Thirstday Open Thread

Good Thursday Morning. Keep the party going…Neil Diamond works for me, enjoy….

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188 Responses to Thirstday Open Thread

  1. DeniseVB says:

    R.I.P. Hugh Hefner

    • CiscoKid says:

      It’s early so no one will probably read this confession, but I read few if any articles.
      The Playboy Philosophy was beyond my understanding, but I was only 15.
      I discovered my uncles stash of Playboys and it was the CenterFold that drew my interest.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Classy magazine 😉

        • Constance says:

          Playboy didn’t bring nudity out from under the counter it brought female nudity out from under the counter.
          I’ve heard Playboy owned a publisher of romance novels aimed at women readers. But there was never any hot male nudity because “women are not visually sexually stimulated”, just ask any group of men who are obviously experts in what women think and feel and also care deeply what women feel and think. HA!

      • helenk3 says:

        when my son was about 8 years old he and his friend found some playboy magazines and sold the centerfold to some teenagers for 50 cents a piece.
        my son a young Larry Flint

      • 49erDweet says:

        Philosophy? Hefner had a philosophy? Something other than boobs and centerfolds? How interesting. Who’d a thunk it?

    • John Denney says:

      Stuck in the Denver airport in 2008 waiting 8 hours for my weather delayed connection flight, I wandered into The News Stand.
      I noticed a magazine rack labeled, “Mens Interest”, on which the two top shelves were all “skin mags”.
      I wondered if there were a magazine rack labeled, “Womens Interest”, and indeed there was. Its top two shelves were populated with magazines titles having some form of one of two words: “Bride” and “Wedding”.
      There is a difference between men and women.
      Apparently women are looking for Mr. Right, and men are looking for Ms. Right-Now.

      • Myiq2xu™ says:

        A few women thought they had found Mr. Right when they met me. Then they found out my first name is “Always”.

        • John Denney says:

          Some guys think you should treat a hooker like a lady and a lady like a hooker. I’ve heard it said the customer is Always Right, but I hadn’t realized that was his name.

      • Constance says:

        Not quite right since women’s magazines are advertising venues and the content is driven by the male publishers and ad buyers. It is really interesting that they keep coming up with new magazines for young girls and at first they publish with zero ads and the magazines are great. Then they get bought out and monetized and they look like the same old shit. Another tell is ask women to recall a fond experience reading a magazine that is supposedly aimed at women. They don’t have one. Or survey how men feel after reading a men’s magazine and how women feel after reading a “women’s” magazine, the results are not equal. “Women’s content” TV is the same. Women don’t watch what media men label as “women’s content” , part of that is crappy content and part is offensive advertising. But I will say one good thing about “women’s media” is it concentrates a lot of really offensive advertising in one easily avoidable spot.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Puerto Rico is 75% white.

    • CiscoKid says:

      Now, now, let’s not facts interfere with the left and msm’s narrative.
      Tsk, tsk.

    • Constance says:

      They are US citizens, why don’t a lot of them move to the mainland. I realize this disaster has destroyed a culture but I personally wouldn’t rebuild unless it was to strict modern storm codes which is very expensive.

  3. mothy67 says:

    Me like when lots of you are posting in the am. Y’all go so good with coffee. So many blogs I read for years aren’t doing it anymore. Even the Daily Mail which was fun even with anti Trump stance has lost all luster. I need a half an hour with you guys.

  4. DeniseVB says:

    Idiots. I read in the comments they were all arrested.

  5. votermom says:

    Free book! Getcher free book here!

  6. mothy67 says:

    Because I am smoking crack I took a gander at the LA Times site. Jeebus they have gone off the deep end.

    • CiscoKid says:

      That’s the only way to read LA Times, WaPo, NYT.
      Just like WaPo gives credit to HRC for getting Trump to send relief to PR.

  7. DeniseVB says:

    I was a fan of the original run of Will and Grace, but ever since I read a Messing interview that she would only sign on if they made Grace a Dem activist I lost interest in the reboot.

    • mothy67 says:

      1998 was a long time ago. Nearly 20 years. Mainstream gay characters were non existent. Today nearly every show has one. Messing on a soap box will be boring. Are 50 plus Jack and Karen funny?

      • lateblum says:

        I’d bet Jack and Karen are even funnier, but I won’t be watching this time. And that’s their loss.

        • votermom says:

          Hey! I got the Olbas inhaler! It seems to help. Yesterday I was headache free. But today it’s back. It really has something to do with me lying down, I think.

          • lateblum says:

            I’m glad you were able to find it. And that it is helpful. I ordered mine from Amazon as I was running low. It works well for me. But this time, I’m certain it was part of a virus that darling Calamity shared with me a few weeks ago.
            I think being sedentary contributes to the congestion and headaches. At least it does to mine. But it is a conundrum as my head aches too much to move around, yet the stuffiness/headache seem to react positively to the “exercise”.
            Also, the mold count here has been dangerously high triggering air quality alerts for several days. Right now, I’m waaaay better. I hope you will be, too.

