Happy Empty Chair Day!!!

Having a holiday in honor of childbirth is silly anyway. We already have Mothers Day.

This is an open thread.

(h/t Lola for the graphic)


Via Legal Insurrection:

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141 Responses to Happy Empty Chair Day!!!

    • Lulu says:

      That is the idiot excuse of the perennial liar. It is so stupid as to be ridiculous. Three years ago his supporters would have been panting with righteousness over his saintliness in eating dinner with his daughters. Now it is just another whining excuse from a slacker who is about to be shit-canned by his employer.

    • myiq2xu says:

      He always has plenty of time to golf.

      • DeniseVB says:

        …..campaign and fundraise too.

      • Lulu says:

        Remember all of those parties in the WH with their favorite musical acts? No one was invited but their buds. Prior presidents did it all the time and invited people from Congress, the press, and their donors. The Obama’s specifically excluded everyone simply because they could. Now it is biting them in the ass. It is social networking 101. Over the years I have fed most of the dumb-asses in my little city and in turn been fed by them because it was expected. You never close your mind to who can be an ally or even a friend.

    • leslie says:

      I notice that when he golfed, he did not take his daughters, his wife or his m–i-l with him. Were they waiting for him at the 19th hole, I wonder.
      So much for spending time with them. Maybe, after returning from his golfing, he regaled them with the wondrous tales of his expertise on the links. That must’ve just blown them away. /s

      • DeniseVB says:

        My husband took up golf after he retired AND our children were grown because he really didn’t have time on active duty. He loves taking our twin granddaughters (almost 10) on the golf course with him now. They only go with him because he let’s them take turns driving the cart. So yes, why hasn’t BO taking his daughters ?

  1. elliesmom says:

    I gave birth to my daughter on Labor Day. Some of the most productive work I’ve ever done. My son was born on Memorial Day. Not sure what that means.

    • Honora says:

      My first child’s due date was Labor Day, so I got to answer the question when are you due with, ‘on Labor Day, of course’. I guess she wasn’t listening, she was born a few days late.

      • DeniseVB says:

        My dd was due on Labor Day too, and arrived 2 weeks later. Should have known that was a sign of things to come 😀 At almost 32, with a daughter of her own now, I’m now enjoying the payback.

    • HELENK says:

      they like holiday picnics????

    • foxyladi14 says:

      😆 So did I aren’t we SPECIAL????

  2. Tough week ahead having the spotlight on the Dems. Yuck!!! Blech!!!! But I’m watching the proceedings anyways gritting my teeth. Here’s why:


    • DeniseVB says:

      The Dems might be watchable on Cspan only, it’s the talking heads that ruin the fun not to mention any of the networks pick and choose who they think we should or should not watch.

    • leslie says:

      Hey Cynthia, I just tried to comment at your blog. I’m the “anonymous” who just left a comment. I don’t nkow how to comment using my name. “You have my work email address, but you could email me at (deleted) to let me know what I have to do to post a comment as myself. thanks.

  3. tommy says:

    Rasmussen reports that the no. of people who identify themselves as republicans has reached a record high ever since they started tracking in 2002. You definitely did build that, Obama.

    • Lulu says:

      When people switch parties they almost never go directly to the opposite party. They are usually independents for some period. We saw record numbers of Independents after Obama’s election when people were told to leave the Democratic Party if they wouldn’t get with the program. 2010 was a enormous sign that was ignored and a perfect storm for 2012. Independents are now openly aligning and switching to the Republicans who are trying to appear moderate. The Democrats still have not caught on and will run a very lefty convention which will harden public opinion. All of the moderate Democrats are gone.

      • tommy says:

        Yep you’re right, Lulu. And this is starting to feel like 2010 all over again. I also worry about the resurrection of the Democratic party after the sinking of U.S.S Obama. Hes spoiling the brand. H.R.C, Cuomo and Booker might be needed for the ‘Lazarus, come forth’ moment of the Democratic party.

