The Republicans Are Here To Kick Ass And Chew Bubblegum

And they’re all out of bubblegum.

You can tell that Richard Grenell gave a great speech without listening to it just from the reactions of the Democrats. They are hyperventilating and hyperbolic, and they aren’t talking about what he actually said. Here is a little bit of what he said:

“Obama-Biden secretly launched a surveillance operation on Trump campaign, silenced the many brave intelligence officials who spoke up against it. They presented bogus information as facts. They lied to judges. Then they classified anything that undermined their case.”

Richard Grenell told the truth. He said that Obama has no clothes, and Biden is butt-naked too. The Left will not repeat what he said. But that doesn’t mean they will keep quiet. One thing that the Democrats are very good at is “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

On the other hand, Democrats are always in a rage these days. It’s like millions of people were stuck in a manic phase for years. Then in November 2016, they entered a depressive phase that lasted about 2 months. By inauguration day they were back to manic again.

Democrats remind me of berserkers.

In battle, the berserkers were subject to fits of frenzy. They would howl like wild beasts, foamed at the mouth, and gnawed the iron rim of their shields. According to belief, during these fits they were immune to steel and fire, and made great havoc in the ranks of the enemy. When the fever abated they were weak and tame.

Madison Cawthorn is a 25-year-old man who is running for an open seat in NC-11, a congressional district that leans Republican. When he was 18 he was injured in an accident that left him partially paralyzed and he now uses a wheelchair. According to Democrats he is a Nazi and a rapist.

Cawthorn gave a speech that lasted about four minutes. Then he stood up from his wheelchair and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. This upset Yabiche Abdul-Jabbar, a short, fat blob who is 3 warts short of a toad.

Yabitche was so upset she nearly dropped her jelly donut.

Madison Cawthorn made it a point to stand, suggesting that all Americans to should stand during the pledge of allegiance & national anthem.

It was a direct rebuke of actions by ppl — including black athletes who are currently sitting out games — protesting police brutality.

I’m glad to see that his message didn’t go right over her head, especially since that is a low bar. Yes, it was a rebuke. Millions of Americans feel the same way. Kneeling for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem is an intentional show of disrespect for the flag. And since the flag represents the Untied States, showing disrespect for the flag is showing disrespect to America. Commie Kaepernickel even admitted it.

No one is claiming that the kneelers do not have the right to express their contempt and disdain for America. But we have the same rights as they do, which means we have a right to express contempt and disdain for the kneelers.

Democrats have been encouraging political violence. There are some of them who advocate for the violent overthrow of our government. Others just want a civil war. They think violence will help them seize power. Democrats should hope and pray that the civil war that they have been asking for never arrives because if it does it will not end well for them.

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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257 Responses to The Republicans Are Here To Kick Ass And Chew Bubblegum

  1. DeniseVB says:

    So many highlights from last night and my dh said this is a bad night for Trump haters 🙂 He put out our Trump/Pence sign in the front yard this morning and one of his TDS pals rode by on his bike and yelled F**K TRUMP, even before the sign was pushed into the ground. Gonna be an interesting few weeks in the neighborhood.

    Did anyone else hear “12 more years” in the Pence speech crowd? I think it was Trump’s idea to yell that instead of “4 more years” to really trigger the left. LOL, I love that guy !

  2. taw46 says:

  3. helenk3 says:

    blm and antifa should remember what happened that last time the sleeping giant got awakened. it did not end well for those who woke the giant

  4. Constance says:

    I couldn’t tear myself away from the speeches long enough to turn on MSNBC, CNN or PBS to watch the displays of Progressive outrage. I enjoy seeing Progressives screw their faces up into monstrous ugly distortions. With so many of them their faces seem permanently distorted at this point. I hope there are some good montages of outraged Libs online today. Also this Republican convention is really well produced and they hardly had any time plus they had to re-invent the whole concept. First it was a mass gathering in North Carolina then it was a mass gathering in Florida, then it was split between both states and finally it was small audiences all over the place. They had the backgrounds down, not shabby living rooms or studies but impressive gardens or historic buildings. I thought I was conventioned out after the Democrats but this has been great. They should sell a download of it as a fund raiser.

    • DeniseVB says:

      It’s my favorite part of Twitter, following peeps who follow fugly/lying news so I don’t have too. Mark Dice, Buck Sexton and Dan Bongino are my favorites. Boots on the Ground Andy Ngo is another one.

  5. Myiq2xu says:

    • taw46 says:

      The police department released this video last night for that very reason. The rumor spread that the police shot him and that was the excuse for the looting last night.

