Thursday, August 17, 2023

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87 Responses to Thursday, August 17, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    • Mothy67 says:

      I was so disappointed to hear him championing Ukraine aid.

      • taw46 says:

        As much as I like listening to him, I have some major disagreements with him. He condemned the J6 rioters and didn’t seem to make any distinction between those who walked into the building and those who fought police and destroyed property. Did he ever talk about government agents in the crowd? I do know he released a statement against Tucker when he showed the J6 tapes on his show. Oh well, we can’t have everything we want in one person.

        • Mothy67 says:

          His personality can be called obnoxious (in a good way). He is over the top so is Trump. Massive personalities. I think the VP needs to be more serious. Why Benedict Pence worked. Used to be they chose running mates for geographical reasons. The internet has changed that need. Southerners might have some inclination but not like it was years ago.
          I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders if she keeps up in Arkansas as she has would make a great candidate in 2028. The left would go after her weight.

        • Somebody says:

          Supporting or at least not condemning the indefinite pre-trial incarceration of Americans, many accused of misdemeanors is a deal breaker for me.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    The primary is over for me. I’m looking at VP’s now 🙂 #1 Sen Kennedy above, he is younger than Trump. I really like this guy too …

    • Mothy67 says:

      I don’t know what to think of him. He says all the right things except for pardoning Hunter. Eminem went on a tirade against Trump then Vivek did Lose Yourself in Iowa. He speaks well but I’ve read he went through the young WEF program. So did Tulsi Gabbard and Dan Crenshaw.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Discussing favorite VP picks is more fun than indictments 🙂 Just scratching my political itch as a person without any party loyalty does for amusement. Who’s perfect? God, it wasn’t Pence for round one, was it. A lot of people like Kari Lake because she has spunk. Hell, I’m supporting RFKjr for the Dems because Biden’s already shatting on him. “No security for you, I don’t care who your uncle and dad were….” Oh God, I want him to debate slow Joe 😀

        • Mt.Laurel says:

          Agree or disagree with RFKJr, he is very sharp, takes no prisoners and is good at thinking on his feet/off the cuff. He is in many ways his father’s son. Robert was far quicker than Jack (who was not a dummy). Not even Ted, who coasted mostly on fumes, at his worst was as ill equipped as the Joey & “Dr” Jill platoon of Barry’s battalion within the army of elite puppets.

      • Somebody says:

        He sued the WEF to remove his name and they did. He said he never went through their program they just put his name on their website, which he says they’ve done with others.

        I report, you decide.

    • taw46 says:

      The only one I am leaning toward at the time is Byron Donalds. He seems to be genuine, to have a strong sense of self (like Trump). While I like what Vivek says, there’s something that seems fake to me. I had never heard of him before, and some things I have read about him are opposite of what he says now. Having been fooled before, I am cautious. I love Sen. John Kennedy, but I’m not sure Trump wants that Southern speak around him everyday, lol. Did he spend much time with him when he was President? I don’t recall.

      It’s all a crapshoot, look at Pence. I thought he was a perfect VP for Trump, if a bit dull. Look at how that turned out.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Oh, I like Byron Donalds too. He should have been House Speaker ! I adore John Kennedy, but two old codgers on the ticket wouldn’t be a good strategy, plus Trump needs him in the Senate. You’re right about VP being a crap shoot, they all play the game well.

        • Somebody says:

          I like Donalds, but it won’t be him. Pretty sure he’s going to choose a woman.

          Donalds is a Floridian and would jeopardize Florida’s electoral college. Black males he might consider, Mark Robinson Lt. Governor of NC, Tim Scott senator SC, outside chance Larry Elder but I don’t think so. I just hope Tim Scott’s name is crossed through, he’d be terrible.

          Women? Everybody says Kari Lake, he may go there but she has no governing or legislative experience and has been portrayed as a nut case in the MSM. Nikki Haley is bucking for the spot, please God no. MTG has been mentioned, she’s another one portrayed as a nut case by MSM. He has to pull in independents, a VP can help with that the same way Pence helped with Evangelicals.

          My money is on him picking Kristi Noem. She’s an accomplished Governor, has raised her national profile and isn’t seen as crazy. She’s also been going out of her way to dig at DeSantis. He might also look to Winsome Sears of VA…..governing experience, black, female, former marine.

          Might end up being someone we never thought of.