      • Lulu says:

        Dem activists are NOT funny. They are ANTI-funny. They do mean ass shit and THINK it is funny. Is there a market for this? Sure in their fellow sneerers. About 10% of the population maybe. The rest of the Dem demographic don’t watch television because it is beneath them or they are too f’ed up on drugs to concentrate for 5 minutes.

      • Lulu says:

        The “hag” gene is catching up with her. She looks kind of rough.

    • lateblum says:

      just came over with that! 😉🙃😉

    • blowme0bama says:

      That stupid cunt may have been the first celeb to block me on twatter.

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      Wow. Talk about plastic surgery.
      I rarely watched the show because of – well Will & Grace. I liked the others a lot better.

  8. Dora says:

  9. DeniseVB says:

    Ms.McCain will earn her oats if she can get Whoopi and Joy to quit. She’s scrappy like that.

    • Somebody says:

      Called it, she’ll fit right in with those hags. I can’t wait until one of them says something about her daddy, she doesn’t deal well with that.

    • Constance says:

      Meghan is scrappy and she talks about how she feels about conservative issues rather than what she thinks about them. I think she is a good fit.

    • DandyTIger says:

      Keep in mind Dems now worship her father as the savior of Obamacare, which he is. So I think they’ll all be one big happy hate family together.

  10. Somebody says:

    My pet peeve for the day, really for every day. People with blue tooth chatting on their phones. They’re not holding a phone, the blue tooth devices are so small you don’t notice them.

    When I go out in public I often feel like I stumbled into a mental ward. All the people walking around talking to themselves and far, far too many should STFU. I don’t want to know the intimate details of your life, nobody does TMI.

  11. DeniseVB says:

    Nice article for FBN fans.

  12. Somebody says:

    Grandparent fail. Traffic was snarled heading home from dropping off DD at college. So I decided to pull off at a Burger King with a huge playground for the youngest g-kid to play.

    I figured she’d be entertained, I could surf the net on my phone, have a ciggie, win-win.

    Nope, not another kid in sight. Her entertainment was me taking pictures, which are funny because it looks like she’s in jail. Then the crowning glory of my morning, she finally starts climbing and playing! A few minutes later she’s at the top! Then it happens, she realizes how high she is and freaks out.

    I tried to call her and talk her down, no dice. So I began the quest to climb my fat ass to the top. Mercifully, one of America’s finest, a young marine saw me and came to the rescue. Super nice, so calming and sweet with grandbaby. I feel badly I didn’t get his name he left before I could. He handed g-baby to me, I was calming her and wiping her tears and the marine just left. I would have liked to have written his superior to brag on him.

  13. lateblum says:

    On FBN now… Steve Scalise will return to Congress today. FBN will cover his turn to the House, live.

  14. foxyladi14 says:

    R.P. about Health care.

  15. helenk3 says:

    from Ace of Spades

    Uh-Oh: CEO of the Dish Network Says That It’s No Longer Unthinkable to Simply Drop ESPN from Cable Networks
    Update: Thread Has Become Cord-Cutting Advice/Recommendations/Q&A

    Before getting to that, let me post this fairly minor item that doesn’t deserve a full post, from Variety yesterday:

    Walt Disney’s ESPN, under scrutiny as it works its way through subscriber losses, said it would reorganize the executives who supervise its overall content production.

    “Under scrutiny” from its corporate parent as it loses more and more subscribers, and “reorganizing.” Not great words for a business.

    Now, as you almost certainly know, anyone with cable is forced to pay ESPN something like $7 per month, almost $100 per year, whether they watch it or not, because ESPN is almost always included in the “base” package, and the ESPN fee is extracted from your wallet as part of the “base package” rate.

    Cable companies battle ESPN to keep that fee down, while ESPN fights to get it higher. As ESPN continues to lose viewers (and thus their advertising-side revenue), and as their too-costly broadcast rights cost them more and more, ESPN is going to want — need, really — to jack up that Involuntary Rent Payment that cable subscribers are forced to pay to really high levels.

    Cable companies are making noise that no, it’s not unthinkable any longer that we would simply drop you.

    If that happened, Katie Bar the Door, because that would destroy ESPN’s business model.

    Now the CEO from Dish Network has a dog in this fight. It is in his interest to talk tough about dropping ESPN entirely, because he wants to signal he has leverage in their negotiations for carrying the network automatically/involuntarily.

    If subscribers had to choose to pay for ESPN rather than having it forced upon them, well, ESPN’s books would bleed red. I’m not sure they could even survive three years.