      Oh, and the suspect who shot himself? The police were pursuing him because he allegedly just murdered someone.

    • lateblum says:

      This is from the 25th…

  6. Myiq2xu says:

  7. helenk3 says:

    how many of the dems are lawyers? guess they are not very good ones

  8. taw46 says:

    The Feds got ‘em.

  9. elliesmom says:

    My brother is gleeful about all of the “lies” the factcheckers will uncover in the Republican political contests. I’d settle for them to publicly fact check just a few over and over again until the truth sets in. They can start with the one about how all the racist Democrats became Republicans, then move on to “the fine people on both sides”, and please include the “science” behind masks and social distancing ending a pandemic. If they have time they could add “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” If we could establish that the Democrats were and still are the real racists, that Trump is not a racist, the whole BLM movement is based on a lie, and that thousands of doctors and scientists who aren’t allowed to voice their opinions disagree with the mandates to wear face diapers and quarantining well people, then the re-election of Donald Trump will be all but guaranteed regardless of how much effort the Democrats put into cheating.

  10. helenk3 says:

    this is from the NYT. what happened to them?

    • taw46 says:

      Yes, very unusual for them to report some facts for a change. They, too, have seen the poll numbers.

      What they didn’t add and should have, is that the second guy he shot whacked him with a skateboard. And the third guy appeared to have his gun aimed at him when he was on the ground. It also would have been helpful if they had posted the criminal backgrounds of the three who were shot. Not as an excuse/reason to shoot them, no, but to let the American citizens know what type of people are participating in these terrorist activities.

      If the NYT and others had been reporting the truth these last several months, maybe it would not have come to shootouts in the street.

      • lateblum says:

        What I heard on Chicago radio today is that the guy that whacked Kyle Rittenhauser with his skateboard is well known to skateboarders in the Kenosha area. And that there is a “tribute” to him that’s been chalked in a Kenosha skate park. It didn’t say anything about his background. But it does contribute to the composition of the “mostly peaceful protestors” making up the Kenosha mob.

  11. foxyladi14 says:

    VP. Pence! 😀

    • lateblum says:

      She is such a racist… you don’t have to go very far in her twitter timeline to see that for her, everything boils down to race. Everything.

    • lateblum says:

      Here is the tweet from that night.

  12. helenk3 says:

    I find this very interesting. Is it a trial baloon for what is coming in many dem cities?

  13. foxyladi14 says:

    South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem

  14. taw46 says:

  15. lyn5 says:

  16. Dora says:

  17. Myiq2xu says:

    A toxicology report that the prosecution in the George Floyd case has had since 5/31/20 says that Floyd had enough Fentanyl in his system to kill him and his lungs were full of fluid.

    So there they were, staring at the just-received and damning toxicology report that blew to smithereens the whole prosecution theory that the police had killed Floyd. To their undoubted dismay, Dr. Baker, the chief medical examiner, had to concede that at 11 ng/mL, Floyd had “a fatal level of fentanyl under normal circumstances.” He also conceded that the fentanyl overdose “can cause pulmonary edema,” a frothy fluid build-up in the lungs that was evidenced by the finding at autopsy that Floyd’s lungs weighed two to three times normal weight.

    This is consistent with Officer Kueng’s observation at the scene that Floyd was foaming at the mouth and, as found at autopsy, that his lungs were “diffusely congested and edematous.”

    In other words, like a drowned man, Floyd’s lungs were filled with fluid. And that was the obvious and inescapable reason why Floyd kept shouting over and over again that he couldn’t breathe even when he was upright and mobile.

    The memorandum ends with Dr. Baker’s devastating conclusion that “if Floyd had been found dead in his home (or anywhere else) and there were no other contributing factors he [Dr. Baker] would conclude that it was an overdose death.”

    If there are two or more possible causes of death and one is murder and the other is not, the jury must go with the one that is not.

  18. taw46 says:

    Gorgeous FLOTUS.

    • jentx says:

      She is a wonderful and BEAUTIFUL soul–inside and out. Loves her family and we are part of that. She glows in the glory of knowing true love and GOD and Country. Shame on the press….but guess what The Monster known as Mobama knows she isn’t fit to shine this goddess’ shows no matter what the media says.

    • somebody says:

      One thing I don’t get about the left is all the Melania hate. In the past when the first lady has butted into policy decisions they have been derided, see Hillary and Healthcare. However, typically if a first Lady stays out of policy and attends to things at the WH, they are generally well liked. Laura Bush was more popular than W for instance.

