive was before I started there. Run 20 bucks a shot but included in tasting menu.

    • Mothy67 says:

      If climate change was real the experts would be going after our food packaging. Everything is in plastic. Recycling is a lie.
      Were it to be declared a bright side would be Hollywood being crushed. It’s already absurdly expensive.
      It’s going up to 78 today. One 90 degree day in 10 day forecast. It’s the middle of August?
      Shouldn’t there be a push for more domestic and local production. Something being shipped from Chy-na to Boston has to create a pretty big carbon footprint

      • taw46 says:

        The elite don’t care about us, don’t care if we have to eat bugs. But they have no intention of doing that themselves.

        • taw46 says:

          Oops, meant to post this under your comment about the food and wine for the rich.

          My sister and a couple of her friends are recycle fanatics. I might have mentioned once about all of that stuff NOT being recycled and she bit my head off! They believe all of it is reused.

          • Mothy67 says:

            I tried to work at Starbucks a few years ago. I had been a weekend employee in NYC in the late 90’s early 2000’s. It was before they went full woke. I worked 20hours a week on top of my regular job to get full health benefits. It was easy back then. They didn’t offer 700 drinks. I worked in Chelsea on weekends so there was never a rush. Anywho years later I am in Pittsburgh and thought it could be a mindless part time job. It changed so much in 20 years. Progressive is an understatement. They make a yuuuuuuuge deal about recycling in store. Suburban where the dumpsters are hidden behind a fence. It all got picked up by the same company in the same truck. Also when they allowed for a second to let people shoot up in the bathroom I was like that is pure rubbish they would need bio hazard receptacles and a very expensive removal company. You can’t throw a hypodermic needle in the trash. I didn’t need the money. I was bored. Lasted a month. There were all kinds of genders. I will never patronize again. Sad because 25 years ago it was very decent. Health insurance for part time employees was unheard of. As a single guy in NYC it saved me several hundred a month and I got paid.

          • taw46 says:

            I haven’t been to Starbucks in a long time.

    • jentx says:

      They saw how easily most were duped by plandemic (stay inside, shots, masks) and they are moving forward at light speed. Maui was plandemic note the conference for next month to discuss ‘new’ way of living (i.e. we get a radius of 15 miles from home to shop, eat, work and live) as well as no fire alarms and all rich people and their land totally safe. My god people Gov. of Maui said yesterday govt. was looking to buy all the ‘damaged’ land. They are already pushing new strain of covid and shots/masks despite death rates are up FIFTY FUCKING PERCENT in people under 50 due to shots and this will only get worse.
      We need to get ready to fight. If they don’t let Trump win with the majority of votes there will be military action. Be ready. As far as right now get generators, stock up 6 months food/medicine, have guns/bullets and know how to use them and think about what you would do for freedom because this is a war and they are coming for YOU.

  6. Dora says:

    I’m one of those who don’t see much brightness yet, but I will keep hoping.


    Trump Has Been Charged by the Epitome of a Kangaroo Court… But There’s a Bright Side

    Some might say it’s not much of a bright side but I’m hopeful and faithful. I believe it will work out in the end

    • jentx says:

      Dora, don’t worry. ALL BS. If they can hurt him with the fact he said things they don’t like all is over and it ain’t over but get ready to FIGHT.

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lateblum says:

    I am hoping this works… it’s something lyn posted in yesterday’s thread…

    • lateblum says:

      • Mothy67 says:

        Do you think they will unleash a Hillary/gavin ticket? Her appearance on mad cow screamed I’m still hungry.
        I don’t think meeeeechelle wants it. She likes being a knock off celebrity. Plus gay obama would bring too much scrutiny and ridicule. Malignant narcissists can’t handle being made fun of.
        Additionally killary wants, needs to be the first female to destroy the country.

        • lateblum says:

          I think you’re right on both counts.

        • Somebody says:

          Perhaps gay Obama story was planted by team Clinton or team Newsom? I mean something triggered the author to suddenly come forward after years.

          • Mothy67 says:

            Scratching me head over the disclosure. Surely if it was for financial gain it would have been more lucrative years ago. Why now? And after the death of a chef in shallow water. No one on Twitter was shocked oblahblahblah harassed himself thinking about dudes. It was met with laughter.

        • taw46 says:

          I get what you are saying about Michelle, she does like her “celebrity” life too much. And she’s lazy. HOWEVER. I have always believed that if the left were desperate enough, if they didn’t think they could win any other way, that they would make it worth her while to run. She wouldn’t have to work much, hell, look at Biden. A precedent has been set. I don’t think we are there yet, but I do not rule out Michelle running.

          • DeniseVB says:

            Good thought about Mooch. They would have to promise her Miss America type duties for her to go along with that scam (including the crown 😛 )

            I’ve been so distracted by the clown show on the right, I haven’t paid much attention to the bottom dwellers surfacing over at the DNC.

          • Mothy67 says:

            If the tales of backtrack having fantasies about dudes continue they would be a significant negative response from black religious constituents. The gay who said he smoked crack with him could resurfaceand this time be paid attention to. No I think the obamas will live out their lives as heroes to the left. They don’t ever have to any work again. Why risk becoming hillary? Killary is hated by half the country. I hate the fact that I had this thought but when I saw her on mad cow I thought of how joyous it would be to wake up one day and hear she was dead. I have never wished death upon anyone, but she just never goes away.

