The Original Tin Foil Tuesday, Circa 1950’s, Open Thread

I have to admit, this video scared me sh*tless during my elementary years growing up in the DC suburbs on or near major military bases. I have to blame my parents, they just told me it was bullsh*t. Turns out,they were good parents after all.

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84 Responses to The Original Tin Foil Tuesday, Circa 1950’s, Open Thread

  1. Stephen Van Devanter says:

    I grew up in the D.C. area, (1/2 mile away from Ms. Ford’s Holton Arms School), and despite living at ground Zero, I never felt anxiety from my parents or from other kids as we crawled under our “bomb proof” wooden desks. Every summer in the late 40s and early 50s, however, this did cause my parents anxiety:

    • DeniseVB says:

      Back in the day, did you have evacuation drills ? Load up the kids in school buses and drive them to the mountains? It was definitely a creepy era for kids, we survived after all. 😀

      • lateblum says:

        I have a feeling that where I grew up (100 miles west of Chicago) they either believed bombs would only take out Chicago, NYC and maybe LA, but the rest of us would be okay, or they figured the bomb targeting Chicago would kill us all and so they didn’t bother. I was in Catholic school and I suppose they believed we’d be safe regardless of what happened. lol

  2. elliesmom says:

    My mom joined the town “Civilian Defense League” because it was a night out every month. My dad said, “Don’t worry. If it happens, it will be over quickly.” I know now he meant we’d all be dead, but I didn’t take it that way then. I had a teacher who told us all. “When you duck and cover. tuck your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-by.” We were all so shocked he said “ass” in class, we didn’t see past that.

  3. Woke Lola says:

    During the 80s it was all buckshot. Fear this, and this, and this, and especially Reagan. I loved him anyway. Now social media amplifies the bore of the buckshot. It’s sad, really.

    • Somebody says:

      A lot of the movies these days are dystopian. How depressing is that?

      I missed the desk duck era, but the city of JAX is always a 1st strike target. Multiple bases in JAX, 3 at the time, 2 now. Yellow water “reserve” super secret weapons bunkers, get near the fence and you’re shot on sight. HUGE missiles rolled into that place. Add Kings Bay nuclear submarine base right up the road. We just always understood at most we might see a bright flash. I didn’t have a meltdown, hell I still live here in 1st strike territory.

      Maybe kids are just weaker today?? Snowflakes indeed.

      Think about some of the horrific pollution we’ve seen. Rivers on fire, imagine how kids living in those areas felt. I don’t remember any whiney little scolds.

      • Woke Lola says:

        Yes, kids are weaker these days. And we made them so.

        When many of us here at THC were young, we had wide swaths of time unsupervised. My daughter didn’t get that. I worried constantly. I tried to let her have free time, but she got lost to me twice, once when she was 4 and once at 7. She was FINE, but I didn’t know where she was for like half an hour each time, and all I could imagine was that this feeling was going to be permanent if she ended up missing or dead. My only child.

        So I tracked harder. That’s why it was so hard to get her out of my house later on when she was well into adulthood. She was used to the surveillance–it was her comfort zone. And this kind of parenting is very common now, which is why we have a left that is begging for surveillance at every turn, and completely ignorant of the joys of unencumbered time.

        Sadly, we did this to them trying to be better parents than we had. But our parents were just fine if we look at everything on the grand, global scale, instead of the microscopic, narcissistic lens WE got trained with due to the explosion of psychology.

        • Somebody says:

          Well I’m not ready to give my parents a pass. I think the beatings I endured were completely out of line…..with or without psychology. I’m not talking about run of the mill spankings, I’m talking abuse.

          I get what you’re saying though. I think we worried more with our kids because news of abductions too. We had cable, the dawn of 24 hour news, then the birth of the internet. You hear about something thousands of miles away, but via the TV it seems like it’s next door ….if it could happen there it could happen here.