      Melania goes about her business very quietly. She has her Be Best campaign, but she also is very involved in childhood cancer and in several restoration projects at the WH. In regard to the latter she has painstakingly ensured the projects are historically correct renovations.

      Melania, in my opinion is the most beautiful first Lady this country has ever had. She carries herself with grace, she exudes class and style. She’s a former model for goodness sakes, yet she’s either ignored or criticized.

      My prog sister in CA just froths at the mouth at the mention of any Trump, but she’s vicious and nasty about Melania. She insists Melania is not beautiful, is illiterate, can’t speak English and is a slut. She rages about how horrible it is to have a first Lady that there are nude photos of, insists Melania is paid arm candy, etc. The things she says are shocking.

      I honestly don’t understand the hate, but then again I don’t understand TDS either. You’d think the first lady that spends her time visiting children with cancer, promoting anti-bullying and restoring the white house. Is always impeccably dressed, speaks multiple languages, fiercely protects her son, stays out of policy, is a shining example of an immigrant and the American dream, and is a loyal spouse, as well as drop dead gorgeous, would be something everyone could celebrate and be proud of……but no.

      • jentx says:

        Where is the feminist support team, the sexual slavery trade groups and just the darn feminists who know full well that Melania was a victim and she pulled herself up and out of that awful life and has made something of herself. I for one am PROUD of her and support her self love and movement from being part of the sexual slavery market into freedom. If America is anything it is a country that shows that with hard work you can overcome and be anything you want to be–Melania is living proof that America is the GREATEST country in the world! No woman sells her body if she can be something more and God bless Melania for finding a way out and enough self love to know she deserved more. I support her and love her even more because she overcame her past and is a great mother, wife and first lady. GOD BLESS MELANIA TRUMP the most beautiful and KIND (from all reports) first lady we have every had.

        • somebody says:

          I’m not aware of Melania being a sex slave. She did pose nude as a model, newsflash most models have at one time or another posed nude, especially European models.

          She is a very dedicated mother and wife. I too have heard she is very kind, unless you mess with her kid 😉

  19. lyn5 says:

  20. lyn5 says:

  21. helenk3 says:

    accord to biden, Trump’s fault that the hurricane caused so much damage.
    guess when people say “Trump is the storm”, biden believes them

  22. helenk3 says:

    I want this man for president in the future

    • DeniseVB says:

      Pence VP in 2024 ? RNC has a really deep bench of talent, it’s going to be tough putting a ticket together. I’m trying not to think beyond Nov 3 right now but I get really mushy over the rising stars 🙂

  23. lyn5 says:

  24. lateblum says:

    Great post, Klown!

  25. helenk3 says:

    I watched something on tv that “triggered” me. A lady being asked which party she would vote for. She answered dem because they will take care of her. My first response was Hey fool, nobody will “take care of you” but you. being taken care of by a government means being treated like a 2nd class citizen. You are looked at as dumb sheep that will do anything to be “given” something. will vote as you are told, live as you are told, eat as you are told, think as you are told. A total loss of self control.. you are owned and operated. Not what America stands for or wants for her citizens

    end of rant .

  26. helenk3 says:

    are these sports teams really needed? they are entertainment and do not really perform any needed work. not health workers, not defense workers. they play kid’s games and get big money for doing that.

    • elliesmom says:

      On of things the cootie flu has done is make the line between who is needed and who is not very clear. A couple of more months of athletes behaving this way, and they’ll become a part of history likely gladiators and chariot racers.

    • John Denney says:

      They’re part of the entertainment industry that provides the useful service of helping the nation’s actual workers rest & recuperate from their labors.

  27. taw46 says:

    Just no. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It looks like Laura and Marco in their early days.

  28. DeniseVB says:

    If I had Bezos money, do you think I’d allow this in my front yard? Creepy AF.

  29. helenk3 says:

    Cajen Navy on the move to help their neighbors in LA. I really admire these people. They are what Americans stand for.

  30. DeniseVB says:


    • lyn5 says:

      Because of the flag placement, people will think she’s at the RNC convention.

      Did I tell you that I really hate Democrats?

    • lyn5 says:

      Did Republicans do this on the last day of the Democrat dystopian convention?

    • elliesmom says:

      Nobody paid attention to her speech at the Democrats’ convention. What makes them think anyone will listen to her tonight?

      • Underwhelmed says:

        And you know the Rs are going to make a meal of the fact that she spoke and Biden didn’t. Where’s Joe? Can’t he speak? Has he forgotten his own name? Do you think that when you vote for him you’ll get him for longer than 5 mins? Is this woman your choice for president? Let us introduce her to you …

  31. Dora says:

  32. Miranda says:

    We’re having a ‘Social Justice Event’ in downtown Raleigh tomorrow and Saturday. A curfew has already been announced and store owners are nailing up plywood over their windows, because no one has any doubt that this will turn into a riot.

