Weekend of June 29 & 30, 2024

Virginia City, Nevada
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153 Responses to Weekend of June 29 & 30, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Did anyone get the name of that miracle cold med?

    • taw46 says:

      I want to know what happened to the meds during the debate. Afterwards he attended the debate party. Now we find out he went to a Waffle House. He was up very, very late that night. Then up early the next morning to go to NC and a rally. I saw a clip, he was like a completely different person. Not the same guy as the one at the debate. Did someone screw up his meds before the debate?

      Also, I would like to know exactly what is wrong with him. My mother had Alzheimer’s, and she would never have been able to do the things he does, give speeches and such. She walked normal, he shuffles. People believe he has Parkinson’s disease, and I would believe it. I had a grandmother and an uncle with that, and he acts more like they did.

      • taw46 says:

        This was him in NC yesterday. This is why the dems will still support him as their nominee. They say nothing is wrong with him. 🤷🏻‍♀️

      • Swan Spirit says:

        At one time, I used to think Byeden had Korsakoff syndrome, because some limited short term recovery is possible with high dose injections of thiamine and B vitamins, in Korsakoff syndrome. I don’t know how heavy a drinker he was, but any recovery depends on complete abstinence.

        He has a lot of the symptoms of Korsakoff’s. But you can have Korsakoff’s, and have other things that cause memory deficit, as well. He probably has several diagnoses.

        But for Obanana to stroll in, and declare nothing to see here, his boy just had a bad couple of hours, is almost obscene. His decline has been obvious under many circumstances, for a long time now. Not to mention, that we don’t need a president who checks out for a few hours on a regular basis, under any circumstances.

  2. taw46 says:

  3. 1539days says:

    I’m going to bring back my conspiracy theory from 12 years ago about the first debate with Obama and Romney. That time, it took a couple of days for pundits to admit Obama did badly even with help from the moderators. I still wonder if this was an attempt to push disinterested Democrats to vote for Obama again by putting a real fear of him losing the election.

    With Biden, I think it’s different. The fear is real. Trump is already tied with Biden even during all his show trials. Replacing Biden on the ticket is possible, but unlikely. The party insiders have their best chance before the official nomination and I think that’s what prompted the early debate. I don’t think it’s going to work. I saw all the attempts to stop a runaway train with Trump in 2016 and the entire party establishment wanted him out before August.

    • taw46 says:

      I don’t think Biden is going anywhere. For many reasons. I think the only way it would work, is if he releases the delegates (he has just about all of them). And people who know Biden say he is stubborn and will not willingly go away. And we all know Jill and that she’s fighting to keep him as President. And many democrats have come out after the debate in support of Biden as the nominee. Now we have to hope and pray that they don’t cheat and put him in for a second term. Can you imagine? He has done so much damage already. (Well, Obama and his group, not Biden.)

    • DeniseVB says:

      A potted plant should have beat Obama in 2012, but you’re right, the brainwashing of the useful idiots (Dem voters) had already been in play since 2008 when most of us caught on and left the party. Obama was a Messiah by 2012, I just don’t know how he won. Romney wasn’t that bad back then, I just think he threw it. The Duopoly was born !

      • Swan Spirit says:

        Also, since this debate, and since so many people saw how bad he is, and so many people reacted to it, all over the media, people will be watching Old Joe much more closely, and he will be subject to much greater scrutiny. Do Obanana and the Dims think this is the last time their puppet will fall down, and not get up? Any neurological issues he may have, are progressive, and he is still aging. What will they say or do the next time?. Oh, he just had another few bad hours? And the next time is coming.

  4. lyn5 says:

    Scott Adams

    Watching Democrats wake up to how badly their own team has been gaslighting them about Biden is the entertainment of the decade.

    If I were Trump, I would remind Democrats their own side lied to them to the point of generational party destruction.

    And not just lies about Biden.

    We’ve been living in a Democrat-made hoaxocracy for at least 7 years. Fine People Hoax, Drinking Bleach Hoax, J6 insurrection hoax, “Suckers and losers” hoax, and so much more.

    Trump is a “salesman.”

    His hyperbole is designed to be productive, as in getting to a deal.

    Democrat persuasion is a different animal. Gaslighting is pure evil. We need to stop comparing “fact checks” by counting the NUMBER of them. Instead, compare the TYPE.

    Trump might say his economy was better than you remember. But Biden tells you Hitler is rising.

    Those are not equivalents. One is selling. The other is gaslighting

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. helenk3 says:


  10. taw46 says:

    Well, it’s that time of year. Wait and watch, 5 months to go. Lol.

    • helenk3 says:

      hope it avoids Fla. they are just putting on a new roof and starting to fix the damage from IAN. I will have to be out of my apt starting from July 8. for 2 weeks. lucky that one of friends here has a vacant apt in another bldg that I can rent for that time

      • taw46 says:

        I hope it does, too. I’m glad you have somewhere to go while they replace your roof. It took a long time for us to repair all of the damage from Irma, although not quite that long. But we know lots of people down here that waited 2+ years to settle with insurance and start repairs. Let’s hope the storms are kind to everyone this year. It’s a long time to Nov 30th.

