Friday, June 28, 2024

Shoshone Falls, Twin Falls, Idaho
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141 Responses to Friday, June 28, 2024

  1. Swan Spirit says:

    Remember that old saying from the Seventies? ” I can’t believe I ate the whole thing?” Well I can’t believe I watched the whole thing, last night, but I did. I was at a complete loss for words, for some time afterwards. Gobsmacked, dumbfounded and speechless. And scared. That we have such a demented fool for our president.

    And how stupid corrupt and incompetent are the democrats around him, that they waited until now to go into panic mode? The icing on the cake? Babysitter Jill, talking to him like a toddler. She IS evil.

  2. DeniseVB says:

  3. taw46 says:

    I just walked through the room, of course my relatives have Morning Joe on. And Joe is saying in a somber voice, is it time for the democrats to tell Joe it’s over. And I wanted to scream, it’s been over for years, what the hell is wrong with you people! LOL

    • Swan Spirit says:

      That’s how I feel. NOW, you panic??? Where have you been the last six months? The last three years??? Listening to Obanana, is where they have been.

      • taw46 says:

        My relatives have the sadz. They normally watch MJ all morning long, but they turned it off about 15 min ago.

        • DeniseVB says:

          Wait til they find out that Joe and Mika are the ones that have been lying to them all along. Every lie they are accusing Trump of has been debunked, including the Ralph Northam allowing to kill babies after they’re born in Virginia.

          I had my epiphany when I found out John Edwards was cheating on his wife Elizabeth after her cancer diagnosis. I had such trust in him, but he wasn’t at all who he made us think he was. They all lie and think we’re stupid. Your dear relatives may be close to realizing that too 🙂

          • taw46 says:

            Denise, I doubt it. My sister was disgusted back in 2008 as to how the party treated Hillary, and she said she wasn’t going to vote for Obama. But 2 months later, after pressure from all of her progressive friends, she was on the Obama team.

            And they don’t see that the lies have been debunked, because all they ever watch is MSNBC. 24/7

            I wasn’t a full fledged, crazy dem, so it was easier for me to see what was going on in 2007/2008. It was so obvious listening to the MSM, that Obama was the chosen one.

        • lyn5 says:

          Good news! You can have peace for once.

          • taw46 says:

            Lol, but my sister turned it back on. I heard Mika and some people talking, and the agreement seemed to be, Joe’s fine and he doesn’t need to be replaced. The problem is the debate was at 9pm. Doncha know, if it was earlier all would have been fine. Wink, wink.

          • Sundowning usually starts in the late afternoon. Maybe a morning debate?

    • Anthony says:

      I just checked MJ out after reading your comment. They’re all saying it’s over for Joe and he must be replaced. They’re also repeating Jill’s (Jildo’s? đŸ€Ł) line about Trump lying throughout the debate about everything. I guess that’s their planned smear campaign for 2024.

      It’s clearer than ever now that Obama has been running things all along. All the masks are off. We’re no longer America. Let that sink in.

  4. taw46 says:

    I agree with most of this, except “Trump fell for it”. I agree with the comment, no, Trump exposed it.

    • taw46 says:

      And for the people who haven’t been paying attention to Biden’s condition, but saw it last night, How could you vote for a democrat? How could you watch MSM? They all lied to you, told you, no you didn’t see what you saw. Is that who you want leading the country, reporting the news?

    • DeniseVB says:

      Good arguments in that thread. Trump knew exactly what he was doing and he did it perfectly. Bring on Joe’s replacement, the Dems will NEVER recover from it (I mean, look at the potential replacements. Kamala? Hillary? Michelle? Gavin ? All dunderheads. 😛

  5. taw46 says:

    So, what will the dems do now? Jill has her heels dug in, and as pointed out last night, Joe is stubborn and will not offer to step down. And it appears the dems fear a Kamala Presidency as much as the republicans do. No one wants her as President for one day, much less as the D nominee. Will they have the courage to get rid of Biden at the convention and skip over Kamala as the nominee?

    • votermom says:

      they should nominate Dr Jill to replace her demented hubby.

      she would agree to that

    • mcnorman says:

      the Dems are gonna have a heck of a fight dragging Jildo out of the WH.

      • taw46 says:

        I don’t think she is going anywhere.