          • Woke Lola says:

            I get you. Abuse is abuse. But while I was also abused, I didn’t get sold to the highest bidder as a fifth wife at age 10, nor was a starved on purpose because I was a bright girl, I didn’t get beheaded for refusing to wear a hijab, and my floor was more than dirt. I had a running toilet. I did not die of diarrhea, etc. I’m willing to cut mine some slack when I zoom out and look at that whole picture. I think maybe there’s a balance between looking too hard and not looking hard enough. We’re still working out the balance on parenting. We only started trying something different than direct experience a few decades ago.

    • DeniseVB says:

      I don’t know how I raised my kids in the 70s/80s. I know when we were living in Camp Lejeune, NC in the early 80’s, most of our neighbors were actually killed in the Beirut Barracks Bombing, then had to prep the kids, Dad’s taking his Marine friends (his fucking Battalion) into that country to put them in time out. It will be okay, Dad will be okay, let’s go to the pool ! My job at the time was to protect them, not project on them. I was scared sh*tless. But I gave them their childhoods 😀

      • Woke Lola says:

        That kind of fake it till you make it approach builds resiliency, an art that has sadly been lost.

      • Somebody says:

        That had to be tough. Same with military parents during Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.

        Come to think of it, military kids deal with a lot of stress and unknowns but you don’t see them freak out.

        The common denominator with the little SJW brats and the military kids is their parents and their upbringing. The SJW brats have parents that project onto them and live vicariously through them in some respects. Military parents are a much better example of appropriate child rearing.

      • Myiq2xu™ says:

        When I was a kid we played outside a lot, but it wasn’t a hardship because virtually ALL the kids in the neighborhood played outside so we had lots of playmates. There was lots of hand-me-down parenting, as older kids taught younger kids, and it was common to see a 15-20 year range between oldest and youngest siblings. Nowadays kids don’t play outside nearly enough, and you rarely see big families so all the siblings are within a few years of each other.

        Back then it was understood that we were expected to work shit out by ourselves, not come running to mom for everything.

        • Woke Lola says:

          Exactly. We learned social skills, and today’s children are denied that opportunity. Or if they are given it, they decline to go play more video games or get janked up on Big Social.

  4. lyn says:

  5. ecoast says:

    I cannot believe the Dems are going for impeachment based on a second hand fake whistle blower rumor. This in the greatest country of the world?
    This afternoon, this impeach talk got real. I hope PDT releases the tape to take the air out of it.
    Is he waiting for the right time to pin the balloon?

    • elliesmom says:

      I believe the folks who say the Democrats have inside information that no one on their side can beat Trump so they are going all out to try to destroy him before the elections. Can you imagine what it would do to them if even their “ace-in-the-hole” Michelle Obama’s internal poll numbers say she loses to Trump?

      • Somebody says:

        Aside from true socialists, SJW’s, Hollywood (redundant), media (redundant again), bitter old feminist and muslims, who else really, truly wants one of the D candidates?

        My prog sister in CA despises Trump and refuses to vote for him. However she prefers him to the crop of D candidates. The only candidate she’d consider voting for is Biden. She’s lukewarm about him, prove corruption and you lose her. She plans to sit out 2020. First election in her life she’ll sit out. She begrudgingly gives DJT credit for economy, but is still bitter Hillary lost. She begrudgingly admits DJT has been good for country and would be better than Liz or Bernie, or any of the rest…….but she won’t vote for DJT despite wanting him to win 🙄 Her husband and children don’t harbor such bitterness and say they plan to vote for POTUS.

      • Mt.Laurel says:

        There have been Virginia politicians in and out all week. It seems the internal polls show that people (Ds) find only Biden marginally acceptable (as in typical crook politician). which is why they still have their wagons circling him. Warren is not doing nearly as well as they are trying to portray. Michelle’s internal show that people find her vulgar and an even more annoying hen pecker/fish wife than Hilde. They are in panic mode and trying to figure a way out because they see all the effort they put into making this a third world country to be taken over by the EU/UN going up in flames.

