Don’t bash Barack!

Fran Joy at Politicususa (Via Vastleft):

Democrats, It’s Time To Stop Bashing President Obama

How about a different strategy like support???

I don’t believe in bashing President Obama in the media because it only hurts him, the party and the country in the long run. Let your voices be heard but direct them to him and not those who will use it against him. I respect Bill Maher because he says what’s on his mind and he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. But he’s been from the beginning highly critical of Obama and it’s made a big difference in the President’s base of support. One of the major things the GOP, including the Tea Party, has going for them in terms of power is, that they stick together no matter what.

They stuck together even when it meant taking down the world economy. We have a decent, intelligent man of integrity in the White House and he often gets criticized for being so. He’s been called weak and too nice and told that he caves all the time. Has anyone ever assessed what he’s truly up against? Has anyone ever wondered what information he has access to that we don’t? It would be enough to be a Democratic president in these difficult times, but to be an African American president has been deemed as something downright evil by the GOP!

No one has wanted to really address the obvious racism that’s been taking place since the President took office. Everyone downplays it, including President Barack Obama himself. The death threats alone must be awful. My point is, the reason they were able to hold a gun to his head in this congressional made debt crisis is because the DEMS and Independents stayed home at the midterms, or were unenthusiastic about their support or were in hard times struggling and scared so they voted for these Tea Party nutbags and bigots that are now holding our livelihood hostage.

Gee, racism? Nobody ever mentioned racism before. Wow, I wonder how many people have been arrested for making death threats towards Obama. There must be lots of them, right?

Secret Service: Threat level against Obama no greater than under Bush, Clinton

U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan dismissed published reports that the level of death threats against President Obama are four times greater than typical threat levels against recent presidents — claiming the current volume of threats is comparable to that under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

“It’s not [a] 400 percent [increase],” Sullivan said during a heated exchange with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who suggested the service needed additional agents to protect the first African-American president.

“I’m not sure where that number comes from,” he said, adding that the number of threats against Obama “are the same level as it has been [against] the last two presidents.”

But wait! There’s more!

Don’t under estimate Barack Obama. His strategies may not make sense but they’re usually long term when they seem like a short term fix, and they’re based on goals for the people rather than not.

That passage reminds me of this:

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7 Responses to Don’t bash Barack!

  1. myiq2xu says:

    Fran Joy still didn’t top this:

    “But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.” – Al Sharpton, August 9, 2011

  2. myiq2xu says:

    My Blue Dog Congresscritter may retire:

    Will Cardoza decide not to run again?

    Veteran congressman not denying reports he’ll retire after district shifts.

    If he does we’ll either get a GOPer or another Blue Dog.

  3. myiq2xu says:

    Avedon Carol:

    Back when Ross Perot was running for president, I marvelled at his apparent belief that all we needed was for someone to go to Washington and, I don’t know, put LSD in the water so everyone would love each other and get along? Really, his entire governing strategy, as he explained it, seemed to be, “I’m going to go there and make ’em all shake hands and get some real work done.” No recognition of the huge ideological gulf between the two sides, just this bizarre Woodstock Nation kind of philosophy that even in the ’60s you couldn’t have sold to a bunch of stoned hippies. But people who look kindly on Obama seem to think that he has the same weird, Sunshine Acid kind of thinking, as if it was all about needing his own special personality to make the flower-wreathed fairy circle emerge. Obama is “weak”, they say, because he didn’t anticipate that real idiological differences could create real acrimony, let alone that blood-and-guts partisanship was so natural to the GOP because they opposed our very form of government. Michael Tomasky seems to be following this line when he calls Obama “The Untransformational President,” neglecting to note that Obama has indeed been transformational beyond his wildest dreams, eliminating all meaningful distinction between the two parties and their policy goals, and ripping the mask of democracy from the face of America once and for all. No president, not even George Bush the Lesser, has done so much to show his contempt for the American people. And, for all his fine words about the hero he apparently doesn’t know anything about, Abraham Lincoln, there is no evidence that Obama is compromising on policy – he has never believed in liberalism and he doesn’t fight for it because he thinks it’s stupid.

  4. angienc says:

    What is this, give angienc an aneurysm from all the stupid? “All that Obama is up against?” Like the 68% approval rating & the majority Dem & Senate he had when he took office? What can you expect from a racist (and yes, Joy, I’m talking about you) who just “assumes” the threats against Obama are greater because he is black & despite the facts from the Secret Service.

    Just FUCK OFF Joy.

  5. 1539days says:

    Of course, the Obama campaign would never bash anyone

  6. Valhalla says:

    What was truly remarkable about Joy’s post was that I think it managed to hit every single ‘bot laundry meme in the book. It’s got race baiting, 11-dimensionsal chess, tribalism, delusionality, meanie Republicans, and historical revisionism. I think the only thing she left out was the classic “well Clinton wouldn’t have been any better, nyah!”

    And yet, the comments are even worse.

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