Thursday, August 31, 2023

Metal Dragon Garden Sculpture (Pinterest)
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57 Responses to Thursday, August 31, 2023

  1. swanspirit says:

    What an intimidating creature!! I am home, still have a drain to my right kidney, but according to my doctor the stone is gone, and I am very grateful. I will spare you the gory details, but it involved general anesthesia, and a small puncture wound to insert a catheter. I am not in pain right now, and when I do have pain, Tylenol covers it.
    Thank you for all your good wishes, I could feel them! The hospital I went to, Christiania, was amazing. For one thing, it was huge, it reminded me of Johns Hopkins, with big separate buildings for different departments, covering a huge campus area. I had such good treatment. The bed was comfortable, the nurses and staff were kind and solicitous, and professional. The food wasn’t great, but it was edible.
    I still need to rest, a lot, so I am going to do that right now, and catch up later. Love and hugs and thanks to everyone!❤🤗💪🙏

    • DeniseVB says:

      Glad you’re home and healing ! Rest is important at this stage, especially with the drain, do nothing til that’s out. Enjoy the lazy life while you can ❤

    • Somebody says:

      Rest well Swannie, SO, SO happy the stone is gone!!! Glad you’re home, things went smoothly and you were treated well.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to give us an update. Good to hear you’re not in too much pain. It won’t be long and this will all be in the rear view mirror. Rest, relax, watch some movies or binge watch some series.

    • taw46 says:

      So glad you are home and doing better. Get plenty of rest!

    • Anthony says:

      Glad you’re feeling better! ❤️

    • DandyTIger says:

      Whew. And also glad you’re feeling better. ❤

    • Dora says:

      So glad that you are home and that the stone is gone

      Stay well.

      My thoughts and prayers will continue.

    • lyn5 says:

      Happy you are home, Swannie. Rest!

    • Mothy67 says:

      I just got over pancreatitis for the second time this summer. I have to do a bunch of follow ups. It took about five days inpatient. Didn’t want to go, but I couldn’t keep water down. After a day on IV I was able to eat. I assume I passed the stone. They gave me Dilaudid so I’m not sure.
      Supposed to cut out BACON or at least not a pound in one sitting.
      I am familiar with the pain.

      • lateblum says:

        I’m sorry Tim. Pancreatitis is so painful. I hope you are on your way to good and pain-free health.

        • Mothy67 says:

          I was very reluctant to take an ambulance. I know what dehydration can do. I thought I could just get fluids and be sent home with nausea meds. Nope admitted. They gave me something to settle my stomach and put in an IV.
          I thought I was dying. Extreme pain in lower back and abdomen. Intense nausea. I was surprised they gave me dilaudid for the pain. It was IV. I believed it was the end. Relentless pain. 10 months until baby brat graduates. All I want. Of course then I’ll want more
          I half waited for them to call it Covid. None did and not a person gave me shit about the clot shot. Ambulance took me to the nearest in network hospital. There is a mini hospital a ten minute walk from me but out of network. I had my iPad with me. I got really into Grey’s Anatomy. Everyone has a yuuuuge tumor or needs a ♡ transplant. Never got the buzz about Katherine Heigl until I watched. Rom Coms not my thing. Show has been on for 19 years? Never saw an episode. It was like comfort food.

      • taw46 says:

        Hope you are feeling better.

        • Mothy67 says:

          Completely normal ( or as normal as I will ever be) once it passed.
          Thank you. Apparently pancreatitis is common with heavy or former heavy drinkers?

          • 1539days says:

            Yes, but it’s also because drinkers don’t eat or drink enough water.

          • Mothy67 says:

            I drink five 16 ounces a day of water plus coffee. I only come close to beating Shay into a bloody pulp when I wake up and there is no cold water.
            My tap water is undrinkable. Repeating I have filters. Still tastes like ass. I use a Brita after under sink filter? Cannot drink tap. I like office cooler water yuuuge gallons but they stopped delivery. I don’t drive. I recycle..
            Love my monster more than death itself but she knows I need ice cold water. I stack big packages of 48 bottles next to fridge. Ugh demon takes the last and puts not a one in. Yes she is spoiled

        • Mothy67 says:

          I walked 5 miles home from hospital. Against Medical Advice.

      • lyn5 says:

        Hope you feel better quickly.

        • Mothy67 says:

          Thank you. I feel very good. From everything I read it usually passes in 5 to 10 days. Huh? You can’t go 3 days without water. I didn’t even ask for painkillers. Staff knew I wasn’t faking it.

      • Locked-N-Loaded says:

        Feel better soon Mothy!!

    • lateblum says:

      Oh swannie, what good news! Thank you for thinking of us while we were thinking of you. Get some rest and heal well. 💕

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      I am sure you are relived to get rid of that chuck of rock that invaded your system. So glad to hear everything went well and that the hospital experience itself was so positive. I expect little from hospital food so edible is a win.

    • Locked-N-Loaded says:

      Good news that you are home!! Now get lots and lots of rest!!

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Hellooooo, Idalia. Her very outer bands will give us a rainy, breezy day, just how I like my catastrophic storms 😉 (too soon?)

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      We have a breeze and humidity with sunny cooler skis (for now). Idalia looks so much better leaving. Not nearly as interesting as when approaching but a far prettier backside.

  3. DeniseVB says:

    I’m enjoying the conversations this kid is creating. Hope it’s the beginning of the end of Woke Teachers.

    • Miranda says:

      The teacher was wrong to get upset over the patch, but I bet that kid is really annoying. I don’t like smug people of either gender. I met a few guys like that in college, and I did NOT hang around.

    • John Denney says:

      He & his Mom were interviewed on NewsMax last night.

