Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Glencairn Gardens, Rock Hill, South Carolina

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96 Responses to Wednesday, May 22, 2024

  1. DeniseVB says:

  2. taw46 says:

    I love the photograph, Denise. I went to college in Rock Hill. I forgot all about Glencairn Gardens, it was very pretty there.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Ahhh, then it was a subliminal choice, I remember now you mentioned Rock Hill before 🙂 I never know how I pick these things. I started with South Carolina and browsed photos, these fountains at Glencairn woo’d me in 😀

      • taw46 says:

        I like all of the photos that you post. I’m lucky I traveled as much as I did, but I still missed so much of our country. And I’m reminded of that when I see the photos. If I had it to do over again, I would try to see every state. I think I saw more of Europe then some parts of our country.

  3. taw46 says:

    ”So why is this OK when Democrats do it? Other than the fact that you all are hypocritical communists?”

    • DeniseVB says:

      I saw AOC blabbing on her local news that Trump wants to be dictator of the Bronx. They are little commies. She doesn’t realize Dictator Trump would be so much better than Dictator Potato Head, so that’s a good thing 😀

      • taw46 says:

        She said the Bronx would show him what they thought of him. Please, please let there be a large crowd tomorrow. 😉

        • DeniseVB says:

          He’ll pull from all 5 boroughs and Jersey, Long Island, CT, PA … look what he did in Wildwood NJ, a cozy little beach town 😀

        • DeniseVB says:

          And the Dems are trying to stop it …..

  4. taw46 says:

    • taw46 says:

      And they made all of the lawyers stand outside, no one was allowed to witness their search.

      • lateblum says:

        No doubt is was so the FBI could plant documents and cover sheets that would implicate Trump in subversion and treason.

    • lyn5 says:

      • taw46 says:

        “…..I think he has regrets that he didn’t work hard enough to corrupt them the last time…”

        I laughed and laughed at that one. The ease with which they lie. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  5. taw46 says:

  6. lyn5 says:

  7. taw46 says:

    • lateblum says:

      It absolutely was painful to watch. So have the last 4+ years been painful to watch. Seeing a man who couldn’t leave his basement and didn’t make much sense when he did, to this shell of a man that can barely walk and talk and interact with others. It has all been painful t9 see. And while I hold Biden responsible for much of this narcissistic journey that is ultimately going to destroy the country, I also hold – and have from the beginning – his wife who has shown little care for his health or well-being. I’ve said so from the beginning.

      • taw46 says:

        I agree with all you say. I should be a better person, because I don’t have a lot of sympathy for Biden. He was a mean politician for years, and as we found out in the last several years, also a crooked one. Politics was all about him and what he could get out of it. I do have sympathy for us, the American citizens. He is destroying us. And I have no respect for Jill, for what she is doing to him, us, and the country.

      • I blame Jill, too, but I think we’re in the last throes. He’ll be replaced at the convention. The question is will he make it to January?

  8. lyn5 says:

  9. lyn5 says:

  10. mothy2017 says:

    I was watching the Irish trying to stop influx of immigrants. It appears that the majority are vehemently opposed, but the government doesn’t care. There a 7 million people on The Emerald Isle. How long until they are outnumbered?

  11. lyn5 says:

  12. lyn5 says:

    • lateblum says:

      It could’ve happened in the middle of the day like the cocaine in the White House. The FBI will only solve what the FBI is told to solve.

  13. lyn5 says:

  14. lyn5 says:

  15. Because Bill Maher criticizes both the Republicans and the Democrats, although not equally, his audience believes he speaks the truth. I think he think he believes he does, too. There were several times in his interview with Megyn Kelly when he let us know he just doesn’t know he’s wrong. One that really hit home was that no cops were killed on Jan 6. Another one was that Joe Biden had stolen classified docs. You could tell by his body language she was scoring points. She couldn’t get him to concede Hillary was an election denier, but she tried. Maher does admit to his audience when he’s wrong. I think it’s worth it to keep trying with Maher. He is an influence on a lot of people. I understand some people hate him too much to try. And that’s OK. Folks like Megyn Kelly have got this.

    • taw46 says:

      So many facts he is unaware of and he has no desire to learn the truth. I believe if Biden’s poll numbers were higher than Trump’s, Maher would be all for Biden remaining as the democratic nominee. It’s not Biden’s dementia that bothers him, it’s the fact that he is losing.