    • lateblum says:

      Yup. We’re having a “support rally” for Jacob Blake on Sunday near downtown.
      However his family is a pretty special family In the Black community. So I’m hoping it will stay civil.
      It seems the mother has been asking for peace in Kenosha. That hasn’t worked, but it may here.

  33. Angie says:

    He might be on to something here

    • jentx says:

      Shit, I don’t need no damn symbols I can look at them and know the devil is at work. My god Michelle Obama even looks like one of the devil’s own :). Evil and mean and horrid. Oh My. And then they open their mouths and you know the devil has their hearts in his grasp and is not planning on letting go. Joe Biden is like a puppet and it is sad his family sold their souls to the devil because I would NEVER put my loved one through the indignity of running a campaign with full blown mental break down.

  34. lyn5 says:

  35. lyn5 says:

    Comey wears a mask in his profile pic.

    Solomon L. Wisenberg @WisenbergSol
    Jim Comey: “The justice system in the United States is built upon the idea that the truth is a real thing and it must be spoken, by everybody.” Horowitz Report: “Because Comey decided not to have his security clearance reinstated…we were unable to question him further.” Lordy!

    • Mt.Laurel says:

      That’s the V_O_T_E mask on Mr Does This Drape Make Me Look Fat that is so popular around the swamp that really annoys me as those I have seen are rabid progressives and you know it means vote the way I tell you peons. I guess they are afraid even here is deep Circle D territory people might not be bothered vote for Joe and Camel. Even if they get a a fully completed ballot from the DNC in the mail with return postage.

  36. SHV says:

    From “Second City Cop”:
    “Exporting Rioters”

    “FYI witnesses at the scene (Kenosha) report that at least 6 huge luxury motorcoaches arrived, a Chicago limo company. As the buses were letting people out witnesses recognized Miracle Boyd and others from the Chicago protests/riots. This was reported on social media.”…….

    If the Feds are serious about stopping this shit, they will follow the money and arrest the people funding the interstate transport of terrorists.

    • somebody says:

      BLM has a fleet of nice, brand new busses. I saw a picture of them a few months ago, they were in south Florida at the time.

  37. lyn5 says:

  38. lyn5 says:

    Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2
    He’s so consumed with guilt and rage and jealousy that he relentlessly attacks his onetime protege who’s far more successful and influential. Kristol knows he’s being used but it’s all he’s got. A twisted, tormented soul—let’s hope the 2020 election results silence him for good.
    3:42 PM · Aug 27, 2020

    • lyn5 says:


      Malissa Williams @BeeMalissa
      Replying to @BillKristol

      The kids lawyer has a built in defense. He was just following the orders of POTUS. ” When the looting starts the shooting starts “. Our President practically ordered this murd

  39. votermom says:

  40. taw46 says:

    Federal charges brought against 74 rioters in Portland. This thread lists their charges, photos included.

  41. Dora says:

    • DeniseVB says:

    • helenk3 says:

      great the left is going to try to crush that kid. He will need all the help he can get

  42. helenk3 says:

    she finally woke up and smelled the coffee. guess dems begin to understand that the violence no longer helps them

  43. lyn5 says:

  44. lyn5 says:

  45. lyn5 says:

  46. lyn5 says:

  47. lyn5 says:

  48. lyn5 says:

  49. lyn5 says:

  50. lyn5 says:

  51. lyn5 says:

  52. lyn5 says:

    Trump sounded tired. Love the Trump 2020 fireworks.

    • Constance says:

      The fireworks and music were great! His speech was 70 mins! It was an impressive event. I’m enjoying FOX tonight but I have the feeling there is some hysterical outrage brewing on CNN and MSNBC.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I think he was working on his “tone” to appease to the fence sitters 🙂 We love our bombastic Trump more ❤

  53. lyn5 says:


  54. Angie says:

  55. Mothy67 says:

  56. Angie says:

  57. taw46 says:

    • Constance says:


    • lateblum says:

      I was crying and laughing and smiling last night – at times simultaneously – during the night. And I thought about the Left and their meager attempt at story-telling last week.
      They have no story to tell unless you count the “Joe is fine in his basement” tale of magical thought.
      I’d bet not one of my family watched any of the RNC. So, like many others, they will have NO idea of the tsunami that will hit in November.

