Stupid Should Hurt

Climate Change Scientists

Climate Change Scientists

This is “science”:

The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing

Linber Anej waded out in low tide to haul concrete chunks and metal scraps to shore and rebuild the makeshift sea wall in front of his home. The temporary barrier is no match for the rising seas that regularly flood the shacks and muddy streets with saltwater and raw sewage, but every day except Sunday, Mr. Anej joins a group of men and boys to haul the flotsam back into place.

“It’s insane, I know,” said Mr. Anej, 30, who lives with his family of 13, including his parents, siblings and children, in a four-room house. “But it’s the only option we’ve got.”

Standing near his house at the edge of a densely packed slum of tin shacks, he said, “I feel like we’re living underwater.”

Worlds away, in plush hotel conference rooms in Paris, London, New York and Washington, Tony A. deBrum, the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands, tells the stories of men like Mr. Anej to convey to more powerful policy makers the peril facing his island nation in the Pacific as sea levels rise — and to shape the legal and financial terms of a major United Nations climate change accord now being negotiated in Paris.

Mr. deBrum’s focus is squarely on the West’s wallets — recouping “loss and damage,” in negotiators’ parlance, for the destruction wrought by the rich nations’ industrial might on the global environment. Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas. In Bangladesh, some 17 percent of the land could be inundated by 2050, displacing about 18 million people. But the Marshall Islands holds an important card: Under a 1986 compact, the roughly 70,000 residents of the Marshalls, because of their long military ties to Washington, are free to emigrate to the United States, a pass that will become more enticing as the water rises on the islands’ shores.


Most of the 1,000 or so Marshall Islands, spread out over 29 narrow coral atolls in the South Pacific, are less than six feet above sea level — and few are more than a mile wide. For the Marshallese, the destructive power of the rising seas is already an inescapable part of daily life. Changing global trade winds have raised sea levels in the South Pacific about a foot over the past 30 years, faster than elsewhere. Scientists are studying whether those changing trade winds have anything to do with climate change.

But add to this problem a future sea-level rise wrought by climate change, and islanders who today experience deluges of tidal flooding once every month or two could see their homes unfit for human habitation within the coming decades.

In neighborhoods like Mr. Anej’s, after the sewage-filled tides wash into homes, fever and dysentery soon follow. On other islands, the wash of saltwater has penetrated and salinated underground freshwater supply. On Majuro, flooding tides damaged hundreds of homes in 2013. The elementary school closed for nearly two weeks to shelter families. That same year, the airport temporarily closed after tides flooded the runway.


On defense matters, the Marshall Islands’ strategic value to the United States no longer rests on the Pacific nuclear testing grounds but on Kwajalein, the largest of the Marshall atolls, which is home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site. The 1,200 Americans who live on the base launch missiles, operate space weapons programs and track NASA research, supported by an annual budget of $182 million. About 900 Marshallese workers take a ferry to the base every day to support them.

The Pentagon, which has a lease on Kwajalein until 2066, has commissioned scientific studies on the impact that rising sea levels will have on the base’s mission. In 2008, a tidal wash flooded the base and destroyed all the freshwater supplies on the island. The military responded with expensive desalination machines and heavy-duty sea walls made of riprap, a fortified granite used in hydraulic engineering.

That is the kind of adaptation Mr. deBrum wants to see on the islands where his people live, and it would not be cheap. Among the most contentious terms to be negotiated in Paris will be a pledge, put forth during the 2009 climate change summit meeting in Copenhagen by Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state at the time, that rich countries would mobilize $100 billion annually by 2020 to help poor countries control their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the punishing impacts of climate change. Countries have already established a “Green Climate Fund” to receive contributions. Mr. Obama has pledged an initial United States donation of $3 billion.

The Marshall Islands are atolls, and atolls naturally erode away. According to science, the atolls were originally volcanic islands surrounded by coral reefs. Then the volcanic islands subsided below sea level away, leaving somewhat circular coral reefs topped with dirt and plants.


Eventually the atolls were occupied by humans.

Now we are supposed to spend fantastic sums of money to stop the seas from allegedly rising and/or make these atolls impervious to natural erosion. But wouldn’t it be cheaper and easier just to move the occupants of the atolls somewhere else?

