Thursday, June 27, 2024

Helena, Montana

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176 Responses to Thursday, June 27, 2024

    • DeniseVB says:

      Don’t forget Stephen Green will be drunkblogging the debate, which will make it totally watchable 😀 Should appear on his page about 30 minutes before the start,

      • mothy2017 says:

        I haven’t decided whether or not to watch. I abhor tapper and bash. I can catch any worth while clips.

        • mothy2017 says:

          I might check out Twitter as it happens. Some are saying he’ll reveal VP tonight. I hope it’s Carlson. I like everything Vivek says, but he came out of nowhere. Give him a prominent position in administration. Carlson provides balance. He’d be 76 at the end of a Trump term. Doubt he’d run. Vivek can prove himself. J D. Vance is a solid voice in the Senate and might be replaced by a rino. What do I know.

          • taw46 says:

            Of all those that have been mentioned, I prefer Ben Carson. But he could announce someone different from all those we have been reading about lately. Trump is the one who knows them and has to work with them, so he will do what is right for him.

      • taw46 says:

        Thanks Denise, I did forget about Stephen Green. I love his drunk blogging.

  1. Swan Spirit says:

    90 minutes??? I don’t see how Joe can go 90 minutes, standing or seated. That’s probably the reason for the commercial breaks, to give Joe a break, or two.

  2. lyn5 says:

    My Montana: Helena and the Sleeping Giant!

  3. lyn5 says:

  4. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      On The Five yesterday, they showed a clip of a reporter asking different Dems about the murders. Each one of them had the same answer, while sad, immigrants commit less crime than native born Americans. How can people support them? Even if the statistics are correct, you are saying it is ok to bring in crime because there is less of it among the immigrants. Why do we want more crime here? What is wrong with these people?

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. helenk3 says:

    one reason women need a ginsue circumcision knife

  10. helenk3 says:

    weird thought

    so many of congress have been in office for so long it has become a life time job. How many voters are just automatically voting for the same name because it is easier then checking their records and what they have done for them lately?

    • When people don’t know the challenger, they vote for the incumbent on the devil you know theory. If they have no preference, they vote for the first in the list. Hillary was insistent on being Hillary Rodham Clinton. She wouldn’t listen.

  11. helenk3 says:

    another fool, who does not know what is a woman. No wonder he keeps is hands under the desk during film interviews

  12. helenk3 says:

    great ad

  13. I was without power from 11:15 last night until about a half hour ago. I had no water and no toilets that would flush, but all I was worried about was the debate. LOL

  14. helenk3 says:

    Just saw on tv how the bid-on bunch wants no age limit on transgender surgery for kids, I am 85, I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I do not ever remember my own government being such a treat to the kids of this country, They have to go.

  15. helenk3 says:

    The funeral of 12 year old girl killed by illegals was just shown. Seeing that small coffin arriving at the grave in a white carriage drawn by a white horse, broke my heart.

    How many American kids have to die because of bid-on and the benedicts? Get them gone

  16. DeniseVB says:

    Stephen Green’s preview for tonight’s debate. He’ll start about 8:45, I hope I’m still awake 😀

  17. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      When Biden says:

      “MAGA Republican voters are dangerous extremists.”

      What he means is:

      “In the country I’m creating, if you own a gun, drive a truck, work with your hands, revere life, or respect traditional marriage YOU will be an extremist.”

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. DeniseVB says:

    Here we go 😀 Nice welcoming committee …

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. mothy2017 says:

    So no press besides cnn and each candidate can have two guests. Gavin is there and Dr. jill.

  24. helenk3 says:

    mute the mike when the other is speaking? Is that because bid-on would lose his train of thought if interrupted


  25. lyn5 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

  27. taw46 says:
    • STEPHEN GREEN | JUN 27, 2024 9:19 PM EST

    I look at Biden and I keep thinking what a marvelous job they did with his makeup. The problem is that “they” is his mortician. 

  28. lyn5 says:

  29. taw46 says:

    Didn’t Joe just interrupt Trump? And they let him talk anyway? Did I miss something?

  30. taw46 says:
    • STEPHEN GREEN | JUN 27, 2024 9:23 PM EST

    Biden’s losing it. Somebody needs to hit the gong and have Chuck Barris pull him off the stage.