    So while this is probably just some posturing for negotiation points, it’s still great to hear that one cable company (Altice) seems serious about just dumping them, and another company (the Dish Network) is thinking about dumping them as well.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Cable just needs to go a la cart and let us choose the channels we want to pay for, otherwise we’ll all head for the streaming internet channels !

      • lateblum says:

        ROKU just went public on the NYSE and the stock has risen since it opened. FBN was just talking about it as the future of television. At least 2 of the 4 panelists are using ROKU rather than cable or satellite tv.

        • lyn says:

          I love my Roku and hate the amazon fire TV stick.

          • lateblum says:

            Do you have the box or the stick or what? Not sure just how it works. Do you have to pay a monthly fee for ROKU? Or do you only pay for the premium stations?

          • lyn says:

            I use the Roku purple LT box to watch PBS and amazon streaming. You don’t need a subscription from Roku to use it. I have amazon prime. I hadn’t used the fire stick for more than a year, and it wouldn’t go to its menu. I grabbed the Roku from the TV in my exercise room and plugged it into our newer TV (10 years old) in the living room and watched Wonder Woman.

          • lateblum says:

            Awesome. I have a ROKU box that I bought last year before comcast made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Maybe I’ll try it in the 2nd bedroom. Then I could watch the old NCIS episodes on Netflix there.

          • lyn says:

            Netflix is great on the Roku. The remote has a Netflix button.

        • votermom says:

          we have a roku box
          hubby got a coupon when we tried SlingTV last year
          The box is nice coz it attaches to the internet with a cable, so it doesn’t matter if your wifi is not the best
          otoh Amazon music won’t stream on roku (boo hiss) but so far that’s the only downside

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        When I opened my cable bill this morning it had gone up over $30 and I was already contemplating the value of an already overpriced service. I am seriously thinking of packing up the two boxes and making a trip to the Comcast office to dump cable and just going with internet. I only have digital starter so I can’t imagine what the price is if you get anything extra. TCM is not worth that much money.

        • 1539days says:

          So far, I bought a Roku to use with the Spectrum cable app instead of paying them an extra $4 a month. I like the free app called Pluto.TV It airs a bunch of different “channels” of different shows if you just want something to be on in the background. They have a weather channel as well.

    • Lulu says:

      LOL. Talk like this is freaking out Wall St. Media stocks are not doing so great. The programming is garbage and now sports is garbage too. What are they going to sell? Political correctness and virtue signalling is driving them out of business.

    • lateblum says:

      At the close of the market today, ROKU’s opening day stock closed almost 65% higher than its opening price. And while many other IPO’s have been successful, but whose stock has dropped later on, the peeps on FBN are more optimistic about ROKU’s future.
      I think cable tv is going to have to take a very long look at what this portends for their future.

    • Constance says:

      A la Carte cable please! No sports and no “women’s channels! I think I’d pick about 10 channels. I might keep MSNBC for crazy value.

  16. DeniseVB says:

    Oh man, Scalise’s return is like watching a walking miracle (dabbing eyes).

  17. lateblum says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Jeebus, do “celebrities” ever take a break from triggering their haters?

      From your link, my DIL is at Pope AFB helping with security. All the major airports have a Rapid Response TSA team they send where extra security is needed during disasters. In this case, where aid and supplies have been waiting for the PR airport repairs.

    • CiscoKid says:

      The delusion bordering on just plain stupidity is simply mind boggling.
      HRC is NOT the President 🙏 and AF1 is not a cargo plane, it’s a flying Oval Office.

  18. DeniseVB says:

    Nothing much to read in the NYT slobber piece about how HRC and one of her superfans are dealing with pain and loss after losing the election. I read it so you don’t have to, but kept thinking of the way Sarah Palin was treated by the left and the GOPe during and long after the 2008 election, and never remembered her being this whiny. It’s almost as though HRC has perfected making a career out of butthurt.

  19. Venus E. Lee says:

    Missed this discussion downstairs, so I’m still beating it:

    • jenlyntx says:

      In 2000 you were racist if you voted against Obama, in 2016 you were racist if you voted against Hillary. I think Webster’s must have changed the definition of racism to mean smart. Thank GOD I’m a racist and I’m never gonna change. GO RACISM!

      • lateblum says:

        LOL!!!!! 🎈❤️🎈

        • jenlyntx says:

          I would wear a t shirt stating that but I would be killed. I pray Donald J. Trump does not just say F..K it and leave us to the left and the pretenders on the right. He is the ONLY thing standing between us and ANTIFA being the post modern world Police. CAN YOU IMAGINE??? If Hillary were president…..sool wouldn’t even begin to describe the hell America would be.

    • taw46 says:

      Beat away, love it!