This assumes, of course, that the seas actually rise and there is something we could do about it. This assumes facts not in evidence. In fact, the article doesn’t claim the seas have risen, just that they could.

For the record, I am not a climate change denier. Climate has always changed. Long before humans walked this planet it was both warmer and cooler than it is today. Our ancestors didn’t try to stop the world from changing, they just adapted to it.

Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. – Matthew 7:24-27 (KJV)

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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124 Responses to Stupid Should Hurt

  1. Myiq2xu says:

    Actually, some of our ancestors DID try to stop the world from changing. They danced and chanted and sacrificed virgins and tried various other scientific methods of climate control.

    • AFVet says:

      Well I guess we have advanced to the point of just taxing the hell out of the population.
      VooDoo and virgins are becoming more and more scarce.
      Maybe we could get some virgins from the muzzies and sacrifice them.

  2. cynic says:

    The Laurentide Ice Sheet was a massive sheet of ice that covered millions of square miles, including most of Canada and a large portion of the northern United States, multiple times during Quaternary glacial epochs. It last covered most of northern North America between c. 95,000 and c. 20,000 years before the present day. At times, its southern margin included the modern sites of New York City and Chicago, and then followed quite precisely the present course of the Missouri River up to the northern slopes of the Cypress Hills, beyond which it merged with the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. The ice coverage extended approximately as far south as 38 degrees latitude in the mid-continent.

    I like to bring up to my Al Gore, Global Warming, fanatic friends that there is a reason that there are great cliffs near our town. IL was glacial. The climate is always changing. How about if we actually look at the consequences of volcanic ash (It was one of our coolest summers following Mt. St. Helens), sun spots, etc.

    NOW, I also believe that we should take care of the earth. For goodness sake, I couldn’t stand putting all my twins disposable diapers in a landfill, and switched to cloth diapers, and hung them outside on my clothesline. I didn’t let them drink juice boxes at home. I bought the frozen juice and added water. We recycle, compost, etc.

    • Myiq2xu says:

      Half Dome in Yosemite is the result of a huge fucking glacier that scraped 1/2 of a solid granite mountain away.

    • votermom says:

      It makes me mad the the climate scam is diverting money from actual conservation.
      Carbon credits are the worst idea ever, imo.

      Btw, cynic, GMTA! – My hubby suggested we make gift baskets this year too! I will have to see what I can find out about them.
      And now I want to do a yarn / knitting / crafts post.

      • cynic says:

        Helen, on the last post, got my creative juices flowing again. I was looking at premade gift baskets at Amazon. She wrote:

        ‘years ago i made gift baskets for the guys in my family. I put everything you would need to watch a football game. peanuts, popcorn, mixed nuts, I even put in a video tape of football bloopers. I found team logo things like a mini helmet and pennants . They had to supply their own beer. They loved them’

        This is what I came up with for my son’s girlfriend, who has a very stressful job working in mental health: a basket with warm knitted socks, some essential oils for her diffuser, a few pkgs. of gourmet hot chocolate, herbal tea, an adult coloring book, markers, colored pencils, and perhaps a nice movie like ‘Sense and Sensibility’ or ‘Little Women’ (the one with Susan Sarandon & Winona Ryder)

        For my cousins, I’ll buy a nice glass container, fill it with home made granola, perhaps a pancake mix, maple syrup, small pkgs. of coffees and a tea assortment.

        Another family, who is very English, will get home made scones and crumpets, a nice jar of honey (from my neighbor’s bees), home made jam, and tea.

        For some of the single men in our family that like to cook, I’ll put in some of my home made spice rubs, and one of those nice instant read meat thermometers. My own spiced pecans, a bag of pistachio nuts, etc.

        Like I said, FINALLY, my creative juices seem to be flowing again. Thanks Helen!

      • piper says:

        Like that idea. Maybe the Klown can knit little kitty sweaters for his fur kids.

      • cynic says:

        The adult coloring books are wonderful. My girlfriend’s mother is in the early stages of dementia and she bought her the Secret Garden one. It’s been a blessing. Her mother spends her evenings coloring, while he husband gets quiet time to watch tv. She said that her mom forgets to put the caps on the markers, but she just buys her new ones.

