Weekend of June 15 & 16, 2024

Bemidji, Minnesota

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74 Responses to Weekend of June 15 & 16, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

  2. DeniseVB says:

  3. taw46 says:

    What a shame, raining hard on the march to Buckingham Palace. We may not see the flyover and the royal family on the balcony.

  4. taw46 says:

    Got to hand it to King Charles. Back at Buckingham Palace and he has been standing out at the gate, in the rain, saluting the troops as they ride past him.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      The rain was so heavy at one point it looked like hail and the wind is not helping. You could tell the horses were getting a bit uncomfortable while holding their positions.

  5. Swan Spirit says:

    I always loved Paul Bunyan and Babe, The Big Blue Ox! I am loving this tour of the USA, Denise, thank you!

    • DeniseVB says:

      I easily entertain myself. πŸ˜€ I’m learning so much about the states in my quest to keep them interesting. Paul and Babe kept popping up in my Minnesota searches and found out that’s where the movie Fargo was filmed, now here we are !

      I use skylines and aerials when a city is so much more beautiful than I thought in my head.

      • helenk3 says:

        We have a so many different kinds of beauty in the USA. I wish more people would really see it. From sea to shining sea it is just awesome

        • DeniseVB says:

          I remember an Amtrak trip through Ohio on the way to Chicago, beautiful fields of amber waves of grain, I did think of America the Beautiful and what must’ve inspired that line πŸ˜€

        • lateblum says:

          This is a breathtakingly beautiful country. Every time we’d travel, I’d think, β€œThis is the most beautiful state!” It didn’t matter which state, I’d think the same thing. There are still several states I haven’t seen, and most likely won’t see. But the ones I’ve seen, have taken my breath away.

  6. taw46 says:

    She looked beautiful today. I hope she continues to heal and will be well for many years to come.

  7. taw46 says:

    I turned on Sky News after the BBC coverage. They are still on, recapping today’s events, with lots of discussion about the King and Catherine and their health issues.

  8. taw46 says:

  9. DeniseVB says:

    Classy act from RFKjr wishing DJT a Happy Birthday. Also classy, the comments on his thread.


  10. If you enjoy Don Surber’s Highlights of the News as much as I do, have at it, but beware the story of the woman who has a baby at Taco Bell. It is virus-ridden. The others appear to be OK, but I haven’t clicked on all of them. I was up for a feel good story after reading some of the other ones. πŸ™‚

  11. Today is Elder Abuse Awareness Day. How shall we celebrate?

  12. votermom says:

    good article

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. mothy2017 says:

    So girls or rather women will be automatically registered for the draft if the are between 18 and 26? I guess it passed the House and heads to the Senate. FJB.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I just wouldn’t want to send any kid off to a Biden war.

      My granddaughter’s ship got shadowed by a Chinese ship in the South China sea and she got to monitor it and said it was scary fun. I think this happens all the time, but glad she’s back in home port now, my biggest fear was Joe is her Commander in Chief. Euwww.

  15. mothy2017 says:

    I can understand to an extent, but have no problem with my own hypocrisy.

  16. taw46 says:

    The Princess of Wales made some of the front pages with her appearance.

  17. taw46 says:

    The Police Department let some people in without being wanded by the Secret Service. Why?

    • Anthony says:

      I don’t want to say out loud what’s going through my mind. These motherfuckers would do ANYTHING to prevent him from winning. And God help them, because they’re truly underestimating we the ppl.

      • lateblum says:

        What’s going through your mind is likely what’s going through most peoples’ minds. And it I believe they will do whatever they can to keep Trump out of the WH. It scares me whenever he appears in public.

  18. taw46 says:

    What a woman!

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. DeniseVB says:

    Any fans of Chef’s Reactions ? He snarks over bad cooking videos. Someone has to do it πŸ˜€

  21. taw46 says:

    That little girl has the β€œIt” factor, it’s fun watching her grow up.

  22. taw46 says:

  23. I know y’all don’t like Bill Maher, and he probably will never vote for Trump, but he’s still useful. Here he’s calling out the left again.

    Bill Maher Asks an Important Question: β€œHow Come it’s Okay for the Left to Hate the Jews?” (legalinsurrection.com)

    • 1539days says:

      I find Maher interesting as opposed to being a big fan. I used to watch him on Politically Incorrect back when it was on ABC. My take is that he’s kind of a throwback. He really wants to live in the “Mad Men” era. He used to go to the Playboy Mansion in the 2000’s even though it had lost its luster in the 60’s.

      Knowing that, he talks like a 60’s liberal. Those liberals were fighting for the rights of women and African Americans, but weren’t hanging out with gays and were probably afraid to hang out with Communists. Back then, Israel transcended ideology. After what the Nazis did, the only resolution seemed to be creating a Jewish state. Except for the Middle East, the rest of the world had very little issue with it.

      Bill Maher is pretty consistent, if nothing else.

      • I’m more of a 60s liberal than a conservative myself so I get him. In many ways Trump is, too. He’s conservative compared to the left, but really not all that truly conservative. No populist ever is.

        • “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country” came from the epitome of a 60s liberal. Now the left is all about the freebies. But it’s not the conservative point of view, either. They are “Can’t the government just leave me alone?” Trump’s MAGAs aren’t all conservatives. Which is why I think there would be room for Maher if Trump hadn’t sued him.

  24. Happy Father’s Day! My husband was ambivalent about becoming a father until he became one, and then he was all in. He was an even better grandfather. He left a great legacy behind him.

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

    • They are going to register women, too, if the bill makes it through, which doubles the number of people eligible for the draft. They are preparing for a major war. If war breaks out, they’ll find a way to get the illegals, too. I don’t think this is a plan to let the illegals take over the country. I think they are preparing for World War III.

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