Thursday, May 23, 2024

Riverfront Promenade, Savannah, Georgia
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121 Responses to Thursday, May 23, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

    Boogie Down Bronx, let’s get this party started !

    The left is trying to screw up public transportation, roads, rally permits, it’s going to be a fun day 😀

    • taw46 says:

      • DeniseVB says:

        How do they keep electing her? A Fox news lady spent time in that neighborhood and everyone is so pro-Trump, she only found one who wasn’t. This is so obvious how reps like AOC and the media supress information “for the good of the people”, LOL !

        • taw46 says:

          I have no idea why they elect her, she doesn’t seem to do anything for them. I need to go back and look, but I seem to remember that a very low number of voters came out to vote.

          • They originally elected her because she ran in the Democrat primary against someone who phoned it in, and she went door-to-door asking for votes. Once you win the Democrat primary in her district, you’ve won the election. Now they like the attention.

          • Swan Spirit says:

            She was selected to run in that district by the original creators of “The Green New Deal”, who belonged to a Democratic organization whose purpose was and probably still is, to elect progressive candidates.

            They actually interviewed candidates to choose the one they thought could win. And they chose her. I think her boyfriend was also in on the selection.

          • taw46 says:

            I do remember why she was originally elected. I just don’t understand why she is still there, and from what I read, it’s because they won’t get out and vote. I believe only a small number of people bother to vote in her district, so she stays in office.

          • She stays in office because enough people like her, I went through this when I moved to Illinois. People would ask me, “How do the people of Massachusetts keep electing Ted Kennedy? He’s a murderer.” The answer was they wanted him to be their senator. No one forced them to vote for him. If the people of the Bronx wanted her gone, she would be. Our opinion doesn’t matter.

      • lyn5 says:

        Democrat neo-Nazis can’t share the Bronx with Trump, eh?

  2. taw46 says:

  3. Remember in 2016 when Hillary thought she could ignore the rustbelt because she had them in the bag? If the Democrats dump Biden, and it looks more like they will, this is a whole new election. Trump becomes the old man. Will he still have the youth vote he has? Will the black vote still be his when racist Joe is gone? It will be mid-August and not much time to switch gears.

    I’m just trying to get you to not just think Trump can write people off. He will need Haley’s people, and most of them are not Democrats trying to mess with the system. He is going to need a VP who can bring votes like Pence did. It does matter that he chooses more than a lackey. He needs a campaign that’s more than a series of revival meetings.

    I’m not trying to get you not to back Trump. As someone who is not enamored with him. though, I don’t see his campaign through the same eyes. He needs people who just think more than he’s the better choice. He has to convince people he’s the better choice no matter who is the Democrat. Right now he’s only running against Biden. If he has a bigger message. it’s lost. I don’t want to wake up the day after the election and find out the Democrat won because Trump’s ego got in the way of accepting help to get elected. If he’s counting on people who think he’s wonderful, there aren’t enough of them. Even if they show up at a rally. Which I would know little about except for news like FOX.

    • DandyTIger says:

      Good points of course. Haley’s votes was a mixed bag. In at least one state 95% of her vote were people that said even if she won, they would vote for Biden. I’m taking a wild guess that they were democrats. Other states she got more GOP, and I’m guessing heavy never Trumper GOP.

      As for having her as VP, I would guess that the ticket would get none of those Dems that voted for her and only a small % of never Trumpers (because he’s still on top of the ticket). Maybe that ticket would get half of her 10+% GOP voters. And notice she didn’t endorse Trump, just said she’d vote for him.

      Then the question is, if he picked her, how many Trump voters would he lose. I’d guess maybe 20%. Not that they’d vote for Biden, like the never Trumper Haley voters, but just wouldn’t vote.

      All wild guessing, but I’d say Trump would lose more than he would gain. Where as if he picked an American First type candidate, whether Rubio, Tulsi, Scott, or others, he would keep all his votes, maybe peel off a few never Trumper votes, but maybe not. And given that he’s 5-10 points ahead now, that might be enough.