    • Jadzia says:

      I would love to know how you managed the cloth diapers/clothesline thing. I used cloth diapers on my kids when we lived in the States, but when we moved to France, we had no clothes dryer, and the first time I put the diapers on the clothesline, they came off of it feeling like shingles. Not so nice on a little baby butt! So it was disposables after that…..

      • cynic says:

        I think I put them in the dryer for 5 minutes. I know exactly what you mean though.

        • Jadzia says:

          Ah. I didn’t get a dryer until about 2 months after Amelia was born. Our landlord’s slightly crazy handyman came over and found me weeping in the kitchen, surrounded by RACKS AND RACKS of wet baby clothes (it was winter). He ended up giving me his dryer. Nicest crazy guy ever. A few years later, I bought it from him at an extremely inflated price (my choice) after his girlfriend got cancer and found herself in red-tape hell trying to get her disability benefits.

          • cynic says:

            I love the name Amelia. I had a Aunt that name.

            It didn’t take much for me to cry (lack of sleep?), so I can imagine trying to function with your home being in such a disarray.

          • Jadzia says:

            Thanks! It was planned for my first baby, who came out with the wrong parts for the name, so I saved it and gave it to my last baby. : )

    • AFVet says:

      Greenland used to be green, that’s why they called it that.
      The receding glaciers created the great lakes.

  3. Myiq2xu says:

    • Jadzia says:

      And HE’S THE BOSS. Nobody is going to side-eye him for taking time off after his daughter’s birth, or leaving early (when she’s older!) to go to her softball game or whatever. The rich really ARE different from you and me.

    • So California taxpayers are paying for his leave? Really?

    • piper says:

      And Zuckerberg really isn’t giving his fortune away to charity, he’s setting up a foundation which can be used for the greater good along with reducing his taxes thereby he ends up paying less taxes than me and the average family. Nice if you can afford the fees the lawyers charge for this service.
      But the headlines sure sounded wonderful – billionaire gives away his fortune of 45 billions.

      • DeniseVB says:

        I haven’t gotten much past the headlines, but I’m sure he isn’t stupid enough just to chuck 99 % of his net worth over to some scammy human rights orgs because helping children.

        Like the Clinton Foundation 😛

        • lizzy says:

          Maybe he’ll go for Bill Gates and save the world. Personally I think they should be required to pay the taxes. They’re not THAT smart even if they’re rich.

  4. Dora says:

    Eugenics is making a comeback. The scientists, once again, argue about how to create the perfect little human beings. Actually, I suppose the theory of eugenics never really went anyplace, but the new technology is much more sophisticated that anything the Nazis had back in their day. Yikes!

    Ethicists square off over editing genes in human embryos

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Debate over the use of powerful new gene editing tools in human eggs, sperm and embryos grew heated on Tuesday as scientists and ethicists gathered at an international summit to discuss the technology, which has the power to change the DNA of unborn children.–finance.html

  5. blowme0bama says:

    Lying fucking media: Someone had videotaped coverage of 9/11 from a CBS new jersey station which reported cheering from the rooftops in jersey city. They probably tried to wipe everything they could but couldn’t reach private recordings.

  6. lildoggy4u says:

    Lets see now. 200 billion dollars. How much of that will be available to save this man-made atoll –

  7. DeniseVB says:

    I’m no expert, but the NYT needs to drop their “Science” department. I believe forests are cyclic too, pines do die out to allow the longer living deciduous trees to grow stonger. Probably not all at once, but the below photo seems to more of a disease or bug that struck this forest. Or “acid” rain? So I guess that all comes under “Climate Change” ?

    • lyn says:

      Here’s a good story about bark beetles. Bark beetles have decimated forests before the global-warming frenzy. In the 70s, I saw their destruction during high school field trips up Pattee Canyon (Missoula, MT).

      • DeniseVB says:

        So the beetles pick on the weakest trees as a way of thinning out the forest, then man gets involved creating more weaker trees ? It’s amazing our ecosystem has naturally evolved despite man, even for millions of years before man was wrecking havoc with his discovery of fire and the wheel 🙂

        Even termites and maggots serve a purpose quietly returning dead wood and animal matter back to dust.

