Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Bird Bath, Lowe’s Catalog

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61 Responses to Tuesday, August 29, 2023

  1. swanspirit says:

    That’s a sweet birdbath.
    I am going for surgery this morning, to finally get rid of the “staghorn” kidney stone. That’s what it’s called. I can’t wait to get this overwith. Send a prayer or healing thoughts my way, it is very welcome. I hope they keep me out of pain, I am not a happy sufferer. Don’t know if I’ll be in any shape to check in later, but I hope so. They are keeping me overnight in the hospital; that is the usual for this surgery.
    See you soon! ❤🤗💪🙏

  2. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

  3. Dora says:

    Did you all see this one yet? Yikes!

  4. Dora says:

    I am liking this man less and less!


    Ruler Zelensky Buys a Luxury Mansion in Egypt


  5. lyn5 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. taw46 says:

    Yikes! We are under that big band of weather. I had to go out for PT this morning, weather wasn’t bad, just breezy. But I got caught in it when I left. Just a tropical storm for us, but a strong one.

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. Dora says:

    Florida surgeon general tells Americans to NOT cooperate with mask mandates


  11. Dora says:

    TGP EXCLUSIVE: Unearthed Email Reveals Hunter Biden Was Notified of Official Government Call Between Poroshenko and Joe Biden in Message Sent to “Robert L. Peters” – Proves Bidens Were Secretly Working Family Business Deals Together While Joe was VP


  12. Somebody says:

    We’re officially outside the cone of uncertainty!

    The tracks has see sawed from just barely to the west of us to right over our heads to far enough to the west to spare us too much bad weather. Our forecast has steadily improved today and now, yippee!

    We really figured we were going to have strong tropical storm force winds for an extended period, hurricane winds for 1 to 3 hours. Thankfully the sustained winds forecast for our area ranged from 76 to 90mph our house is built to withstand much more than that. Now we’ll have a stormy day with some gusty winds but we have afternoon thunderstorms that are stronger. Mainly we prepped and planned for power outage. Obviously we could have headed out of town, but major PIA, plus my youngest grandbaby’s birthday party is Saturday.

    I pray for those still in the path of the storm, many people I know 🙏

    • taw46 says:

      Good news! I’ve been watching your forecast.

      • Somebody says:

        The track has steadily shifted west. This morning my sister, mother and brother were outside the cone. Although if my brother walked a block and a half he’d still be in the cone🤣

        The 2pm update had us only getting an hour of hurricane force wind and barely hurricane force at that. The 5pm though cleared us out of the cone, which is awesome. What a major change. The 2am Monday took the path directly over us as a hurricane.

        No matter what we’re prepped and ready. We have a generator too, so we’ll be fine. Our daughter in NC is having fits with us wanting us to go up there. She literally said at your age you shouldn’t ride out a storm🤣 I guess I am officially old now🤣 She wasn’t trying to be mean, she was just concerned. She’s ridden out storms, so she knows. When hubby was an ATC we couldn’t evacuate he had to work.

        • taw46 says:

          Lol at your daughter thinking you are old! But she has a point, it is harder to deal with storms the older you get. I understand why a lot of elderly people just stay put, rather than evacuate. Luckily, we didn’t have to drag all of the crap inside, just some things. We had intense wind and rain for a few hours and that was it.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

    Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 @julie_kelly2

    Just when I think I’ve heard/read/seen it all in Jan 6 cases—I just left pre-sentencing hearing for 5 Proud Boys.

    There are rubber stamps, partisan hacks, and aging cranks on DC District Court.

    And then there’s Judge Tim Kelly

    He just took nearly 3 HOURS reading his oral ruling denying all post trial motions.

    He carefully reiterated every point made by DOJ while ridiculing defense arguments. It was an absolute outrage and one more reason why we MUST have cameras in federal courtrooms.

    He took great pleasure in regurgitating DOJs bogus case before the broken men at the defense table—men he kept behind bars for nearly 2 years before they went to trial.

    He even smiled at certain points including the end.

    It was all performative. And his way of setting the stage before sentencing these defendants to 25 years starting tomorrow.

    I’ll have much more on this soon. And as soon as the transcript is done, I will post it. It’s a must read for those who still believe equal justice, due process, common sense, and humanity still exists in our nation’s capital.
    1:56 PM · Aug 29, 2023

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      I hope people leave, especially the ones who live on those small islands all along the west coast of Florida. This is a powerful hurricane.

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. taw46 says:

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. Somebody says:

    Oh my goodness I am so blessed. My doorbell just rang, it was my neighbor 2 doors down that has chickens. She brought me 24 freshly laid eggs. She didn’t want us to have to worry about refrigerated eggs in the event we lose power.❤️

    This morning a friend brought me 2 dozen freshly laid eggs for the same reason❤️

    So it’s omlettes for everyone! 🤣 My grandkids are spending the long weekend with us so they’ll be happy to help us use the eggs. The grandkids are out of school today and tomorrow and want to be here now, but their father told them they have to ride out the storm at home with him.

    Anyway, I truly feel blessed that two people went out of their way for us today❤️ I have to figure out something nice I can do for them.

  24. lyn5 says:

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