      • lateblum says:

        I wish I could say that the Ds I know (many, after all I live in IL) are willing to sit this one out. They are not. They are militant against PDJT and are willing to vote for which ever D is nominated. If I were still D, I wouldn’t vote for any of them. My gay dentist who was so happy to see that we finally elected a *person of color* in 2008, is now hoping to vote for Buttigieg? because he’s gay. smh Identity politics anyone?

        • taw46 says:

          Same down here, the Ds will vote for ANY candidate that wins the primary. They may have quieted down a little, but they still hate PDJT. And I am having dinner with five of the diehards tonight. We do not, and have never, discussed politics because my family has let them know I am not one of them. With talk of impeachment heavy in the air, they may not be able to restrain themselves, lol. Could be an interesting evening.

  6. Dora says:

  7. Mt.Laurel says:

    I missed the desk duck years. But Vietnam was all over the network news while I was in grade school. it was not pretty. And when they read those figures on wounded and dead every single night, you knew somewhere a family was grieving. And you never knew at that moment if you were going to find out the next day it was a family you knew. Or your own.

    • lateblum says:

      I remember the VN era so well as a young adult. And I lived through the “duck and cover” era as well. But it didn’t strongly effect me because I remember only ONE air raid drill. So I either didn’t believe it or the people who were telling us to be afraid, or I didn’t scare easily.

    • Somebody says:

      I was born in December 1961. Vietnam was a staple on the nightly news. I lived in a military town, lots of my friend’s fathers were overseas. Some died, a couple were MIA, one was a POW. Three of the dad’s on my street were military and deployed at various times. I have older sisters, their friends were drafted, most of my cousins were drafted.

      It all seemed normal to me when I was young. I didn’t know anything different. I remember when Vietnam ended. I was mesmerized by the coverage. I stayed glued to the TV when the POW’s came home. It was only then that I realized war wasn’t the norm, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it that way before.

      It was shortly after that, I realized the heavy price paid by those that served as I watched those I knew struggle to return to normal life. A couple of my cousins never really were successful at transitioning back stateside. One died a homeless drunk. The other one, who lost his legs in Vietnam was murdered by a stranger he befriended. Neither ever really found their way back, if you know what I mean.

      I also remember being angry at the people that protested returning vets. I knew so many of them and they were all good people doing a job that in some cases they were forced into via the draft. Turbulent times.

  8. Myiq2xu™ says:

    My respect for my fellow human beings is under attack from Twitter. I thought I had a low opinion of humanity before, but it seems to drop more and more on a daily basis.

  9. Miranda says:

    I went to a Southern Baptist school. Starting from age 12 or so, the only thing we were afraid of was being left behind in the Rapture. I’m not kidding. There was a movie about this, and also a song with the happy chorus: ‘There’s no time/To change your mind/The Son has come/And you’ve been left behind.’

    You can’t scare a freaking Baptist.

    • Somebody says:

      OMG Miranda, I think I know that movie. Is it the one where they put the stick through the little boy’s head? I too went to a Baptist school for several years and was forced to watch that damn movie. Newscasters disappear, cars become driverless and crash, soviet style troops take over the US.

      • Myiq2xu™ says:

        Newscasters taken up in the Rapture? ROFL.

        It reminds me of a joke I heard when Pope John Paul II died. When he got to Heaven he was welcomed in, and St. Peter shows him to his new residence It’s a little studio apartment. PJP is a little disappointed by his new spartan living quarters and points to a huge mansion on a nearby hill. “Who lives there?” he asks.
        “A lawyer,” St. Peter replies.
        “I was a Pope and all I get is this crummy studio apartment but a lawyer gets a mansion?” says PJP. “That doesn’t seem right.”
        “We get lots of Popes,” St. Peter tells him. “We don’t get many lawyers.”

    • taw46 says:

      I was lucky, I attended a normal southern Baptist Church. None of that when I was growing up. Nothing like that in my town.

  10. Myiq2xu™ says:

  11. Woke Lola says:

    Unexpected Twitter brawl breaking out when I decided to unfollow the local Rep in Indianapolis because I no longer have to care what the fuck he says. Getting fun. Women & Elephants never forget, bitches!

