John McCain’s body lies a-moulderin’ in the grave . . .

“The evil that men do lives after them;. The good is oft interred with their bones.”


. . .  but his phat-ass daughter won’t STFU.

Meggy-Mac needs to quit trippin’ about her daddy’s reputation. The man was no saint. Besides, her family forfeited the high moral ground when they told Sarah Palin she was not welcome at his funeral. That was a low blow.

Meghan McCain: Trump created a culture ‘fearful to show my father’s name’

Meghan McCain on Thursday accused President Trump of creating a culture “fearful to show my father’s name” following reports that the White House asked military officials to hide the USS John S. McCain during Trump’s state visit to Japan.

“The president’s actions have consequences, and when you repeatedly are attacking my father and war heroes it creates a culture in the military where people are clearly fearful to show my father’s name,” McCain said on ABC’s “The View.” “That’s what started this again … if you’re afraid to have a hat or show the name of the warship which is named after my grandfather, who was an officer in the Navy.”

She also said the climate was putting members of the Navy “in horrific situations.”

“If you’re a sailor on this ship, you think there’s going to be retribution. I think it’s horrible,” added McCain, whose late father, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), often clashed with Trump. “It’s bad for Americans.”

The Wall Street Journal reported late Wednesday that White House officials had asked for the USS McCain to be out of sight during Trump’s Memorial Day visit to Yokosuka Naval Base.

Trump denied any knowledge of the decision but said Thursday that the person behind it was “well-meaning,” adding that he was “not a big fan of John McCain in any way, shape or form.”

Trump has repeatedly criticized the late Arizona senator since his death, prompting sharp rebukes from Meghan McCain and other family members.

In response to the initial report Wednesday night, she tweeted that Trump was “a child who will always be deeply threatened by the greatness of my dads incredible life.”

After Trump attacked the late senator in March, McCain tweeted that “no one will ever love you the way they loved my father.”


Nobody loved your father until he began feuding with Donald Trump. He built his reputation as an acid-tongued RINO who was not afraid to criticize his fellow white Republicans.

His shining moment in the sun took place a long, long time ago.  Then he came home from Vietnam, dumped his first wife, married your mom, and used her daddy’s money to run for Congress.  He won.  A few years later he ran for Senator and won.  He took money from Charles Keating, and then played dumb.

He ran for president in 2000, but he was crushed by the Bush Machine. In 2008 he ran and surprised some people when he picked Sarah Plain as his running mate. Her nomination vaulted your Daddy into the lead. That’s when he stood aside while Democrat operatives in GOPe clothing tried to ruin her political career. He didn’t come to her defense as his running mate. He didn’t come to her defense as a woman. In fact, he didn’t come to her defense at all.

Some hero.

Oh, by the way, Meggy, that whole story about your dad’s name being covered up by Trump was a hoax

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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123 Responses to John McCain’s body lies a-moulderin’ in the grave . . .

  1. Dora says:

    So let him moulder. The Trumps will be having a ball. 🙂


    Britain’s military parade for Trump: President will be greeted by two 41-gun salutes and a welcome by the Grenadier Guards when he begins his state visit on Monday

    President Donald Trump will be greeted by two 41-gun salutes when he arrives to meet the Queen on Monday for the first day of his state visit to Britain.

    In an extravagant display of pomp and ceremony, the military honours at Green Park and the Tower of London will be timed for the exact moment that Mr Trump arrives at Buckingham Palace.

  2. Anthony says:

    John McCain was a petty vindictive sellout to anyone who could line his pockets with a buck or two (see “Cindy & family”). Daughter Meghan has inherited his petty and vindictive nature, which, added to her shrill and hysterical outbursts, makes her insufferable. If it weren’t for The View, she’d be just one more slatternly bored entitled housewife starting trouble with the block association and the PTA. Other than that, I’m sure she’s a lovely woman

  3. DeniseVB says:

    I guess Ms. McCain don’t care bout no stupid facts. This is the article (by a Trump hater) and the statement by the Navy.

  4. Mothy67 says:

    She is unreal

    • Somebody says:

      She needs to be in a padded room, good grief. Go for a long walk in the woods Hillary, take supplies and stay there……oh and be sure to leave your trash about so the bears can find you 😉

    • taw46 says:

      Where is her criticism of Obama for failing to “protect the country’s voting systems”? No one mentions the one who WAS the president in 2016.

  5. helenk3 says:

    a republic if we can keep it. we really do need to fight to keep it now

    • Constance says:

      President Trump doesn’t know how to quit and he enjoys a fight more than anything else. I really enjoy his Presidency.