  31. taw46 says:

  32. taw46 says:

    Biden tells so many lies. So many that have been disproven, yet he still repeats them.

  33. mothy2017 says:

    45 minutes was all I could take

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. lyn5 says:

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. lyn5 says:

    Biden is a lying bastard.

  38. helenk3 says:

    bid-on’s bs on SS. when was the last time he paid into it?

    As long as I worked and that was for many years. I paid and my employer paid into SS. the government was the steward of the money and that screwed that up.

  39. lyn5 says:

    I bet Biden has an ear piece.

  40. taw46 says:

    Biden has made many childish insults to Trump tonight.

    • helenk3 says:

      he is losing it , He is starting to show just how out of touch with reality he really is. the meds are wearing off

      • helenk3 says:

        can he legally be replaced before the convention? If not it would not surprise if he got arkansided

        • helenk3 says:

          van jones on CNN says bid-on should drop out!!!!!!!

        • The Republicans have a rule that delegates have to vote for the candidate they are pledged to on the first ballot, but Democrats don’t. While it would be nice if Biden released his delegates voluntarily, the Superdelegates, who are the party elite, could nix his candidacy.

      • John Denney says:

        “He is starting to show just how out of touch with reality he really is.” – helenk3

        “Reality is confirmation bias for conservatives.” – JD Wales

  41. helenk3 says:

    one of the best moments of this debate. Trump saying I had not planned to run again until I saw bad bid-on was hurting this country. He made a good point

  42. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      Of course I would like to see Biden be the nominee, because I think it would be an easy win for Trump. But as an American who loves this country, he needs to go. But then what? Kamala? What a horrible position the Dems have put us in.

  43. mothy2017 says:

    I might have to watch the View tomorrow.

  44. lyn5 says:

  45. lyn5 says:

  46. lyn5 says:

  47. lyn5 says:

    Miranda Devine

    MSNBC is like a funeral post debate. Asking “What was wrong with him.” He has a cold. Negative Covid test . Voice very very soft. Saying they’ve been fielding phone calls. Reaction from Obama world is “somewhere approaching panic.” Biden was “Extremely feeble. Extremely weak.” Lament that Trump is “sounding less crazy”, complain debate moderators did not fact check.

    • taw46 says:

      All he could do is call him a liar over and over, and some other insults. He did admit Biden shouldn’t run for President again, but his hatred of Trump was all through that article.

  48. lyn5 says:

  49. helenk3 says:

    already the msm is in a panic over bid-on but still pouncing on Trump. Saying he is a liar. What lies did Trump tell tonight? maybe I missed them.

  50. lyn5 says:

  51. lateblum says:

  52. mothy2017 says:

    Who will it be? Gavin, Michelle, or Killary?

    • taw46 says:

      Of the three, I would say the dems pray nightly that Michelle will agree to run. But people keep saying over and over that she is happy with her life and won’t do it. Who knows, I always say if they make it worth her while, she will. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So next up would be Gavin. People say he is a horrible governor and people wouldn’t vote for him. Really? Most of the people who vote know nothing about him. I believe Hillary would be the last choice, they almost would prefer to keep Joe than run her again.

  53. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      Jill knows Hunter was cheating on his first wife.

      Jill knows Hunter continues to use drugs.

      Jill knows Joe isn’t and hasn’t been capable to do this job even before 2016.

      Jill also knows Joe “blew it” with regards to this debate, yet she told him he had done well and that he had answered all the questions correctly.

      Jill has more ambition than Joe. She is evil.

  54. lyn5 says:

  55. helenk3 says:

    get out the fainting couches

  56. lyn5 says:

  57. lyn5 says:

    Who are the 33%?

  58. lyn5 says:

  59. lyn5 says:

    Where (are) all my dumbass lefty trolls telling me Trump is the one with dementia at? Y’all awfully quiet tonight

  60. lyn5 says:

  61. lyn5 says:

  62. lyn5 says:

  63. lyn5 says:

  64. lyn5 says:

  65. lyn5 says:

  66. lyn5 says:

  67. lyn5 says:

  68. lyn5 says:

  69. lyn5 says:

  70. lyn5 says:

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