  12. Myiq2xu™ says:

  13. Myiq2xu™ says:

    • lyn says:

      I love Mollie, but the shit-for-brains leftists are after her tweets.

      • lyn says:

        james madison @jamesmadison501 2h2 hours ago
        Replying to @MZHemingway

        The refusal of the Democrats to accept the results of the 2016 election breaks the covenant that holds the country together. The last time the Democrats were this blatant abt it was 1860 and their refusal to accept Lincoln’s election. That did not end well for the Democrats.

        A constitutional republic can only survive if its citizens keep the covenant by which it was formed and from which it receives its power to govern. The left has utterly refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and is pursuing a baseless impeachment.1/

        As a consequence, all Trump voter and voters in the Center should refuse to accept the legitimacy of any Democrat who might win in 2020. This means obstructing them at ever turn, both in Congress and out. I no longer recognize them as fellow citizens; so be it. 2/

    • Somebody says:

      Was Trump getting a BJ from an intern while he was on the phone with Ukraine? Ooops, wrong POTUS. Was he watching drone snuff films? Wrong again

      My, my, my what else could there be 🙄

  14. taw46 says:

  15. lyn says:

    I have no idea who Iggy is, but Clarice Feldman posted this on FB.

    The Great Iggy: Let’s keep in mind here what is going on.
    This is much more dangerous than the Dems and the media trying to hurt their political enemy through lies.

    Remember Schumer’s “six ways from Sunday” observation?

    The Russia hoax had its genesis not with Hillary, the MSM or even Steele. And this Ukraine things sprang from the same place. An unelected, unaccountable, secret and apparently utterly-hostile-to-self-governance clique in primarily the CIA but also the FBI and other LE/IC branches is blatantly trying to overthrow our electoral process.
    They think because they provide an indispensable service [they don’t] they’re invulnerable [they better not be if we want our country to survive].

    That someone as smart, and ordinarily as skeptical, as TM gobbles their little coups up demonstrates the seriousness of the problem.

    Far more important than perp walks or “lock her up” is the dismantling of the bureaucracy that is in the middle of destroying our republican form of government.

  16. lyn says:

    How much money will Trump raise today?

  17. Mothy67 says:

    Wouldn’t it be delicious if Uncle Joe starts feeling the heat and turns on the rest before he commits arkancide thus bringing them all done. You know he can’t manage his own mouth.

  18. lyn says:

  19. taw46 says:

  20. lyn says:

  21. lyn says:

    I’m sick of this shit. Democrats need to choke on their vomit.

  22. Locked-N-Loaded says:

    The Democrats are such a waste of time, space, money and air !!

  23. lyn says:

  24. taw46 says:

  25. Myiq2xu™ says:

  26. helenk3 says:

    I lived through WW2 as a child, then Korea (the forgotten war) as a teenager, then Viet Nam as a young adult. Did the duck and cover under a glass trophy case that we worried would fall on us and kill us. My dad was in the army in the CBI theatre and my husband any many friends were in Korea, had family and friends in Viet Nam. we learned to cope and handle a lot more than the kids today. Most of them do not realize we have military overseas in harms way. Very seldom talked about on msm.
    We slowly have let the government take over parenting and lost control of raising our kids. The schools took over teaching many things that parents used to teach.
    The idea of both parents working is used as an excuse to do this. There have been two parent working family for many generations, it is not new, But expectations of responsibility of kids has been lost. We have dumbed them down and lower expectations and taught a sense of entitlement and lack of responsibility for one’s own actions has been lost.

    there was a story on the news last night that caught my attention. Two 6 years olds were fighting in school. A cop came and put them in the back of the cop car, took them to the police station and fingerprinted them. No they were not put in a cell and were not going to be. OMG how horrible. he got fired. So instead of learning the consequences of their actions, the kids learned if anyone disciplines us they can lose their job.
    My son was about 8 and he took some change from my purse. A friend who was a cop happened to stop over to the house. I told him what happened and he sat my son down and described prison to him in very graphic terms. Scared the hell out of him and believe me he never did it again

  27. Myiq2xu™ says:

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