  6. Somebody says:

    When is Johnny Mac’s birthday or Meghan’s? Whichever comes first, POTUS should drop a birthday surprise…unseal, declass, and release Johnny boy’s records. So much for that illusion of hero. Maybe then his fat ass daughter might slink away.

    • Constance says:

      Now comes the Muller Arkancide? TheDeep state can’t let him testify before Congress and the Senate Republicans could call Muller in for questioning. If the Deep state has really been controlling Congress and Judges by blackmail they acquired by spying (and I absolutely believe this is true) then Congress might fall inline behind Trump to neuter the Deep State. If they don’t act now they won’t get another chance.

    • taw46 says:

      Apollo 12 was struck twice by lightning as it launched. Knocked out most all of the circuits but Launch Control got them all working again. I heard Apollo astronauts talk about what it was like on the rocket and in the Control room. Fascinating stories. They learned from that not to launch when lightning was within a certain radius of the launch pad.

    • Somebody says:

      No fucking way 😂😂😂

      Wait is she there to talk about what not to do?

    • DeniseVB says:

      Something’s up, I think she plans to run again? She seemed to give a campaign/Trump bashing speech at a commencement recently. Who’s inviting her to these things???

      • taw46 says:

        See, I think she has been running since 11/9/16. It’s just that she wants to be “invited in” as the nominee so she doesn’t have to slog her way through a primary. That’s so beneath her. Plus she doesn’t have the stamina. Go away Hill.

  7. elliesmom says:

    The USS John McCain was not named after Meggie’s father. It was named after her great grandfather and her grandfather who both rose to levels in the Navy her father never came close to achieving. They deserved the honor of having a ship named after them. I get that Meggie misses her father, but this is no way to honor him, and it’s disrespectful to her grandfather and his father. Some people make careers out of being perpetually aggrieved. It’s not attractive.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I remember early in the McCain/Palin campaign, Meghan embedded herself with the Palin kids on the campaign trail and I followed her blog with photos and entries of their daily adventures. It was so cute. Once Dad lost, everyone then blamed Sarah and I saw the decline of what I thought was a very nice McCain family, then they all seemed to grow fangs. As we keep noticing, had John only hammered Obama like he did Trump, he may have won that election. Same with Romney.

    • taw46 says:

      It was originally named after those two. But I read that there was a rededication ceremony after he died and his name was added. Something I wasn’t aware of before.

  8. taw46 says:

    Did you see this?

    • taw46 says:

      How about this one? 🤣

    • DeniseVB says:

      I don’t care how old they get, boys will always think it’s cool to ride in a military plane or helicopter 😀

      • taw46 says:

        I’m so dumb about this stuff, why is that door open?

      • blowme0bama says:

        When I was, oh God, maybe 3? Dad was still in the Army. He had some desk job by that time. He’d occasionally take me to the office on Saturdays. I really have no idea what the function of that office was. I recall bugging him about wanting to see a tank, but they didn’t have tanks at whatever this place was (I really have no idea what the purpose of that office was – it may have been a supply depot or something because he was in the Quartermasters Corp by that time). Anyway, apparently they didn’t have tanks around that place, but he’d show me old GMC 2.5 tons which were pretty cool – in fact when he’d go to some training exercises at Fort Rucker, Alabama, he’d drive one home to get an early start on the trip the next day (I’m realizing all this shit is probably shady as hell …LOL). Right before he retired, he took me to the office one day and right at the end before we left for home, he took me through a warehouse, staff pulled back a big curtain of some sort and there was a frickin’ TANK!!! OMG I flipped out and ran down the wooden dock stairs yelling. I remember a bunch of guys laughing and Dad yelling at me to be careful, then someone picking me up and letting me stand on it. It wasn’t running and I didn’t get taken for a ride, but just seeing the thing and touching it was probably the most awesome thing I’d ever done up to that point.

        • DeniseVB says:

          I think my youngest memory was about 3, mom just had my baby sister and Dad had to take me to work, which was at a ship docked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I just remember the cats, lots of cats roaming around, to help control rats and there were bodies everywhere. Cute little fuzzy rats and a seagull with just bones and feathers left. How the hell did I grow up normal? LOL !

        • Somebody says:

          Cool story blow, I bet your dad never forgot the look on your face!

          Ft. Rucker isn’t far from where my grandma and other relatives lived. In fact my Aunt and Uncle worked at Ft. Rucker. I remember a group of soldiers bought some of grandma’s land and a lot more from Miss Agnes that they used to hunt on. They’d fly helicopters over real low and corral deer onto the property. Some would be on the ground running a make shift fence to pen them 🙄 The windows at grandma’s would rattle like you don’t know 🙄 Now THAT had to be shady as hell 😂

  9. Mothy67 says:

    She and chelsea are starting a production company. She is never going away.

