Weekend of September 2-3, 2023

Garden Flower Owl Sculptures (Taiwan)
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94 Responses to Weekend of September 2-3, 2023

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Oh no, R.I.P. Jimmy Buffett ❤

    • Miranda says:

      That’s so sad. I hope he’s enjoying a cheeseburger right now.

    • taw46 says:

      I just saw the news this morning, makes me sad 😢. I liked his music, but my BIL loved Jimmy and his music. I was so lucky to see him in concert this past February here in KW. My sister and I think back on that last visit here, it was almost as if he knew. Because he walked and rode around the island on his bike. He stopped for many photos with his fans. He was a happy man and lived a good life. R.I.P. Jimmy Buffett.

      • lateblum says:

        I remember when you went to his concert. Although I wasn’t a “fan”, I enjoyed his music when I heard it. My SIL was a huuuge fan. I know she will be saddened.

        • taw46 says:

          Lots of sad people in Key West today. He was such a part of KW, whether people knew him personally or not.

          • DeniseVB says:

            Key West was always “Margaritaville” 🙂 We actually got as far as picking a lot and home model at Latitude Margaritaville in Daytona Beach, but got cold feet and decided not to move.


            I think Big Pharma produced these videos. Everyone is so darn happy 😀

          • taw46 says:

            We had friends who were planning to move to the one in Daytona, but he died before they purchased a house. And she still hasn’t moved, guess she decided not to do it without him. But they both really liked it.

          • DeniseVB says:

            Like my son said, it’s an “active” community and you and dad aren’t that active, lol. Then it struck me, my son is 51, almost old enough for the “active” retirement communities. It really is for young retireds, 50-60’s, I wish we thought of this earlier. We really do like our Virginia house, the lake view and the season changes, I can’t complain. OK, let’s see how winter goes this year 😉

  2. Dora says:

    RIP Jimmy Buffet.

  3. Mothy67 says:

    Buffet was only 76? Somehow Willie Nelson and Mick Jagger endure. Nelson is 90

  4. Mothy67 says:

    Might sound morbid but if you could pick an age what would it be? My great grandfather may have been 100. He was an orphan so no birth certificate. He was working in his yard well into his 90’s. The only dementia was he insisted on going to the barber every Tuesday. He had no hair. My grandmother was mortified when she caught him getting jiggy with an 80 year old named Hazel.
    I thought about exit with pancreatitis. The pain was like nothing I’d ever known. Had someone handed me a gun I would have eaten a bullet.
    Pancreatitis might be chronic. I’ve looked at plans. Because of Purdue pharma hospitals are reluctant to administer pain meds. I won’t go through that again.

    • Miranda says:

      Depends on your state of mental and physical health. I’ve seen 90-year-olds trotting around cheerfully. Dad gave up when he had a stroke at 80 and has essentially bed-ridden himself. Poor Mom died from ovarian cancer right before she turned 65 and had a lot of living she wanted to do.

      • 1539days says:

        I look at my family history and it’s kind of a crap shoot if I make it too far into retirement. I’m still mulling over retiring early, even if I don’t have a huge amount saved. But my current job isn’t too bad and it’s local so I don’t spend too much of my time driving. Plus, I need some more discipline to not have a job and still be productive.

        • Miranda says:

          Worrying over money is no way to spend your time. Figure out your expenses and if you could swing it by working part time or taking full retirement. I’ve ended up spending most of my retirement running errands and driving other people to doctor’s appointments, which is fine, but is more productive than I planned for 😉

          • lateblum says:

            I understand. I’m doing things I had not planned, but not necessarily the things I *had* planned. Yet, I wouldn’t say I’m unproductive. I’m productive, but in a different direction.
            I hadn’t really done much gardening pre-retirement, now I tend the gardens at my building almost daily. I thought I’d be volunteering at a couple places but the crime in Chicago, and my shunning the covid vaccine – got in the way at a few places here.

        • DeniseVB says:

          It’s amazing how much money you stop spending after you retire, it really isn’t scary at all 🙂

          • lyn5 says:

            We always lived below our means, so retirement wasn’t scary at all. Our Toyotas are 1988 and 2002. Hubby works on both. Yeah, we are eager to buy a new vehicle that matches what our house price was in 1991. Not!

    • Mothy67 says:

