Hugh Hefner is dead. Which brings up an important question.

Which barely legal busty bimbo was Hef grunting and groaning on top of when croaked?

This is an open thread.

Here is one of Hef’s old girlfriends:

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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157 Responses to RIP Hef

  1. Myiq2xu™ says:

  2. Myiq2xu™ says:

  3. jenlyntx says:

    Hate to burst your bubble but Hef was a real creep. He loved to diminish and abuse women. His favorite sex thing was to watch women have sex with dogs. I don’t know what is sadder that women would do it or that he liked to watch it. Ask Linda she will back me on this (for the record the movie DEEP THROAT was a film about rape and Linda sued Hef when she got off the drugs her pimp was forcing her to take but unfortunately the court system denied her the justice she so deserved). I have nothing against sex or men but Hugh is sitting in hell–or shall I say on four–with a dog weenie in his rear end if karma is a b…ch 🙂

  4. helenk3 says:

    does anyone here remember the story of A Man without a Country? where a man was sentenced to be on a naval ship and never allowed to set foot on US soil. When the ship was coming into port he was transferred to another outgoing ship.

    I was wondering how much it would be to buy some cargo ships and do the same thing to the NFL fools that continue to disrespect this county. It can not be anymore expensive than what the taxpayers are spending on stadiums and tax credits now.

  5. jenlyntx says:

    So CNN glorifies a man that made a living selling women and children (yep the cartoonist in PLAYBOY had lots of cartoons making fun of CHILD RAPE and oh my god can you believe it ended up being a CHILD RAPIST). PLAYBOY glorified child sex and had articles for year and years talking about how even infants–and for that article had a picture of a baby in diapers–love sex. Even had photos of teenagers. F..K Hefner and his sick daughter Christie. When you read the profiles of the centerfolds they ALWAYS included pics of them as kids. Playboy destroyed the real feminist movement because women decided that free and easy sex was true power not being corporate big wigs. Idgits. I blame women for being that stupid but CNN called MY PRESIDENT Donald J. Trump a sexist because he said women let him touch them because he was rich and he didn’t even have to ask (A truer statement has rarely been uttered) but say NOTHING about the degradation and filth in PLAYBOY. Where were all the pussy hat wearing freaks protesting sexims in PLAYBOY???? stupid stupid hypocrisy. Oh, and PLAYBOY didn’t just glorify child rape, women, they played on every single ‘ism’ in the book including racism, ableism, ageism, etc., etc. Black women were always shown as animalistic and needing to be brutalized, blah blah blah. Yep I am the expert but really people is this rocket science.

  6. helenk3 says:

    I love this lady

    • DeniseVB says:

      LOL ! Just use CGI like Star Wars did with those coliseum scenes young Anakin raced in. I think they used toothpicks to create that yuge crowd then magically turned them into people.

  7. DeniseVB says:

    I wish Julia well, but an expert in Universal Health Care, she’s not. It wouldn’t apply to her anyhow, she’s been wealthy all her life, long before SNL or “Elaine”. She’s so damn funny though………

  8. Jeffhas says:

    I have a neice that was a Playmate of the month… and she says Hef lies there and the girls (plural) have to do all the work.

    • Venus E. Lee says:

      Doesn’t surprise me — he seemed like a selfish SOB.

      Is it also true that in order to be Playmate of the Month you *have* to sleep with Hef? (No shade to your niece — we’ve all been young & stupid)

      • Jeffhas says:

        She would not confirm – or deny… but based on the details, she was clearly in the room.

        Basically the description was an almost comatose, Viagra infused Hef, and several girls trying their hardest (no pun intended) to get the deed done.


        This niece may have been young – but I don’t think she was stupid… I’d say she wanted something, and she got it.

  9. Venus E. Lee says:


    • Lulu says:

      So between Soros and the Russians we got BLM (with the assistance of “smartest guy ever” idiot savant Fuckerberg) and riots which now have spilled over into the NFL which Trump has used repeatedly in jiu jitsu. LOL.

      • mothy67 says:

        I was perturbed about daca. Still supporting Trump, and knew mass deportation was never really an option. Yet I was frustrated. His nfl response has completely erased that.

    • John Denney says:

      The Russians colluded to get Trump elected by ensuring Hillary was the Dem nominee, dontchaknow.

  10. DeniseVB says:

  11. mothy67 says:

    Ratings tonight will not be conclusive.
    It’s airing on Prime as well as cbs and nfl network.