    • swanspirit says:

      I tried to find the Larry King interview with Mooch where she said she didn’t like Hillary’s tone, and made that not so veiled threat about not voting if Hillary were the candidate.
      I couldn’t find it, but I remember it.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Feb 2008: This one? I can’t watch the whole thing now so not sure if that’s where she said it (I remember it too.) Her appearance was so, uhm, different then 😉

        • Anthony says:

          That’s when she was in her “I’m the new Jackie Kennedy!” phase. Note the flip hairdo and single strand of pearls.

          After that she seemed to embrace her innate manliness, but recently morphed into gender fluidity via really bad cheek implants and and a crash course on how to walk in heels given by Ru Paul’s Drag Race contestants.

  20. SHV says:

    Jnus v. AFSCME is on SCOTUS docket for October

    “The Supreme Court is set to deal a sharp blow to the unions that represent millions of teachers and other public employees, announcing Thursday it will consider striking down the mandatory fees that support collective bargaining.”

    The last time that the issue of compulsory public service union dues was before SCOTUS, Scalia had died and the vote split 4-4…not this time!

    • DandyTIger says:

      If I were a conservative leaning justice, I’d be watching my back, esp. while sleeping.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I saw a headline that wikkileaks found a Podesta email proving Scalia was poisoned but I didn’t trust the source or find anything else to back it up (wouldn’t that be yuuuge news?). I’ve always felt he was. Andrew Breitbart too.

    • swanspirit says:

      In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/; Latin: Iānus, pronounced [ˈjaː.nus]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways,[1] passages, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. It is conventionally thought that the month of January is named for Janus (Ianuarius),[2] but according to ancient Roman farmers’ almanacs Juno was the tutelary deity of the month.[3]


      And Mark, of course means pay attention. So Mark Janus!
      Going to be interesting.

  21. helenk3 says:

    love this idea for decorating sport’s bars.
    have a contest on just what jersey to use or change them weekly

  22. helenk3 says:

    maybe if the FBI spent less time trying to bring down the president and more time working on this we would be a lot safer.

  23. helenk3 says:

    this is one of the saddest articles I have read on just where this country is headed

  24. Venus E. Lee says:

    • Shez ZK says:

      Thanks Angie! I’ve been waiting to see a chart like that. Just found another one on Twitter for the NFL Owners, to go along with it:

    • blowme0bama says:

      I tried to cancel my subscription to an NFL live radio broadcast program that presents the games, but the period for getting a refund expired.

      Anyway, I deleted all my NFL bookmarks last night. It was a major decision after 45+ years of following Miami Dolphins football. My Dad and I could share Dolphin football on TV even during awkward teenage years where we really couldn’t share much else. I thanked the NFL for ruining football for me in my letter requesting cancellation.

  25. Myiq2xu™ says:

  26. Dora says:

    They’ve got to find a better name than ‘snowflakes’.


    Progressive Students ‘Freaked Out’ By Beach Ball At Southern Illinois University

  27. Dora says:

    Court to Probe Clinton Private Email Use Over Objections of Trump Administration

    A federal court has agreed to review newly unearthed private emails sent by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton via her home-brewed server, despite objections from the Trump administration’s State and Justice Departments, according to a watchdog organization.

  28. Dora says:

    What nerve! The NY Daily News always sucks, but this is disgraceful.

  29. Myiq2xu™ says:

  30. Myiq2xu™ says:

    • elliesmom says:

      Don’t you know there are cities that need charity more than Cambridge? They can take care of their own peasants.

    • swanspirit says:

      This made me so angry. The hubris of the woman, and she added that Dr. Seuss is cliche??Talking down to the First Lady? Like she is some piece of dirt beneath her foot?
      It is a good thing I am not a violent person, because the image of taking a 2×4 to the back of this woman’s head seems very appealing right now.

      • Somebody says:

        It angered me too. Dr. Seuss books are classics. Funny that snotty librarian didn’t think Seuss was so cliche when Moo read them to kids. If the school truly didn’t need the books, why didn’t the librarian take the initiative to find some needy kids to gift them to herself. Seriously, could you imagine how special that would be to a child?

        I wish Melania had chosen our little local library, we’d be thrilled with books. Right now it’s in a rented area at the local college, has been for over a decade. A developer recently donated land for a real library, now we just need to find the $ to build it and the $ to fill it. They keep trying to talk me into heading up a friends of the library group, like I have the time for that.

        Sorry to drift OT, I read that story earlier and it really pissed me off.

  31. Myiq2xu™ says:

    • jenlyntx says:

      Fake media. Racism. Sexism. Nope. Our pussy loving prez is just damn good at keeping his word and kicking ass and taking names. MAGA.

  32. Dora says:

  33. Dora says:

    I had to look twice to recognize Schwarzenegger. 🙂

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