        • Lulu says:

          The Dems will have to have an enormous “come to Jesus” movement or a terrible purge will have to occur. I somehow doubt either will happen but a lot of Democrats will continue to disengage. The money will dry up and they will just blow away. I think the real fight will be within the Republican party with the social liberal/moderates running off a bunch of the social nutburgers who claim to be fiscal conservatives also until it is explained exactly what that entails. Republican infighting should be fun to watch. And the Republicans will view any win as a mandate and promptly go overboard unless Romney really is a moderate and can reign them back.

        • elliesmom says:

          I’m counting on Romney being the same man as President as he was as Governor of Massachusetts. If he isn’t, I’ll be surprised and disappointed.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Some states require you to declare party affilation when registering or re-registering for primaries and general elections. And they give you deadline, so you can’t make up your mind at the last minute. That has never made sense to me. I live in an open state and don’t have to declare a party, so I call myself whatever I want … today, it’s Demophobic 😉 I think all states should be open.

  4. bluestate says:

    goodbye summer, hello misery and the dnc

    • DeniseVB says:

      Oh, DNCC will be fun to watch, just keep it on Cspan to watch everyone speak, then tune into your favorite news channel to watch the post game shows. 🙂

  5. DandyTiger says:

    The Dem gov. of MD previously said we’re not better off than we were 4 years ago. He just “clarified” what he said in an interview with S.O’Brian by now saying, yes, we’re much better off. LOL

  6. Anthony says:

    Damn! There are no front yards in NYC. I’ll put one in the window instead – that oughtta get a few of the neighborhood Obots frothing at the mouth.

    • myiq2xu says:

      Vicious and cruel too.

    • leslie says:

      He mentions the “houses under water”. And he STILL hasn’t visited LA where the house are really under water. At this point, Bush had been excoriated by the MSM. about Obama ———> crickets

    • jeffhas says:

      That ad is the best – I hate that I live in California and don’t get to see those ads on actual TV.

      … to add more pain and suffering from my otherwise mundane pain and suffering I live in a VERY conservative city – the home of the Ronald Reagin library (I used to live literally down the hill from it – now I’m all of a mile or so away)… So, I was having so much fun as a Liberal Democrat living in Raygun Country – until the Repubs stepped in their own turd and my Party had to -nominate- the least experienced candidate EVAH (Oh Goody! – F*ck Me).

      Now I’m a Dem in exile in hostile territory – finding myself completely open to all things Repub. I’ve spent the past 3-years celebrating Mother’s Day with my family AT THE REAGAN LIBRARY dining on dry banquet waffles underneath Airforce One (which by the way is the coolest thing ever if you haven’t seen it).

      … My world is completely upside down…. and Obama’s world sounds exactly the same (Grounhog’s Day).

  7. tommy says:

    NYT reporting that for the first time, an egyptian newsreader has appeared in a hijab on state television. Previously, there was a secular dress code and that newsreader never used to wear the hijab. Talk about a real war on women right there. Egypt is going downhill.

  8. Oswald says:

    What if the GOP made an ad out of this clip and played it in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania? It could be very effective. Ronnie is still very popular in some places.

    • yttik says:

      Gas cost 1.17 a gallon during Reagan. A cheap loaf of bread cost 32 cents. I made the same a amount of money back than as I do today. The problem is, many of us are being paid Reagan wages and trying to cope with Obama costs.

  9. foxyladi14 says:

    I put my upside down flag on mine.
    When our Great Ships are on the water and in distress they fly the Flag upside down to alert other ships they are in distress.
    Well our great Ship of State is in distress and the only thing that will save her and us is a new Captain

  10. tommy says:

    CA Dem chair compares the GOP to the Nazis (Goebbels) and calls Ryan an horse’s ass. They are going completely nutazoid.