        • cynic says:

          And dead trees are homes for many birds and animals. We use to have a red headed woodpecker that nested inside one of our dead trees.

        • lyn says:

          Yep. It’s the circle of life. “Burn, baby, burn” also is a good thing for forests on occasion. Mother Nature rules in the end.

      • lildoggy4u says:

        This has been happening since I was a kid running around in the Smokies. All the evergreen trees were supposed to have died out long ago from the beetles. Although you do see dead trees. New sprouts and full grown trees pop out right along side of them. Actually, it provides sunlight for the lesser fauna to grow.

      • 49erDweet says:

        Years ago had an entomologist friend working to crossbreed the entire population of western pine beetles with pine beetles whose DNA had them laying eggs under the bark vertically, instead of horizontally, to avoid cutting off the subcutaneous flow of nutrients under pine bark – which was what was killing trees in the local national forests. Weird. But true.

    • gram krakka says:

      My husband’s family were loggers and log home builders on the Cumberland Plateau in north central Tennessee. My husband instilled in me a love of the woods of the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River where he had spent many happy childhood days and much of his youth in the woods and along the river with his beloved grandfather, uncles and cousins. In the course of pursuing a lawsuit to obtain a road easement to my 16 acres of land-locked, rugged, heavily wooded property I have learned much about the area’s history of logging, coal mining and oil & gas exploration.

      In the earliest days of logging the marketable mature trees such as pine and hemlock were selectively hand cut and snaked out of the woods using mules and horses. Clear cutting would have required too much labor in the day of the two-man crosscut saw. The forests were a diverse mixture of stands of evergreen and deciduous trees. Fires caused by lightening and humans tended to keep the undergrowth from becoming very dense. When ticks bothered the loggers they would do controlled burns of the undergrowth to rid the work area of such pests.

      Modern logging practices, such as clear cutting of all trees and reforestation where only one type of tree is replaced, results in a lack of diversity of type and age of trees in the forest. This lack of diversity would seem to make the commercial forests more vulnerable to widespread destruction from fast moving diseases and pests. Just as we are advised to diversify our assets, forests should be diversified, in my humble uneducamated opinion. Kind of like “don’t put your eggs all in one basket”.

      Beetle infestations are cyclical. During the last 40 years the April ’74 “Super Outbreak” tornados, March ’93 blizzards and February ’94 ice storms damaged a lot of trees from Oklahoma to Maine, making them vulnerable to beetle infestations.

      Typically, SPB (Southern Pine Beetle) infestations begin in trees weakened by such stress factors as disease, lightning strikes, excessive age, or storm damage. Once an outbreak gets started, however, there is very little that can be done to stop it. Ed Smith Jr., area forester for Roane and Morgan Counties in the Tennessee Dept. of Agriculture, Forestry Div., states that the best method of control is good forest management.

      “From nature’s point of view, this is normal,” Smith stated. “The southern pine beetle is a native insect and it’s nature’s way of dealing with natural stands of pine that have become overaged, over-mature, too densely crowded, or damaged by storms. When it grows into an epidemic, it can very easily overflow into managed stands of pine and there’s not a lot that can be done to control it.”

      The things that can be done must be done within a few weeks of discovery or the spot will continue to spread. Smith and Clatterbuck agreed that the biggest threat to the beetle is cold weather.

      “We need at least a week of cold weather,” said Clatterbuck. “At least three or four days where the temperature doesn’t get above freezing, and we just haven’t had that in the past couple of years here in Tennessee, so the beetle population has been building.”

      • cynic says:

        One of the speakers that we had for Garden Club said that we should take a good long walk around our neighborhood, look carefully at the trees, come home, and plant something different. When some disease comes along, or insect, it won’t wipe out all the trees.

        Our yard has five ash trees that have to come down. The ash borer has killed all those trees. It makes me sick, as there is a shade garden that has been planted around two of those trees, and those trees have provided our patio with shade.

        A few years ago, we planted a ginkgo, maple, tulip tree, dogwood, & sweet gum, and oak.