      The real issue is, will the Dems keep Biden. If they don’t, i.e., if they’re smart, then it’s a new ballgame. Though late in the cycle.

    • taw46 says:

      Are you on X much? That’s where I learn about upcoming events for Trump. Not FOX. I don’t watch tv news. I try to check in on The Five and Gutfeld, but that’s about it. Lots of news outlets talk about his appearances at rallies and other events. I read those on X, the good and the bad.

      I don’t look at it the same way you do. I don’t see him writing off any votes. That is why he was in Wildwood and why he will be in the Bronx today.

    • DandyTIger says:

      Big caveat for Haley as VP. She’s deep state, intel/military industrial complex. She would be part of pushing for massive and many wars on all fronts. The caveat here is that if the deep state will only allow Trump if he picks her, then he might have to make that part of his decision making. Basically he would be making a deal. She and the complex get to push all the wars and he handles domestic. It’s possible that the only way he would be allowed in by the deep state is if he makes that deal. This is assuming we haven’t been a democratic republic for a long time, even decades, and you’re allowed in if they make a mistake, 2016, or are part of their program.

      • Somebody says:

        If Trump picks Haley he’s signing his death warrant. She is deep state and the deep state will take him out so their puppet, er, um, I mean gal moves up to POTUS.

        It really doesn’t matter what votes she may or may not bring. She won’t bring dems, she won’t bring never Trumpers because as Dandy said he’s still on the top of the ticket.

        The only votes she may bring are pearl clutching squish Republicans like my sister. My sister voted for Haley in the primary because she just wants an end to the chaos 🙄 She just wants normal, cucumber sandwich eating, boring country club, stiff ass, full of lies and bull shit politician…and WAR, WAR, WAR politicians that do whatever the deep state and media say. She wants harmony at the club and on spa days and she wants her cheap foreign domestic help and she likes checking her stock account. She watches Fox News day and night.

        Newsflash, my sister will vote for Trump no matter who his VP pick is. She’s not going to vote for Biden or any other dem. She’ll bitch and moan and clutch her pearls all the way to the polls, but to the polls she will go because she ALWAYS votes. Half or more of the anti-Trump crowd are people like my sister. The only thing that would make them enthusiastic to vote for Trump would be if he had a personality transplant with Mitt Romney as his donor.

    • Anthony says:

      He needs people who just think more than he’s the better choice. He has to convince people he’s the better choice no matter who is the Democrat.

      I don’t think it will be hard for him to “convince” people he’s the better choice. He has had four years in the White House for people to refer to. He’s running on his record, not his promises. Most people I speak to, even in my deep blue neighborhood, admit their lives were better during his tenure. There are no other choices; this is about Trump vs Biden. Actually, it’s about Trump vs any Democrat. I don’t think Independents will make a dent, except to siphon from Biden. The RINOs, Never Trumpers and disaffected Dems won’t vote for him anyway, rendering Haley’s supporters moot.

    • I have never suggested that he choose Haley for VP. I said he needed someone who wasn’t a milquetoast. He can’t choose Rubio unless one of them moves. It’s in the Constitution. Doug Bergum who I hear mentioned a lot is a milquetoast. He brings nothing to the table. Trump has eliminated Vivek and Tulsi who have strong personalities. Tim Scott is the consummate yes man. Why didn’t he choose his VP to go out on the campaign trail while he has been in court? I think it’s because of Trump’s ego. It doesn’t think anyone can do anything but him. He can’t delegate.

      • lateblum says:

        It’s too bad Trump has seemingly decided against strong personalities as VP, Vivek in particular. He is smart, well spoken and youthful (compared to Trump). He also adds diversity to the ticket, and to the GOP leadership. I think he would attract younger, conservative, pro-smaller government voters.

        I was listening to Maria Bartiromo this morning. She had a report that RFK, jr’s campaign took a poll with 20k people, iirc, that showed he would win more votes in a 3-person race if his opponents were Trump and Biden. But not if he were against only one or the other. Could RFK make a difference in November?

        • Anthony says:

          Trump hasn’t announced his VP, so anything we muse about is speculation. I’m going to wait and see who he picks before concluding he’s doomed.