          • taw46 says:

            Agree with you on Tim Scott and Nikki Haley. Ugh, no. I don’t think I would mind Kristi Noem. I like her.

          • DeniseVB says:

            OOOOh, Winsome is wonderful, I like when you think outside the box. I think we need her in VA more since Youngkin is term limited. If she becomes governor, watch out 2028 and beyond 🙂

          • lateblum says:

            I really like Winsome but don’t think she is eligible. She was born in Jamaica. 🥺

  3. Mothy67 says:

    I’ve thought of Tulsi. She is a veteran and seems to call out bullshit when she sees it. I do like Lake but feel her intensity coupled with Trump might be too much. Trump is so dynamic. The VP position is mostly irrelevant. Bush Sr. Was the last one to take office. What was that 30 years ago. Pence sucks but during campaign he provided balance. I’d like to see a Palin return to the stage in some form. She was pretty much the first to take the blows from the left and refuse to cave. A cabinet position?

    • taw46 says:

      Pence was the perfect balance to Trump for 4 years, but he didn’t stand up for him when it mattered the most. I guess Tulsi has really left the democrats in thinking, but I don’t know. I certainly would prefer Trump didn’t have people close to him who pushed him to the left in policies (like Ivanka and Jared). I’ve always liked Palin and would be fine with her in his administration. I agree with you about Lake.

      Denise is right, this is fun! Better than all of the depressing news around right now.

      • DeniseVB says:

        I noticed we were all getting bummed, I think because that’s what the media a social media want, we’re just clickbait for them now. Been hanging with some movie (TCM) and tv (Frasier, Seinfeld) groups who are all a crazy diversion. Just wrapped up 1885 (WOW) discussions and riding with the And Just Like That fans (CARRIEandAIDEN, OMFG, lol), even though I don’t watch it for some reason it’s a fun gossip group. No politics, it helps.

        I won’t abandon Trump even if he ends up in jail. I think he’s got something BIG, HUGE going on behind the scenes, I hope 😀

        • lyn5 says:

          I love Acorn TV. Started watching the “Queens of Mystery.” Love it. Outlander’s first half of season 7 is over. I need to start reading. I have my prescription reading glasses, so the letters and words and sentences are not all squished together. The cataract surgery created nasty astigmatism in my right eye, which was my good eye. 😦

        • John Denney says:

          I started watching the “Good Omens” series on Amazon Prime at the recommendation of friends.

          It’s a hoot, seeming like a Tim Burton & Monty Python collaboration with absurd theology.

          I liked David Tennant as a detective in another British series, but his portrayal of a demon in this is even better, surprising me with his sort of a punk rock look & attitude.

          • lateblum says:

            I’m happy to read your thoughts on “Good Omens”. I’ve been tempted, and now that I have to wait from one week to the next to see “Dark Winds”, I’m impatient to watch something new.

  4. taw46 says:

    This is exactly what the left wants, to ruin their opponents in all ways including financial. Never forget, Plouffe actually said it:

    It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.
    — David Plouffe (@davidplouffe) June 13, 2016

    • DeniseVB says:

      This is why we don’t have good people getting into politics. Sad. Hope Rudy moves to Florida, the money he makes off his NYC apt will have him set for life. Oh, and another thing, the corrupt Dems have opened a Yuge can of worms, they’re next. 😀

      • Somebody says:

        I’d like someone trustworthy to put together a defense fund for these victims of lawfare. Some of them have financial resources, but some don’t.

    • Dora says:

      I didn’t know Rudy was going through all that. I feel so bad for him.

  5. Mothy67 says:

    I think a conservative medical doctor might be an interesting choice for VP. Someone admired outside of politics. They have invaded our health since Covid and Obama care. Might be interesting to see someone not aligned with pharma in a high position. Someone who can talk about kids getting overly vaxxed, about puberty blockers, pain management and the myriad other things that 20 years ago were none of the government’s business. It is completely insane that ivermectin was banned. If you were going to die anyhow why should a federal agency be allowed to make health decisions for you?
    I think choosing someone with expertise outside of politics could be interesting. Someone not thirsty for power. A sane environmentalist might work. Someone who would shout wind farms no matter where they are located are disasters. How many dead whales? Birds? Absolute silence from PETA. Proves they are just another left wing profit machine.