      I look at my neighbor. She is miserable. Bitter and mean. Entitled. She takes a ton of meds everyday. Soooooo unhappy. In and out of hospital. Lives on disability . Her house is paid off. Likely worth 350k. Why not sell it and spend what time is left on a beach? She has no kids. Isn’t going to get better. She eats a bagel when her glucose is 300. I get it. If you already have a death sentence why not enjoy food. You don’t get to take everyone around you down the drain. She is poor poor pitiful me. I got sucked in. Never understood “shit or get off the pot” before her. Last time I engaged her she had five cigarettes in an hour. Her choice, but don’t whine about your heart.
      Proverbial straw was she went after my brat. Said she is a privileged monster. Okay yes my heathen is given all I can give. Can be a royal cunt. Seriously the tiny waste can next to the toilet. It will be flowing over. Shay puts more stuff on top. I’m a guy. I never need that receptacle. No chance in hell she will take out the trash. She has brought in kids in jeopardy. I always contact parents. Miriam, a Muslim, slept here through grade school. The daughter of a deceased translator in Basra got a safe place to develop. A gay dude (me) attended her everything. Her mom works in banking. The hours are not congruent with putting your kid off to school. Is my rugrat given everything I have to give. Hell yeah. Is she spoiled hell yeah. Miriam and the lunch ladies daughter spent a chunk of summer in Singapore as STEM students. Nay is the cafeteria’s workers daughter. Endless nights she spent here. Shaylapain could have gone to Singapore. Volleyball. Shay loves volleyball. It’s almost an addiction. I don’t play. She is only 5”8. She since 15 has assisted at Pitt coaching. When the woke superintendent suspended her for 30 days for smoking pot. She as a junior had scholarships taken away. Her coaches created first ever summer programs and they put her in charge. Our district won first place. My then 16 year old child led them to victory. She’s a brat. My brat. Kind and straight A’s. I do not, will not accept a miserable woman judge my baby. She literally went after my kid after years of free internet and hundreds of times I stood in line for her meds

    • John Denney says:

      “Despite the high cost of living, it’s still a popular enterprise.”
      – unknown

  5. Miranda says:

    My FB account has been restricted for 24 hours, but only to the point where I can’t ‘like’ posts. I can post, respond, and message but the Like button is a bridge too far.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I don’t remember you ever being political, which is what usually gets us in trouble because our “friends” tend to report us. 🙂

      • Miranda says:

        Yeah, I don’t have any interest in arguing on FB (or anywhere, really). I have no idea what happened. I didn’t even like any political posts this morning, and I don’t think the border collie page was all that controversial.

        • John Denney says:

          I like how they did it in the Declaration of Independence.

          ” a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them”

          “We hold these truths…”

          No argument.

          It’s pretty much in the ballpark of:

          “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,”
          – 1 Peter 3:15b-c

  6. Dora says:

    NYC Mosques Can Now Blare Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers.

    The Islamic call to prayer, or Adhan, can now be blasted across New York City without regard to neighborhood noise restrictions on Fridays, following guideline changes introduced by Democrat city mayor Eric Adams.


  7. Dora says:

    i know of one person who won’t be watching.


    2nd GOP Debate Moderator Is Foreign, Far-Left Lunatic, Obama Fangirl.


  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. Anthony says:

    Are we zooming tomorrow night? Wasn’t sure of anyone’s Labor Day plans

  11. lateblum says:

  12. lyn5 says:

    Woke up to 45 degrees outside. Now it’s 50.

  13. Dora says:

  14. lateblum says:

    It was lovely when I woke up today. In the 60°s. It’s now 82° going to 89°. The rest of the weekend it’ll be in the 90°s possibly reaching 100°. I’m going out now before it’s too hot for me…

  15. taw46 says:

    Bill Richardson died. Do they really come in threes?

    • John Denney says:

      No, they come in 40,000s, according to Blue Oyster Cult.

      “Another 40,000 coming every day”
      – “Don’t Fear the Reaper

      One of my favorite karaoke songs to sing, backed up by 2 friends, one of whom grabs an empty plastic beer pitcher & a spoon & uses it for a cowbell, while shouting, “More cowbell!” 🙂

    • John Denney says:

      Looks like my post went into spam.

      Was it the c o w bell?

  16. Dora says:

    Soros Son Vows ‘No Retreat’ From Europe, Warns Trump and ‘MAGA-Style’ Republicans Threaten EU Unity


  17. lyn5 says:

    How to respond in a police state.

  18. Dora says:

    AUSTIN — The stakes couldn’t be higher for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton when his impeachment trial kicks off Tuesday.

    An acquittal would mean vindication. It would further burnish Paxton in the eyes of conservative voters who re-elected him to a third term last year. A conviction means he would lose his job and could be barred from holding elected office in Texas ever again.


  19. lyn5 says:

  20. Dora says:

    Ha Ha! 🙂


    Making Stonehenge great again! Stonewatchers believe they have spotted Donald Trump’s face in one of the monument’s ancient pillars


  21. lyn5 says:

  22. taw46 says:

  23. Mothy67 says:

    My brother is engaged to a woman. Her son has said he is gay. He’s 14 so he probably knows. Her previous husband used the garage and some tape. Dan and I are not close. He wants me to talk to his, for all intents his stepson. What do I say. He’s 42 years younger than me. Daniel is like second family. He’s the baby. 30 years younger than me. His mom knows he’s gay. Telling your parents is the biggest part. Pittsburgh is a small big city. Professional gays hate me going back to Hillary. I am not permitted in bars.
    I had a rough time in the 80’s. Everyone did. My nieces and nephews have always known. Lex just graduated from nursing school at Pitt. She got a job in neo natal at a non university of Pittsburgh hospital. 99% of babies born in Pittsburgh are delivered at Magee which is part of Pitt. It’s the best. Lex is working at a more boutique hospital. Women check in a week before water breaks. She had to do a week before hitting the floor on sensitivity training. She had to have straight women tell her about gay parenting. I’ve always been in her life. I covered a year of college. I give them all one year. Lexie knows I am an asshole. She laughed at training.
    I think test tube babies are surreal. As of yesterday I have been with da brat for 17 years. Pain in the arse. She fell into my lap I never would have manufactured her. .