        • lateblum says:

          I agree. I think Jill believes she deserves to be in the WH. She is the one who has “put up with” Joe for all these years and being in the WH is her reward. She is both the enabler and the abuser here. And Joe is too stupid and the family is too greedy to acknowledge it. They want that power!

        • Mt.Laurel says:

          I keep seeing parallels between the Bidens and the Sparkles. None of these people have ever been nice, they are greedy beyond belief, feel the are owed, and seem to love lots and lots of drugs of all sorts. Not to mention they exhibit what appear to be severe mental health problems. I also have always thought that someone thought they could push the Sparkles as a variation of the manufactured Obamas where they took to ugly self important druggies and cleaned them up scrubbed out a lot of bad crap in their personal histories and made up “bios” that hit the accepted talking points/persona. Not to mention the ghost written memoirs that really raise serious questions about their morals, values/intelligence, competency, inability to tell the truth, puppet masters, etc that seem to get brushed aside with – but they sold X number of copies (bought mostly by themselves or “gifted”).

  6. DeniseVB says:

    Hello Virginia. Cars have been lining up since 10:30 last night for a 3pm rally today. This is about 8 miles from my house. Trump arrived at 1:30 a.m. from Georgia.

  7. mothy2017 says:

    It crossed my mind yesterday that they might blow up the studio last night. Take out Trump and Biden at the same time. Whats a little collateral damage. They sure as hell don’t care about the women and girls being raped and murdered almost daily. Power is all they care about.

    Zelinsky is hinting that he is going to cry uncle soon and this will take that off the front page.
    They are truly evil people. It’s like a game for them.
    Trump will end our democracy bullshit. They knew Joe was incompetent in 2019. He had an obvious decline in cognitive skills back then. The. Members of the dim party were denied a primary when they knew he was never going to make it to November. The press acting shocked or sad this morning is disgusting. They were all in on it and belong in jail.

  8. mothy2017 says:

    The games they’ve played with the help of the RINO’s have destroyed lives. I firmly believe that Covid was intentional to take down The Donald. We are on the cusp of WW3 all so they could have control. How many lives lost or ruined? Fentanyl, illegals murdering, Gaza, Israel, Ukraine? I know people who were dependent on 12 step meetings. They were lockdown, alone. Many relapsed. Online meetings iare no substitute for the human connection. The whole time they knew masks were bull, distancing was a fabrication, clot shot posed more danger than the bug. Riots were permissible but you couldn’t attend church in a parking lot. Sick bastards.

  9. Swan Spirit says:

    So what will the dims do now? Stuff Joe and carry his carcass around with a recording repeating ” Trump lies, I answered all the questions! ” or will Nanzi call in her favors and push her nephew Given Newscum? I believe she is already trying that.

    Are they going to pretend Joe’s decline just happened? And up until now he’s been sharp as a tack? It will take Obanana at least three days to decide, it always has.

    • lyn5 says:

      Dems are the ultimate liars. So, yes.

    • lateblum says:

      Do you think those Biden lovers or dims will ever understand that Joe was in his basement in 2020 to hide his obvious inability to think and speak intelligently and rationally? I doubt it.

  10. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • taw46 says:

        This is why it’s hard to believe last night was a setup. It sounds more like they were spinning and hoping he would be able to pull it off last night. He didn’t, so now Plan B. Although some people’s Plan B is to run him anyway.

  11. Does it occur to anyone but me that last week at Camp David was a setup? That the “practice” was all about making him fail? The 16 people, the airplane hangar, the people running around in golf carts. Feed him lines to use along with lasagna, but don’t tell him what they are the answer to. Then send Jill out campaigning places she’d get a lot of flattery so his nursemaid isn’t there. The whole thing smells like Obama’s after shave. I think he uses Obsession.

  12. mothy2017 says:

    Who do you think besides Killary, Gavin, and Michelle that they are considering? Hillary negates election denial and age issue. CA is a mess and Gavin is unlikeable but might get suburban mom vote. I don’t believe Michelle wants it. She is extremely wealthy and gets adoration wherever she goes. Why jeopardize her comfy life with a run? Her only qualifications are that she was married to a former president and she destroyed school lunches for a short spell.
    You can’t tell me last night was choreographed to an extent. They knew he was going to bomb I don’t think anyone thought it would be that bad. Will moderate dims feel betrayed by their party?