          RFK Jr is someone I can’t bring myself to trust. Rightly or wrongly, he’s been tainted by the D brand. He may have swapped out his D for an I, but so did Joe Lieberman and that ancient communist Sanders. Look how well they worked out…

          Add to that his family name. The Kennedys are the most deeply entrenched and longest standing D dynasty of all time. Think of Ted… and having the entire family turn their back on him could easily be theater to make him more palatable.

          I might be wrong about this, but the Ds have proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy, ergo my suspicion. Lastly, his VP pick is to the left of the Squad, so there’s also that to consider…

          • The entire Kennedy family hasn’t abandoned him. There are lots of them on his team. Is his VP pick to the left of the squad, or do you “hear that”? I’m tired of the lies. Trump must really be worried.

          • Anthony says:

            Well, the Kennedy family made a point if distributing a family photo to oppose his run endorse Biden. I haven’t heard of any family members supporting him, but thsy doesn’t mean they haven’t. As far as his VP pick goes, I looked her up after he chose her and saw her donations and record of public support for Soros causes. I think you already know that I don’t post things I’ve “heard”. I just find it impossible to trust him, rightly or wrongly, for the reasons I’ve enumerated above

          • I prefer to let people speak for themselves rather than to look them up. Would you trust something you looked up about Trump?

          • Anthony says:

            Yes, providing I cross reference to other sources. I think it’s great that you and I are committed to our choices and not trying to change each other’s minds. That’s what makes the US the US 😀

        • Biden is nearly silent on RFK except to say he won’t debate him. Trump spends time trying to paint RFK as more lefty than he is. That would say Trump is worried about him. In reality, RFK is to the right of Biden and to the left of Trump- where lots of people are. Who he hurts is anybody’s guess. Since RI is written off, a vote in my state for RFK is a better vote against Biden than a vote for Trump. If a vote for RFK actually gets him the presidency, which is a colossal long shot, I can live with it. I disagree with him on abortion but not much else. His views, not the ones Trump says he has. Trump lies, too, when it suits him.

  4. taw46 says:

  5. Ann Althouse

    Althouse: “Bronx Democrats are counterprogramming Trump’s rally with a demonstration of their own at the other end of Crotona Park….”Althouse: “Bronx Democrats are counterprogramming Trump’s rally with a demonstration of their own at the other end of Crotona Park….”

  6. mothy2017 says:

    I gather protesters have taken over Berlin’s Humboldt University over palestine. They are spray painting everywhere. Doing it in English. I guess that makes it more accessible internationally, but if it were an organic protest I’d think German would be the spontaneous product.

  7. mothy2017 says:

    I wonder what Tulsi would bring to the table. I was listening to her talk about one of the reasons she could no longer be a dim and that was that she had spoken out against hillary and was told another word and her district would get nothing. She was told tow the line. I loved her in the debates. She is not pro war, is articulate, visually appealing. Thinks for herself. Believes in America first. Youthful.

    Would her faith hurt Donald? Supposedly we have never elected a non Christian to the highest office.

  8. mothy2017 says:

    Has anyone seen anything about the fake asylum seekers in Ireland? They are setting up camps and attempting to build refugee housing. It appears to be all single African men of fighting age. Churches have been converted into Mosques. Single women have been warned to stay off the streets after dark. Can’t verify stats, but read 12,000 in or around Dublin in April alone. The population is a little shy of 600,000.

  9. lyn5 says:

    • lyn5 says:

  10. helenk3 says:

    we would get a senate leader will backbone and balls. it has been a long time since that happened

  11. helenk3 says:

    had to share this

  12. mothy2017 says:

    One of the Republican women’s groups in the county is doing a park clean up on Saturday. I am not familiar with the area of the city where it’s taking place and not taking two busses to get there. Was Pressler the one who started that in Baltimore? I only know a handful of the women via X and all seem to have been former dims aged 40 to 60. Mostly from affluent areas. What do you think of that. Is it an effective way to reach people struggling who think R’s are cold judgmental rich people? I think Kimberly Klacyk (sp?) tried that last go round.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. DeniseVB says:

    Our people are there … FJB ! LOL, AOC has lost this battle as of now, more in line than have ever shown up for her or Joe.