  58. Angie says:

  59. lyn5 says:

  60. lyn5 says:

  61. Constance says:

    Carville is just now on MSNBC … “they had a small TV audience” “They had to take chairs off the lawn because no one showed up”. “I’m through talking now” he looks depressed. Mike Murphy says “Trump gets the Castro award for long winded speech, but didn’t attract new viewers”.

    • lyn5 says:

      Digital viewers, bitches.

    • John Denney says:

      I watched the Fox live stream on YouTube.

    • lateblum says:

      I watched the CSPAN stream on YouTube.

    • lateblum says:

      IF they removed chairs, it’s because people were being harassed outside the WH as they were arriving.
      I read there was an elderly man who was physically assaulted by those thugs early-ish in the evening.
      I remember how Trump had to cancel his rally at The Pavilion in Chicago in 2016 because of the threats. As people were leaving, they were physically attacked by Bernie and Hillary thugs who were happy as clams as they intimidated and injured those who were there to listen and learn more about the candidate, Trump. Another Democrat-owned city. Like DC.

  62. Angie says:

  63. Angie says:


  64. Angie says:

  65. lyn5 says:

  66. Island Girl says:

    Trump is the master blaster, those fireworks made my year!

  67. Mothy67 says:

    I think there is a real change in the air.
    My brother’s wife’s father is raising Age. Age is long for AJ. He is sort of my nephew. He is black. The father was life long democrat. He worked for the local paper and it was union. He is voting Trump.
    My closest friend is still stuck on choice to detest Republicans, but she moved out of Baltimore. You cannot send your kids to school there. She was spending close to 90 thousand to send threebrats to school. That was on top of taxes. She moved to the suburbs. School is almost free. Everything is cheaper. Everything except volley ball sneakers. 186 dollars.
    Anyhow my bestie won’t vote for Trump but I don’t see her going Biden. Her husband tried to run for mayor of Baltimore. He was one of those people who believed in his town. He would have been a genuine champion. He got no where because of his skin tone
    Leah’s mom moved her to a place with a yard. The kids were monstrous. Leah’s mom has a doctorate. She is from the Domican Republic. Leah is well spoken. Black kids treated her like shit because she spoke well. Racist.
    I was talking with Miriam she is from Basra. She is my pup’s age.She said if she ever went back they would kill her mom because Miriam dresses likea teen. They would kill a mother?????
    Okay sure Republicans are the assholes.
    Recall Hillary had the Pulse nightclub shooter dad behind her. Do not buy it was random. Can she possibly be that evil?
    Iread they made 28 arrests yesterday in Georgia. Kids. Is this real????? Was it ignored before. I cannot see adults looking the other way.

    • Anthony says:

      Fireworks were total gangsta move 😎
      Wonder if they were from Hillarys barge

    • elliesmom says:

      My neighbors put on a more impressive fireworks display over the lake on a random Saturday night than the Democrats managed.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Good thing the Dems didn’t have to follow the slick, well produced RNC show. I think it exceeded expectations because my bar was so low, the line up of RNC speakers alone blew the Dems out of the water. Real people who should have been newsworthy but were ignored by the media.

  68. DeniseVB says:

    This is a local Seattle news station poll, lol,

    • Constance says:

      Are you kidding me!? 78% Trump from a Seattle poll! I’m impressed.

      • DeniseVB says:

        Glad you saw it 🙂 Replies on the poll thread are blaming Russian bots for stacking the vote, lol. It may still flip because the Obama/Biden looters and rioters don’t get out of bed til noon..

  69. DeniseVB says:

    I was watching on OAN, missed the opera singer that Cspan covered. WoW.

    • Anthony says:

      His performance of Nessun Dorma brought tears to my eyes. It was the perfect aria for the event.

      • DeniseVB says:

        There’s a better, longer clip in the comments. Amazeballs perfect 😀

        • Anthony says:

          ‘Nessum Dorma’ means ‘none shall sleep’. Its from Turandot, one of Christian’s and my favorite operas.

          That aria is from a character (a potential suitor who is trying to win the heart of a Princess who has had all previous suitors put to death for failing to do so).

          He vows to win despite his own misgivings that things will continue as they had, destroying and rejecting anyone who came before him who were trying to win the heart of the Princess (America? Democracy? Could be so many metaphors)

          The last three words (‘Vincero! Vincero! VINCERO!’) mean ‘I will win! I will win! I WILL WIN’

          I couldn’tagree more.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Some twitter sleuth connected it to the ending of Godfather 3.