      • I don’t claim to know why Maher is turning on Biden. I just know he is big time. He talked about it with Joy Behar. I don’t know what having a different opponent means for Trump, but Joe retired is a good thing.

        • Somebody says:

          If they replace Biden, who gets the nod? How will they handle Kamala?

          Most say Michelle and/or Newsom. Word is Wretched Gretchen of Michigan has staffed a full team and is ready to swoop in.🤔 Could be just to replace Kamala? To ensure Michigan? Joe wanted her instead of Kamala but Kamala was forced on him.

          Whitmer/Newsom ticket? Newsom/Whitmer ticket? Double bitch ticket?

          • lateblum says:

            So, yesterday, I heard some thing interesting. I heard that Gavin Newsom would run for president and Kamala would run for California governor. That was how they were going to handle the Kamala problem.

        • Trump needs to cement his voters. The ones who are anti-Democrat will stay, but some of them who are just anti-Biden may not. It will be a whole new ballgame. That being said, it still needs to happen. The risk of Biden winning are too high.

      • lyn5 says:

        Biden is not a good guy and does not care about democracy and America.

  16. mothy2017 says:

    A lot of people don’t vote because they doesn’t think it matters. Perhaps Trump rallying in the Bronx will inspire enough people to vote AOC out.

  17. mothy2017 says:

    How awesome is this?

  18. mothy2017 says:

    Read Red Lobster is going under because the hedge fund company that bought them insisted that the properties the stores were located on be split from the stores. They became renters and rents were jacked up to unaffordable. The land was worth more to hedge fund. Media says it was all you can eat shrimp, but it was corporate game playing. It happens all the time. Pretty sure that’s what Bain Capital does. Buy something and sell it off for parts.

  19. taw46 says:

  20. helenk3 says:

    we do pay for the depts in our government don’t we? Communist countries don’t pay for them, right??

  21. mothy2017 says:

    Just caught a few minutes of Rand Paul on Fox. Major props to that man for not letting Fauci off the hook. When I think of all the damage that man did. They have admitted they made up the 6 foot rule. People died alone. Schools closed for up to two years. Was it all to take down Trump? Kill millions, cause people to lose businesses because Killary lost.
    Do you believe Fauci will face any consequences? Is he protected. Read they paid the large chain pharmacies extraordinary sums to not fill Ivermectin scripts. They let people die.

  22. mothy2017 says:

    Now Walmart has a Pride collection. June is going to be exceptionally long and teeth grinding annoying. Hopefully it helps galvanize voters. The stuff here is almost pornographic and people take their kids. Most people including gays are sick of it.

  23. taw46 says:

  24. taw46 says:

  25. taw46 says:

    Look at all of the IDs that are discarded, so we won’t know who they are.

    • ginainmo says:

      I can only speak to what I saw this past winter on the International Bridge at Progresso, Mexico. There were a number of would-be immigrants camped on the bridge each time we crossed. This was our third winter in south Texas and we hadn’t encountered any immigrants before this year.

      The first crossing, the bridge on the Mexico side was filled with families of Russian and Ukrainian descent, living in tiny pup-type tents with many young families. We were told the were awaiting asylum hearings.

      Our next crossing, the tents were still there, but this time (maybe a month later) filled mostly with military age Hispanic men. I don’t think they were Mexicans, they looked more like Central Americans, Ecuador maybe?

      On our final trip across, the same tents were occupied by military aged men, the majority of whom appeared to be from Venezuela.

      I have no idea how the groups changed out so quickly without help from our government. Asylum seekers my ass. We didn’t personally witness any Asian or Arab individuals, but the Intl bridges are LEGAL ports of entry. So how did these people get in, and if it was that easy for them, who knows what horror show types are getting in jumping the border elsewhere?

      On another note, hubby made a trip to Costco today and picked up a block of Tillamook cheese which is made in Oregon. On the label it plainly stated that its product was Halal-aproved. Are companies in Oregon just that woke, or is the Muslim demographic much larger here than we’ve been led to believe?

      No more Tillamook products for us, and hubs says time to buy more ammo.

      • lyn5 says:

        Do you make a kosher cheese?

