Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Garen Fairy (Wayfair Catalog)
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71 Responses to Wednesday, August 30, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Prayers up for our Florida friends ❤

    • taw46 says:

      I pray for them, too. That is a big, powerful storm. We are still getting strong gusts this morning. Late yesterday afternoon, water was moving out of our canal. We live on the Gulf side of the Keys, and the wind was blowing it out, but also seemed like the storm was sucking it out. I’ve never seen it that low. It’s still dark out, so I can’t see if it is back to normal. I hope everyone will be safe and that they left the islands and coastal area ahead of the hurricane.

      • DeniseVB says:

        No two storms are ever the same it seems, watching Idalia is so much different than when Ida hit the Gulf Coast. Glad you only got brushed by it, she’s an a** kicker.

        • taw46 says:

          Yes, she is. Getting better for us. The sun is out, the wind gusts are dying down, and the water is coming back to normal in our canal.

          • Somebody says:

            This storm has a fairly small wind field in so far as severe winds. The hurricane force winds in the core extend out 10 to 20 nautical miles from the center of circulation. We’re on the NE side of it which is where it extends out 20 NM or not quite 24 miles. Tropical storm force winds extend out 130 miles from the center.

            Point being the 125 to 130mph winds are in an even smaller core very concentrated around the center. They drop off fairly quickly as you move out from the center.

            It’s odd to see a storm this size have such a small wind footprint. It is traversing a very sparsely populated area, it will be going along the edge of the Okeefenokee swamp, nobody lives there, the gators will carry on unfortunately.

            I think the biggest issue is going to be storm surge and flooding. The entire path is mostly swampy.

            Another issue is going to be in Southern Georgia. Waycross is going be hit with a cat2 hurricane, as well as a lot of other towns. The homes there aren’t built for hurricanes. Waycross and Valdosta are go to evacuation areas for the greater JAX area during a hurricane due to how far inland they are.

            I think flooding will be the Florida story and wind damage will be the Georgia story. It’s odd that we haven’t heard from Brian Kemp.

          • mcnorman says:

            I’m so glad to have you as a reliable weather source for this area Somebody. Us desert dwellers panic at the thought of .05” of rain. So when we see these storms develop, we’re generally horrified.

          • Somebody says:

            🤣 we all have our unique weather events we may or may not be accustomed to. A half inch of rain is a dusting for us, but our soil is completely different and we have lots of estuaries for the rain to run off.

            We just now lost power, but it’s back for now 🤞 it’s blinking a LOT. Pretty sure it’s about to be down for the count. The core of the storm is southwest of us now, looks like it will be parallel to us in the next 30 to 40 minutes.

            Unfortunately our power comes from power plant to our SW about 42 miles SW which puts it right at the edge of the stronger winds🤪 So we expected power loss.

            At present it’s certainly windy, but my biggest issue is the dogs are freaking out. Thundershirts have been put on, calming chews dispensed. The roof rattles with gusts and the dogs go into freak out mode. Jeez gotta go, Mitzi is digging a tunnel to China under my bed🤪 She best not tear up my new carpet.

          • mcnorman says:

            Just be safe! We can’t lose another fun person. And no digging to China. LOL

          • Somebody says:

            We’re fine, seems the worst has passed. Winds have calmed, still blustery but not bad. Power is still blinking but holding.

            We had about 30 to 40 minutes of mostly strong gusts. The sustained winds were never too bad. Anyway 30 to 40 minutes as it rolled past us about 65 miles to our west.

            This storm is odd in another way too. We were on the NE side otherwise known as the dirty side. Usually that’s where the strongest convection is, stronger winds, more rain, highest risk for tornadoes. This storm’s NW quadrant is far worse than the NE. The entire western side of the storm has far more rain than the eastern side.

          • Mt.Laurel says:


            I was looking at the graphics and the storm looked “off” in terms of where the heaviest rain appeared to be located. I think you have described why. It’s not a typical formation.

            Sounds like you might be in the clear but these things can always do something unexpected. Stay safe.

    • driguana says:

      This is a crazy one…but the second big hit for our west coast in 2 years. We live in Delray Beach on the SE coast and we are pretty far away but the bands are huge…we’re getting some wind and rain…can’t imagine what is happening up north. Interesting that we have “planned escapee routes” for storms that may hit us that would take us up to Perry FL and Crystal River…both getting hit hard now…crazy…a far cry from living in Santa Fe…but then, the whole world is in turmoil…must be John Kerry!!~Hope all FL, GA, SC peeps stay safe…

  2. Dora says:

    There Will Be a Massive Test of the Emergency Alert System this Fall. Here’s What You Need To Know

    Test messages will be sent to all TVs, radios and mobile phones

  3. Dora says:

    Muslim call to prayer can now be broadcast publicly in New York City without a permit

    • John Denney says:

      I’ve heard some say that a muezzin’s call is no different than church bells ringing.

      OTOH, a Coptic Christian friend who grew up in Egypt says the call is intended to be irritating & wake people up. He used to cover his ears with his pillow to try & muffle the call in the wee hours as he was trying to sleep.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        I have heard similar comments from coworkers and friends from Egypt, Ethiopia and Turkey. That the sound for Muslim call to prayer is meant to be piercing and uncomfortable. Not the joyful tone of the typical bells or even mildly sorrowful such as the bells when rolling for a death/funeral.

        Many areas here in swampland no longer permit or limit church bells as there were complaints.

  4. lyn5 says:

    If I had a son …

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. Dora says:



    Shocked by Her ‘Swollen’ Appearance

    The comedian took us on a journey to her aesthetician to get the permanent ink applied to her face: “I’m getting my lips tattooed, but they call it blushing”

  7. Dora says:

    I saw this the other day on Newsmax TV. Sure got me curious!

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. taw46 says:

    He is a storm chaser. I stumbled across one of his videos and started watching him drive through downed trees/branches/wires (he has several up). The chasers are definitely a different breed.

    • lateblum says:

      Wow. What a terrible scene. I hope there were no humans or other loving beings on this roadway when the storm hit.

  11. taw46 says:

    No one but Tucker has the courage to say it. But many of us have worried about this for a long time.

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. taw46 says:

    Yikes! Two people taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Lucky people.

  19. lyn5 says:

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