      • Mothy67 says:

        I think the man is great, but he is not good at speaking. There is far too much theater in politics. They take snippets and manipulate. I want someone with fire in their belly to be an advocate. Carson is too kind and soft spoken.
        Call the mo fo’s the fuck out. They spend hours discussing vaping but don’t do shit about fentanyl. I don’t know anyone who died from Covid, but a 45 minute walk from my home puts me in a neighborhood broken by the last 30 years of economic decisions made by Congress and kids are dying. Think about it Congress has dedicated hours to vaping and brushes off fentanyl.
        I view Dr Carlson with the utmost veneration, but he is not a fighter. I want someone who will go before Congress and tear simpletons a new asshole. Around my corner lives the twins. Same age as Shay. Their older brother snorted what he thought was coke. He is dead. It was laced with fentanyl. It confounds me. Why would a drug dealer kill off his customers. It’s been 30 plus years since I did an illegal drug. I was young hanging out with major players in the art world. It was the 80’s. Dumb behavior, but back then you didn’t have to worry about dying to do a bump. This 20 year old man is gone. His younger twin sisters— the devastation in their young hearts. I don’t want to hear some butt plug in Congress going on for eternity about teens vaping. They dedicate what seems like centuries talking about the deceptive enticing flavors of an e cigarette, but no attention to a deadly drug coming freely across our border. They are skid marks.

        • Somebody says:

          Dr. Joseph Lapado the surgeon General of FL has the chops, but being a Floridian is an issue AND he’s been branded as a nut case by the MSM.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Ronny Jackson ?

  6. Mothy67 says:

    So many on the far left paint RFK Jr as a quack because of his stance on vaccines. Da brat was fortunate my mom is a nurse. I’d like to see stats on autism and income. Monster has CHIP. Docs wanted to give her immunizations in one visit. My mom said no. CHIP covers everything but it is like Medicaid for kids. Docs only get paid so much. Only so many visits. Autism is rampant. What changed. I don’t think I knew anyone on the spectrum in the 70’s and 80’s.
    Imagine a VP with passion who isn’t looking to become the next president. Maybe someone who cares about education and how far we have fallen.
    I miss Tucker Today. He would just let some thinker go on for an hour. I believe Donald has enough fight. Think outside of the box and get a firecracker. Kari Lake who I admire would be like a Donald echo. Give me some grit. Take on pharma, or school boards.

    • Somebody says:

      My youngest went to pre-K in Georgia, we live at the state line. Due to her birthday she was held back a year. I felt she needed to be in school, all the pre-K’s in Florida had waiting lists so I hopped the border. GA requires a lot more vaccinations. They sent me to the health department and jabbed away. I questioned it at the time, if I had it to do over I would have walked out.

      She kept getting sick in pre-K, we eventually ended up at allergy and immunology specialists after many doctor visits and arguments we finally got referral. By the time we got in it was summer, she was fine. Once kindergarten started the sickness started up. By early November testing showed a depressed immune system and she was allergic to certain things at her school. It was an old school with issues, the teachers were suing over mold-sick building. Specialists told me to take her out of school, so we did. She got better then less than a year later leukemia.

      I’ve always felt there might have been a connection. Not that the vaccines gave her leukemia, rather that all those vaccines at one time messed up her immune system so leukemia could take root. No proof, just have always thought there might have been a connection. Prior to that she had a strong immune system. I took care of two old people she got dragged around to doctors and hospitals the first 4 years of her life, lots of exposure to all kinds of stuff.

  7. taw46 says:

  8. taw46 says:

    When DeSantis started running for President, right after being elected governor, I stopped liking him. But this is a very big second reason that I was turned off on him as a candidate now, or anytime in the future. He keeps saying let’s move on from J6, he doesn’t talk about what really happened that day, and he certainly doesn’t give a damn about all the people sitting in jail for just standing outside the Capitol or walking inside to look around. He disgusts me.

  9. Dora says:

    More problems for Brittney.


    Britney Spears and husband Sam Asghari split, US media say

  10. Anthony says:

    Funny AF

    • taw46 says:

      Very funny. And a lot of truth there, 😂.

      • Mothy67 says:

        I really wanted to like Bret B then too many vowels in a name. He had a son that required open heart. I grew up in Children’s Hospital. I experienced so much at such a young age. Not all of it was about me. Seemingly, they say, I am still alive. I saw kids die. I saw parents in agony. It’s part of who I am. It’s twisted but you feel unworthy and guilty when as you age you get to stay alive while others die. Open heart surgery is a roll of the dice in children. There is no way of knowing how growing will affect the heart. I have two Teflon patches. They were placed in 1970. As the heart grows along with the rest of the body they feared the artificial parts might tear off. I was in the hospital constantly.
        I wanted to like Bret. I remember the fear on my parents faces. I would think that having a child looking death in the eye would make him more reflective. Nah he is a rino tool

  11. taw46 says:

    Lyn posted this yesterday, a very good read that explains the GA indictment.

