Tuesday, April 16, 2024

South Padre Island, Texas
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133 Responses to Tuesday, April 16, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Katie Couric thinks we’re stupid, Bill Maher disagrees.

    • Anthony says:

      She’s tone deaf, clueless and condescending

    • taw46 says:

      This is the clip I saw of her last night. Snob.

    • 1539days says:

      Projection. All the stuff she’s saying applies to the lefties on social media like Reddit. They hate the “billionaire” establishment. They’re decrying an economy where AI is taking good paying tech jobs and they’re the ones talking about how hard it is to find a job that pays enough to afford a house. But for some reason, they blame a guy who’s been out of office for 3.5 years and fear his reelection.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Couric is getting a good spanking with the Trending crowd. I haven’t paid attention to her since she played Gotcha’ with Sarah Palin and won an award for it. “Name a newspaper you read. All of them. See, Palin doesn’t read newspapers because she couldn’t name one of them.” Journalism Award !!!! Something like that.

    • mothy2017 says:

      I haven’t watched The Morning Show but when I was in college my roommates mother was on Today. I can’t say I knew them I had a few dinners. Holly’s brother married Chelsea Clinton. I’d use the term birds. They were pecking at each other.

  3. DandyTIger says:

    Katie Couric makes the case for voting for Trump, and she’s too stupid and out of touch to know it.

  4. DeniseVB says:

    You know Laura is loving this because of the attention she’s bringing to Trump’s trial by being threatened by whackadoodles.

    • taw46 says:

      It didn’t take NYC long to forget what happened to the Twin Towers, did it?

      • Swan Spirit says:

        Not long at all. And that’s a shame.💔

      • Anthony says:

        Don’t judge all of us by these freaks. Fact is, they’re outnumbered by real New Yorkers.

        • taw46 says:

          I don’t Anthony, I know there are many like you. But unfortunately they keep voting for the left. And the left is ok with all of the Hamas lovers and the Trump haters and the crime and the looting. I want NYC to be a wonderful city once again. 😢

          • Anthony says:

            I should’ve worded my comment “Please don’t etc”… 

            Voting in NYC is a blatant farce. You can see it at the precincts. Ask Schumer.

          • Unfortunately, Democrats outnumber Republicans 10 to 1 in Manhattan so it’s not likely to change at the ballot box. I know how discouraging that can be.

        • Swan Spirit says:

          Thank Goddess for you, and the real New Yorkers. I don’t know how you deal with it. It’s difficult enough living in Maryland, but I do live in a very Red area, which helps.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Trump was right about that too, they were dancing in the street on 9-11.

        • Swan Spirit says:

          They most assuredly were. In New York, and in “Falestine”

          My son had an incident when he was working as a loss prevention officer, in a women’s retail store, when those celebrations were being discussed.

          A Muslim women said those clips were manufactured by American tv, and were faked.

          He told her in no uncertain terms, they were real, because he was in the ME at the time, in Qatar, and saw the dancing in the streets in Gaza, on AlJazeera tv, and that she was the one lying.

  5. mothy2017 says:

    did women have to be somewhat catty in the 80s to make a way? TV news was all men and Barbara Walters. There was no Megyn Kelly or Rachel Maddow. It was dudes.

    • taw46 says:

      That was just the way it was, that was life at the time. And I look at the women on MSM today, like Maddow and the other bitches over at MSNBC, and I don’t think we made any great improvements. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now alternative news is a different story. There’s Megyn, and Mollie, and Julie Kelly, and Lara Logan, and others. But MSM doesn’t want them.

      • taw46 says:

        And Catherine Herridge, how could I forget her. Look what CBS did to her. They don’t want any smart, fair, honest women. Especially if they are conservative.

        • mothy2017 says:

          JK Rowling wrote a book or two. She will not back down to the insane trans community.

          • taw46 says:

            I have great respect for her. People are afraid to stand up to the insanity. And her money doesn’t protect her like people say. Look at Trump, also a billionaire, and look at what they are doing to him. It takes courage, not a lot of people have that today.

        • mothy2017 says:

          there are a number of people who came out of the woodwork. Elon Musk, JK Rowling, James Wood. Scott Adam’s and more. Roseanne.

      • 1539days says:

        Don’t forget Sharyl Atkisson.

    • Swan Spirit says:

      No, they didn’t have to be catty. They were just viewed that way. They just had to work twice as hard as the “dudes”.

      • mothy2017 says:

        I don’t want to fight. I am reflecting. Back in the 80’s the media sold us a story Katie was a pixie she was a pixie and the host of Today was fired. Katie claims to be pro woman but she was elevated to stardom because she was cute. She was a perfect foil to cute Matt.

        • Swan Spirit says:

          Fighting? That was just my perception. The first women in the news weren’t catty. Some women are catty, and still are. I hate those stereotypes. But some women, and men live up to them, but many do not.

          • mothy2017 says:

            sorry I shouldn’t have said fighting. My bad

          • Swan Spirit says:

            Communicating on the internet, without benefit of tone of voice, inflection, facial expressions, etc. is incredibly easy to misinterpret. I have to admit, watching that clip of Couric, was so infuriating. I really have no words to express how vile I think she is. Her disdain for the ” lower socioeconomic class” and their” jealousy” is enough to make me vomit.

    • mothy2017 says:

      ”Making your way in the world today…..” what year did MTM premiere?

    • Swan Spirit says:

      ❤ I love them, they are such an inspiration, thank you, that’s quite a compliment 🤗

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:


    • lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      • lyn5 says:

        Julie’s thread.

  9. taw46 says:

  10. taw46 says:


    • What are we calling them now? Minor Attracted People? So many of them in schools because that’s where the kids are.