  16. mothy2017 says:

    There are people lining up for tonight’s rally, but it is nothing like what you see at his other events. Might it be stigmatizing to be caught on camera in NYC. It’s still hours off and it rained earlier. Work day. I only attended John Jr’s event here last time because Trump holds rallies by the airport. Not accessible by bus and would be a small fortune to Uber. Junior did an event downtown and the line was yuuuuge. I hope the turn out tonight is significant.

  17. lyn5 says:

  18. DeniseVB says:

  19. helenk3 says:

    Does anyone feel like this is the late 1930s with the world standing back and watching while the Jews were being killed in Germany? Germany just announced that they would arrest Netayhue. How many nations are in agreement with those who would destroy Israel? I understand why “NEVER AGAIN” is the cry from Israel.

    • taw46 says:

      Yes, Helen. When the colleges were at the height of their protests, it reminded me of the 1930s. Scary.

      • lateblum says:

        I agree with you both. I live blocks away from Northwestern University, and I can tell you that it was frightening going past there. They still have signs up on the fence. I so want to tear those signs down or spray paint them. I’d never do it, but I would like to. The feeling of evil is just permeating this area right now. And somehow the president of Northwestern University, Michael Schill is being held as some sort of miracle worker and is being haled as a hero. BTW, another class action suit has been filed against Northwestern University by a student saying charging the university failed keeping its Jewish students safe.

        • lateblum says:

          It seems there were a few Congress critters who held Schill’s feet to the fire today in the hearing.

  20. DeniseVB says:

    Trump Rallys are always a street party, time flies when you’re there for hours ….

  21. mothy2017 says:

    I wonder if next month will push more people to the right. Last year the pride stuff was so obnoxious and lewd. Polite, educated people bit their lip because the Country Club set don’t want to rock the boat. These past few weeks we had the young men of UNC protecting the flag and a Super Bowl winning kicker championing traditional values. Wasn’t so much their actions as much as how the populace responded. Straight white men are not the devil and people responded. Enough is enough. Even suburban white guilt has a threshold.

  22. mothy2017 says:

    How do you think the protests will play out over the summer? I looked on Craig’s List and activists are being sought. It’s a career, it seems, for some going back to Occupy. A video was released yesterday with four or five 16/17 year old girls taken hostage on 10/7. They have been kept alive to breed. One girl can be seen with profuse bleeding. It’s been over 7 months. Somehow the college woke crowd can ignore this. They ignore Christian genocide in Africa. Ignore slavery in China, disregard white farmers burned alive, but Palestine they will skip three meals for? The families are okay with the video release because they see how dire it is.

  23. mothy2017 says:

    Do any of you follow It’s Tiff

    She is not for those easily offended, but rattles off in away that could make my grandmother blush but can be poignant

  24. mothy2017 says:

    Breaks my heart. ( I am mostly of Irish extraction with a dash of Ashkanazi Jew and French)

  25. mothy2017 says:

    What about Josh Hawley for VP.
    Young, smart, and I saw him in an interview with nfl kicker dude. T-shirt and jeans. Very hot in that corn fed wholesome way. The kind of man I wish the brat would like.

  26. lyn5 says:

    My 76-year-old AZ friend who also is a Montana girl is doing this.

    The ‘Super Chase’ Strategy That Conservative Activists Hope Will Win the 2024 Election. In an office in Phoenix, dozens of young conservatives are enacting a strategy they say they learned from ‘defectors from the left.’

    The link is for premium subs.

  27. lyn5 says:

  28. taw46 says:

    Tim, I don’t think you have to worry about there being a crowd in the Bronx. I saw Jack Poso talking with their reporter at the park, there was a large crowd for Trump.

  29. taw46 says:

    ”The correct response is “How can voters ever know the election was fair when the system is designed to prevent us from knowing?”