  10. Dora says:

    I already know they are unhinged, but this is getting scary!

  11. helenk3 says:

    the biggest enemy of my country in my lifetime, put in the position to do the most harm

  12. Dora says:

    Mark Levin puts it all together. And gets angry!

  13. taw46 says:

    Full transcript of AG Barr’s interview this morning.

  14. helenk3 says:

    catching hell

  15. Dora says:

    And they don’t mean democ”rats” although they are there too.


    Rats and other vermin infest LAPD downtown station, sparking anger among officers

  16. DeniseVB says:

    Sweet video highlighting Japan visit posted by FLOTUS

  17. 49erDweet says:

    Cry me a river, Meghan. You’all brought this on yourselves. Sigh. Shallow brain pool in that family.

  18. helenk3 says:

    a friend told me about this. she said it was great. I have not tried it yet, but thought the bacon lovers here might like it

  19. DeniseVB says:

    More on the USS McCain story……a hit piece.

    • taw46 says:

      And the gaslighting worked. All the sheeple on FB are talking about mean old Trump disrespecting hero McCain. The ones I follow that are saying this? All democrats, and not a one of them voted for him. Hypocrites.

  20. Dora says:

    Struggling Dem candidates ticked after party raises the bar on qualifying for presidential debates

    Some have even alleged racism and sexism

  21. Dora says:

    Sounds very familiar. Doesn’t anyone study history anymore?


    EXCLUSIVE: British Jews in fear after pro-Palestine group supported by Corbyn forces Jewish shops to close with ‘campaign of intimidation’

  22. DeniseVB says:

    Jonah often posts videos of his doggeh, and I just love her ! Of all our dogs, I think I miss the one most his Pippa the most. 😀 (And probably why I still follow him)

    • taw46 says:

      Saw the photos on FB. Just saw this article which has a long video of an interview with her. Such a cute, calm lady – a nurse for 55 years.

      • Somebody says:

        Taw you’ve lived in Florida a long time and grew up in South Carolina where they have gators, have you ever heard of one coming through a window like this??

        • taw46 says:

          Yes, I have read about it before, mainly with the old houses that still have jalousie windows. Also coming through sliding glass doors. Time for those condos to invest in impact resistant windows! And never open them, lol.

          • Somebody says:

            Double pane glass or older single pane?

          • taw46 says:

            Mainly the jalousie windows that are just slats of glass on tracks, which are easy to fall out. You have to crank them open and close. Lots of old houses still have those, up in Merritt Island where I lived. Pretty easy for a gator or a thief to break in! But I have only seen a few articles where this happened, very rare. Look at this lady, she has lived there for 40 years.

    • Somebody says:

      I am officially freaked out, OMG! I’ve lived here all my life and aside from a gator getting into someone’s garage or busting through their screen to get on their lanai or go for a swim in their pool…….I don’t think I recall one busting through windows. I’ve seen a gator attack a cop car, taking out a tire and ripping off the bumper, but don’t recall one coming into a house like that through a CLOSED window.

      I have huge 10 foot tall glass front door with side lights, running almost all the way to the ground. My dining room windows are low to the ground with a flowerbed in front of them like this lady’s, except my windows are much wider. I have an 8 foot wide sliding glass door and two french doors with glass coming down almost to the ground…….AND I’m surrounded on two sides by woods with a creek running through it that leads to a marsh……holy crap! One of the French doors is probably 12-15 feet from the wood line and the creek is about another 15-20 feet beyond that.

      Sheesh, I worry about running up on a snake or gator when I take the dogs out, especially at night…….never thought in a million years one could bust into my house. This story goes right along with the one last week where a man found a huge boa constrictor in his toilet down state.

      The critters are on the prowl around here. That wildfire is about 70% contained, but last I heard it had burned over 700 acres. As the crow flies it’s not that far from me. We suddenly have a marked increase in raptors. Something HUGE has taken two cats from the neighbors, one yesterday and one today. I happened up on a commotion this morning, as I approached from just inside the wood line a huge bird took off… least a 5 foot wingspan, scared the shit out of me and one of my dogs. Dog was on a leash, but I’m not so sure that would have helped her if that bird had decided to take her.

      Now this story about the gator……and you can’t do shit about a gator. Shooting them just pisses them off. You gotta have a bang stick and hit them just right. Maybe blasting it with a shotgun might make it decide to leave, but then again it might just make him even angrier.

      • DandyTIger says:

        This sort of thing is making me think about more appropriate real estate ideas for my FL move exploration. I’m thinking maybe a 50th floor in a big condo building. Gators can’t fly can they? 🙂

        • Somebody says:

          No, but they can climb. 50th floor would be quite the feat, however.