  12. taw46 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. taw46 says:

    They’re such hypocrites and the left can’t even see it, blinded as they are by Trump hatred.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Why is Hillary resurfacing ? Does she smell the chum of Trump and Biden in the water? She is so vile.

      • taw46 says:

        I believe so, yes. I believe she thinks this is her time. 😂 😂

      • Mothy67 says:

        I mentioned this previously. I saw her on mad cow. She is so thirsty to be president. I think they will do a killary/newsome ticket. Joe might have passed for all we know. He is Weekend at Bernie’s. Kamala appeals to no one. I truly believe meeeeechelle would never run. She gets to live the high life. Has no principles. Why trade in celebrity lifestyle for Twitter scrutiny. She doesn’t care. Killary on the other hand is really Gollum from Lord of the Rings. She thinks presidency is owed her. I think they struck a deal with her about Biden. They are dreadful writers selling us a script no Hollywood producer would get behind.

        • lateblum says:

          Meeeechelle sold her soul when she agreed to marry BHO. She didn’t agree to work or have/raise children or run for political office. She agreed to be a pretty face – a trophy wife, if you will. imo
          Hillary was entirely about personal /political ambition – all the way and would do whatever it took to get that golden ring. I wish I had seen that before 2008.

          • Mothy67 says:

            Repeating myself
            In 2008 I supported Hillary, blindly.
            She had to win PA. I got called to support her on St Patrick’s Day Parade. I had to be there before dawn. This was before trans became a thing. Back then I had clout for being gay and politically active. Six am we are assembled to help her March. There was not a trans community then but everyone knew this one person. He/she was waiting for killary with a dozen roses. I was two feet away I watched that bitch smile take the flowers and then make fun of that trans person. She is so fake. I think I wanted to believe in her before 2008 but looking at her mocking a person who was waiting before dawn to hand her flowers. I was two feet away. She has no soul. You can be anti anything but never be cruel. I saw a dead soul that day and I was up at crack of dawn waiting to March with her.

          • John Denney says:

            Back when Bill Clinton was stumping for president, a Rolling Stone reporter embedded with them & I read his article in the magazine.

            In the Southwest, a woman came up to Hillary, gushing about how much she admired her, & gave her a pair of earrings she had made for her. Hillary gushed thanks & appreciation back to her, but when she was alone with the reporter, tossed the earrings in the trash & said, “See the s**t I have to put up with!?”

            Funny how I can’t find that article online now…

          • lateblum says:

            I remember that story. Thanks for reminding me. It also calls to my mind the first time I saw Obama speak. I was less than 5 feet away from him and he was berating one of his volunteers. His attitude was so arrogant toward this young woman. I knew I could never vote for him. He treated her like a servant.

          • John Denney says:

            Thanks for sharing that story.

            These “elites” hold us in contempt.

            I just heard they didn’t sound the sirens for the fire in Maui because they thought the people would think it meant there was a tsunami, & run into the fire.

            That area of Maui is in the rain shadow of the mountains, & so has always been threatened by fires.

            You’d think our “elites” would devise a siren system that sounds one way for tsunami, & different for fire.

            My Grandpa’s rural phone was on a party line, with a distinct ring pattern for each house on the party line. His phone would ring & he’d ignore it.
            “Grandpa, why don’t you answer the phone?”
            “It’s not for me; it’s for a neighbor.”

            But obviously the “elites” think the people of Maui aren’t as bright as my Grandpa.

          • lateblum says:

            It’s amazing we know how to put one foot in front of the other.

            The man who made that decision – to withhold the sirens – resigned “for health reasons”. He’s probably insuring that his “health” isn’t in danger due to his own elitist attitude.

    • taw46 says:

      Back in 2017, talking about Hillary’s supporters working to overthrow the election. It’s ok when they do it. And may I say, one thing that pisses me off about the left is that they have been pushing popular vote for years. Listen to this: he says in so many words that our current system is unfair, but doesn’t bother to explain why it was set up this way.