      • taw46 says:

        I never found out until decades later, but one of our single, female teachers was having sex with several of the boys in our class and older, 11th & 12th graders. I’ll say one thing for the boys back then, they kept their mouth shut about what was going on. Lol, I was really shocked when I found out. I was so naive back then.

        • When I was in high school, the son of one of my father’s friends came to me for help getting a teacher who was coming on to him fired. He said he needed someone with “school creds” to do it, but he didn’t need me. He needed my dad, who I delivered. Only Kenny and I knew why she was there one day and gone the next.

  11. taw46 says:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Laura does ambushes so well. CNN deserves every bit of that street hustle. I still remember what a prick Jim Acosta was at Trump rallies, he’d alway find a group that would boo him when he did live remotes then whine, see how awful Trump supporters are, they don’t respect anyone like me, waa, waa ….

      • taw46 says:

        Acosta was an ahole. I wanted to slap him everytime he opened his mouth. Like all the Trump haters, he showed no respect for Trump as President.

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. taw46 says:

  14. taw46 says:

  15. taw46 says:

  16. lyn5 says:

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. DeniseVB says:

    I support common sense 🙂

  19. mothy2017 says:

    I can’t find the clip where Jane Goodall at WEF calls for “peacefully “ killing off billions. I guess it was scrubbed. . Klaus Schwab, Goodall, Soros are approaching 100 why.? Goodall’s speech said vax didn’t work like they planned. I watched her say billions must die. I can’t find it anywhere.

    • 1539days says:

      She has supported the idea that the human population should be closer to 500 million to be good for the environment. This concept alone is pretty disturbing because over 90% of the current population shouldn’t be replaced.

      Even though the population rate is starting to level out, that level of decline wouldn’t happen for centuries at least so there would need to be other means to do it.

  20. lyn5 says:

    • When the residents at the shelter were so mean to the Scouts over the sock donations, a wise woman who gave oodles to charity herself told me to never expect any gratitude for making someone’s life better. It’s never enough ultimately. They always come back to see what more they can get. Even the nice ones.

      • taw46 says:

        I guess that’s why they tell us to “do good deeds” for how it makes us feel, what we get out of it. Not to expect any gratitude from those we help. Not to do it for that reason.

        • If we gave every illegal a single family home, they would be too small, too old, or not furnished to their liking. Take the shelter you’re offered or go home is a fair, more than fair, offer.

          • taw46 says:

            I didn’t say I wanted to give the illegals anything. I don’t. I want them to go home. I was speaking about charity work that people do for our citizens. Or not. No one has to do anything for others, it’s their choice.

          • I was agreeing with you. We can’t please them so we have to do what pleases us. 🙂

          • taw46 says:

            Oops sorry, that’s what I dislike about social media, hard to tell sometimes. 😁

  21. lyn5 says:

  22. lyn5 says:

  23. taw46 says:

  24. mothy2017 says:

    I thought I sold my interest in a mountain 20 years ago. It was owned by all the boys descended from my great great grandfather. It had a few cabins but no electricity or running water. It was a hunting place. I could never shoot a deer. I believed it went for taxes. My uncle from Alaska kept up payments. It is now worth serious change. Eight figures. I don’t think I deserve anything, but the title is in my name and all my male cousins. This is 18th century lease. Two mountains maybe four that struck gold.

  25. taw46 says:

  26. lyn5 says:

    • 1539days says:

      They already have thousands of jurors in reserve for this trial. They want to run Trump’s side out of peremptory challenges so whatever crazies are left in the pool will be seated.

  27. lyn5 says:

    • I am not a church goer. but it was when they closed the churches that I decided to remain unvaxxed. I lost a few friends over it, but I don’t regret it. There were a lot of reasons why people let the government take over so much of their lives, and I think I understand most of them. I don’t fault them. I just hope there are more people who won’t next time.

      • 1539days says:

        I had a few months to watch the vaxx priority list, then watched as people jumped the line, then how people who were in the final group were pretty much not dying anyway. A couple of months after I could have been vaxxed, I then saw how people with it were getting COVID anyway.

        • As an “older person”, I could have had the vax early on. At first, I joked about not buying version 1.0 of anything. Eventually, I told the truth about not believing in the vaccine. But it came home that I might have made a sensible decision when I was admitted for the stroke. They asked me if I had taken the vaccine. When I said no, they said, ‘Then we can eliminate that as a cause for the stroke.”

    • lyn5 says:

  28. taw46 says:

    FFS, listen to the racist Joy Reid. And am I mistaken, or is she calling all of the blacks DEI hires?

  29. taw46 says:

    The first 16 minutes of The Five was very good. Talking about this bs trial in NYC and the racist Joy Reid. Next up will be a discussion on the snobby Katie Couric.

    • taw46 says:

      That was another good discussion.

      • Anthony says:

        Yes, it was. I was still stunned by Joy Reid masturbating to the DEI lynching of DJT before they got to Couric, but sadly, not stunned enough to have missed the Hillary-esque lilt to Couric’s voice. Was that AI? 🤔

  30. DeniseVB says:

    Harlem loves The Donald

  31. They have 6 of the jurors seated. Two of them are lawyers. The defense attorneys still have challenges left.

  32. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      This isn’t the full video. I just watched one that was 30+ minutes after he came out of the Bodega.

      • taw46 says:

        He looks good, a day in court didn’t ruin his looks like the left hoped. And the people standing around that Bodega loved him. People are tired of the bs from the media.

    • taw46 says:

  33. lyn5 says:

  34. taw46 says:

  35. lyn5 says:

  36. lyn5 says:

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