Friday, September 1, 2023

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53 Responses to Friday, September 1, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

  2. taw46 says:

  3. Miranda says:

    Yay! Both hubby and I ended up in the ER (we’re ok, but it wasn’t fun), so I’m all ready for a new season.

  4. Dora says:

    Good Morning.

  5. swanspirit says:

    Good morning! Feeling better, can’t wait to get this catheter out, waiting to hear from the doctor about that.
    Spoke with EM last evening, she is getting better too, and has a date for her treatment for her eyes, and hopefully after that she will be seeing well enough to read and blog.
    Thank you all so much for all your good wishes, my cup runneth over.❤🤗

  6. taw46 says:

    • lateblum says:

      I love that NYC, LA and other places that proclaimed themselves to be “Sanctuary Cities” are finally saying – without actually saying it – “just kidding”.

      They were only willing to be sanctuary cities when they thought there was no possible way those illegal immigrants aka “migrants”, would wend their way from the southern border.

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      Just left messages at Sen Duckworth’s offices in Chicago and DC. I called it “obscene and abhorrent”. That she wants to fund Ukraine rather than the US victims of natural and man-made disasters here in the US. I said I was “appalled”. So if you never hear from me again, I suppose you should look for me in the J6 gulag.

  9. swanspirit says:

    Language alert, but great!

  10. lyn5 says:

  11. John Denney says:

    Benny interviews Jaiden the Gadsden flag kid. 🙂

  12. Mothy67 says:

    I think I hit my deductible with my first case of pancreatitis. I have to have a bunch of tests. They are trying to schedule me for next year. WTF? . Five months later for something that already cost me 10k out of pocket. Will be more. A friend said get it again before the year is over. Eat pounds of bacon and drink a bottle of scotch. Insist they do tests while inpatient. I pay quite a bit for insurance and yes I was covered. The way ambulance service works here you don’t get to pick a hospital. I wasn’t having a heart attack or bleeding out from a gun shot wound. They took me to the closest in network. I needed fluids.
    I had something akin to severe stones. I would have taken a 25 dollar Uber. If I was not in the fetal position. They took me to the closest in network. Shared room. And teaching.
    I know med students have to learn, but when you are high as a kite on dilaudid and think this is the end you don’t want interns guessing why you got one of the most painful disorders. My pain was so crippling they gave a person (me) who had been in detox a heroin variation. Dilaudid is fun.
    Had I been able to get a ride or an Uber to my hospital of choice It would have been suburban hospital —attending physician with a private room. Myself and insurance are being billed the same as if I went to a private hospital. Truly I thought I was dying. I knew I was flirting with the end. I am such an asshole. Three days of puking every time I took a sip of water. I was more worried about the porcelain crowns in my mouth being destroyed by acid than the fate of my esophagus or heart.
    I watched a lot of Grey’s Anatomy because it is on Netflix for the first time as “I Lay Dying”. I got hooked. Merideth Grey is a snooze. I like the peripheral characters
    For the first time I want to know what happened to me. I have two porcine (pig) valves. They last max 17 years. I rec’d my valves in 1970. I am 56. I have had pig parts for 53 years. No replacement. It’s unheard of.
    My records are only available on hard copy. I did what I thought was normal. A request. I had to go to records department in person and pay a fee. I get that stuff is not online. I went to in person with ID and paid for hard copies. It’s been a month. Nothing. Tetrology of Fallot happens. Kids are born with defects they usually resolve. Why was I at a teaching hospital let to disintegrate until age 3.5. Were they experimenting on a poor child? My mom only went to 10th grade ( of course she became a nurse) No way a child with two holes in his heart goes untreated. I think they could have fixed me in my first year but I was a toy.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

    Found I was on three lists by a vile Trump hater. Blocked the creep.

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

    Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays

    For the benefit of people who are not news junkies, it would be helpful for them to have a list of the designated liars on the Democrat side.

    These are the people they send out when their narrative is demonstrably false. The Democrat normies hide until the topic changes.

    For example, any of these characters popping up as lead characters in a story nearly guarantees it is fake news.

    Phil Bump
    Adam Schiff
    Eric Swalwell
    Jamie Raskin
    Jerry Nadler
    Dan Goldman

    Who should I add?
    6:16 AM · Sep 1, 2023

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

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