  12. Dora says:

    • Lulu says:

      Fat lot of good it did Hillary. Their “research” is highly overrated. Especially by dolts who don’t know how to figure it out or that people lie through their teeth.

  13. Myiq2xu™ says:

  14. DeniseVB says:

    So Thursday night footballers locked arms but stayed standing and the Will&Grace premiere sounded like a giant Trump/Republican bashfest. Guess I didn’t miss a thing.

  15. Myiq2xu™ says:

  16. SHV says:

    Bench the NFL
    The league enjoys an antitrust exemption from Washington that should have been revoked years ago.

  17. SHV says:

    Time for Trump to suggest that the Sec. of Labor task OSHA to investigate CTE and other safety issues in the NFL workplace.

    • elliesmom says:

      It’s actually well past time for that. While I’m OK with well-informed adults taking any risks to themselves they want as long as they aren’t putting others at risk, given the apparent intellectual ability most football players demonstrate when they open their mouths, we might need to simplify the reports so we’re sure they understand the risks.

  18. Myiq2xu™ says:

  19. Venus E. Lee says:

    MSM wont show this video — An officer in Trump’s Indiana motorcade was injured & Trump refused to let plane take off until he could get update on officer & even spoke with him on phone.

    • DeniseVB says:

      The story is starting to show up on the conservative news sites, this happened WEDNESDAY ! Where’s the idiot fake news? Oh, chasing squirrels in Puerto Rico calling this Trump’s Katrina. Aholes.

  20. CiscoKid says:

    Approaching 20% drop in sales.
    Well Tennessee Titans Delanie Walker said, “And the fans that don’t want to come to the game ? I mean OK , bye.”
    Ok, bye asshat.

    17.9 percent decrease in NFL orders this week compared to the previous week.
    Last year the drop was 10.8 percent in orders on Monday & Tuesday following Week Three games.
    And Stubhub is giving a 10% discount if I remember correctly.

    • Somebody says:

      We just got an offer for free tailgating party and free tickets for our whole family for the Jax vs LA game via a local charity for cancer kids and childhood cancer survivors. I threw it in the trash, but that’s a lot of tickets they’re giving away.

      • Lulu says:

        They need some photo-ops to counter the bad PR. Yes I’m that cynical.

      • DeniseVB says:

        I wonder if this is one of the charities that cancelled Mar-a-Lago? Trump doesn’t charge for the venue or staff, gets a nice little biz write-off, more money goes to the charity. If they’re putting politics before the kids, I wouldn’t support them either.

        • Somebody says:

          The Jax team was one of the ones in London that stood for “God Save the Queen”, not all of the players took a knee for our anthem but 1 is too many IMO

          • DeniseVB says:

            I had the news on when they cut to the anthem in London. I was so sad to see that, and on foreign soil too. Had only they fined Kaepernick last year when he started this mess, we may not have this problem today. Could he have been one of the reasons Hillary “lost” too? People aren’t as angry as they are sad that the NFL took something away from us, bullshit free speech aside, they are attacking us and our country.

  21. Dora says:

    Pelosi mutters ‘oh God’ during question, suffers brain freeze, stares at reporters

    Nancy Pelosi wanted to talk about a bailout for Puerto Rico today, but a reporter wanted her opinion on “gun legislation” moving through Congress instead.

    The House Minority Leader couldn’t hide her disdain for ­ or fear of ­ the question.

  22. DeniseVB says:

    These people just aren’t human anymore 😦

  23. Dora says:

    Standing Rock tribe votes out pipeline protest leader

    Dave Archambault II, the tribal chairman who urged activists to “stand with Standing Rock” against the Dakota Access pipeline, has been overwhelmingly defeated in his reelection bid to lead the protest-weary tribe.

  24. votermom says:

    Best SF cover yet

  25. mothy67 says:

    Good morning miscreants.

  26. Venus E. Lee says:

  27. Dora says:

    NAACP Congressman Green Calls For WH Boycott After Trump Tells NFL Truths

    There is no doubt that Rep Al Green (D-TX) is an anti-America subversive operating from within the government. There is also no doubt, particularly as a former official for ten years with the NAACP in Houston, that he sees the world through the eyes of a race-baiting agitator.

  28. Dora says:

  29. DeniseVB says:

    I was always a fan of Darrell Hammond’s Trump, then SNL pulled the rug out from under him. Wanted a more bombastic cartoon character with Alec Baldwin, who was recommended by Tina Fey. This is a heartbreaking story, especially Hammond’s backstory. I haven’t watched SNL since they wouldn’t touch the Obamas, when they officially stopped being funny.