  11. HELENK says:


    in addition to giving free tickets to surrounding bars, they are busing in college students and members of black churches f rom north and south carolina

  12. HELENK says:

    backtrack’s schedule today

    Obama Schedule || Monday, September 3, 2012

    by Keith Koffler on September 3, 2012, 9:41 am

    12:30 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Scott High School, Toledo, Ohio
    3:00 pm || Departs Toledo
    4:25 CT pm || Arrives New Orleans to meet with local officials a view the response to Hurricane Isaac

  13. leslie says:

    If anyone wants to see a sweet, hopeful movie and get away from the difficult to watch DNC, go see “Ruby Sparks”. A friend and I went to see it the other night, and although we are diametrically opposed in our current political outlooks and preferences, we both loved it. Nice to be able to put aside our differences and share some sweetness and humor.

    • lyn5 says:

      Just watched the trailer and it looks good. I loved “Stranger Than Fiction.” Thanks for the tip, leslie!

      • leslie says:

        Metoo, lyn5.
        I also loved “Little Miss Sunshine”. The male lead (Paul Dano) was the brother in “L M Sunshine”. He is great but Ruby (Zoe Kazan) is just the best! She wrote the movie, produced it and starred in it. She may have even directed it, I don’t remember.
        See it. You won’t regret it.

  14. HELENK says:

    iowa hawk

    David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog

    Preview of DNC convention activities http://youtu.be/6R8ejuwlbuU #BigBalloonAdventure

  15. foxyladi14 says:

    H/T Granny Jan

  16. leslie says:

    I hope this translates – I found it on twitter.

  17. HELENK says:


    valerie jarrett has full time secret service protection

    • carol haka says:

      Obama and family has to pay for their own SS in so many years! Hopely he will be in solitary confinement in a federal pen. I won’t mind paying for that protection. 👿

  18. HELENK says:


    glad he never represented me in a class action lawsuit. do not think too many people will hire him as a lawyer after the election

    • Lulu says:

      That is pretty interesting. Less than a million settlement is peanuts. Of course the lead attorney, Obama, got it all assigned to cover legal expenses. So he did have an actual lawsuit, it was basically a nuisance suit to the bank, and the plantiffs got nothing. I wonder who put him up to this. He did not think of it himself. I see Jarrett written all over it.

  19. HELENK says:


    nobel peace prize awarded to empty chair

  20. HELENK says:

    DNC convention

  21. myiq2xu says:

    I will put up a new post when I find something new and noteworthy to discuss.

  22. HELENK says:

    new republican ad
    all I can say is WOW

    • WMCB says:

      Ooooo, putting the 2008 Obama in black and white is a very subtle dig at O’s “the GOP convention may as well have been in black and white” snideness. So, whose promises are old, tired, and failed?

  23. HELENK says:


    live feed of Paul Ryan’s speech Greenville NC

    • HELENK says:

      I just listened to Paul Ryan’s speech. I notice that he says WE more than I. he includes the American citizen in first place.
      In one way he really does remind me of JFK. he is young, he has enthusiasm, he makes you believe you can make a difference. He does believe in America. He is a smart young man.
      My first vote was for JFK and I have not seen enthusiasm like that since him

  24. HELENK says:

    a big WTF

    Chicago police sent to Charlotte to help with security.

    like Chicago doesn’t need them at home


  25. HELENK says:


    some of these pictures of the empty chair are awesome
    my favorite Churchill

  26. WMCB says:

    This is just sad. This is what “feminism” has become – weak, powerless women so terrified of a man’s opinion that they need a separate restaurant. Gee, how empowered! When the fuck did feminism become all about fearful coddled women being “protected” from the scary menz? This is just fucking embarrassing.


    • WMCB says:

      I thought feminism was about NOT being cringing hothouse flowers.

    • HELENK says:

      at this rate they will agree to wear burga’s

      • WMCB says:

        This article didn’t mention it, but evidently there were comments made about how so many women are uncomfortable eating a lot around men They “feel judged” or something.

        Jeebus. The solution to that is not a separate restaurant. The solution to that is to grow a fucking spine.

  27. yttik says:

    This compilation of Clint is pretty good:

  28. yttik says:

    Here’s the media doing what they do best:

  29. WMCB says:

    Best empty chair pic, hands down! 😀

  30. Best one I have seen all day!

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