          • lateblum says:

            Didn’t the guy who smoked crack w Obama die?

          • lateblum says:

            The man I’m thinking of was Larry Sinclair. He claimed to have done cocaine with Obama in the back seat of a car. It’s unclear to me whether he’s alive now. But he wrote a book and claimed that Obama was involved in the murder of Donald Young.
            Donald Young was a choirmaster in a south side church in Chicago. He was murdered. In fact two ppl I worked with had attended that church and were simply bereft when Mr. Young died.

          • taw46 says:

            According to this, he was still alive in 2018.

          • taw46 says:

            Sorry, I left out the link.

            He ran for office in Cocoa FL in 2018. And I checked on FB, he is very much alive and still in Cocoa.

          • lateblum says:

            Thanks. I should’ve looked further.
            Donald Young is the other man that was associated with BHO. He was definitely murdered in Chicago. As I recall, a big deal was made of his death on local news stations. I thought it was a little odd that someone who was not famous was the focus of such attention. But there was nothing to overtly connect him to Barry.

          • taw46 says:

            I seem to recall that there was a 2nd young man who died, attended the same church as Donald Young. Or at least that his was a suspicious death.

            I couldn’t believe that the National Press Club in DC allowed Larry Sinclair to appear with his allegations against Obama. That was June of 2008. The media certainly hushed it all up. Not many people know about all of that except for us diehard political junkies. But I am surprised that Sinclair didn’t die a mysterious death right after the Press Club.

    • taw46 says:

      Lol, I’m not so sure Jill will go that easily.

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lyn5 says:

  11. DeniseVB says:

    A good read,

  12. swanspirit says:

    I am suffering from a lack of sympathy here. This guy RAN TO NORTH KOREA, because he thought the US Army was unfair to him, because of his race.
    I might change my mind, with more information down the road, but right now, no.
    He was detained by the US Army, in South Korea, for 47 days, after some dispute with local South Koreans. So while taking a tour of the DMZ, he ran across to North Korea.

    I can’t even.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Our Otto was just a stupid student and suffered dearly for his mistake. Dems will probably put BLM pressure on Joe for this guys release, for being a defiant ahole. He’ll get hero treatment like Britney Griner.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. Mothy67 says:

    I tried to buy my mom a new stove and dishwasher today. No idea whyIcouldn’t just order online. The kitchen needs a complete remodel. I was getting the most basic. Once Shay graduates house will be sold. I’m not buying top of the line when kitchen is from 1948. My taxes are more than rent.
    Anywho as you know I don’t drive. It takes my crazy birthing person an hour to decide on the cheapest stove. Select the lowest end stainless steel dishwasher and stove. I have to sit through ten minutes with salesman trying to upsell me. He was very nice just doing his job. I agree to installation and removal fees. I don’t often carry my ID. I go to pay with my Home Depot card that had a zero balance and 10.000 dollar limit. Declined. I said wait,what. I hadn’t used it in over 2 years. They cancel inactive cards. I apologize to the guy. Get on the phone. I can’t apply for credit because I don’t have my ID. I felt so bad for wasting the salesman’s time. I don’t carry my wallet most of the time. I grabbed my Home Depot card which is never in my wallet and took the birthing person shopping. I wish I hadn’t let the guilt of wasting salesman’s time leave me flustered. I have PayPal on my phone. Anything over 99 dollars is 6 months same as cash. I felt so bad for being declined that I didn’t think about the multiple apps on my phone. I had never been declined using credit before. I wasn’t embarrassed. I knew I owed zero. I bought a new sink faucet 26 months ago. They closed my account for non usage. I was never informed. TDBank sends me a letter that my Target Red is going to be closed if I don’t use it. I buy socks online. One would think that Home Depot would be more accommodating than Target. Dishwasher, stove, installation, removal and parts was over 2,000. I have never made a late payment in my life. I would think the bank that provides financing for Home Depot would be aware that two years can go by when you don’t need a major purchase. I have bought things in HD. I had the card for major purchases. I could have charged paint and paid it off as I do with groceries.
    I’ve had a number of cards close due to non usage. Why do banks do that? I had my Kohl’s card closed. Shay is now almost 17. School starts in two weeks. I don’t buy her clothes anymore but Ipay for them. If I still had a Kohl’s card I would have handed it to her and given a limit.
    I cancelled Prime because it is now 179 a year. Five years ago it was brilliant with two day shipping. Now everyone has it. Prime video is all super gay or white man hating. I love my three straight brothers. I think prime originals are offensive. To me it has become The View of streamers. For birthday brat asked me for top notch vball shoes. I went to Amazon, Nike, sports stores. Walmart. Walmart delivers other merchants products that they don’t carry. Cost me 165 thru out Walmart using PayPal. They were 185 on Nike website

  16. Mothy67 says:

    Girls sports are the best
    Young women learn of healthy competition a guy dominating destroys that.
    Brat is up at 7 for pre season go til noon then she goes back at 3 til 5. They have fun. Shay coaches junior high kids as she enters her senior year. She also assisted at Pitt.

    They have fun. Were a 6 ft dude to arrive pretending he is female it would destroy this


  17. DeniseVB says:

    Oh, boo-hoo and death threats ? Miss Snow White is making it worse …

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lyn5 says:

    h/t Angie

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

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