        • leslie says:

          There is s small park – a boulevard, really, across the street from me. I was out yesterday and counted 5 tree stumps at the far end that are recent. On the block where most of my apartment faces, there are now 7 stumps. Because I didn’t look, I don’t know what trees were cut down, but we used to have a shady neighborhood, and now we have tree stumps. Only 2 trees have been planted in their places. Very sad.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Thanks for sharing gram. Reminds me of growing up in northern Virginia which was still covered in gorgeous forests in the 50′ and 60’s. So sad to drive up I95 now and see them completely paved over.

  8. votermom says:

    So google did some kind of upgrade and blogger is a complete mess – can’t upload images, among other things. I suspect stats may be broken too.
    So huge favor, could you guys click this link so I can check if it shows pageviews on today’s post? So far it is not showing any at all.

  9. Twitter threats to black Kean students made by black alum, police say

    I totally did not see this coming /s/

    • piper says:

      Hmmmmmm – maybe some people are waking up to reality, hearing the backlash coming from us whities who are tired of BLM protests and their outrageous demands which are negatively impacting all of our lives.
      Day cares are for little kids who need constant care not for protesting snowflakes and activists who want to live off other people money.

  10. Dora says:

    • cynic says:

      8,000 in about 45 days! Yikes. How are we suppose to pay for them?

    • DandyTIger says:

      Well, Obama did promote more illegal children coming to the US. And funnily enough many are ending up as human labor and sex slaves. Even being housed with sex slave traders by our own DHS. Because #caring.

  11. DeniseVB says:

    Who’s going to argue with the Co-Founder of Greenpeace ? This 5 minutes well spent or you can read the transcript ….

  12. foxyladi14 says:

    Awesome!! Thanks Helen. 🙂

  13. gram krakka says:

    for Jadzia
    This TOURTIÈRE DU SHACK recipe with shredded and ground pork sounds so good.

    1 1/2 cups low-salt chicken broth
    1 1/2 medium onions, chopped, divided
    4 garlic cloves, chopped, divided
    5 whole black peppercorns plus freshly ground black pepper
    5 sprigs thyme
    2 bay leaves
    1 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder (Boston butt), cut into 2″ pieces
    Kosher salt
    1 tablespoon unsalted butter
    8 medium button mushrooms, stemmed and finely chopped
    1/2 cup dry white wine
    1 1/4 pounds ground pork
    1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
    3/4 cup grated, peeled russet potato

    Preheat oven to 325°F. Combine broth, 1/2 chopped onion, 1 chopped garlic clove, whole peppercorns, thyme, and bay leaves in a medium pot. Add pork shoulder; season with salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer over medium heat.
    Cover pot. Transfer to oven; braise until pork shoulder is tender and shreds easily, about 2 hours. Remove from oven; let cool.
    Transfer pork shoulder to a work surface. Shred meat with your fingers and transfer to a medium bowl. Strain pan juices through a fine-mesh sieve; add 1/2 cup juices to pork; discard solids in strainer.
    Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add remaining 1 chopped onion and 3 chopped garlic cloves; cook, stirring often, until soft, 5-7 minutes. Add mushrooms; cook, stirring often, until almost all liquid is evaporated, 5-7 minutes. Add wine; stir, scraping up browned bits. Bring to a boil; cook, stirring often, until liquid is almost evaporated, about 5 minutes.
    Add ground pork, cinnamon, and cloves. Cook, stirring to break up into small pieces, until pork is cooked through, about 5 minutes. Add potato. Cook until potato is soft, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in shredded pork with juices. Season to taste with salt and pepper; let cool slightly. Chill until cold, about 1 hour. DO AHEAD: Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and keep chilled.

    • Anthony says:

      O.M.F.G.!!! Thats the EXACT recipe one of my old bf’s Mom’s gave me and said it was “an old family recipe” lmao. I guess she thought the family cookbook was an historical account of their secret recipes. This is too funny! 😀

      The recipe is a keeper – and now I get to email her and tease her about it. Its truly amazing, and well worth the time and trouble.

      • gram krakka says:

        That is so funny! What a coincidence that a Google search turned up your friend’s “old family recipe”. Maybe Mom contributed it to Epicurious.

        • Anthony says:

          I seriously doubt it. Nic was NOT the love of my life – he was a shady-as-fuck Canadian guy that was in NYC for the month of December to sell Christmas trees (thats how I met him – buying my tree).