  70. Jadzia says:

    School is supposed to start on Tuesday and I’m terrified they are going to cancel. The little darlings and I have had just about enough of each other. They miss their friends. They are all VERY good students and they miss their studies–Zoom and dining-room-table worksheets are just not the same. Our overlords have decreed masks outside throughout Paris even for bicyclists and you know what my idiot countrymen are the most upset about? The fact that the government isn’t passing them out for free.

    What’s weird is that in my little world, NOBODY supports this nonsense. I went to a party next door a week or so ago and it was no masks, everybody sitting and eating together as normal, the usual kissy-face hellos and goodbyes.

    The hostess? An ICU doctor. If she’s not worried, I’m not going to be drawn into this cult of fear. Like I said, literally nobody I know is in favor of what has come to be called the MASQUERADE and I wonder if I’m wrong, if it’s just that we live in a cocoon (which to be fair, we kind of do).

    But it seems like our government is coming up with more and more ways to make us miserable. Bridges closed to auto traffic. Parking summarily removed from the downtown area (and guess what, no more customers for the stores there). Big big fines for violating mask rules that are both unclear and inconsistent. New, high taxes on flights when the airport is still in danger of closing because of the hit it took during confinement. Official signs ALL OVER downtown (where I would not have gone if I hadn’t had to take my daughter to urgent care yesterday) saying wear the mask or you will be reconfined. Feels like a threat from the government, no?

    • Jadzia says:

      Why did all my paragraph breaks disappear????

    • elliesmom says:

      I live in a cocoon, too. For a couple of weeks a few of the people who walk “for a purpose” wore masks, but those of us who just stroll a bit everyday never did. You can tell which is which by who has special outfits for going walking, and those of us who just add a bra to whatever we’re wearing at the time. The grocery delivery thing has caught on, the Amazon, UPS, and Fedex delivery people make daily runs, sometimes twice in the same day, and most of us who don’t need to leave to go to work seldom leave the neighborhood. When the parents saw the requirements for attending in-person school and the plan for remote learning, they decided to opt for two neighborhood “learning pods”. One k-5 and one 6-10. The juniors and seniors in high school are going in-person. I haven’t joined in because it’s just me, but some of my neighbors are doing a dinner swap one night a week since most of our local restaurants are still closed. They seem to be having fun with it. No one takes for granted how reliant we are on the people who allow us to flourish in spite of being rather isolated.

      • Jadzia says:

        You add a bra? YOU’RE FANCY!

        I just looked at my Facebook, which is pimping a French government post about the thousands and thousands of new cases (carefully avoiding any mention of whether those cases are even symptomatic, much less severe enough to result in hospitalization or death) and apparently I am not living in a cocoon: the French have HAD IT with this bullshit.

        It sounds like you have a good community. We have a good one, too, but our version of lockdown was house arrest, so we weren’t allowed to see even our next door neighbors for 2 months.

        • lateblum says:

          I still don’t know how my state counts cases. If a person has covid, they need to be tested and retested until they test negative twice(I think) consecutively. But when 5h3y test, the thought is that they might count every test as a new case until the same person tests – twice.We do know that if a person is killed in an accident or any other way (cancer, gunshots etc), and tests +, their death is counted as a C19 death. Gov Pritzker, who is a Dem lapdog, is reissuing more restrictive limits on bars, restaurants, barbershops, salons and other personal service businesses, but in places outside Chicago with rising “numbers”. I wonder how he plans to stop people who reside in those towns from coming into Chicago for dining and personal services. He is such a schmuck.

          I just came back from going on a “purposeful” walk to the store. (I put on a bra.) I saw NO ONE wearing a mask – I didn’t check for bras – until I got to the store where masks are mandatory. I whipped it off the moment I got last the phalanx of panhandlers that line the entrance. And commenced on my return home. It’s approaching 90°+ again today. So I thought I’d run/walk this errand before it was too hot to breathe.

  71. elliesmom says:

    I’m not lying awake at night worried about the Democrats cheating in this election because they suck so badly at strategy. It’s why brilliant strategists like Eisenhower and Trump ran as Republicans. They’ll stuff the ballot boxes in places that they would have won anyway. They’ve already burned down post offices in cities they need to win.

    Think about this- they had lots of candidates runniing in the primary who have well-established, highly energized bases. Who’s more excited about their candidate than the Bernie bros? Elizabeth Warren has the Sino-Peruvian-Lesbians in the bag. The gun-grabbing facists had turned Beto O’Rourke into the next Bobby Kennedy. If any one of the three groups had their dream candidate nominated, they would have been all-in and out there pounding it hard. For everyone else, the candidate would be “Not Trump”.