  15. lateblum says:

  16. Mothy67 says:

    Oh my God
    My iPad updated two nights ago. Brat’s texts from her phone are being delivered to my tablet.
    She said she and boyfriend were going to use her mother’s family RV to spend four days camping in a vehicle with a shower and laundry. Parked in a park that has a swimming pool, mini golf, restaurants and a lake. What a load of tosh. She says it will only be her and boyfriend Sean in the wilderness for a week before school starts. Nobody who is disgustingly wealthy and Italian should be named Sean. He is so Italian. His name is cultural appropriation. I am soooo Irish Catholic. I like the young man, but I am seeing her texts. There is a blow out end of summer event. RV parked in a mountain retreat sleeps ten. Kids are talking about buying tents and food. They plan on having a yuuuuuge end of summer. They think no one knows. I let all the parents know. Everyone figured. We are all asking them to be safe. We are all going to pretend we don’t know. We are taking turns over four days hiding. I equipped everyone with Narcan. They can do bonfire in what they think is roughing it. I did that stuff it was a tent. Shay has a shower, microwave, Wi-Fi, 50 inch tv, king size bed and she calls it camping. You can roast marshmallows outside at night, but there is a pool, mini golf, and restaurants on the property. These suburban kids think that is getting away

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. Dora says:

    I didn’t know this. Wow!

    • CalSteno says:

      Ask me if I’m surprised about anything connected to Shapiro. There are many good reasons to ignore everything connected to him.

  19. taw46 says:

    Trump will be on Larry Kudlow’s show today at 4pm. Fox Business. I have seen Kudlow on Gutfeld’s show several times. He is very funny. Who knew?

    • CalSteno says:

      Kudlow was in Trump’s administration for a while. Two years maybe? Thanks for the heads up, it was just in time to tune in. Love watching the two of them – they get each other.

      • taw46 says:

        I knew he was in Trump’s administration, I just didn’t know he was funny. Trump is funny too, no wonder they get each other! 😀

        • taw46 says:

          I of course don’t mean that they are funny on Kudlow’s show. Just that the two of them have a great sense of humor.

  20. Swan Spirit says:

    • taw46 says:

      I saw him on Newsmax tonight. He is 29 yrs old and is doing something, not just issuing statements.

  21. lateblum says:

  22. Mothy67 says:

    I am convinced that every do good organization save Salvation Army and St Jude’s is a scam. I bet if their books were scrutinized we’d discover most are dimocrat money laundering bs ala planned parenthood. PETA and SPCA not a word about whales or birds. amnesty International nothing about J6. I’m sure they get tax exempt status, donations. Spouses hired at 6 figures. Money returned to dims in form of campaign contributions. It’s quite sad. PETA , Sierra Club and others screamed that the border wall would harm wildlife. Birds would fly into it?!? Not a peep about the number of whales beached in the north east.

    • Mothy67 says:

      I feel the same about contemporary medicine. I truly believed up until a few years ago docs were godlike. Especially pediatricians. I could not imagine going to work everyday in a children’s cancer ward. Was it greed and pharma influence that changed everything? HMOs it seems to me obliterated charity hospitals and most independent physicians. There is not one charity hospital in my county. You have to play by big hospital systems rules to be in the game. You have little if any choice. It takes what 10 to 12 to start making money. Docs are trapped. When I refused the clot shot to my face my doctor a medical professional called me suicidal. Huh?
      Because there are now only 2 major health systems in Allegheny County with a population of 2 million there are now less than 50 psychiatric beds. No money in long term treatment. When some loon goes on a stabbing spree downtown the usual suspects (politicians) get on tv and screech about providing mental health treatment. Once it’s out of the news cycle it’s dropped. There is no way to treat those truly suffering. There are no beds.
      Schizophrenics aren’t choosing to be sick. Pennsylvania has a policy where addiction treatment is always covered. To an extent it makes sense. Rehab is better than incarceration. It has become three hots and a cot. People go in and out of rehab. Before Covid I did some volunteer work at Harbor Light which is run by Salvation Army. It is a 90 day program and offers Bridge housing. Once an addict finishes 90 days he can live on site in supportive housing. Given a month to find employment. Once employed they pay 33% of income to Salvation Army. If they stay clean and find housing the 33% paid over 6 months to 1.5 years is given back. Four meals a day are included in the 33%. I started out there volunteering to help one guy learn to read by mishap. He walked in as I was dropping off clothes.
      It led to so much more. The place has been sued countless times. It got worse after obamacare. Rehabs are an industry now. harbor only accepts the downtrodden. 90 days. A person has to be on Medicaid. Private insurance will not cover. The food stamp allotment is paid directly to SA. When I was volunteering I had to pay something outrageous like 3 dollars to get a meal. Was yuuuuge. Once rehab became a right in PA they started facing law suits. First off it is Christian so the atheists went after them. There is now a wall sign which states they use a Christian approach and if that is an issue we will provide you shelter in a crisis center until you can find a place more befitting to your personal beliefs. A lot of the courses are done in a Chapel. Then women sued. SA to my knowledge only deals with adult men. Remember put a nickel in the drum save another drunken bum. There are many orgs who claim to help women. Sisters of Mercy runs a program which is borderline illegal. They hide women in extreme abuse situations. Move women and children across the country. It’s run by nuns. You cannot get a tax write off because these nuns are breaking the law. Every change of season I have trash bags filled with clothes. My friends from NY send me absurd amounts of clothes. They must think that it’s cute that the homo has spent 17 years in an argument with a grand niece. Shay does not need 1700 dollar shoes. They freak out when I declare I am vehemently against gay couples renting a womb. I believe a gay couple can provide a loving home. I am fervently against manufacturing children to sate an ego. Adopt. There are thousands of kids who need structure. Don’t go to Africa and steal a child. Get a five year old lost in the system.
      Anywho— once obamacare became law of the land Harbor Light got attacked even more. A church would come by every day with a shitload of fresh fruits and vegetables. They bought everything from road side stands. Produce has a day or two after sitting in the sun. Some group sued Harbor Light and the Christian group accusing them of forced labor. Someone had to unload the truck. No patient could be asked to unload a truck according to progressives Insanity is before obamacare no one bothered a rehab on the North Shore. Once PA guaranteed treatment all these groups came out of the woodwork to sue them. It is only because Salvation Army has lawyers who do pro bono that they are still standing. White Dear Run is one of the biggest profiteers from new laws. A thousand dollars a day billed to the state. Pre Covid Harbor Light was 90 a day plus food stamps. The machine could not let it survive.

      • John Denney says:

        Charity is a good thing, & to be encouraged, but it’s the realm of Church, not State.

        Separation of Church & State, right?

        There is no provision for State charity in the Constitution, nor Declaration of Independence.

        Where do people get the notion that the State is supposed to care for them?

        You describe the corruption & destruction of charity by the State.

  23. DeniseVB says:

    Vivek is grabbing some attention.

  24. Mothy67 says:

    Even when I was a young liberal I understood that capitalism allowed for a society in which the poorest had access to education, health care, and nutrition. No society on Earth ever provided that much. A child is never denied healthcare. My disabled neighbor who owns a home worth 350 k gets property tax rebates, gets reduced utilities. Can get internet for 9.99. A free cell phone. I grew up in a country where I used an outhouse, i went to Purdue for free. I loved my country. I think everything went to shit after 9/11. My baby brother had joined Air National Guard. Growing up my mom who quit school in 10th grade because she was having a baby at 14. My mom was in nursing school. I changed my little brothers diapers. There was no one else there. You did what you had to do. Today libs act like everyone owes them something. Steve was quarterback and very handsome. His senior year picture under hero reads my brother Tim for having the courage to be who he is. Quite a stir all those years ago. Best football player loves a gay brother.
    After 9/11 Bush pulled some duplicitous shit. Steve was air national guard. He had to go to Germany for almost two years.. His wife was pregnant. My mom had to spend thousands to get him released. It took two years and retirement funds to get him released. They were going to send him to Iraq. Iraq? He was going to fight George Sr’s war. He is my brother. Nine years my junior. I flew him to New York for his high school graduation. I lived on Great Jones and the Bowery at the time oh did the men drool over an 18 year old stud. He looked like a muscular Zac Effron 20 years before High School Musical. He is my brother. He didn’t care guys stared at him. He almost lost his house because George Sr. Stole him. He was in the guard. No politician cared he was having a child and had a mortgage. My family pitched in. Kept his house. Lex his daughter just got hired as a neonatal nurse. My brother is such a decent soul. Sometimes a bit of a jock, but he found my copy of The Brothers Karamazov.and read it. We are so different but brothers. I now him inside and out. He is my best friend.
    I get angry with the relentless bashing of straight white men. I love my brothers

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