    • mothy67 says:

      Oddly the left projects this explosive caricature on the president. They have been trying without success to make him lose it. He doesn’t. Baldwin has hit people and left diatribes to his teen daughter. Countless stories of the she-devil acting out.
      The left is a sick sick sick bunch. I picked up a Stephen King book out of nostalgia. I found the book (Mr. Mercedes) adolescent and racist. He depicts black people in a very peculiar way and then acts like its the rest of the world painting the picture that came from his head. Reminded me of Laramie Project. Where a liberal group of NY’s decided how a small town viewed Matthew Shepherd.

  30. DeniseVB says:

    We are not alone.

  31. DeniseVB says:

    vm was right. Angry liberal women seem to have an nasty scowl etched into their faces as they mature 😉

    • mothy67 says:

      As if Melania selected the schools. It was a gesture. Evil librarian is rotting from the inside out. Carrying around such bile is poisonous.

      • elliesmom says:

        Cambridge is a strange place. Not a lot of middle class folks. Elizabeth Warren’s multi-million dollar home is just average in the part of the city where she lives, but 40% of the school population has free or reduced lunch. The city assigns kids to schools so every school is 60/40. But the city is also home to several very pricey private schools, which gives the wealthy an easy opt out. The city prides itself on how egalitarian it is, but it’s probably one of the most segregated cities based on income in the country. The haves rule over the have-nots, doling out what resources they deem “healthy” for them to have. I’m sure there are any number of kids in the city who would love to have the books, but this person has decided what they should and shouldn’t read. It’s SOP so few people will even notice.

    • Lulu says:

      She has fake “concern face”. This is her fifteen minutes and by gum she is going to use it! Love the blouse and the greasy braids.

    • helenk3 says:

      many because most of them are so full of shit they look constipated.

    • Lulu says:

      I gave up on Burns a few years ago. He is a very lefty revisionist and I read or watch serious historians which he no longer is with his very exaggerated bias. Hubby watched the series he said for the unseen footage and interviews which he said got more and more out of whack as the series progressed.

      • blowme0bama says:

        Yeah, his voice alone gives him away – he has that “I’m very thoughtful and concerned about fairness” timber. Whenever I hear that, my shields go up immediately.

      • elliesmom says:

        He’s right up there with Howard Zinn.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        I tried several time but I find his programs to be over produced. Then with the baseball series it was like he was standing back and trying to imagine how to make it just the perfect Ken Burns style of documentary. But it the short series he did on the national parks that really made me just change the channel and not bother finishing or ever looking at his work again. As with all of them painstakingly created, but at this point he was presenting material in a way that would make his worshippers happy and really came across as narrowly focused homage to himself and the nannies of PBS. Maybe having ancient subjects such the Grand Canyon and that are so much bigger than any one person just do not fit as well into the expected form. It was beautiful filmed but the vast magnificence of this country’s natural splendor was ruined by the ever agenda his funders wanted to get across.

  32. helenk3 says:

    the usual suspects and yes songbird and his groupie collins are among them

  33. mothy67 says:

    Nfl is stoopid. Do they think a “comprimise” is acceptable with the arms around each other? No no no. Its respect jackasses. Hand on the heart and bugger off if not. My money and mine time. You are at work. Protest on your time.

  34. DeniseVB says:

    Well, this incident all makes sense now. Pesky facts the media left out. Service dogs have been flying for years without raging, deathly allergy affects.

    • helenk3 says:

      I worked with a lot of die hard Raider fans. this will upset them.

      • CiscoKid says:

        The proof will be in the video of the game.
        Allegedly players dropped catches, ball was snapped incorrectly 3 times, and quarterback sacked w/o coverage.

        • SHV says:

          Raiders offensive line “best in NFL” all of a sudden lets the White non-kneeling QB get hammered; smells….Las Vegas bookies can’t be happy if Raiders threw the game.

  35. DeniseVB says:

    And we’re here now:

  36. lyn says:

    View at your own risk.

  37. helenk3 says:

    while the dems are sitting on their hands and whining and lying about the help Puerto Rico is getting, this is what is being done

  38. Dora says:

    Supreme Court Grants Cert In Historic Employee Freedom Case

    It didn’t make the biggest headlines, but the most important thing that happened today was the U.S. Supreme Court’s granting of certiorari in Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31.

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