          What appealed to me most was that he was only here for a short time, so there was no danger of getting seriously involved. It seems the shady apple didn’t fall far from the shade tree it was spawned on. Now, I’ll love this recipe even more because of the laugh I’ll have and the story to tell whenever I trot it out! And do take the time and trouble to make it. Its the best version I’ve tasted..

  14. DeniseVB says:

    True story.

    • DandyTIger says:

      I’ve been “triggered”. I need a safe space where I can play with play-doh and suck my thumb.

      • piper says:

        Like this playpen. I’ll ask 49erD if he can warm your bottle as he has the keys to the dungeon’s kitchen. I’m not allowed to use the stove since my accidental melt down.

  15. helenk3 says:

    I just ordered some pet supplies for my son’s dog thru your site. you can check to see if they applied

  16. helenk3 says:

    mass shooting in San Berardino California. reported by fire dept
    on tv news now

  17. Dora says:

    This is so funny. I love it. 🙂

  18. leslie says:

    Just turned on the tv to hear of a shooting in San Bernardino. No one is certain of much, but the are saying it is an “active” situation and 20 people have been involved, there are 2 SWAT teams on the site. 😦

    • votermom says:

      I just heard it on Rush too. Prayers for them. 😦

      • leslie says:

        I just heard the news report 12 dead and they are also reporting finding a suspicious article and the police are ordering the ppl inside to evacuate the building. This sounds really frightening.

  19. Myiq2xu says:

    Mass shooting? Going offline until the wild rumors and baseless speculations end.

  20. helenk3 says:

    up to the minute news of the shooting

  21. lyn says:

    A police spokeswoman told the Los Angeles Times that the suspects were heavily armed and possibly wearing body armor, and CBS reported that a bomb squad was on the scene, trying to defuse what was believed to be an explosive device.

  22. swanspirit says:

    John Cole is f’d up beyond belief . Beyond belief.‘

    Tis the season to be shot up
    Mentally ill transgendered leftists
    Shame on your for making this political
    We don’t know all the facts yet

  23. DandyTIger says:

    Summary of shooting news so far:

    We don’t know how many shooters.
    We don’t know the gender or race of the shooters.
    We don’t know where the shooters are now.
    We don’t know of any motive for the shooters.

  24. Dora says:

    This man is a disgrace! He didn’t even wait 2 hours after the shooting!

    • piper says:

      Neither did Nancy PeePee and Debbie Washerman Schultz. If they take guns away from the public who will protect us from them and their outrageous laws, and who will protect them from criminals, gang members and ISIS.
      I’m rather disgusted (actually fed up) with the Dems. who use tragedies such as this to politic. We have gun laws, how about we do something novel like enforce them.

    • lizzy says:

      Yes, let’s enact meaningful gun laws like Chicago. Murder capital.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Neither could Hillybeans …. 😉

  25. helenk3 says:

    Loma Linda Hospital being evacuated. some of the victims were taken there

  26. helenk3 says:

    police chase in San Berardino. black suv gun fire on tv

  27. Dora says:

    Remember this name – before the media scrubs it.

    Farooq Saeed has been identified as the possible San Bernardino shooting suspect, who reports indicate walked into a medical facility for people with developmental disabilities and opened fire.

  28. DeniseVB says:

    oops, deleted double post.

  29. Myiq2xu says:

  30. Myiq2xu says:

  31. DeniseVB says:

    Meanwhile, in another buffoon juice cesspool of good and evil ….

  32. westcoaster says:

    More news from Palin- “my toughest year so far” and about her new book:

  33. DeniseVB says:

    I’m just putting this here for myiq 😉 Tomi’s my husband’s current crush from the OANN, too bad she went to Blaze. Smart cookie…..

  34. votermom says:

    Via hot air by way of AoSHQ:
    San Bernadino police just released the name of one suspect as Tayyeep Bin Ardogan, a 28 year-old Qatar citizen

    Amish, for sure.

  35. Dora says:


  36. Myiq2xu says:

  37. r u reddy says:

    Fear not. Stupid will hurt in the fullness of time.

    Reality is the stuff which stays real no matter how hard people wish it away or explain it away or handwave it away or pray it away. Or deconstruct it away.

    ” Him that is not surprised when the future comes, lives very close to the truth.” –John L. King

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