  11. helenk3 says:

    something to think about

    if bid-on wins, kamela will be president within 4 years.

  12. taw46 says:

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      As we have said before, forget the election. Our problem right now is we don’t have a functioning President. For almost 7 more months. Who’s making all of the decisions? Obama? Who else? No one who was elected, that’s for sure.

      • helenk3 says:

        link up thread

        “I learned when I was negotiating with him, you can’t negotiate with him. He just talks about cars. You have to negotiate with staff,” he said.

      • John Denney says:

        Someone made the case a while back that Biden’s chief of staff is the one actually running things.

  16. helenk3 says:


    another American company moving to Mexico. John Deere.

    I refuse to buy levis since the moved to Mexico years ago

  17. helenk3 says:

    way off topic

    I just saw on the computer a flower called diphylleia gray. it is a white flower but when it rains or gets wet it turns clear like ice. I can see these with violets. wish I still had a yard

  18. taw46 says:

    What’s your weather today? We have a heat index of 113. 🥵

  19. Mt.Laurel says:

    Trying to finish some things up before the technical end of the fiscal year (tomorrow tomorrow . . . .).

    My goodness. Even on non political sites mainly focused on health care and I see are tons of links about what is going on and it is elder abuse/miscalculation on meds and timing, stubbornness combined with pure avarice and huge egos or they cannot change things because promises/agreements have been made and a new person would require they all be renegotiated (e.g. China, Ukraine, WHO. . . .).

  20. Mt.Laurel says:

    Felicitations to Ellies Mom from your birthday twin. 🎈🎠🧁🍨🎁

    Hope this works wordpress made me change the embed link three times.

    “Happy Birthday to You” starring Charlie Brown and the Peanuts Band – YouTube

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:


    Sit back for a second and really think about the ramifications of one party running a clearly mentally impaired person as a candidate for the most stressful job in the world. Forget about who he is running against for a second and really think about the ramifications for a national party to not only openly run, but also insist all of their party members openly support a mentally impaired man as their nominee for the job as POTUS. What does that say to the people about that party’s concern for the country as a whole? What does that say to the people about that’s party’s ability to make good decisions for the common good? What does that say to the people about their level of concern for the people?

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lyn5 says:

  25. mothy2017 says:

    Yippee the last day of Pride. It wasn’t as obnoxious as last year. Election year? I hope it’s running out of steam. When it was just a weekend it was mostly gay men now it’s 30 days of trans and drag. Ugh.

  26. mothy2017 says:

    We had a picnic yesterday for pup’s graduation. I am going to try to do something informal like that every year. It was so nice to see people that you never see except at weddings or funerals. Soup to nuts it was a little over Two thousand. What is fucked up is you can’t donate food leftovers. Some hotel gave shrimp from a wedding that had sat out for hours to homeless people they got sued as there was food poisoning. I had everything with mayo on ice. We were in a lovely state park. I had food for over 100 and people unasked brought dishes. I contacted a guy and said I’ll go to the car to smoke you can’t smoke outside in state parks. I can’t help it if whilst I smoke someone removes all the food. This morning all of the chafing dishes and non disposable things were washed and neatly stacked on my deck with a 50 for da kid. I didn’t ask for the stuff back. Figured at a shelter they’d get more use from it than I do. Isn’t it insane though that if I hadn’t known a guy I couldn’t go to the Salvation Army men’s shelter and drop it off. I over prepared and got great deals and a lot of donations. It was hot with intermittent rain mid afternoon no one ate a lot. The county would have me throw away all the food? We also had a clothing collection truck. How many people have bags of shite they mean to drop off at Goodwill or Salvation Army but it seems you are never in that area. The stuff just rots in the car. We have a consignment shop run by two female Iraq War veterans. Nothing is being used for consignment just donation. I called they showed up with a truck. All my brothers drive trucks. There were hundreds of bags. They will donate what they can’t sell.

  27. mothy2017 says:

    When I’m wrong I will admit it. My brother got involved with a woman who has two sons shortly after the husband/father took the exit ramp in the garage. I didn’t think he should have. The younger boy matters to my brother. He bakes. I understand baking. When I can’t sleep I bake. I can’t eat cupcakes or cookies but it feels constructive to make things others will enjoy. This young man maybe 14 made literally thousands of different cookies for my brat’s graduation. My brother’s boys don’t swim. I thought it was going to be a yuuuuge mistake him stepping in. Dag I was wrong. My bro wanted to be a father and this gentle young man needed some stability. I can’t imagine the hours it took to make for real dozens upon dozens of every cookie you can think of. To be under 15 and even care enough about someone else’s party. The older brother has retreated. They are getting him help but that wound will take time.

  28. lyn5 says:

    This is on Instagram. I don’t know who the person in, but the comments are typical of lefties.

    I was recently listening to public radio, the topic being America’s troubles at the moment. An intelligent person called in, saying something like “if the US needs to fall, then let it happen. Let it burn.” And the radio host responded with something that really got to me:

    She asked the caller “do you know who your local representative is?” And the caller said “oh, uh….. I can’t remember.” She asked the caller what actions they had taken recently to address local or national issues, and the caller was stumped.