    • mothy2017 says:

      I can track my Amazon package down to the block, but can’t see my vote properly recorded?

    • In RI my vote is more secure by mail than in person in a lot of cities and towns. I can track my mail-in vote every step of the way. In my small town, machine counts are backed up with paper ballots, but that’s not true everywhere. It should be this time, though. No one seems to “find votes” after the fact. “Found votes” would have to go through a 4 or 5 step process if they were mail-in. Ballots in- person are counted as voted as they are voted. No boxes of ballots in closets waiting to be counted. If there is any cheating in RI, it’s from the people who shouldn’t vote or vote more than once.

  30. taw46 says:

  31. taw46 says:

  32. taw46 says:

    • mothy2017 says:

      Perhaps (almost certainly) a dumb question— how long can you freeze ground meat? I generally shop for two three days meals. I don’t freeze meat. If I buy a few pounds I might make a few burgers but I use the rest for meatloaf or chile. My very bad girl is somewhere north of 16. She can’t climb up in bed and only likes short walks now, but seems to be in no pain. She started getting very finicky with food. Vet said feed her what she will eat. Her appetite sprang back with ground meat. I’m happy. It’s on sale for 2.59/lb for Memorial Day. Can I buy a bunch of 3 lb pound packages and leave them in grocery wrapping to freeze? I have purchased pre made burgers. If you don’t eat them they get freezer burn. I’ll buy 60 pounds for my bad girl. When I was a kid we never had enough leftover to freeze. I did not know you can not microwave a hard boiled egg. I get why but eggs were in fridge I just put them on a plate and then boom an explosion.

      • votermom says:

        i transfer ground beef to ziplock bags. The grocery packs don’t seem freezer safe to me since their just plastic wrap. But I dont know

      • John Denney says:

        To my question, “How long can ground beef be kept frozen?”, says:

        Ground beef can be kept frozen indefinitely and will remain safe to eat, but for best quality, it should be used within 3-4 months of freezing. After that time, the flavor and texture may start to deteriorate due to freezer burn and oxidation. The USDA recommends using ground beef within 4 months for best quality.Some key points on freezing ground beef:

        • Ground beef is safe indefinitely if kept frozen at 0°F or below, but quality suffers after 3-4 months.
        • Signs of freezer burn or quality degradation include dryness, discoloration, off-flavors, and toughness.
        • Proper packaging in airtight wrapping or bags minimizes freezer burn and quality loss.
        • Ground beef should be cooked thoroughly to safe temperatures after freezing, regardless of time frozen.

        So while technically safe indefinitely when frozen, for optimal eating quality, it’s best to use frozen ground beef within 3-4 months of freezing.

  33. taw46 says:

    Lol, this is a little long, but I think this woman has hit all of the issues.

  34. taw46 says:

    I like hearing from all of these people in the Bronx who are attending the rally. They are a forgotten and ignored group, and they are happy that Trump is coming to the Bronx to see them.

    • mothy2017 says:

      I lived in Washington Heights from 2001 until brat was hatched in 2006. My apartment was essentially on Columbia Presbyterian campus. I was a minority being white — if you went two blocks away from the hospital. Fort Tyron was blocks away. However, if you headed east a few blocks it had Hispanic flavored gangs. I didn’t fear them like the young Hispanic parents did. The people who lived near me were upright citizens. I never had an issue being Caucasian. Parents, however, were always afraid their kids would get sucked into that world. Reminded me a lot of Philly. You can be in Olde City and it’s million dollar townhouses then you go three blocks south and you are in a ghetto.
      Parents no matter what ethnicity want safety for their children— to a man/woman I hear fear for kids with the dumping of single young adult men with no jobs and no prospects. Communities are policing their own neighborhoods.

  35. taw46 says:

  36. lyn5 says:

  37. taw46 says:

  38. lyn5 says:

  39. lyn5 says:

  40. lyn5 says:

  41. Swan Spirit says:

    Quote from President Trump at the rally. ” Biden can’t do it, he doesn’t know he’s alive”

  42. lyn5 says:

  43. taw46 says:

  44. taw46 says:

    • Somebody says:

      They know they can’t get in, but they’re lining up anyway, stretching blocks. It’s like a big street party and the vast majority are minorities and first time rally goers. Question is, did they have anyone there registering voters? They got the contact info for anyone that registered for the rally so hopefully they can get in touch with them.