    I’d wager the selection has been made at least months ago. There was no way he’d make it through the convention.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. mothy2017 says:

    Kudos to Trump for exhibiting control. He could have lashed out and they would have used it to claim he was cruel to an impaired man. I thought Donald was accommodating after what they’ve put him through.

    • Swan Spirit says:

      That’s what I was thinking. Definitely, President Trump exhibited restraint, because Joe was an easy target. He is a very smart man.

  16. Ridding public places of homeless encampments is not cruel and unusual punishment. 6-3 Guess who thinks it is?

  17. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      • lyn5 says:

        Great news!

      • lyn5 says:

        The decision in Fischer v. United States was an odd one. It was 6-3 with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson siding with the majority and Justice Amy Coney Barrett writing the dissenting opinion and siding with liberal justices Kagan and Sotomayor. Very strange times. –Charlie Kirk

      • lyn5 says:

      • lyn5 says:

  18. lyn5 says:

  19. mothy2017 says:

    The only positive thing about forcing Biden to step down now is that it would forever prohibit Hillary from having the title of first Woman President. That would burn.

  20. lyn5 says:

    Republicans should be on the attack now.

  21. DeniseVB says:

    Cspan Poll 😀

    Trump 75-25 so far.

  22. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  23. mothy2017 says:


    CNN just called Meeeechelle Obama Big Mike

  24. mothy2017 says:

    Do you think Hillary’s interminable Russia Russia Russia would escalate tensions were it to be selected?

  25. lyn5 says:

  26. mcnorman says:

    The Supreme Court just struck down the Chevron Doctrine.

  27. mothy2017 says:

    According to Charlie Kirk in a couple of states there is a deadline for removing a name from the November ballot so it won’t matter in those states what happens at the convention, but it’s not like dims follow the rules. They’d figure out a way.

  28. helenk3 says:

    on FOX now backtrack and klain to have a sit down with bid-on today.

    the bid-on family will be against joe stepping down. if he does that they lose their cash cow

    • lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      from Wendy Patterson

    • CalSteno says:

      They also lose the “shield” that Biden being president gives both Hunter and other family members. That shield is weaker now that some prosecutors have brought charges against Hunter but there is still some protection for the family.

  29. helenk3 says:

    I wanted to see what foreign news papers were reporting about the debate.

    not good news for us.

  30. lyn5 says:

    Julie Kelly

    List of shame (of course they have none)–DC judges who went along with the DOJ’s unlawful application of 1512(c)(2) in J6 cases:

    Judge Beryl Howell (Obama, former chief judge)

    Judge James Boasberg (Obama, current chief judge)

    Judge Rudolph Contreras (Obama)

    Judge Trevor McFadden (Trump)

    Judge John Bates (GW Bush)

    Judge Amit Mehta (Obama)

    Judge Dabny Friedrich (Trump)

    Judge Royce Lamberth (Reagan)

    Judge Richard Leon (GW Bush)

    Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Clinton)

    Judge Amy Berman Jackson (Obama)

    Judge Timothy Kelly (Trump)

    Judge Randolph Moss (Clinton)

    Judge Paul Friedman (Clinton)

    Judge Christopher Cooper (Obama)

    D.C. Circuit Court Judge Florence Pan (Biden)—Pan wrote both appellate court decisions upholding 1512c2

    D.C. Circuit Court Judge Justin Walker (Trump)

    D.C. Circuit Court Judge Cornelia Pillard

  31. helenk3 says:

    I do not watch the view, my stomach could not stand it. did they just call for bid-on to go?????

  32. lyn5 says:

  33. lyn5 says:

    Biden had an ear piece.

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. helenk3 says:

    backtrack made statement on twitter standing by bid-on. guess he will be arkancited before the convention

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. helenk3 says:

    how could you vote for bid-on after seeing this?

  38. taw46 says:

  39. taw46 says:

    I guess the consensus is, Biden’s running.

  40. taw46 says:

  41. 1539days says:

    I think the “plan” part of the debate was wheeling Biden out there and seeing how coherent they could make him for 2 hours. The answer was “not very.” Biden is never going to be a big rally campaigner. In 2020, COVID made sure Trump’s rally schedule was reduced. In 2024, the trials are attempting to do the same thing. Now, Democrats have to figure out if dumping Biden will be worse or if keeping him will lose the election.

  42. helenk3 says:

    they were just picking on him, the debate was unfair. boho boho

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