  29. taw46 says:

    The dems are unbelievable. Just looking around at different sites, this is what they say. Biden’s behavior at the debate is all Trump’s fault. Trump threw out so many lies, that Biden didn’t know where to start to confront his lies. Trump was ignoring the rules. The moderators didn’t fact check everything he said, because that was their job. Biden had a cold. Biden was in Europe twice, so he was tired. Trump told 255 lies. The moderators let Trump say whatever he wanted. Biden was over prepared. Trump had been sedated for several days so he was rested. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    You can’t have a discussion with people who believe all of the above. And I have several FB friends who believe every one of those excuses. I bite my tongue and scroll on by…..

  30. lyn5 says:

  31. SHV says:

    Good for the Brits:

    “The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club at Wimbledon will not follow the other tennis Grand Slams by scrapping gender-neutral titles and is happy to stay with ball boys and girls descriptors, thank you very much for asking.”


    Wife was a Wimbledon Ball Girl during the Martina days, said she was a very nice person.

  32. lyn5 says:

    • taw46 says:

      So cute! Our dog needs one of those, lol. She has a special bark when she can’t reach her ball, and we have to go rescue it for her.

  33. helenk3 says:


    follow the money. since in my mind covid was a biological attack, is the not aiding the enemy?

  34. helenk3 says:


    and the dems might run this government for president. We would be more screwed than we are now

  35. helenk3 says:


    10 things might have been missed in the debate

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. lyn5 says:

  38. Here comes the thunder again. The poor puppy down the street is freaking out.

  39. lyn5 says:

    • Ellie came to see me in the hospital. She died a few days later, but at least we got to spend a few hours in the hospital garden together. I strongly believe pets should be welcome.

      • taw46 says:

        Aww, I’m so glad you were able to see her. I wondered, but didn’t want to ask. We were all so upset about Ellie. 💕

    • Swan Spirit says:

      Absolutely. What leftover from a byegone age thinks they shouldn’t?

    • taw46 says:

      I think they should, for the patient as well as the pet. But I don’t know what you do about people who have allergies and would complain about the pets.

      • I had my own room so Ellie could have come inside, but it was a beautiful day, and I was allowed outside. My nurse said pets are sometimes put off by the hospital smells, and she offered to give me an outside escort if I wanted to take Ellie to the garden. I think when she saw Ellie’s size, she wasn’t comfortable with her on the floor. I think if Ellie had weighed 10 lbs, she probably wouldn’t have suggested I go out, but Ellie and I didn’t mind at all. If I had been bedridden, I don’t know what they would have said.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      From what I have seen the ex wife and her second hubby tossed Tillman’s parents/sibling(s) off the foundation board and she is evidently pals with old schoolmates of Miss Sparkles from her sorority. So Mom was not even given the curtesy of a mention about this choice before it hit the press. The PR release was also early because well Sparkle Harkles trying to beat any press for the RF ahead of UK Armed Forces Day (Last Saturday of June – so this year the 29th). Then the fact that Sparkle Harkles have been . . . well . . . tampering with evidence . . . again . . . so if they knew that was that was to hit the UK press – just cover over that little problem with another odd purchased award that makes less than zero sense. Like the one they got right before their failed fake car chase in NYC last year about this time.

      And of course slimy Newsom went out of his way to bring up the fact that the Sparkles “foundation” which was on all sorts of delinquent lists and “failure to respond/submit” was just fine and dandy randomly in the middle press conference on a totally unrelated topic thereby tossing several of his agencies/agency directors under the bus. They really do fit the circle D hell of horrid henries.

  40. mothy2017 says:

    A funny—- several of brat’s teachers came to her graduation along with the officers who arrested her for vaping pot in the bathroom. All said she’s a tough cookie but extremely kind. The art teacher came close to crossing a line. I have accepted Bug not going full time and away at college. I will support her decision to paint nails. I put 100 dollars away every week since we met at 6 months. Nearly 17 years. The 529 account is always there for college. I’m not paying for nail school. She can go. I will support, but no I will not fund nail school. I will continue to pay for phone and car insurance as long as she takes a few classes. Her choice about community college makes sense. She has to endure the core requirements. I didn’t pay for AP classes. She was 16 and had a crush on Spencer Reed from Criminal Minds. You test out of bullshit classes if they are not within your scope. I said if that field appeals to you and you are not actually fictitious persons named Spencer or Doogie you need intro to chemistry. She’s taking four bullshit classes online. Core requirements. Cost is like 1200. I want her to go to Purdue. My dream, not hers.

  41. lyn5 says:

  42. helenk3 says:


    when you get time watch this. it is interesting and informative

  43. helenk3 says:


    dems repeat but forget what happened the first time

  44. Swan Spirit says:

    Imagine the size of the ego, that thinks it’s cool, to secretly run the country, using a demented buffoon as your fall guy. What a sick f*ck.

  45. helenk3 says:

    this is what happens when you lock yourself in a closet and smoke the strong stuff


  46. lyn5 says:


  47. lyn5 says:

  48. lyn5 says:

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