Friday, May 24, 2024

Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida
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75 Responses to Friday, May 24, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Glad to see she’s running again 🙂

  2. taw46 says:

    • Anthony says:

      A crowd of 25K (inside the park and outside waiting areas) reported by several credible sources in the Bronx last night. I doubt that Biden, Williamson, Kennedy, West or Stein could pull that off. Good for him!

      • DeniseVB says:

        Funny that the city doesn’t seem to limit crowd sizes when they’re being hateful and destructive 😉 Media should start asking them about their “permits”.

        • It’s my understanding the Trump team asked for 3500. They didn’t want to ask for more people than thought they might get. The police let a lot more people in. Better to have a sellout crowd than fewer than expected.

  3. taw46 says:

    Dan put up some nice photos from yesterday.

    • lyn5 says:

      Cynical Publius

      Opens profile photo

      So Donald Trump held a huge, wildly successful rally in the Bronx today. That itself is in many ways remarkable, but what I find quite noteworthy is not what happened, but what DID NOT happen.

      Let me explain. The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs.

      With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally:

      1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez (See: Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts.

      2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves.

      3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast.

      4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education. He promised empowerment, not victimhood.

      Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning.

      What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans.

      The times, they are a-changin’.

    • taw46 says:

  4. lyn5 says:

    So Donald Trump held a huge, wildly successful rally in the Bronx today. That itself is in many ways remarkable, but what I find quite noteworthy is not what happened, but what DID NOT happen.

    Let me explain. The population in the Bronx is predominantly black and Hispanic. Like most of America’s urban centers, the Bronx suffers from disproportionate amounts of crime, poverty, drug use and gangs.

    With that in mind, let me tell you what did NOT happen at this rally:

    1. Trump did not put on an affected, fake accent of an A.M.E. Zion minister or Chi Chi Rodriguez (See: Hillary). He was simply Trump, without airs or any patronizing words or thoughts.

    2. He did not tell the people of the Bronx that they were victims. He told them that they were powerful and could solve their community’s problems themselves.

    3. He did not demonize any groups of Americans as the evil “Other.” Yes, he criticized the failed policies of Democrats and poked fun at their foibles, but he reminded everyone that we are all Americans first, from coast to coast.

    4. He did not promise to solve the problems of the Bronx with handouts or wealth redistribution. He merely promised that he would help set the national economic conditions so the community itself could solve its own problems through jobs, business and education. He promised empowerment, not victimhood.

    Contrast all of this with what a Democrat would say under the same circumstances. Heck, contrast it with the vile speech of hate and victimhood Biden gave at Morehouse College this past weekend. The difference is stunning.

    What scares Democrats about this rally is that it shows them that the people whose votes they have taken for granted for many decades are starting to leave the Democrat Plantation of Victimhood in favor of the uplifting, empowering message of Donald Trump and his aspiration to make America a place that is “great again” for ALL Americans.

    The times, they are a-changin’.

    –Cynical Publius

  5. lyn5 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

    • Somebody says:

      Certainly not 12. I honestly can’t remember my husband or myself showering with any of our kids. They took baths when they were little by the time they were old enough to shower they were too old to shower with an adult. Ditto my grandkids which I’ve assumed a major role in raising.

    • Swan Spirit says:

      We are all more inclined to believe the climate change story now, aren’t we? Since all that information on Covid was so reliable, right? Now that we all know our government wouldn’t lie to us?

  7. lyn5 says:

  8. lyn5 says:

    What cowards!

    • lateblum says:

      And this is before the millennials get into upper leel government. Maybe next they’ll text NSA business. This is unbelievable. 🤯

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

      “Will Judge Merchan actually try to send the candidate to jail? Or maybe confine him to Trump Tower under some sort of house arrest? With maybe a big clunky ankle-bracelet for additional humiliation? That will be ripe. Let me proffer some advice to the Judge: the last thing you want to do with an archetypal hero is give him a prison to break out of so he can come roaring out for vengeance. In the end, Mr. Trump could accomplish something truly remarkable: bringing our country back together as a people united against being fucked-around by their own government.”

      • If Trump is convicted, he will appeal immediately giving the judge the choice to let him out on bail pending his appeal. They just want to be able to say he’s a convicted felon. I found Kunstler’s take on who will replace Biden more interesting. When the Republicans decided Nixon needed to go, they sent Barry Goldwater to tell him. Who tells Biden? It has to be someone the public respects who has nothing to gain from Biden’s stepping down so that leaves out Obama and Hillary. I vote for Joe Manchin.