      More than anything I think it has a strong psychological impact for those that showed up and those that maybe were afraid to. It let’s them all know they’re not alone.

      I watched part of the rally he had rappers and dem politicians there endorsing him. From what I heard the planned protest was kind of pitiful and the Trump supporters just laughed, didn’t phase them.

      • taw46 says:

        Yes, they were registering voters. I saw a clip of a woman who was there before the rally started, and she said they had a table setup for that. I also just saw a tweet that said they registered 250 voters today.

  45. taw46 says:

    I was out and missed the first part of the rally (I’ll catch the video). But the part I saw was wonderful. A true love fest, as he said! He left a crowd of happy people.

  46. I thought Trump’s speech at his rally was pretty good tonight. He could have used it most of it no matter who his opponent was. It was heavier on what he will do and less on bashing Biden than usual. He obviously loves New York and that made him very relatable. Someone who was interviewed was asked if the Democrats ran someone other than Biden, would he change his mind. The man said no. He had changed his registration to Republican. That’s the answer Trump needs. Now I don’t know how many people they needed to ask to get it. lol

  47. mothy2017 says:

    sorry if already posted. iPad is acting up — found this beautiful

  48. lyn5 says:

  49. lyn5 says:

  50. mothy2017 says:

    I had life long issues with my dad. He didn’t want a gay son. You live, you learn. The brat was born and it was welfare daycare. It was awful. The smell and the neglect. I picked her up in this awful place. Cribs, cages lined along the wall. Neglected. Her then chubby arms reached for me that she had met in passing. Eight hours of neglect. Her fat baby arms clinging to my neck. She never went back. I quit NY. There was no one but me. I had The Fountainhead. My father loved to read but had litttle exposure to anything beyond my older brother’s spy thrillers. They are all the same story. Anywho Dad read Fountainhead then Atlas Shrugged on his own. My deacon dad loved Ayn Rand. I said buckle up cause Doestoyevsky is next. He loved The Brothers Karamazov. I was his peculiar child and we had a rocky road. I look a lot like him but I was born broken. Majorly broken. He was 19 and it was the 1960’s. He had that Rebel Without a Cause look.

    Shay graduates with high honors in a week. Reconsidering college. I thought it was wealthy boy, but now I think she doesn’t want to leave. She is looking at Slimy Pebble. No idea why. I want Purdue. Out of state if you add in room and board they are of similar price. Ugh I will accept Slippery Rock. Go one year. It’s on me. Can’t believe the little thing I sat up all night for an entire summer reading every word of every book involving Harry Potter is graduating. She was so enchanted as a wee one. I’d try to sneak out when I thought she was asleep. No go. I’d read for hours and often as the sun krept in she’d wanna watch the movie version.
    She was nominated for a kindness scholarship. Local kid endowed. WTF. She can be such a pain. Shellfish. I got out of hospital after being in ICU and she wanted gas money. I guess I do almost with a kick a shove and a push love her. Pisses me off though that I said NO cat ever. Of course we have a cat. She is still in school, has a job, and a social life. Cat I never wanted is now mine. I fought it but fur balls are just too cute. I say I hate you and get a feline asking me to rub her belly. I surrender.
    The trust blows my mind. Of course she commandeered the dining room table. It’s her house. A few years back I was hired to do some research and help write a script for a horror film about Dean Corl. I dropped out early. He nailed boys to plywood in Texas. Got away with at least 30. I was vehement about no cat. No no no. Then there was Luna. I am smitten, but I don’t think I will ever be able to forget what monsters did to cats. It seems to always start with cats. Why cats? I had to research freeway killers which was a thing in the 1970’s. I swore I was going to be indifferent to kitten. I walk by the little bitch and end up rubbing her tummy. She is gentle just follows me. How can anyone hurt such a thing.

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