Seriously, WTF?

That’s the biggest WATB I ever seen.

(h/t Legal Insurrection)

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41 Responses to WTF?

  1. myiq2xu says:

    My kids were all bottle-broke and potty trained by three years old. They ate table food and fed themselves.

  2. votermom says:

    God bless America where moms can bf their kids until they go off to college.
    And their kid can later sue them for publishing embarrassing photos of them on a national magazine.

  3. yttik says:

    Attachment parenting has some good ideas, but of course people have to take it to the extreme, like everything else, until there’s no balance and no common sense left.

  4. cjwk says:

    Time mag’s readership must be verging on extinction. So now they resort to a cover that, IMO, borders on being child porn? The male child on the cover is certainly well beyond the age when he should be potty trained and feeding himself from the table. Can only guess at the content of the accompanying article but certainly won’t be reading Time to find out. Good grief. WTF?! is putting it mildly. Time should get letters over this one.

    • votermom says:

      Toddlers who bf are just doing it for comfort – instead of a pacifier or thumb-sucking. It’s not that unusual in cultures where bottle-feeding is unknown. However, it grates on me to see it used as a some kind of status marker.

  5. I don’t personally care at all how long someone breastfeeds their child. It’s their choice. It doesn’t surprise me that women would choose this form of parenting in a culture that still has a top-out professional point (multiple glass ceilings, in addition to gender bias that makes the climb more difficult) for women. When opportunity is denied & barriers put in place, women will find ways to engage in something empowering and that they can be rewarded for. Attachment parenting is just the latest in a long line of attempts by women to empower motherhood so they can feel like they are not denied purpose in life.

    The things is, this picture and article are a subtle re-engagement of the mommy wars. There are not your Christian stay-at-homers. Most of these mothers are LEFT-identified politically. And the headline is: “Are you mom enough?” Says it all. Who has the more badass stay-at-home moms is the message.

    • votermom says:

      Yep. The breast vs bottle wars are intense, and there are no person as judgmental as the mother who is trying to prove that her way of mothering is the one true way.

      The irony is that women who want the freedom to parent their own way, including these extended nursers, are much better off voting for “get off my lawn” righties than for Nanny-Staters.

      • Also, the gender difference in this picture, especially with the attractiveness of the mom, seems to appeal to some sort of leftist porn aesthetic. And you can see it in comments everywhere. I can’t tell you how many variations of “lucky bastid” comments I’ve seen from supportive men wherever this cover is being discussed.

    • angienc says:

      Yep, “Are you mom enough?” says it all. Being a mother — the only thing in this world that is exclusively in the domain of women — and we can’t even do that fucking right.

    • cjwk says:

      As a long-time women’s rights activist/advocate, I don’t view breastfeeding a 4-5 year-old child (or for as long as the child demands) as “empowering” for a woman/mother. Rather, I view it as caving to the path of least resistance and giving up a woman’s right to be a fully functioning independent adult human being to a child’s virtually ceaseless demands. If a woman doesn’t use her “empowerment” to set limits and boundaries on the child’s demands at the appropriate stage of the child’s development, how will the child be able to individuate itself as a separate, fully functioning adult human being? No matter whether a woman is a stay-at-home mom or a working mom, she has the right and in fact the responsibility as a parent to set limits and boundaries, for both her own healthy personhood and for that of her child/children.

      • That’s how YOU see it; it’s not how THEY see it. I don’t see any reason why your point of view should take precedence over their own. I’m not into policing mothers, and I don’t see that ideas about “the right way” to parent (notwithstanding laws against neglect, abuse, etc) are anything other than authoritarian. It’s true that a lot of attachment parenting moms are judgmental, but we do women no favors by returning the judgment. My 2 cents.

        • cjwk says:

          Yes, and that is precisely why I specifically stated that is the way I see it. I’m not “judging” mothers who want to breastfeed for as long as they reasonably can given their own individual circumstances, nor did I say that my views should take “precedence” over the individual mother’s views. Nor did I say that I consider my views “the right way” to parent. I do, however, believe there are many in the psychological field who would agree that encouraging a child to individuate from the mother at the appropriate stages of development is necessary for ultimate healthy adult personhood, and that discouraging the child from individuating from the mother at the appropriate stages of development can lead to difficulties in achieving healthy adult personhood.

        • cjwk says:

          P.S. I deplore Time’s blatant use of women/moms as objects in this and so many of its cover photos/articles.

        • On your last point, we can agree. I wouldn’t trust psychology any further than I could throw it, myself, and considering its completely unearned bloated credibility today, I wouldn’t say that was far. The worst social science field, by far, in my opinion.

  6. Lulu says:

    Time has no readers so all they have left is to shock. Now they will have fewer. Que the child porn screams.

  7. DandyTiger says:

    Yet another divide and conquer issue during this election season. What a coincidence. /s

    • yttik says:

      Well, the economy is in the tank, people are jobless, Obama has failed to deliver….I know, let’s talk about breastfeeding! Yes, that’s what we need, a war on breastfeeding. Republicans want to ban breast feeding, vote Obama or else! Next the House Dems will introduce a completely useless bill mandating that mothers can breastfeed.

      About four months from now Obama will come out of the closet and announce that his opinions have been evolving and he now personally supports breastfeeding. Of course, he’s not going to actually do anything about it, just issue a royal decree, before heading off for another round of golf.

  8. cjwk says:

    Come to think of it, that is the quintessential photo depicting the “nanny state.” And the whacko Dr. Sears, with his “attachment parenting” pablum, which denies the child and the parent the right to individuate themselves as separate, healthy, fully functioning persons at the appropriate time, is preparing the next generation of continually infantile leftists who will throw tantrums and demand they be allowed to suck from the teat of the government trough from cradle to grave.

  9. foxyladi14 says:

    A new low for Time. đŸ‘¿

  10. driguana says:

    maybe it’s me, but sometimes lately I feel that I have fallen into the middle of a Hieronymus Bosch painting…..the Garden of Earthly Delights….maybe it’s just Santa Fe….lots of issues and events seem very surreal….

    • cjwk says:

      Could not agree more. Hedonism run amok in government and what used to be called culture. This is nationwide, not limited to one city or state, ever since the Chicago thug stole the ’08 primary.

  11. Constance says:

    Don’t forget that nursing infants get 800 to 1000 calories a day from their moms milk. Some vain women carry on with nursing as a form of easy weight control. Also while nursing is natural and I support nursing moms and once was one I still don’t want to see a picture like this on a magazine while I am checking out at the grocery store. I mean it’s natural for men to scratch their balls and I don’t want to see a picture of that on a magazine either. Get a grip Time!

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