  11. lyn5 says:

  12. lyn5 says:

  13. mothy2017 says:

    I’m on season 5 of a teen show directed at girls. I think it’s fun in a campy way. Pretty Little Liars on Hulu. At least four times an episode is an abortion ad. Not subtle. guy I assume is running for state senate is shown hugging his daughter and saying he wants her to be able to abort. I don’t see it as effective. Ads are not for choice they are for abortion. It feels creepy AF. Another ad questions what other rights Trump will take from women. Seriously when monthly a girl or young woman is robbed in athletics by deluded men in sports. I am pro life but even if I were not I think I’d find these commercials gross. Target audience is likely late teens. I would hope that our young women watched PLL at 13 and out grew it.

  14. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:


      A lot of people are talking about the Bronx rally and why it seemed to resonate so much. I think it can be boiled down to one word. Respect.

      Trump gave them respect. First, he showed up. Just showing up is a form of respect. The respect went on from there. He talked to them, not at them. He brought locals up on the stage and engaged with those people. He shared his spotlight, another form of respect. He didn’t lie or try to buy their votes. Yet another form of respect. For 90 mins, Trump showed the people of Bronx and others who attended the rally, Respect.

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. mothy2017 says:

    This is sweet. I was unable to watch Trump last night because my brother and his daughter stopped by. Niece is nurse. Graduated last year. She specialized in Neo natal ( is that what they call newborn nursing)

    She is getting married in October to college boyfriend. They are hosting it on a farm in a barn. There was discussion about what type of religious service to have. His extended family is very devout but anti Catholic. They decided to do a small private ceremony before God. The wedding itself is for the mothers. Only children with promising careers. He’s an engineer and she has started working on becoming a. Nurse practitioner. The immediate families want a wedding. They only get one shot (hopefully)

    so the farm will have all the trimmings. I think it silly to an extent, but whatever.

    my niece asked my mom to officiate the theater. My mom is a nurse and niece calls her her inspiration. Oh did the bad lady cry. My mom was 14, had 6 kids and somehow became a nurse.
    The farm provides food, limited lodging, and full staff, but they cannot furnish alcohol. State law. You have to buy your own. They provide glassware and bartenders. I already covered the champagne toast. I was an event planner in another life and owned a bar. I was shocked that the farm doesn’t have a relationship with someone who can facilitate that aspect of a wedding. I am buying a few bottles a week which I have my brother pick up at his local liquor store. He is only allowed to store it on the farm two days in advance. It’s about 4 hours away. The savings is substantial, but what a pain in the ass. It’s a one day thing. Not much of my money. I think some laws are absurdly stupid.

  17. mothy2017 says:

    I was born in 1967. Vietnam to me as a kid was history. I have no idea what it is like to be drafted or see a friend have to go off to war. I am Gen X. It still scares me that the boys that I’ve known since pre K could face a draft because liberal white women in suburbs voted for biden because Trump sent mean tweets. Years various parents have hosted the sleepover. They do this big slumber party before school starts in the fall. Air mattresses, tents. Boys and girls. Shaypup has many, many male friends. Small school and 13 years together. I have talked to the boys going to trade school into the wee hours. It scares the shit out of me and makes my heart hurt that when Mittens lightly talks about boots on the ground in Ukraine he is talking about drafting Jacob.

  18. John Denney says:


    At karaoke last night, a white woman in her 50s (?) sat at the bar between me & a black Marine, born in Kenya of Somali parents, but raised in Las Vegas.

    She became unglued when he said he was a Trump supporter. 🙂

    In the face of her hysteria, he calmly stated his reasoning.

    At some point, she said she was a feminist & Trump a misogynist, so I asked her if I could shower with her if I self identified as a woman.

    “I don’t give a s**t!”

    But we all ended the evening on good terms; music & singing is unifying.

    She & I sang both Linda Ronstadt’s “Blue Bayou” & the B52s “Love Shack” together, & it was a lot of fun. 🙂

  19. mothy2017 says:

    what do you think if mittens ran for the dimocrats. I know it is far fetched, but Donald extinguished the political careers of his ilk and they are mad. A Brillo cream unity ticket of Mittens and Newsome would capture the Leave it to Beaver crowd.

    • John Denney says:

      I like what you’re saying, but Brillo is a brand of steel wool scouring pad.

      Brylcreem is the men’s hair dressing.

      Although I may be just not getting your joke. Seems like there may be one there.

  20. mothy2017 says:

    I was obliterated from all political gay things in Pittsburgh when I spoke up about oblahblahblah. I was refused entry to bars. I didn’t think much of it in 2008. Gay was not politically in my county then a powerhouse. Last year the corporate sponsorships for this month of hedonism were off the charts. HRC wields a lot of power. I’m 57 and stood my ground now some of the older guys who shunned me are sickened by how kids are being sexualized. These men survived AIDS and want to say not in my name do you dance with a ten inch dildo in front of kids. Pride month is disgusting.

    anywho refreshing to recall a gay man who dared to support Trump without twisting the lives of children. I found this and thought refreshing.

  21. taw46 says:

  22. taw46 says:

  23. taw46 says:

  24. lateblum says:

    Barron looks just like Donald!

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