        We sure do! Our Kosher Medium Cheddar Cheese has the same delicious, award-winning taste and ingredients as our traditional Medium Cheddar Cheese, but it’s produced and packaged under official rabbinical guidance. Like our traditional Medium Cheddar, our Kosher Medium Cheddar is made with a fermentation-produced rennet that has Kosher and Halal certification and is vegetarian-friendly.

      • taw46 says:

        I don’t know about the cheese, but I would say a definite yes on the ammo. None of this will end well.

        • lyn5 says:

          It looks like Tillamook makes just one cheese that is Halal and Kosher, and it’s OK for vegetarians. Trifecta!

  26. Nikki Haley has endorsed Donald Trump. Will she bring her supporters with her?

  27. lyn5 says:

    Julie Kelly

    Spent most of the day at Ft. Pierce federal courthouse to cover two hearings in classified docs case.

    Special Counsel team’s frustration with Judge Aileen Cannon is really evident.

    And it’s glorious.

    David Harbach, one of Smith’s lead prosecutors and usually a cool customer in court, had a series of mini temper tantrums this morning. At times pounding his fist on the podium and clapping his hands in anger to emphasize a point, Harbach was totally unprofessional, demeaning, and petulant.

    Cannon asked Harbach to “calm down” during one diatribe about accusations DOJ threatened one of the defense attorneys to get his client to flip on Donald Trump.

    He kept trying to argue with her–Cannon also remains measured most of the time and is no fan of antics–and when she asked him a question about an issue, he shot back “that’s not the right question.”

    A few reporters in the media room even gasped.

    Harbach is flailing bc his case is imploding.

    DOJ never thought their dirty, sloppy, corrupt tricks would see the light of day. Biden regime never thought information such as the FBI’s operations order related to MAL raid that included lethal force guidance would ever be made public.

    But Cannon is systematically dismantling this case by holding hearings (like today) and ordering the unsealing of key motions and evidence. She is a one-woman wrecking crew and Smith’s team knows there is very little they can do about it.

    And she is nowhere near finished. Just this week, in addition to the unsealed motions posted yesterday that revealed details about the MAL raid, Cannon ordered the unsealing of several motions filed earlier in the case.

    I’m working on a Substack post for the weekend on the nature of the motions today and the proceedings–but suffice to say Jack Smith’s team already appears deflated and defeated.

    • taw46 says:

      Thanks for posting that. What would we do without Julie? Because of her, much of this has gone viral.

    • lyn5 says:

      • lateblum says:

        thank you for posting this and the earlier comment from Julie. She has been so persistent and so thorough. I second what taw said about Julie’s great work.
        Thank heaven for Judge Cannon. Of course, my family members see Judge Cannon as a tool of PDJT and is “making it up” to serve Trump.

  28. DeniseVB says:

    And so it begins …..

    • lateblum says:

      I thought I read there were only 3500 tickets for this event as recently as last night.

      • taw46 says:

        I read somewhere yesterday that the park holds around 4000 people, but I didn’t bother looking it up to see if it is true. (And they always give out more tickets than they have the capacity for, to account for no shows. But I don’t know how far over capacity they go with the extra tickets.)

      • DeniseVB says:

        The venue holds much more but permits limiting to 3500. As always, it’s first come first served and why people line up early. An overflow rally is being planned a few blocks away.

  29. More people who vote don’t go to a rally than go. A 100,000 votes in most states is a drop in the bucket- even RI. Besides holding rallies, what else is Trump doing? I’m in the Boston market for news. and I see next to nothing, good or bad, about Trump.

    • lyn5 says:

      If the Democrat media are mum about Trump, then that must be the plan for the 2024 election.

    • taw46 says:

      Lol, I’m sure you don’t mean it that way. But sometimes I can’t help but think you are trying to talk us out of voting for Trump.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Trump isn’t Biden. Thanks to Biden’s incompetence (or is it corruption?) Trump’s first term is glowing right now. Of course the Boston media market isn’t glowing for Trump or any Republican anyhow. Remember 1972 ? 😀

    • Anthony says:

      OK – What CAN he do to increase his base? From what I’ve read in recent comments, he doesn’t seem to have a snowball’s chance in hell.

  30. taw46 says:

    Does she even listen to herself? She asks, why should the President have to act unilaterally to stop the crisis at the border? Oh, I don’t know, maybe because it’s his job to protect our borders?

  31. taw46 says:

  32. mothy2017 says:

    This makes me so sad. Ireland is too small to absorb migrants.

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