    With all of the viable black candidates essentially out of the race, in walks James Clyburn, a man who could have sold Elmer Fudd as a candidate to the black voters in South Carolina. Does he add the black voting bloc to one of the other candidates with an energized base? No, he gets behind Joe Biden, a man who has been repeatedly rejected as the Democrats’ presidential candidate and has 40+ years of racist remarks for the Republicans to cull through. Does anyone believe Biden energizes the black bloc? Then they add Kamala Harris to the ticket. If the black Democrats had been behind her, she wouldn’t have dropped out in December. Likewise, as a woman candidate, had she had the support of the Sino-Peruvian Lesbians.

    The Democrats now have a candidate who has no claim for any of the factions within the Democrats’ tent, and whose only appeal is he’s “Not Trump”. Well, guess what? Bernie and Warren, and all of the other candidates aren’t Trump, either, and they each have something Joe doesn’t have- a group of people, some larger than others, who want to vote “for” them. But the brilliant strategists passed them over for a brain damaged old white guy.

    Forcing the Republicans to hold their convention at the White House and with all of the glory of DC as their backdrop was another sign they lack “strategery”. The Republicans have this.

  72. Dora says:

  73. Dora says:


    • DeniseVB says:

      Reminds me, did that rodeo clown ever get his job back?

    • elliesmom says:

      Leftwingers love performance art. Do they have an old crone sitting there knitting and saying, “Guillotine! Guillotine!” or is Nancy Pelosi still out of town?

    • Constance says:

      So is this Democrat shit show supposed to make me vote for Biden? It’s just more of the Democrat abusive spouse strategy. You better give me what I want and do as I say or I’ll beat the shit out of you. The only way I can see to deal with these types is fight to the death.

  74. Dora says:

  75. DeniseVB says:


  76. elliesmom says:

    Since I pulled a Republican ballot to vote in the primaries, I have discovered RI has an active Republican Party. I just had an unexpected visit from my state senator who has asked me to do some GOTV calling for her. She’s young and pretty. Started out in the PTA. A Rhode Island Sarah Palin in the making. So I said “yes”. Because she asked in person.

    • votermom says:

      cool! Hope it’s fun and you make new friends there.

      • elliesmom says:

        I admit I miss being involved in local politics, but inertia kept me from making any inquiries about local races. She’s an incumbent so she doesn’t need to find people who are well-versed in local politics. Just people with time and pleasant phone manners. lol

  77. lyn5 says:

    To lighten things up ….

  78. lyn5 says:

    • Constance says:

      Great! That is what it’s going to take. And he is black so the Seattle Powers That Be might give a rats ass.

  79. Mothy67 says:

    My Bell is terrified of storms. It is profound. We have had three days of brutal storms. She cannot be two feet away from me. When she was a puppy a nei byghbor called the police on her owners. They had to surrender her or go to jail. She was tethered to a tree in a violent storm. Of all the mutts at the pound Shayla chose the one kept away from all the others. Love my bad girl. She becomes vacant when it pours and claps. I wonder if it is a dark memory. Does she go back to being tied up alone and called in the dark.
    Can people become haunted in the same way? It is fascinating to observe her. She has her routines. Everynight she sleeps with Shay until Shay is asleep. She then leaves. It’s lke her job is done.
    I wonder if she can ever step away from ill treatment as a pup. Will that always be a part of her? Ihave known people that did therapy. They often become worse. They start living in the pain. No one will ever call me adjusted. I am hyper aware when anyone touches me. My chest was sawed open so being aware of others is my thing. I do not melt. I am simply very aware.
    I cannot reside in a place that only offers torture. My Bell Bell cannot leave her history.
    Human beings can.
    Nearly every liberal I know pays rent in bad places and I don’t mean a townhouse. I mean thoughts. They are taxed by misery. I will never let Shay play Poor Poor Pitiful Me. I feel that is all I hear from democrats. Life sucks
    Who wants to be always unhappy. I have something to give. I am not a greater good person. I begin and end with me. Shay has to do volunteer shit to be in Honor Society. I find that abusive. Whothe fuck is a dull educator to demand my brat fill out a silly form to be deemed worthy. We have been walking dogs at the rescue shelter since she was 3.
    I think Elliesmom is Goddess. I resent many of Shayla’s teachers. They cross lines infiltrating children’s minds.
    I directly asked science teacher if she found it justifiable to speak to my child on issues that go against the grain of my thoughts. She thinks she knows better than me. Perhaps she does. I have to wake monster up. I have to insist on grades. I used to have to do laundry. I pay for that phone. I demand reciprocity. A teacher cannot undermine me when I have to make Shay accountable to Shay.
    Well aware I am an asshole. I think it is common knowledge. She tried to deny Shaypup’s acceptance into advanced biology. Kids get one shot. There is a schedule. Advanced bio, chem, chem 2 physics. You don’t get into adv bio you are off track. Shay had a 96%. She has met with state senators, appeared on local magazine, goes to Carnegie Mellon to meet with scientists.
    I said babe fire off an email demanding to know why you were shut down.
    I told her to be polite. I did not want to write i may have likely called hera cunt. I said Shaylife will suck if you do not take offense. This is your future. Own it. She wrote her own missive.accepted to advanced bio that day.
    Baby girl said you are an asshole. I said yeppers that is how we roll.
    Funniest thing ever was me in FAGA hat. Lyft driver would not take me. Boys thought itwas funny. They were on bikes. 8th graders laughing WITH me about hat.
    I told brat I met Ashton. She said everyone knows. You wore gay hat. ItIt not a thing. Everyone knows Uncle TT is gay. My friends like you more than I.
    A gift—- W. Somerset Maughm had the courage to write of Human Bondage. It is taken from Spinoza.
    Paraphrase Of Human Bondage or the Emotions that bind. He wrote of the cruelty of love. Love is always cruel. How do you care if you do not accept yourself. Everyone is injured. We begin to be better by accepting ourselves.

