Monday, June 17, 2024

Bismarck, North Dakota
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61 Responses to Monday, June 17, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Hillary ruining The Tonys for everybody making political jokes, but they seem to love her, sigh. Is there nothing left to amuse me? Lol.

  2. taw46 says:

  3. helenk3 says:

    didn’t hillary give uranium to Russia? how did that just get overlooked but Niger is no longer an ally for the same thing?

  4. helenk3 says:

    guess the truth hurts. today’s dems are not used to hearing it or telling it

  5. mothy2017 says:

    We had plenty of 90+ degrees summer days when I was a kid. The world was not ending. We went to the pool or played with a hose in backyard. No A/C just plenty of fans. Turn on the news and it is so hyperbolic. I hate them.

  6. helenk3 says:

    I just looked at my e-mail and found out that I bought $456.00 worth of bid-coin through pay pal, 1 I do not have a paypal account, 2 I do not use bidcoin and do not want to use it. I called the place and explained that if I lose that money someone will be in jail or dead which ever comes first. called the cops and made a report and got the number for the FTC. to make a report

    • DeniseVB says:

      Did you get it straightened out, haven’t heard of that scam before? I wouldn’t have called them, just forward to the police fraud unit. The scam is usually getting you to call them and give them info “to help cancel the order”. But you didn’t do that 😀

  7. Rhode Island is about to make composting people after death legal. I don’t know how I feel about it personally. Before we invented coffins, it was what we did so it’s hardly new.

    Rhode Island House Approves ‘Human Composting’ Option for ‘Deathcare’ (

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

    Woke up to 39 degrees outside.

    • lateblum says:

      I woke up at 2:30 to 80° and could not get back to sleep until 6:15. It’s currently 89°and it’s predicted going up to 96°.

      • lyn5 says:

        Yikes! The humidity must be horrid.

        • mcnorman says:

          Triple digits in the desert. You can fry an egg outside.

        • taw46 says:

          We have a heat index of 106°. 🥵

          • lateblum says:

            OMG!!! That’s horrid. I hope you have working air conditioning. It is now nearly 5:00. It is going up to 94° where I am, and that’s hot enough. I live a block west of the lake. So it is actually “cooler by the lake”.

            It is hotter in the city as well as the outlying suburbs.

          • taw46 says:

            Yes, we do. I have to get up early to walk, before it gets so hot. We had quite the breeze today, so that helped.

        • lateblum says:

          Right now the temperature is 92° and the humidity is only 42%, but the real feel with this temperature and humidity is 101°. We are lucky the humidity is as low as it is.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Still no a/c for your building or window units allowed? You still have that Chicago August coming up, yikes, let’s find you a small indoor icy cold maker. Amazon has some windowless models that might work.

        • lyn5 says:

          What square footage would you need, lateblum? HOMCOM gets good reviews at Home Depot.

          This one is for 450 sq ft. Smaller ones are shown on the page too.

          • lateblum says:

            Lyn, This looks very much like the ones that I have. One in the dining room and the other is in the living room. I’d love to get a third. Maybe this will be the year.
            Thanks for thinking of me. I actually went to Home Depot last week and looked at the a/cs. If I can get my son to help me get it up the front stairs . . .


        • lateblum says:

          Thank you, Denise. You are so thoughtful to remember the weirdness (and possible cruelty) of my condo board wrt the window a/c issue. I have 2 standing a/cs and I just finished “installing” one of them after bringing up the parts that I need from the basement. I’ll do the second one tomorrow morning when it isn’t quite so hot.
          It’s not nearly enough since all my windows face south and west. But it’s a start.

        • John Denney says:

          As a kid in Iowa, I often mowed the yard for an elderly couple.
          She told me about them driving to California in a Model A Ford. Before crossing the desert, they bought a 25 pound block of ice & put it in a washpan in the back seat.
          She said it kept them just as cool as could be. 🙂

          So, 25 lb bag of ice in a washpan, put it in a room in the house with a fan blowing over it. 🙂

  10. taw46 says:

    They think we are all stupid, that we can’t see for ourselves what is happening with Biden. I’m just amazed that so many citizens still believe their bs.

  11. lateblum says:

    There are some issues that I will never “get over”. This is one of them…⤵️

  12. It’s headed to the low 90s here, but the breezes off the lake keep it a bit cooler. I had an eye doctor appointment today. Eyes no worse, and I guess that’s good news, but I spent the rest of the day at the beach with the grandkids. I treated them to chicken from Raising Cane so I have my summer camp back. 😉 Next time Crash wants to bring her bestie. She seems to have stopped being so worried about me. lol

  13. lateblum says:

    Well, I just saw on the news that we are due to have temps in the low to mid-90s until Sunday with no rain until possibly Sunday. :sigh:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

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