      As he spoke, I was struck a couple times by her adoring looks at him.

      He’s an A+ student, & his speaking manner was quiet & thoughtful.

      When asked what his friends thought about it, he said that at first they all abandoned him, & he felt hurt badly as he sat alone at school lunch. But then the video went viral, and now he has lots of friends, he said with a hint of wryness.

      He wasn’t boastful or arrogant at all.

      • Miranda says:

        “by her adoring looks at him”

        Yeah, he’s got “Mama’s Precious Boy” written all over him. Hopefully, by the time he starts dating, potential partners will be able to recognize the warning signs and be ready to handle it or run.

  4. Dora says:

    We need him back!


    ‘Call back Trump’ to end Ukraine war and ‘save the western world,’ Hungary’s Orbán tells Tucker

    Donald Trump’s ‘foreign policy was the best one for the world in the last several decades. Call back Trump. That’s the only way out,’ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in an interview with Tucker Carlson.

  5. lyn5 says:


  6. Dora says:

    Calls to shut down DC US Attorney’s office, FBI field office, and federal court after pro-lifers thrown in regime gulag…

    There’s widespread demand to shutdown D.C.’s U.S. Attorney’s office, FBI field office, and Federal court. This comes after these weaponized institutions unjustly convicted five pro-life activists of conspiracy for blocking an entrance to an abortion clinic. These individuals now face up to eleven years in prison.

    Yes, eleven years…

    • lateblum says:

      Interesting that those “We’re environmental protestors!” who block roadways and put people’s lives at risk don’t even go to court.

  7. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • lateblum says:

        Welcome to the United States of weaponized justice.

      • taw46 says:

        And who is even talking about this? Only Julie and a few others. We have already lost, the elected Republicans should be fighting this as a group. But they have no spine. They don’t even bring up what the left did to the Trump administration.

        Can you tell me what were the convictions for the insurrection at the Whitehouse on May 29, 2020?
        FLASHBACK MAY 29 INSURRECTION: Leftist rioters surrounded the White House and tried tearing apart the protective barrier so they could storm the building. They forced the secret service to move President Trump into a bunker and the leftist press cheered it on and mocked Trump calling him “Bunker boy”. Demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles. Between Friday night and Sunday morning, more than 60 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents sustained multiple injuries from projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items. Secret Service personnel were also directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched, and exposed to bodily fluids. A total of 11 injured employees were transported to a local hospital for injuries inflicted by the rioting insurrectionists.”

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  10. Mothy67 says:

    Why would any young man or woman enlist to protect this country today.

  11. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. Anthony says:

    If he’s still alive in November, he has my vote. Fuck this noise.

  15. Mothy67 says:

    As per tradition when da brat wakes up tomorrow there will be poster boards throughout the house ( and this year her car) wishing her a happy birthday. I have around 20 placards to decorate. Can Anyone suggest a witticism?
    20 is a lot. I bought all the non bday ballons that the dollar store had already blown up. Get well soon, it’s a boy, etc.
    35 more school weeks and she will be a high school graduate. Grow up so fast. She was camping with friends before school started. Texted me could she borrow 35. Camping to her is a a very nice RV permanently parked on a lake. WI-FI, full water and sewage hook ups. 55” tv. Sleeps 12. She has an emergency credit card. I said use it. Place only took cash. We fully stocked fridge and she had 250 cash for the week. I guess the price of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and wine coolers has gotten steep. I don’t condone underage drinking, but also not born yesterday. In addition to the camper another dozen kids pitched tents on the property.
    Anywho I sent her a $100 on cash app. She PAID me back?

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. Mothy67 says:

    A thing
    I had open heart surgery of June in 1970. I was 3 years old. I had two holes in my heart one the size of a quarter and the other the size of a dime. The holes are Teflon. My ticker was 2x normal size. My left ventricle leaked. I rec’d two pig valves (porcine) in mid 1970. The thing is pig valves can last up to 17 years. I am 56. Fifty-three years ago they took my heart out of my chest and put me back together. When I was 12 I went in for a catherization. Released from cardiac care! I have not seen a cardiologist since 1979? I don’t feel an iota of gratitude. I spent years being subjected to scientific study. I was a boy never given a choice. Naked yelled at by strangers AFTER I was stabilized.
    Pig valves are generally replaced every 12 years. I spent my youth trying to hide scars. I have a tracheotomy scar from when I had to accept that. I’m told a lot about that time. Don’t know what is real. My parents claim my ticker stopped and I was pronounced dead? I doubt it. My heart stopped and they kept going.
    I accepted reluctantly the stories of my history. I wanted to be normal.
    I want my medical records. I never cared but because I watched Grey’s Anatomy while on dilaudid I fervently recall the gallery. I was a child lain naked on a gurney and people watched, I was awake as med students watched. knew they were watching me as a child be theater as my heart was taken out of my body and used for instruction. I was 3.5. With open heart they sort of place you in a slumber, can’t knock you out. I sort of remember the feelings of being used. It was a teaching hospital.
    I have zero gratitude for what they did to me. None. Years because my parents were poor I had to be studied. They literally used an experimental wire on my sternum. It broke free. Ripped through my chest. They were not nice people. I was an experiment.
    I lived.
    Politically I find parallels. Dims found a new religion in progressivism. People are homeless, strung out on drugs, changing genders, raped by illegals. The left is a cult. Every society has had some sort of god the left in my opinion sees abortion as a sacrament. People died alone so dims could advance. Leftisism is a religion.
    It enrages me to see a healthy young woman/girl remove her breasts!
    My head feels like exploding. I was there in a Children’s hospital for a large part of my youth. I have seen the desperation in mothers. My heart is broken

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