          Seriously, I’ve lived here my whole life and can count on my fingers the number of times I’ve seen A gator and most of those were from a boat. I’ve never heard of something like this before…….suddenly I want solid doors…….and maybe enclose an area with walls and at least a screen roof where my doggies can go outside, sheesh.

          • DeniseVB says:

            I’d invest in a good alligator proof fence, and high enough they can’t climb over. I’ve seen photos of them climbing “low” fences. Just like any wildlife area, in any part of the country, overbuilding will drive them out of their natural habitats for food and sexy time 😉

        • DeniseVB says:

          The older I get, the higher my Florida condo rises. Then there’s that fear of getting stuck in an elevator during power outages. No wonder I stay put in Virginny. 😀

      • taw46 says:

        When I first lived in Florida, in the late 60s early 70s, we didn’t hear so much about them. That is when the numbers were low and they worried about them going extinct. All the years living in Florida this time, I only saw a gator once in my neighborhood. Now when I worked at KSC (which is also a wildlife sanctuary), I saw hundreds of them, BIG ones. Sometimes near the buildings, a couple of times we had to stay inside until they went away. They do mostly stay away from people, but this is mating season so they are roaming about.

        I have never heard of so many alligators around homes until the last few years. Well, we have between one and two million of them in Florida, and we keep taking their land to build more houses. So no wonder they are coming around people more and more. It is important to remember that they started keeping records in 1946 and there have only been something like 24 deaths. I have never seen records of bites, but I would imagine that number has increased. Luckily, we do not have alligators in the Keys, but do have some American crocodiles (not aggressive like the ones in Australia and other places). If I were that lady and walked into my kitchen at 3:30 am and saw an 11 ft gator, I would have died on the spot. Lol.

        • DandyTIger says:

          Funnily when I worked at KSC I never saw any. Maybe I scared them away. 🙂

          • taw46 says:

            Nah, you were probably just inside all day. The first time I worked there, it was in the VAB. I drove to and from work, rarely around the property. So I saw maybe one or two gators. The second time I worked out there, I took people on bus tours of KSC. So I was outside all day. The driver drove and I learned to look for wildlife. We were all around the property – the gators are everywhere, the rangers estimate around 5000 of them. We also saw bears, a Florida panther, bobcats, wild pigs, turkeys, eagles and many other creatures. It is quite an amazing place.

        • DeniseVB says:

          I spent a summer vacay in Lakeland (?) Lake Bartow (?) with a friend and her grandparents in high school. Lake came right up to their back door, no a/c in their home, so we stayed in or on the water the entire time. Never saw a vile critter 🙂

          • taw46 says:

            I had a friend I would visit in Wildwood FL, also in my high school days. We would go swimming in dark ponds in the woods. Yikes! But that was also when their numbers had drastically dropped. Then they stopped the unrestricted hunting, and here we are! Gators swimming in your pool, knocking on your door, and climbing in your windows! LOL.

  23. Dora says:

  24. DandyTIger says:

    The pilot life:

  25. helenk3 says:

    new Michael FLynn papers just released. after the break Catherine Harris will talk about them on FOX

    • taw46 says:

      I would love to go for that.

      • Constance says:

        Me too! But Orlando in June!

        • Somebody says:

          June isn’t too bad, August is a bitch though…….that’s what swimming pools are for! Although, the line to get in…..the heat, the sun, OY!

          • Myiq2xu™ says:

            Florida isn’t really that bad in summer. Sure it’s hot, but the blood loss from mosquito bites makes you feel cold so it evens out.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Historic ! From Trump Tower in 2015 to Orlando in 2019. It will be an amazing event. I’m surprised it’s been announced so far in advance, which would give the Trump hater groups too much time to organize ? But I’m sure people are already lining up. 😀

    • SHV says:

      Interesting that the rally is in a 20,000 seat arena…IIRC, most/all previous rallies have been in ~10k venues. Election mode escalation??

  26. DeniseVB says:

    TCM fans….Close Encounters of the Third Kind on at 8 tonight. Unedited and no commercials. Who needs Netflix, bah ?

  27. helenk3 says:

    need to rant

    I am listening to all these morons screech about the tariffs on Mexico. Maybe if they had gotten off their dead asses and done something about immigration and protecting our borders we would not need the tariffs.
    Mexico is owned and operated by the cartels and they are making a bundle off illegal immigration and drug smuggling. The dems benefit by the illegal votes keeping them in office so we can never count on them to fix it.
    so to the screeching morons, sit down and shut up and for once try to show some concern and loyalty to this country instead of the cartels

    end of rant

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