  24. Mothy67 says:

    So my niece got fat. I do not mean an extra 20 pounds. She was an athlete went away to college and put on 200 pounds. She is yuuuuuuge. Vegetarian. She is a nurse. All she eats are carbs. French fries. I am kinda well versed in nutrition. I have lived with a person who identifies as female (wink). She was a vegetarian until Aunt Flow made a visit. Aunt Flow stopped by and Shaypup had to eat —. Iron and protein. She is one of PA’s stand out athletes. I screamed about nutrition. She listened. I had to fight. She knows. Her cousin is obese. Not fat really obese. If you r an athlete you need complete protein. Eggs are a gift.

  25. DeniseVB says:

    Fact Check True, Joe is a boob. 😀

    • taw46 says:

      Also, the media never points it out, but the strongest recorded hurricane ever remains the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane (by pressure at landfall). It destroyed a portion of the Florida Keys and killed hundreds (mostly people working on the railroad). It remains one of only four Cat 5 hurricanes to make landfall in the U.S. (the others: Camille 1969, Andrew 1992, Michael 2018) This by no means is meant to diminish the damage caused by all hurricanes, but to point out that we have always had powerful hurricanes. There are many sites online where you can find information on hurricanes since they began to record them.

      I don’t know if we have more wildfires, it’s easy to say without facts to back it up. And isn’t it true that most wildfires are intentionally set? Caused by humans, not climate change? It’s easy for the left to make these accusations without facts to back them up. Show me.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Galveston 1900 was the “big” we covered in history as being one of the worst ever experienced along with the more local Johnston Flood/Great Flood of 1889. There are tons of examples of mother nature playing havoc with the known universe just in the last couple centuries let alone through out time.

  26. DeniseVB says:

    Bravo, well stated and very true …

  27. Mothy67 says:

    I was thinking about cars and kids. Driving is like the last ritual you have with a child. They are independent once they get behind the wheel. There is independence.
    I have read over the last few years about colleges offering safe spaces after court decisions. What the fuck are these adult children? I am surrounded by those who identify as female. . My mom, sister, grand niece, two dogs, two cats. All XX. Tough as nails. College kids are mostly 18+. I wouldn’t trust Shayla Rayne with a vehicle if she could not control emotions. I don’t think I treated Shay at 3 like universities treat young adults. What happened? How did we become so vanilla? Our most prestigious colleges coddle our youth. Piss off. Life is tough and it’s going to get tougher. Buck up. Shay got her dead dad’s social security. I didn’t know there were income restrictions. She is just as of yesterday 17. There is a high end dog kennel at the top of my street. Run by XX identified. Pup went from minimum wage to 45,000 a year. She closes up the shop. Few people earn 45 k working part time in high school. Some of it is proximity. I live ten houses away. Women needed a responsible person with a key. I had to pay back her 700 a month of social security. She chose IUP. It’s absurdly cheap. Vball scholarship will cover almost everything. She has volunteered with Pitt’s girls team for years. If a man decided he was a girl. Shayla could not compete. I invested a substantial anoint of money in vball. Pre Covid I did travel ball. It’s like 5000 a stretch. I had to pay for hotel rooms. Sneakers alone are 180. No boy gets to show up in 11th grade and be a 6 foot two girl. I spent close to 80,00. Fuck a trans feels.
    My lib friends think joke athlete kids think girls do not suffer because the UPenn swimmer is rare. Well I invested a decade in vball. Shay found vball. She literally was an abandoned child who made her way. Assistant coach at Pitt at 14. No dude pretending to be a chick gets to steal her thunder

  28. 1539days says:

    Is there a Zoom meeting coming up? I don’t have Facebook.

    • CalSteno says:

      I was checking in to see if there had been a decision made as to this week or next. Like you I’m not on Facebook.

  29. Dora says:

  30. Dora says:

    Find the Fed: Here’s Hoping Someone Can Identify the Tattooed “Nazis” at Gathering in Florida …UPDATE: One Nazi Identified – Says He Was Backed by CIA


  31. Anthony says:

    Hi Everyone- Zoom-a-thon will be next Sunday. Some have let me know they wouldn’t be available, and all hell broke loose for me (in a good way), so I’ll be playing beat the clock instead of enjoying the holiday… See you then!

    • CalSteno says:

      Thanks for the update. Hope the rest of the weekend is good for everyone!

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Thanks for the tag up thread.
      Just got in from picking up a foster kitten I agreed to babysit last minute so this gives me time to get her settled. The big cats are all excited. Its been a while since we have had a wee one about.

      See y’all next week.

  32. taw46 says:

    A very hot day, but we made it for the Jimmy Buffett Second Line!

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