    • jentx says:

      Love is the greatest gift and course. Such is life. Oh, and after accepting ourselves then accepting others. And loving them. Except for Liberals :). And pain never goes away. We cover it as we can but if you touch it– even if by memory– the hurt is as severe as it ever was. Pain, and love, can never be un-felt but we can learn to live. Have no other choice.

  80. lyn5 says:

  81. lyn5 says:

  82. Dora says:

  83. lyn5 says:

  84. lyn5 says:

  85. lyn5 says:

  86. taw46 says:

    I just re-watched the fireworks display from last night. I wish I had been there, those are the most beautiful fireworks I have ever seen. Just gorgeous.

  87. Dora says:

    • Mothy67 says:

      Gracie, my beagle, has bouts of sadness.
      She will just stare at the wall. Vet said they got rid of her pups.
      I know not if true, but she does get the blues.

    • DeniseVB says:

      That was spaying, not an abortion. Sounds like she was pretty far along in that case which I’m sure happens with strays brought to shelters. It’s a major surgery for a dog, they are a little lethargic for a few days after, which is good because they have internal and external sutures, helps them heal safely 🙂

  88. lyn5 says:

    Dan Rather is such a commie pig.

  89. foxyladi14 says:

    Succes: Since the National Guard moved into Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days ago, there has been NO FURTHER VIOLENCE, not even a small problem. When legally asked to help by local authorities, the Federal Government will act and quickly succeed. Are you listening Portland?

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 28, 2020

    • DeniseVB says:

      The gov requested them, that’s how it works. PDJT is giving us a lesson in State’s Rights, that pesky little thing the Civil War was fought over.

      Speaking of, I’m reading Booker T. Washington’s memoir “Up From Slavery”. I hope this is required reading in high school/college, he’s a joy to read. Very happy little slave boy, he was born into it, knew nothing else. When his family was finally freed (in Virginia, yo) then felt sorry for their white masters who were left not knowing how to do a thing on their own. Some of the older slaves stayed behind because they were just too old to make the long trips to promised lands (they were not, worse life than they had on the plantations), also, felt sorry for their idiot former masters. Win-Win for both 🙂

      I’m up to the part his family is settling near Charleston, WV at the salt mines. He muses the slave cabin he grew up in was better than THIS. LOL, the joy in his heart that he can be legally “educated”, the freed slaves building another crappy cabin and starting a school, priceless. A man who could read was his first teacher. He never forgot him.

  90. foxyladi14 says:

    Rally!! 😀

  91. lyn5 says:

  92. lyn5 says:

  93. taw46 says:

    omg, those eyebrows! LOL

  94. taw46 says:

  95. lyn5 says:

    And when it came to Rand Paul, they got even more aggressive. The image of a U.S. Senator – a member of the most powerful 100 people in Washington, champion of criminal justice reform, a prominent opponent of war, the opposite of a knee-jerk defender of cops – surrounded by a bunch of entitled mostly-white people shriek at them, steal his wife’s shoe as she clings to his arm, and threaten them with violence, saved only by a diverse group of DC police who escort them through the mob sends a message louder than any politician’s speech.

  96. lateblum says:

    And now, the Babylon Bee . . .

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